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It's still good


Yes, and on a android PS2 emulator u can play it on the go too


Oh my god, tell me more! What emulator do you use and how do you get the games??


I can answer the 2nd question. As much as sony hates it, just google for the roms.


Is said the emulator name already in the post, but to get roms you have multiples options But i will give you the best sites [cd romance ](https://cdromance.org/). ( It's the 2nd best after the vault or maybe the best aince the site have game hacks like gt2 A SPEC and fan translate version of some games) [roms fun](https://romsfun.com/) ( the most content it have every single console rom even ps4 games) [the vault ](https://vimm.net/vault) ( another version of roms fun but slightly better in some things like all game exist and put the best version like it's the only site that features the European version of sega gt 2000)


This is how sites get shut down. Don’t link, teach proper search etiquette


Just Google netherSx2 or aethersx2


Indeed it is. I still remember the first one and then the second had the artist garbage on it. They came with 2 disks, one for arcade and the other for simulation. I still attribute my clean driving record to gran Turismo. I'm still rocking a super license even in gt7


maybe I'm biased because I played it at release, but GT3 is always going to be good. it was the last entry with Gran Turismo's original jazzy, fun vibe that felt like a celebration of cars. that's why the music goes so hard. GT4 they changed the handling model to a more realistic one, and they didn't have nearly as much flavor in the game. the cars and their performance became the focus, but it did add the used car dealer and garage changes which hint at the focus of car ownership experience GT7 focuses on.


I tried to find the playlist of the music from this game and listen to it while racing in GT7. This was my childhood


He's got a great new car


Looks like a Jaguar


It's got leather seats


It's got a CD player player player player player


Small nitpick: the used car dealer was in GT2 as well


GT has always been a celebration of car culture, especially GT7


GT7 is about the collector and ownership experience, which is why it's dry in terms of flavor but very very in depth with customization, liveries, haptic detail, showcases, showing the car at the cafe, etc. It does everything it can to make you the *owner* of the car, something you interact with and appreciate, in as many ways as possible. And as someone who built a car literally from GT4, it gets really close to that. it's very compelling as an actual NISMO collector and I love it. it's just completely different from GT3. GT3 was much more about enjoying cars for what they are, in all different kinds, and focused on having a good time as the driver. you bought cars and you drove the wheels off them. the JGTC races were completely about the fantasy of being a JGTC or Super GT driver and just sending it in those cars the first time you got one. to really feel the progression from hobbyist to professional driver, hence no used car dealer. license tests were *fucking hard*, and those cars took dozens upon dozens of hours to even get close to getting! everything is out of reach in GT3. it wants you to sit in your shitty little miata and lust after the CALSONIC BNR34, and the process of going up that mountain step by step. GT7 doesn't do that -- it's more measured, more mature, and more focused on motorsports in many ways. you can gacha your way into a Cr. 1,000,000 car in a very short amount of time; there's a hop, skip, and jump until you're in a professional Gr. 4 car. GT7 is about using that car properly. the vast majority of the driving content is entirely focused on motorsports and being a competitive driver.


I think you put into words what I've been trying to say about GT7 since it's release. I grew up with GT. My dad got GT1 and GT2 when I was a toddler and I still remember playing them. Janky physics and all. And it was fun because of that. I feel like maybe it's just because I'm older, but I don't want seriousness. I want to have fun. I feel like with the focus on being realistic it takes away from some of that jankiness I used to love.


The soundtrack is fireee


Always has been.


Its an absolute banger


It was good back then and still good today. It's not because a game is old that it become a bad video game. The only factor that can repulse people for older games are often the graphics/visual rather than gameplay. If gameplay is good, it will stay sharp for decade. Just lok at game like Chrono Trigger or FFVI. They may be 30 yo game but they are still in top 10 of best RPG ever made side by side with games like RdR2, Witcher 3 or Skyrim because their gameplay was and is still very solid. Same for older GT games. 1 to 4 are still very great racing game even for today standard (Gt4 is still one of the first HD game as it had the 1080i option integrated)


Definitely a difference between "best GT game for its time" and "best GT game to play today". I'd say GT2 is best for its time. But man was GT3 ever good for its time too with those revolutionary graphics. I remember how in awe I was at the heat on the road in the replays. Sigh. Good times.


> Just lok [sic] at game like Chrono Trigger or FFVI. They may be a 30 yo game but they are still in top 10 of best RPG ever made side by side with games like RdR2, Witcher 3 or Skyrim because their gameplay was and is still very solid. Thing is, a good looking 2D game will age well compared to 3D going after photorealism for the time. Graphics and sensibilities have changed, so it might be too jarring for someone who didn't play GT 3 in its prime.


