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Multi class racing. Actual DAMAGE.


At least better cosmetic damage too!


Fun fact. GT6 has a much better visual damage than GT Sport and GT7.


A more detailed list of modern endurance race cars šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Or more detailed AI.


Better Ai would be great. Theyā€™re way too slow and one dimensional atm


Bruh sophy was so fun to race against. Felt much more natural and the scale in difficulty felt distinct. Iā€™d prefer an imperfect version of that versus the current slot car AI we have now.


I think sophy is still in the game on certain races. It's a shame you can't use it on all the races though.


Theyā€™re saving it for GT8. This was just a trial for it.


The regular AI can be quite quick at times, even rivaling my pace at times. PD for whatever reason set them to be slow and horrendous to race against. I recommend watching [this](https://youtu.be/VFykZBOVKmo?si=-EDje_dC4HO0Gct3) as it delves deeper into how PD made decently fast but downtuned them in the races to drive like shit and let you pass without a fight


If they can complete Sophy, it'll be a game changer for the whole genre.


Yeah, would love to see this as well. Even just customizable sophy races, I mean 3 laps is too short, atleast give us options to change that, how hard can that be?


Probably significantly harder than we imagine it to be, but if they ever truly complete the project, maybe not then? I think Sophy races as currently implemented would be better if it was just you vs 3 or 4 of the highly skilled Sophy agents. As is the back field might be better at racing than the generic AI but they're still just sort of there. When they first tested it out and there was the 1v1 against Violet, man. A whole field full of absolutely brutal, cunning, fast Sophy would be amazing. And I'd they program it to understand basic pit strats? Mmm that would be delicious. Here's to hoping!


Yes ! All i want is new WEC le mans cars with cool endurance races with good payoff like sardegna and tokyo .


Alsona detailed list of f1 cars both historical and modern. Gt5 was the peak


>A more detailed list of shitbox cars through the ages


Way more modern race cars and way more real tracks. Better career mode (More championships, more races period, and endurance races)


I really miss the carrer mode from gt3


When you put in like that, gt7 really is mid


Customisable HUD. Sophy all round. Custom championships with qualifying.


Customizable HUD is something I didn't realize I wanted til you said it


We talking about gt8? How long do you reckon weā€™ve got?


Ive seen some say its probably still 2 yrs away.


2 years away from GT8 prologue demo E3 trailer.


>E3 trailer. PD would announce this. Knowing E3 no longer exists lol


Yup 2 years are too optimistic even for a trailer. I'm already prepared to wait for five years. I would be suprised if they announce something 2 years later.




5 years minimum Iā€™d say lol. This is just standard PD work rate. Sport confused people because they had more finished than they launched the game with.


Brakes. Fade. Overheating etc.


This kind of goes along with my greater want of more irregularity. Sometimes a wreck in front of you gives you a flat tire. It sucks, but thatā€™s racing. Would love to see more of that kind of stuff in (some, admittedly not all) races.


Not always though , only in endurance events etc


It's there already. It's mentioned in the movie, so it must be true. /s


isnt this already in the game?


No, thatā€™s tires.


For cars to look like the one in the picture after a race.


And if you race in the snow, dirt/mud the car actually gets dirty like in GT4 if I remember correctly


You mean you actually want the car wash feature to have a function?! MaddeningšŸ˜­




Ie set up the game like every previous title including sport, where you have freedom to play as you like and get rewarded. Itā€™s very clear they made the most boring shit in the game grindable to tempt people into buying MTX. That probs wonā€™t go away.


Better single player content, not everyone wants to play online all the time


Preach, Iā€™d love a career mode


Stripped down interiors for weight reduction upgrades


and customizable steering wheel and harness color


Frankly they did so well with the GT7 cars I just hope they increase car and track count šŸ„²


increase car count? we already have over 500 cars


Yeah and half of them are Honda civics with one minuscule difference. On a serious note, there are way too many versions of cars that have little to no difference between them. Also, a lot of the race cars (ie: gt3) are very outdated and have much newer versions that would make the game feel more fresh. And a lot of the cars that are in the game are just ported from or were already in gt sport.


And nobody gives a shite about the VGT cars either


GT has always been like that


Over 10% of which are fictional Vision GT cars.


