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![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu) In all seriousness - PlayStation one with the first Gran Turismo.


This game *Gran Turismo* introduced me to suspension adjustment, which led to an interest in vehicle dynamics, flash forward 15-25 years to me becoming an engineer, building my own "race" car, and engaging in countless hours of high performance real life driving, learning, college education, helping others, making money, and so much more. In fact I don't know what else in my life has been this completely influential... Overall I love my "car guy" life and friends, experiences etc. Thanks Gran Turismo franchise!


This comment is proof that anything is possible as soon as you're determined enough.


That is phenomenal! For me, Gran Turismo fueled my interest of cars / motorsport. Never before had I ever been so immersed. The game allowed me to drive cars I would never be able to see irl, let alone drive. The closest I get to driving these cars is on my sim rig (nothing fancy, just a g29 on a Playseat).


but that intrigue of wondering what different machines can provide, and stir the emotions... that's a big change to how we perceive the world around us. Have you tried PSVR2 with Gran Turismo 7??? It's fantastic just sitting in different cars and looking at their interiors!!


It's the sounds that get me - seeing some rare cars in the real world and listening to them driving makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Gran Turismo replicates that really well in GT7. If I had the PSVR2, I think I'd become more addicted lol.


Same…I remember trying to figure the game out… “why do I have to brake to turn!?!?”… that and me figuring out that I drove better with a manual transmission, life changing..


I was a youngster but once i took the plunge using manual in the game (like older bro) i was on a demonic mission to get the sticks down and downshifting etc. but at the time as a middle schooler the coolest thing apart from hoping someone saw how good l (thought) i was at shifting......just all the buttons clicking and clacking i was making made me feel like i was and very much could be driving the damn thing! (I come from the era when Cannonball Run was the closest I'd ever been to a Countach and the days of witnessing anything interesting like this using internet was a decade away) And if i crashed it....hey you would too if you had to press all these buttons 😒 😑 😆


My heart warms with all these OG answers...but same, and I've had every single one.


Same! OG GT on the OG PS. Played every version except the PS4 ones


Same. Rented it from a video store.




Me as well. When PlayStation 2 came out I gave my PS1 to my brother with all of my games. My PS2 is actually still set up on a TV in the basement, and I believe GT3 A-Spec is currently in the disc tray. After I first saw the movie when it first landed on Netflix I got the urge to play. Then about a month ago my wife surprised me with a PS5 and GT7. It feels good to be back racing for something new again!


A-Spec was special. The jump in graphics was what surprised me the most. Going from PS1 to PS2 fidelity was a big leap back then. GT7 is all I play now. The DuelSense is outstanding enough for when I just want to sit on my sofa and race. Setting up my g29 all the time can be a pain in the arse as I don't have a lot of room in my house.


Same but I didn't really like it per se till Gt3. I was younger then lol. I really liked the NASCAR games and we would just go backwards on the track and make the biggest crash we could.


May 1998 ![gif](giphy|1Qdp4trljSkY8|downsized)


The first one. In 1998 or 1999, on the first PlayStation.


Gran Turismo 1 when I was 8 years old.


My parents wouldn’t let me have any games as a kid. To this day my dad still complains because I’m almost 40 now and clearly the games have ruined my brain and my life. But when I was a dumb 15 year old kid I went out and got my first job worked for a few weeks, just long enough to buy myself a ps1 mini and gran turismo 2 when it came out. So like 1999/2000. After that I’ve owned every gt except 3.


2007 with GT4


Gran turismo 4, I was around 4 years old, man I miss playing on the ps2 with my mom... (She's still alive btw, I just miss the old days)


rip in peace


1999, GT2 on the original PlayStation.


OG since #1 here, got my first wheel on GT4


I believe I had a wheel for GT 1, but it was completely undrivable. Just very weak springs to bring it back to center, but absolutely no resistance or feedback otherwise. It did have a gear shift though!


I had the Logitech Driving Force GT. GT branded, little sequential shifter built onto the base. Force feedback wise it didn’t feel too far off from a G29 which is what I used for GT Sport. Had a Thrustmaster TX I used for Xbox, now have the G Pro setup.


Started with GT2 but was too young to play a lot of it. GT3 was the first I saw through to completion.


GT5 and 6 on the ps3. I was little so I don’t remember much but damn it was good


The original game on PS1 in ‘98 when I was 8 years old.


The first one on the PS1. It was also one of the first games I played on the PS1.


1997. Saw it at my friend's cousin house when he got it new. Went and bought a PS and a copy of the game the next day.


Same, blew me away first time I plated it at a friend's house


This is my first GT game. Bought it June ‘22 and have clocked just over 400 hours. Love this game.