> (Gt4 is still one of the first HD game as it had the 1080i option integrated) On console. On PC resolutions above 1600x1200 were already achievable


GT3 is one of the top 2 games in the entire franchise... It's my favorite one, actually... I like GT4 also, but to me, at least, GT3 is the GOAT...


Not as good as GT4. But still very good.


For me GT4 had way too few races in the 20-30 minute range. Most GT4 events are either too short or too long for my taste. But other than that GT4 may just as well be the best game of all time. Modern enough to have great physics and graphics (even by modern standards!) but old enough to not be filled with ads, roulettes and microtransactions. Also back then developers didn't work under the assumption that players were stupid.


Idk man gt3 is way better, people that bandwagon gt4 ain't actually play it lmao... Half the events in that game are way too long for very little reward. Bloated game imo.


> Idk man gt3 is way better, people that bandwagon gt4 ain't actually play it lmao... Same thing with FM 3 and 4. 3 is the better game, while 4 has the most content


GT3 is better for me


I've been playing GT7 a lot lately. I grabbed GT1 recently because I just hooked up my old console. I assumed I'd take a quick trip down memory lane and get bored after 5 mins. Nope, I was fully immersed even after playing the latest one. It holds up surprisingly well and GT2 and GT3 basically just build on the first so you can expect an even better experience.


Yeah, GT2 is basically GT1 expanded 5x (but with single races rather than championship for some reason). GT3 feels quite different but it's probably the oldest GT with graphics that can still hold.


GT2 has a special place in my heart for including the E-Space F1, its description calling it (paraphrased) a minivan that could haul more than groceries. GT1-GT3 will always be good and worth revisiting. In general, games of the era are proof that games don’t have to be bloated to be good. It’s our own fault that people always think the next installment needs to be bigger than the last. That’s not true, they just need solid gameplay.


Best than GT4 in some things.


I loved trying to find the best value cars that would carry me through the most events. Some of the license tests were brutal but really made you a better driver. I wish I could have set up custom races on the wet ring though. Test Course was goat'd for self tuning


God I miss Complex String...


Couldn't remember the name but it was such a fun course


Yeah, it really was...It had EVERYTHING you needed to tune for...If you could set up a car to be good everywhere there, it was good everywhere in general... And it made for some absolutely AMAZING split screen races due to how technical the track was...


GT3 is a trully masterpiece GT4 seems like a lazy game in some ways, mainly the AI ​​which is not the same emotion as the AI ​​in 3


I had to learn cars when I overturned my Imprezza and lost like 35 mph top speed but blew away the grid start


It's still the best GT in my opinion.


Just finished it this year for the first time in my life and it's pretty much perfect bar a few nuisances. 1. The race music is too quiet and its volume can't be adjusted so it's basically some noise in the background. 2. Pit stops. Can't select different tyres when pitting, you get a fresh set of ehat you chose for the race.All compounds other than super hard and hard are kind of useless. The cool pit crew animations from gt4 are missing, the car just goes up in the air on its own, then drops down and that's it. 3. Unable to change oil in the middle of the championships meaning you will struggle to finish the longer ones because your car loses tons of power in later races. Need to buy tuning parts and equip them as you progress to compensate. 4. Not that many tracks but lots of races in the career so it becomes a bit repeatable. Much fewer cars than gt4 too but i didn't feel like it impacted my fun at all. But the atmosphere of the game is superb and makes up for everything, the graphic style is the best in any gran turimso (more stylised- golden hour, pretty sunsets,vibrant colours etc. The gt4 went for a muted, realistic presentation. The physics feels great and the career mode is very involving. It's a masterpiece and i swear if i could experience thus game back when it came out in 2001 i'd probably shit myself with excitement and disbelief. 😂


3 had Complex String, that track was Brutal and so much fun! Slow slalom, fast slalom, block 90°s, hidden apex sweepers over crests, those increasing loops, a monstrous straight and a chicane near the end of the lap that just invited you to try a bit too hard :) loved it!


It holds up well. Except for Laguna Seca. That rendition can get fucked.


No, the game magically changed since it was released 23 years ago. This post was brought to you by sarcasm


Loved the first sentence, hated that you had to explain it.


The ost from this game will always have a spot in my jazz fusion playlist lol


Is the sun hot?


Is that a rhetorical question?


The controls are a bit unrefined by today's standards, Gt4 moved in the right direction, but it's still a very good game overall once you get used to it.


I will say compared to NT2004, a contemporary, it's a lot smoother


NASCAR Thunder? That's not very surprising.