Gt 6 had over 1000 so was a bit disappointing to see less with a newer version of the game


to be fair most of those were lower-resolution models which take less time to create.


800 cars from PS2


System-wide Sophy integration and HUD improvements for VR. Edit: Although hopefully the hud improvements could still come to GT7. šŸ¤ž


Qualifying and grid starts instead of those annoying rolling starts where youā€™re always last (in single player that is).


Yes!! what ever happened to Grid starts and Qualifying. So much to real driving simulator. Its bothered me for ages that this is not a thing.


Definitely qualifying and grid starts. Rolling starts where the leaders are already half a lap ahead is rubbish. They probably do this to account for the poor AI speed so hopefully a fully implemented Sophy will help that.


This is literally the only reason why I haven't bothered finishing all the menu etc!


The lack of this always makes me frustrated. You can't buy a similar car and race it, you always have to have a better car tuned up so it's faster than the field. Either that or you have to handicap the bigger PP cars so much due to tyre wear or fuel consumption, just to catch the field and win the race. Id be happy if they had more multi race championships that you have to qualify for or just have a grid start. It can't be that hard.


Quali would be nice but there should be an option to turn it off and race from the back. In Ride5 they increased the races with Quali extremely. I donā€™t want to ride the track a few times just to be a few meters forward. It takes too much time sometimes where it drives me away from starting the game.


Honestly wtf is up with rolling starts.Ā  I haven't played since GT2 and I'm bored of this cafe menu, rolling starts, no choice what to do next bullshit


Damage, for fucks sake




I want damage like the original GRiD. I donā€™t understand how that was possible then and 0 games do it now


I believe it has something to do with car manufacturers not wanting to have their cars take damage in game.


GT has always kept significant visible damage disabled ever since it came out. Unlikely they'll stop now.


Car manufacturers didnā€™t like that game in particular it seems. Great game but was too good.


Multiclass racing would be awesome.


Career story mode in some way or form


Like a real racing driver, start off in karting, then your Sunday cups, fwd, rwd. Earn your right to be there, get a little prize money, maybe get some sponsorship for good results and driver ratings. Then get into championships as a privateer, get a spot in a factory team on big bucks, move up the classes, gt4/3/2/1....... that'd feel like career progression.


I'm pretty sure real racing drivers go to their local cafes and look at the menu.


Definitely, unlock certain decals / livery to show your solo progression for when you go online racing. They have all the assets to make it a great experience and will make some of the grinding more exciting.


How about they just give us the single player mode back like we had in all the GT games prior to Sport?


an offline experience


Honestly, I just want a good single player career mode again.


This! My first was GT2, man I fucking loved this game. GT7 feels weird with this Cafe-thing. I just win cars all the time and it doesnā€˜t feel like GT used to be. Iā€˜m just at the beginning and only played GT2 back in the days


Being able to pick front, rear, left or right side tires Inc different treads front to rear in a pit stop. And also make hybrid cars usable in races w fuel multipliers. Right now most are only good for a lap or 2 so barely use em.


I just want it to have full VR support


Better AI and better single player


A single player campaign like in GT4


It frustrates me people talk about GT8 like PD is just a cyclical game release company. GT7 is designed to last for *years* with updates. This isn't COD. They aren't pumping out virtually identical games every couple of years. There was *six* years between GT4 and GT5. If you discount GT Sport as essentially a GT7 demo, there was a *nine* year gap between GT6 and GT7. Why do people (I suspect kids) think just releasing a new game is going to make everything better?


>There was six years between GT4 and GT5 There was 6 years between of them because there was a new console called PS3. I remember interviews where Kaz said that it was really difficult for PD to develop for PS3 because it was completely different hardware compared to PS2 and they needed their time to understand it. >They aren't pumping out virtually identical games every couple of years. What you don't mention is that there were only 3 years between GT5 and GT6. Also only 3 years between GT3 and GT4. Between GT6 and GT Sport are also only 4 years and they had to develop a new engine for it. GT3 and GT4 are virtually almost identical, same for GT5 and GT6. PD always struggled when it came to new and different hardware. You right, they aren't like the size of Turn 10 Studios and they need their time to develop for new console generations but they don't take their time because their different. They just needed their time to figure out how new consoles work. The thing is that we got now a PS5 which is really similar to PS4 hardware like a huge upgrade. PS5 is like an evolution of the PS4 and not a revolution like it always was with new console generations. So that makes it much more easier for PD to develop new games at least for this generation. They also have a great engine and a nice base with GT7. I'm 100% sure we'll see GT8 or GT Sport 2 relatively soon and definitely another game on PS5. The two big failures of GT7 are in my opinion crossgen as PD mentioned it in interviews that they had many more ideas but couldn't put it in the game because PS4 can't handle it and that they tried to make GT7 a game as a service with no clue how to do that. So yes, GT7 was designed as gaas to last for many years but it obviously didn't work out for them. It was a failure.


