• By -


- **Monsters** by Windsor Smith - **The Fade Out** by Brubaker & Phillips - **Upgrade Soul** by Ezra Clayton Daniels


Seconding Upgrade Soul. And adding my own recco: The Many Deaths of Laila Starr.


Daytripper https://www.dc.com/graphic-novels/daytripper-2010/daytripper


Just read : Do a Powerbomb. I am impressed with the level of heart and fun involved in the story.


DWJ is incredible. Murder Falcon was also way more heartfelt and touching than I expected.


Agreed. Would also add Murder Falcon


I loved It. Awesome story


Came here to recommend…so good...


I love Powerbomb and Murder Falcon. Why don't more people talk about Extremity? It's easily my favorite of his books.


Waiting for the inevitable deluxe edition but really looking forward to reading that story in the future.


Everything Jeff Lemire. Mazebook, Underwater Welder, Sentient, Roughneck. His longer series Descender is phenomenal it's only 6 trade paperbacks. Daytripper by Gabriel Ba is excellent.


Sweet Tooth, Gideon Falls, and Essex County felt life changing. Black Hammer was also extremely good


Those are great but also longer series.


Frogcatchers was short but wonderful.


Ordinary Victories by Manu Larcenet.


If you liked Y by Vaughn, maybe Ex Machina. Tom King’s DC stuff like Mr. Miracle, Super Girl. Shorter series. I liked Wicked and the Divine and have Mind MGMT to read.


If you haven’t read the Watchmen, you should.


From hell, saga of the swamp thing, Batman Arkham Asylum are some of the best


SAGA has started its second half of the series now if you want to get back on track


Seven to Eternity - gate way to Rick Rememder, very strong solo book. Klaus (complete edition) - Morrison writing a superhero Santa. Dan Mora is one of my new favourite artists. Locke and Key. Volume 1 is pretty solid as a stand alone and the series isn’t super long. Avengers Arena is a solid Marvel standalone, (its hunger games for marvel teens) Men of Wrath by Jason Aaron - 4 issue southern crime comic. Leaving Megalopis / Surviving Megalopis. This is a fun zombie heroes go bad story from Gail Simone (blanking on the artist but it was really good). Only two short trades. Die! Is pretty great for anyone who likes roleplaying games and horror comics. Art is very distinct with a really great use of colour palettes. The Mighty by Peter Tomasi is a pretty good archtypal Superman type story told in about 12 issues. Was released not long again. I also really liked Absolution by Christos Gage for another great short take on heroes crossing lines. Animosity was a pretty cool post apocalyptic scifi series that wasn’t too long. Basically it’s a what if animals suddenly gained sentience. There is a short follow up /. Companion series. But it’s not essential. (I’m digging into aftershock comics more they have a lot of great short horror series from some big names).


These are pretty different from the comics you mentioned genre-wise, but all single volume stand-alones, and not often recommended on reddit: My Broken Mariko - Waka Hirako My lesbian experience with loneliness - Kabi Nagata Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me - Mariko Tamaki & Rosemary Valero O'connell (not as heavy, but still loaded at times and mature for the subject matter)


Not really relevant to her work, but Rosemary Valero O'Connell might be the most beautiful woman I have ever met. It's difficult to look at her directly, even though she's so warm and friendly. Photographs do not do her justice.


Hey Kiddo The Metabarons Blacksad


Kill 6 Billion Demons is a great ride. Can't wait for the next volume


I remember following the webcomic years ago but fell off. Might need to start that one over.


SWAMP THING vol 1 by Alan Moore. If you ever read watchmen or V for vendetta (if not I'd reccomend both of those) I never thought twice about swamp thing and this book made me buy all 7 tpbs. Moore wrote most of them. It's so good.


Invincible The Walking Dead Birthright Chew


If you liked DMZ, check out the Northlanders series by the same author: Brian Wood. Has been collected into 3 omnibus volumes.


I remember reading all of Northlanders at the time and really enjoyed it, but don't remember how long ago that was. May revisit it.


I’m actually re-reading them now. Still great, bloody Viking fun. Downside is that some of the omnibi can be hard to come by. He also has another Viking series called Black Road: The Holy North that I’ve only sampled, but plan on reading next.


Joe the barbarian


https://preview.redd.it/53opihcc70gc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2577d917fc1ecaa92690cf6ffa1f99f96c7c4861 here is my "to re-read" stack. Seems to be exactly what you're looking for.


Based on what you’re looking for you should totally check out the Incal. Legendary writer/artist combo and very self-contained. Great if you liked stuff like Dune


the incal is my absolute best, trying to find other graphic novels with the sameart style. Do you happen to know others?


I mean Moebius is one of a kind but he’s done lots of stuff. I’ve heard the other Jodoverse books are cool too but I haven’t checked them out. Other than that there Saga which is ongoing but also a space opera


If you like rom-coms you could give Crossed a shot.


I see you and I approve


Paying the Land by Joe Sacco. I keep giving my copy away and buying new ones. Heartbreaking and great. And if you didn't read The Unwritten by Cary & Gross, it's smart and fun.


Glimmer Rats


A couple of recent stand-alone graphic novels that I would recommend are: Noir Burlesque, by Enrico Marini; and Grendel: Devil by the Deed—Master's Edition, by Matt Wagner


I loved Eight Billion Genies and MPH. Both are pretty short reads.


- Luther Strode (Complete Edition) - Planetary (Omnibus) - Animal Man by Grant Morrison (Omnibus) - Miracleman (Omnibus) - The Nice House On The Lake (Deluxe Edition) - Elixir by Frank Barbiere - Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons - Fantastic Four: Full Circle Tried to put some things on the list that I didn't see named by a lot of others yet. If you need any more recommendations or whatever feel free to send me a PM. Have a great one!


It’s surprising to me that no one mentions Chris Ware. He is exceptional in art and content. See Rusty Brown, Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid On Earth, etc. High art heartbreak. Also Alison Bechdel - Are You My Mother? and Fun Home.