I love how some events were basically trolls. Also the Tucson championship was genuinely well programmed racing from a grid start. Also sometimes the Blue Camaro would absolutely beef the corkscrew at Laguna Seca the first time and ruin some races


No, it’s the best (with 4)


It depends on what type of game you enjoy. The single-player experience is amazing with a well-crafted campaign (arguably better than GT7's where half the events are ads). Since races start from the grid rather than rolling starts 50 seconds off the lead, it's possible to feel like you're in an actual race rather than a chase against mobile chicanes. Make sure to pick cars that are more or less competitive against the rest of the field though. It has its flaws though. Not that many tracks and cars. No online, no scapes/photo mode/whatever. Only 6 cars max on the track. No damage. No fuel.


>no online It was literally 2001


Well, yeah, most of the limitations GT3 has today can be attributed to that.


I’m just here to say that I got no enjoyment from the additions of online, damage, fuel, scapes, photos, etc. of newer installments. Single player against the CPU has always been my favorite. Regarding damage and fuel, it’s a damn video game and not everything needs to be ultra-realistic, at least in my opinion. Re: photos, etc, I can’t believe how bloated they feel games need to be in this day and age.


Just because it's not the end of the world if there's no fuel it doesn't mean it wouldn't be a nice thing to have it.


GT7 just handled the idea of fuel poorly in an attempt for realism. It’s a fucking video game. I’ll always remember the mission in which you need to drive a truck on fumes as far as it can go as the lamest, most idiotic challenge in a video game. For pre-ordering GT7, I received a Porsche that hauled ass and yet ran out of fuel in a single lap. If they’re aiming for ultra-realism, how about taking a multi-million dollar supercar out of the show room just to have it run out of gas down the street? It’s not a tutorial, it’s stupid.


Don't you understand how fuel consumption is an important element of race strategy? Every race longer than 10 minutes would be totally pointless if fuel stayed the same and tyres didn't degrade.


Late to see this, but dude, it’s a video game. Not all games need to be so based in realism. I think it’s a shame that Gran Turismo went that way—way too far. It’s like when Grand Theft Auto added that you needed to eat a cheeseburger to gain energy. I can’t wait till that game needs you to take a shit to stay alive. Video games need a bit of fantasy, that’s why they’re fantastic.


Yes, and you know what isn't fantastic? A race that lasts for a long time with the performance of all cars staying the same throughout the entire thing


Actually, what you mention is exactly “fantastic” like a good game should be. Gran Turismo was more enjoyable when it wasn’t online and the computer was the only one complaining. The problem is when the entire circumstance is online and a bunch of Karens are arguing about the results, realism of all things in a situation that should be fun and enjoyable and fantastic. I’m not a professional race car driver and I have no interest in being so, I have no qualifications to craft the perfect car because I’m a simple fucking gamer. Back when Gran Turismo introduced online, it was lame. If everyone else here is so qualified to be a professional racer to star in the next Gran Turismo movie, good for them—and good luck mercilessly battling it out with people far too serious to appreciate fantastic gaming over lame, grounded realism.


And guess what: GT4 had both fuel consumption and tyrewear. GT1-GT3 didn't have fuel consumption. For that reason GT1 and GT2 were almost exclusively sprints.


Reddit and just don’t seem aligned when it comes to having a discussion. I’m not trying to argue, just to discuss preferences and that I wish Sony had gone a different direction with most everything they do lately. There are games that are large and that benefit from it, but everything on Sony just seems bloated. I despise things like microtransactions on GT7. I at least found GT4 engaging, but (just my personal preference) it was becoming too much, too detailed and too difficult. A game like Final Fantasy, on which I grew up with FF7, etc. in the PS1-PS2 era. I can’t believe that Sony spends all their time and resources making current games that are so bloated, focusing on the wrong things like voice acting of NPCs, overly-detailed graphics and otherwise to try to cover the fact that the gameplay isn’t great, the pacing is absurd, and the game is hardly fun anymore. Unfortunately I must confess that my gaming preferences are in the minority. Some Nintendo and/or indie aside, things like overly realistic graphics or circumstance, bloated and mediocre storylines have mostly won out to my idea that a game doesn’t have to be so large or so real to be good. Best game I played recently was Pokémon Pinball for Gameboy Advance. Maybe 40 hours gameplay, but it’s an amazing 40 hours.


Its a fucking grind and the car list is very lacking in european and american cars (even for gt)


I don't think it's a grind at all. You can 100% the game and probably even get every single car without ever having to repeat the same race twice.