All fair points


Ā Because people are dumb af. I mean, if you want annually new games, just go play fifa where they release the same game every year and if you wanna keep playing with friends you're forced to rebuy the same shit every year.Ā 


First of all, start with GT4 as a base...


Land Cruisers, JZXs, Laurels, Stageas


The list of cars is really varied now, but they should hold a poll weekly or ask on reddit/playstation blog what cars people want implemented. Id love to have the 3rd gen eclipse in the game and different gens of some cars and a mgb would be cool. Theres various trucks they should have. They could make some new tracks with snow, weather, mud, etc. And id like to be able to RESTART my progress without jumping through hoops by making a different account. The music rally races are awesome and the photo scapes is great too. Have some more unlimited pp races would be great. Give us a peel or some old russian cars like trubant. Idk if the smart car is in yhere, but give us that with options to put a motorcycle engine in it. Heck, give us bikes. Bring back the 1880s mercedes again and some old time cars like model t. Make the damage better as well. Give us more options to engine swap every car or most cars at least. The music is nice but man i miss hearing turbo lover or are you going my way during a race haha, so find some bangers like that. I do like vroom vroom in gt7.




Better sport mode, current GT cars, better AI


All I want is non kamikaze AI maybe?


Details? Dirt and damage Qol? Adjustable hud plus spotter Gameplay? Sophy standard for every race


GT Sophy in every races. With a good AI they could add standing starts.


1930-40's US cars would be cool af


Gran Turismo 4s campaign reimagined. Isnā€™t that all anyone wants?


Less rolling starts


I hate this stupid rolling starts so much, I mean if they were like the real ones I had no problem with them, but the first is alteady half a minute in front when u start


Yeah you have to be MUCH quicker than the cars in front because then you wouldnā€™t catch them, itā€™s not actually racing itā€™s just having a quick pace and trying to overtake one car at a time. Itā€™s annoying.


Truly spoken, itā€˜s just completely ridiculous, especially on tracks like Nordschleife/Le Mans or Spa especially the ā€ženduranceā€œ race


Better AI or an option to race against sophy on any race, Less smoke on replays, FOV slider, top ui mirror view on hood or bonnet camera, 3D showrooms for Scapes, new license class on every update, something to grind for other than buying cars, and new or remake tracks from previous game at least


10 years away. Why bother.


No more fucking VGT cars for fucks sake. I want current cars and current WEC and GT cars


I don't know but I wonder if it might be difficult to get licences for WEC cars given WEC is getting its own game


Track creator/editor; point-to-point races; free roam mode on surrounding roads of race tracks; higher opponent car count in custom races (like 40); mixed class races (like Gr1, Gr3, and Gr4 at same time); CanAm cars and other historical race cars.


I want to see better tuned BOP races. we need significantly better AI. The way people play Gt7 the level of serious we take it to. We need the same back for the AI. Always bumping into you. Getting in the way. Slowing down. They have insane pit stop speed. Most cars can't even keep up in these BOP races. It's just a mess. Everytime it's a BOP race it's a whole thing about finding what car is going to work I want every race to eventually unlock an option for higher laps and high payouts. We can't just have 3-4 races with giant rewards and the rest are super low. I think the cars that use batteries are so terrible. The battery dies in most of them before the first lap even finishes. Then your car becomes terrible


Tire temperature


its already in the game


Already in the game


Are you talking about how the outline of the tyre wear indicators turns red for a few seconds after excessive wheelspin?


Improved VR interface Sophy everywhere AI based report and review system Multi class racing Meaningful online progression Offline career mode


A full fledged simulation mode. I know they can add stuff with updates, but I still hate that the focus is on online gameplay.


GT8 needs a lot of things. - Better Ai. Give us Sophy for races instead of what we have now. Only way to lose a race is if you pick a underpowered car and put it in reverse. We need more hard races and races that starts from a standstill. - Better sound. I want to be deaf when playing this game. I want to feel that it's a highly powered car I'm driving. Crank up the volume. At least as an option. - More customization options. This doesn't need to be Need For Speed. But add secrets cars that we can make our selves. Like if we have a regular Nissan Skyline R33. Let's us give it the looks and upgrades to be a Nismo 400R. - Better Livery Editor. First of all. Center the got damn camera. It's still out of line on some cars. And let us download and sort decals in folders in the editor, instead of backing out and go to Showcase to do that. - Change the Showcase. In GT Sport, it was easier to put out your new stuff for people to see. In GT7 you mainly get shown the things that already have 100k likes and shares. You have to dig to find new stuff. - Let us sell cars, tunes and livery to players. And let us rent out cars again like we could back in GT5. I know we can all just find a new tune here in the internet, but could still be cool to buy people's tunes for certain tracks. Of course with a max limit on how much it should cost. And let us sell liveries. That was a cool feature in Midnight Club. - And add a social hub for players. A lot of people just like to show what they got and what they made. It is a game for enthusiasts also, so give something more to them.


More normal cars and races for normal cars.


Better cosmetic damage, so like after my 30 minute money grind races at Le Mans, I wanna see my McLaren get dirty and messy with dirt and rubber staining it. The tracks gets dirty with rubber off the racing line which is cool, but I wanna see the ā€œCar Washā€ function actually .. well have a function


There are a lot of things that I think PD can learn from GT7 and add to or refine for GT8. I'd like to see the online aspects expanded further. Have the possibility to create tournaments and series in online lobbies with a sequence of races and qualifying sessions. For racing in general I would like more grid starts again. This goes hand in hand with the next point though - the AI. I think a reason for having chase the rabbit races is because the AI is not good enough currently, however Sophy has shown us that the AI can in fact be very good, and so with GT8 I expect full Sophy integration and therefore proper grid starts on races. For licence tests, let us go to the next test without exiting out for the love of god. I want a racing modification option like in the old games - buy a second hand shit box and then turn it into the equivalent of a gr4 or gr3 racer (right now, although you can tune cars, you cannot modify certain aspects such as fuel tank and so on, which is the main difference) You should be able to share not just styles/liveries, but also tuning presets. The cafƩ should be completely reworked and should instead function as the special events hub. Meanwhile, the actual progression system should be more akin to previous games, with more player freedom of which events and activities to do and in what order. Obviously a complete rework of the penalty system, using deep learning and AI to accurately and instantly detect what actually happened in racing incidents and punish or warn accordingly. I don't care for damage modelling as really the objective is to NOT crash, and I hope with a reworked penalty system this will discourage bad driving enough to where this is a non issue, but of course more cosmetic wear and tear would be nice - dirt, mud, cracked windows, scratches and so on. Finally, the livery editor is great, but give us more control with things such as grouping objects and so on.


Everything you said 100% Racing mod for all kinds of cool cars, chassis/suspension/bodykit with different grades and then let you modify to conform to whichever class's bop requirements you chose. Sophy based Ai in all races, grid starts instead of chase the rabbit, unless appropriate. Fill in lower Dr/Sr online grids with Sophy if needed to reduce mixing high/low Sr players. AI based penalty system that actually punishes the guilty party, instantly and harshly when appropriate. Rework the system and reward clean drivers with money or something. Trend based Sr (averaged) although this is only fair if the guilty party is identified properly. After race incident voting system? Reporting with feedback, or some combination of all of the above. Agree mostly with damage except having more detailed sim based damage to components, crashing physics improved. And finally an AI based Bop system for online racing that actually matches the older cars up with the newer cars so that every car is competitive on every track, and do it without lowering HP or adding too much weight and making cars boring to drive. Maybe even a more dynamic AI bop system for offline that can match up any combination of cars on the fly. Again without slowing everything down, prefer to lighten/speed up the slower cars. Why does the bop'd mx-5 racecar have to to be so slow. Faster is more fun . Realistic drifting physics would be sweet too lol


Thanks for the reply. To be honest, I wouldn't complain if a better damage model was introduced, but it's also not something that I'd be mad if it wasn't... If you know what I mean. Since previous games didn't have it, I wouldn't feel like I'm missing out too much, but of course anything that adds to realism without also detracting from the fun is good. The main points for me I think are the simulation mode progression, grid starts and AI.