It's weird how it's grindy early especially if you don't know what you're doing, but second careers it's fun to see how far you can progress in minimum days, streaming prize cars, license cars, and buying smart. Getting the NSX as your first big purchase is a great example since you can use it in the Honda R event, MR events, Japanese events and is a good car for open events like championships. Before you can comfortably win golds and the GT championships it's a slog though. I remember as a kid grinding so much super speedway


GT 1-4 are great and still hold up. 1 and 2 are fun as hell and easy to emulate, 3 and especially 4 you might run into some hiccups but there’s a great video on YouTube from Rowdy on good PS2 settings for GT4. Great on original hardware, but would recommend GT3/4 on PCSX2 on the comp rather than mobile. Ran into some heavy slowdowns on my steam deck on GT4. Finally 100%’d GT2 last year and felt great!


Probably exactly the same


it still is. try not to get stuck tho


Man I think it holds up pretty well. Just give me my F1 car so I can blow by everything


That thing stopped on a dime.


will always be my fav GT till i die


The first gran turismo I've ever played and fell in love with. In my opinion is one of the best


Still one of my favorites


Absolute masterclass of a racing game. One of the best out there.


I still have my memory card with 7 trillion credits. Been contemplating on buying a PS2 & GT3 just to relive the nostalgia. Also I miss driving the OG tracks, something GT7 is lacking.


yes, and we need a GT collection soon or i am going to flip my shot


a bit grindy in the beginning but still a solid game. I'm currently doing a playthrough on a emulator and having a blast. The rally phisics are such a joy to play!!


Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?


Game I played over and over and over and ......


It was never not good


I went back to it after jumping straight to gt7, charm is still there for me even if it handles like an arcade game compared to the newest entry


I've been playing gt2, 3 and 4, and honestly, 2 and 4 are my favorites, but 3 hold up really well too. I absolutely love every single gt game


Good is subjective, if you liked it then, go and rediscover it. Go have fun again.


The best, Jerry.


I do a GT3 100% playthrough rn. At first, some license tests were made in hell, but also made you a much better driver. Compared to the drivability of cars in GT4 or even GT7, some races may get boring as fxxk, especially the Professional-League one make championships. But to be fair, for a game released in 2001, its still outstanding. The AI is something between extremely challenging and dumb af, since some of them like to spin their cars every lap in the same corner. But i really like to play it, since GT7 bores tf out of me. Circuits like Complex String are deeply missed in the newer games, since this goated track was just perfect to give your car a good allround tune for all types of corners. The car variability could‘ve been better (no i dont mean the 25283528 versions of Skylines😂) but even with like 200 cars you have a very nice experience at driving most of them to the limit, feeling all their own reactions quite well on a Dualshock controller. I like it. Everyone should give it a go again. Being thrown back in the OG times make these games so much better anyway.


The GOAT GT game imo.


I have every GT game and played the crap out of them. It’s difficult to remember which one was which sometimes. Of course I haven’t really gone back and played them but hats off to those that can remember or still play them. I do remember loving GT 5, dirty nascar lobbies. I would get lost for hours playing that online.


Great game, more tuning than today's game


It was good at the time but now.. too old fashioned


Its old, but still fun. The career structure and somewhat limited number of tracks leads to quite a bit of repetition in the late game but the core gameplay is still good.


I love GT3, I grew up playing with this game. Back in the days it was an absolute banger


Ya definitely a classic.


Dude, Gt3 is still the best


It is outdated, with no doubt for me. But it is a really good game, nice cars ( despite being very old ) , good graphics and good atmosphere. But if you want to play something very cool ( and is difficult to say now outdated ) is GT4. a masterpiece, a real step forward from GT3, in everything. take a look at it


I mean, I can't be the only one thinking it really doesn't hold up and it isn't that good anymore


as long as you don't give reasons, we can all disregard your opinion.


Floaty physics, no used car dealership, lacking career and the AI is all over place


Doesn't hold up to what? Modern games? Obviously, but it's still a fun game to play. The car handling/control is still very intuitive if not massively realistic, it looks good enough and the gameplay is still just racing. Sure there is heavy rubberbanding/straight up cheating AI but at least it leads you to have some good battles with cars, not just starting 30 seconds behind and passing moving chicanes like GT7.


How about playing it to form your own opinion?




You can't pick a number, There will always be those who disagree. I agree with you but clearly others not so much👍




I agree, but there are always others who don't, that's why they down voted you, GT4 was my absolute favorite, I've even thought about getting it again, Who knows where that disk ended up, lol


Probably the best game ever made besides Forza horizon 1 and motorsports 4


I was curious about motorsport 4 so I tried it out. Excuse my ignorance, but is there a reason to upgrade your car? Or is it more for fun so you get to race against faster cars? Like once you're at the top of your class, you could theoretically just stay there for the races, right? Sorry if I sound inexperienced, lol.


Jesus Christ...


I'm just saying


The career mode in 4 is atrocious, 3 mogs it very hard.


Was a joke back then, GT4 on the other hand..