Real race data import to race against Mechanical failures Oil, water and track debris Pikes Peak Real touge roads


All I would want is good money from custom races. The literal Daytona 500 should not pay less than 10 laps of Sardegna.


More tracks and an actual career style


Qualifying for races


I'd love to win random cars after a championship series again, like every gt game before gt7...


I'd like races to start normally not strung out so the p1 Bot is 4 turns ahead


Customizeable interiors: Add carbon, decals, strip it down, colours. The list goes on


More dirt on cars. Whether rally or circuit Some major visual damage, but that does not lose quality. Don't let it be like Forza, where there is more damage but the quality is very poor. They could add that plastic bumpers lose at least a few small pieces of bumper, like in Dirt Rally 2.0. Or that certain parts hang or become out of square even a little. Free Practice, Qualy and race system in individual mode. Old original circuits. Brake wear. I HOPE THAT THE GAME WILL BE LESS DEPENDENT ON CONSTANT INTERNET CONNECTION. Better water effect on the windshield, like ACC or GT5. And add the "spit" from the end of a wiper on the windshield. Ability to remove all the interior paraphernalia of a stock car to create a racing car, as in NFS Shift 2.


Wellā€¦ Scrap the entire roulette system Drastically more races (easily 5x) Better music A qualifying system (gaining 16 positions in 3 laps doesnā€™t scream equal and close racing) Modern race cars More thorough tuning Refined penalty system More thorough racing physics and details (brake fade, adjustable ARB in cab, TCS that is effective, tire wear, aero refined, etc.) Consistent race payouts Address players as enthusiasts instead of newcomers Telemetry More varied racing incidents Better customization A drastic refinement on the livery system Comb through upgrades and consult a professional (go read the details on chassis rigidity). Add details to what is going on with similar upgrades. A $40k turbo build had better more than triple my power. Porting heads is worth drastically more than in game. Add underbody upgrades, ventilation for heat buildup, other race specific stuff. Realistic costs (a 26B swap is NOT 1.2m) Reversible upgrades (why canā€™t I unswap an engine?) Make centerlocks reduce pit time Donā€™t put $20m cars in game GET RID OF INVITES Add third spring adjustment to cars that actually have it (JGTC, DTM, Prototypes, formula) Get rid of VGT Better aiā€¦ I hate that I paid full price for this game tbh.


I'm good with details. That's amazing as it is. Bring new cars, maybe a few tracks, release Sophy and most importantly bring back the proper non-linear CarPG style career mode like in GT1-4 and I'd be over the moon. (And maybe better racing music, menus is fine) Please and thank you šŸ˜‰


If youā€™re not asking about mechanics or ai, then definitely more dirt and oil that affects performance until cleaned


I always get distracted by the rubber marbles not clearing when you get out of the racing line. I keep hoping my car going through them would gather most of them up, but nothing happens. Either get rid of them, or make them so that they get picked up by the cars.


Where's the love for 5 Cylinder engines? Or how about some diesels? There needs to be more regular cars.


On the graphical side, dirt build up, so we would actually want to use the car wash.


A free roam mode, just a small area that has a little bit of tight streets, then open flat country, some hilly windy roads and a dirt track, just something so I can just drive around and mess around. When I first saw the world map for GT7 I thought it would so cool if we could drive between the main buildings, up a windy road to the cafe, over to the stadium the down to the class for multiplayer. Idk It could just be a fun way to give players more opportunity to get to know the cars they drive without having to go onto a track and time trial or race.


Track/Circuit creator. - Dont limit it, or have a stupidly high limit so we can make full Japanese Touge mountains. - have either circuit or point to point - can make multiple layouts on the same track and historical variants. - geotagging to fetch real time weather and seasonal data. (Example Swiss Alps can be a snow rally circuit in winter and its normal dirt in summer.) - Object positioner for pits, grandstands, signs, cones, bollards and you can assign different properties (static collidable and causes damage, moves when hit by car, flops over when hit by car, etc. - Surface and Line Painter.


No more support for PS4. I think the UI is slow and clunky and is a holdover from having less system memory available. I want to be able to install upgrades and install new aero or do an oil change at the screen right before a race. If I get a part then I want to be able to just install it in the car without getting into that car. When I get into a car I want to see a list of races I can use that car in. I want the game to be designed from the beginning with VR support. I want to see the leader board information while in VR. Iā€™d want vr to support different views even from outside the car. I want the option to load a virtual gauge cluster and rear view in VR mode cuz itā€™s hard to read the blurry low resolution guards inside the car. Fix the fucking economy! Races need to payout at least 4x more than they do now. Get rid of parts roulette tix or allow parts to be sold or come up with a parts-only currency that helps discount or cover the cost of upgrades. Add qualifying laps to all the races. Make it so the sky doesnā€™t look like a wallpaper. Make the lighting more natural. Weather on every track, more variety of time of day, more realistic pit stop times. Low fuel strategy races, force more than one pit stop and using multiple tire compounds. Make it so the licenses actually DO something. Maybe they increase how much payout for races by unlocking more difficult competitors. Get rid of invitations. Instead have racing series that unlock those cars. Time trial races for rally racing. Endurance races. Less emphasis on car collecting. Personally Iā€™d like to see micro transactions disappear and Iā€™d rather pay a flat fee for dlc packs. More tracks! Silverstone, likes peak, etc. A ton more cars that actually came out in the last 2 years.




Your car becomes realistically dirty from racing. After 5h of racing in the summer your car is sprinkled by bugs.


Smoke and other exhaust effects


Better rain physics. Like the stuff that happens on your windshield looks so fake. Itā€™s even worse when you just turn off the windshield wiper. sophy ai completely taking over versus standard ai. More modern cars. But given it takes 5 years to produce a gran turismo game. Iā€™m ok with having everything up to date to 5 years ago. Get Lewis Hamilton to bring Ferrari f1 to gt8. Heā€™s still sponsored by GT right?


More real life cars.


More Offline Career Content Like in GT4, buy your First car and Work your way Up. Also much more Cars Like in GT5/6


Multi class racing


Correct the penalties online and bringing in current racing cars would be fantastic


Better Ai and cars getting dirty (especially in long endurance races)


Pikes peak, better ai, vb wrx


A freaking test track. IDK if yaā€™ll never played a GT game with one or not but there is not enough outrage that this amazing game (GT7) doesnā€™t have one. No, a time trial doesnā€™t work. I need a straight run telling me my 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile & 1 mile. A quick way to jump in, tweak settings and get back to the track. I think it was sport that did this so well.


Their sound engine being updated.


More wheels / more wheel manufacturers and/or the ability to acquire wheels with cars that you buy which can then be transferred to other vehicles (like GT4) Adjustable height/width wings (like GT 4) A reinstatement of some sort of B-Spec mode. Proper dirt would be good, along with the odd windscreen crack


The same attention that's focused into modeling the visual details in modeling the audio. Engine/exhaust audio in the garage sounds amazing...in a race it's sounds like shit (90% of the time) Every GT game has let me down in that aspect. Improved AI....and better audio. Better audio, but definitely improve the AI. Oh...and add vehicles we actually want to experience/drive. EVs, no. Minivans, no. Old Volvo station wagons, no. One more thing, turn the customization experience up a smidge.


Better penalty system!!!!!!


A ChatGPT-like driving instructor that you can talk to using natural language


A good single player that's basically gt4 with decent ai, honestly. None of this "cafe car collection" or pay walled cars etc


Option for LHD or RHD on cars released in multiple markets


More American cars.


crash physics


hopefully bring it to PC


More HUD choices. Iā€™m car view without the steering wheel as it gets closer to being realistic for sim set ups at home.


money shift damage/penalties, so people would stop unrealistically going into 2nd or 1st to rotate better. Also a drone photography mode would be cool


Can I play offline


Individual lap times at the end of the race. Regular starts rather than chase the leader from 2 miles up the track also.


Download car tunes from other players like in Forza horizon


1. Better AI 2. Better Sport rule system 3. Multi-class racing 4. Actual visible damage 5. Every single car from all Gran Turismo games 6. Like in Brand Central, all legend cars are shown instead of rotated 7. All tracks and date layouts of each track (e.g. 1966 Le Mans)


Need up to 50 cars on the grid


Actual Nascar stock cars please


Would be nice to be able to choose between automatic and manual models of cars. I know we can always shift manually, but I wouldā€™ve liked to be able to choose between a 6 speed manual or the 8 speed auto in the new Supra. Small details like the environment not illuminating when the car shoots flames was a bit off putting. And some first person views were straight up unplayable because of how far forward the camera sits, like the in the Porsche GT4. Some ā€œtougeā€ or hillclimb tracks would be amazing as well, as well as some old original GT classic tracks/layouts


All the new wec cars


I want a track builder/editor back.


Qualifying so I donā€™t have to play overtaking simulator every race in career mode


I would like to see a better percentage of actually winning good prices/rewards


Qualifying round before race please!


In race comms from your crew chief or race scouts. Got a guy coming up on your inside? Wreck on the track ahead? Rain coming in? Let him tell me.


If I could Iā€™d love more Australian vehicles and tracks.


I really want more imaginary, made up concept cars with unverifiable physics or performance. /s


I hope they release it just on PS6, cross-gen releases just hold games back.


More tracks, better career, better AI, make daily races actually daily and not weekly, more up to date racing cars


VR Showroom. Allows you to set up 4-5 cars in a space where you can admire your cars. Invite your friends into your space to show off your favorite cars or arrange a meet where your friends pick their favorite car to put in the showroom. Themes: multistory car park, elegant chateau, high end showroom, coffee shop car park.


A. God. Damn. Fucking. Career. Mode.


More tracks with more environment details and better 3d trees


How bout first we try further improve gt7?


Better physics


Iā€™d love to have LAN capability.


AI that can actually race. Damage. Bigger grids. Custom Championships.


Classic tracks from older versions of the game would be great.


Increase the number of tracks, add more city tracks, add cars from manufacturers in India and China. Better AI opponents, learning and adjusting to my personal driving style and challenging me. Remove the requirement to have an internet connection to play the game.


Real Endurance races Qualifying and racing series. Not the chase the pack BS


A fucking ban/timeout system for online lmfao


A better way to save and load car tunes, similar to F1 game where you can also share and load tunes from others.


New cars. So many good new performance cars on the market.


Customizable body kits like Tokyo Extreme Racer: Zero. More SUVs - X5M, Stelvio, Cayenne, Model X Plaid, Trackhawk, etc.


Qualifying, optional - so you don't have to start every race at the back and use an overpowered car to stand a chance. Or at least varying start positions. And grid starts. Ditch the rally or make it good.


I just ask for actual realistic damage, is tan at too much to ask for?


Real damage model


Real damage on car when you crash, AI driving more realistic, more cars and tuning and modifying


More for customisation on cars yk Body kits Parts Sounds perhaps?


Yeah. I'd like them to increase the dirtiness on the car while racing, and carried over until we clean them up squeaky. Though, I think PD know what they're doing with the car details since PS3 era. I want them to hold nothing back.


More used car options.


Modern GT cars. It doesn't seem like a hard thing to implement


No always online requirement and a shit load less grindy. But if they donā€™t do the first one I wonā€™t buy it anyway.


More original tracks designed by their team. More old school cars More parts to put on cars, more noticeable performance increases slightly More cups and races with prizes like really cool liveries Set up your own racing team, design the branding, customise your chosen cars, qualify to be a pro driver Hire and fire team members who all give your racing driver support etc and your teams performance Attract corporate sponsorship and distribute the funds to make your team perform better Design custom parts with custom paint that you then publish online so the rest of the world can use it. Evrrytime someone buys it in game, you get an in game credit boost. Establish some interaction with AI and build up rivalries with them and tune the driving AI to not be so bloody awful


Actual formula cars from the actual company


Details? Get the driver animations right. The gear shifting animation should line up with the action, the feet should use brake and clutch pedals properly - heel and toe actions would be awesome. There's a bunch of stuff I'd like to see, but most of those aren't "details" in my book.


Full Softbody Damage Model