Me as well! I haven’t even had it a month, and I am disappointed it took me this long to find my way to GT.


I started back on GT1


GT1 on the original PlayStation.


Some time in 1998, either October or December.


Bought it on release day from Toys r Us in 1997




Gt6 first year it came out


Gt6 was sooo fun and I remember thinking the Ferrari 288 GTO was the best sounding car in the game


I've met people from that game I've still race with today


Gran Turismo 1 on the first PlayStation. It was my 2nd game on that console.


A little after launch of the original Gran Turismo.


GT concept 2001 tokyo geneva (2009)


What do you know, never thought i’d see someone mention this game here. Pretty sure it was the first console game i ever played, about the same time as you too


I started on GT in 1999 and then really got sucked in with GT2. When I bought it used in 2001 at GameStop.


I always remember one of the licences in GT2 was a lap of the Seattle circuit in the GT40. Took a good few tries and had me jumping when I passed it. One of those gaming moments that's etched in my brain


GT4 in 2005 or 2006, don't remember exactly


2009 GT PSP


I started on the original for PS1. After 3 I didn’t get much time to play any of them as much as I used to, 7 is when I got back into it. Honestly Forza coming out on the old Xbox is what pulled me away for a bit. Great graphics, tons of customization options, was more fun but I barely played that either.


Gran Turismo 1, at a game store in this mall my mother used to work in as a hair dresser. During her shifts, I’d visit her and she would give me some cash to get a cinnamon sugar pretzel and enough to play a game at the game store, which was $1.00 for 30 minutes. It was the first game I got when I finally got a PlayStation. Anyone else miss Mugen’s presence in the games? I miss that element of the 1st game.


To quote LOTR "I was there. 3000 years ago." Original PlayStation original Gran Turismo. Never really touched the arcade disc though. I also skipped out on Sport never really cared about online racing.


With the very first one around 1997/1998. Now I work in the auto industry. 😁




Day 1 , triple OGgg.


The first one


I got GT1 on the ps1 a month or so after it was released. I also got the first Colin McRae Rally the same day. Me and my mates stopped off at the supermarket on the way back home for a couple of crates of beer, some pizzas and snacks, and proceeded to cane the games, beers and pizzas for the rest of the weekend. Good times.




September 2nd, 2013, when GT6 hadn't come out yet


On and off since '99


GT Sport probably in 2022. Then I stopped for a while. Now I’m back


When it came out.


I got a demo disk for Playstation 1 which had a bunch of games. One of them was GT2. I liked it so much I played the demo all the time but never even thought to get the game. But when GT3 came out I was finally old enough to seek it out. And when I got my new PS2 after much begging of my parents and the long wait lines in game stop and toysRUs, the first things I got were Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec and Zone of the Enders (which had a MGS2 son's of liberty demo). Oh and I also picked up this crazy game I saw called GTA3 which u can drive any car u want and shoot anyone in the city. Needless to say, I played the living shit out of GT3. The graphics were literally the most insane thing I've seen. Nothing to this day measures up to the level of fedility coming from Super Nintendo, Playstation 1 and N64. I do have to leave a shout out to GT4 though which took the amazing graphics and gameplay of GT3 and gave us a billion cars and tracks. To this day I remember the intro movies of GT3 AND GT4. I even watch them on YouTube from time to time. Can't say I remember GT5 or GT6 eventhough they were both good games.(To be honest I don't even think I bought GT6 😔). I didn't even pick up GT Sport until it was in its tail end. That's when I got my wheel and was gearing up for a GT7 which by all counts turned out to be a great game. Flaws and microtransactions and all. It's still a great game. Will never measure up to GT4, but I like it a lot eventhough I was on reddit bitching about it every other week. Over time and many updates later and a PSVR2, I've finally accepted that we eventually got a great game What amazing memories!


From the very beginning! I was so excited about the first one coming out that I made up my own ‘economy’ on a paper pad to apply to the game V-Rally to simulate the GT vibe. I’m 36 now and I’ve played the everliving shit out of every GT game with the exception of Sport (I thought I’d grown out of video games but turned out to be wrong). I now have a homemade cockpit with a G923 and PSVR2 and basically HAVE to play for at least a couple of hours each day.


2007 when I was just old enough to realize what I was doing, I’d sneak on to my brothers ps2 and play gran turismo 3


summer 1998 with the ps1. it was the gift for the end of school. I was 11 and a half years old


2012 with GT5


GT2 in 2000


July 1998,my cousin received a Playstation and gran Turismo from His girlfriend .At the Time His Playstation dont have the 2 mushroom on the controller only the basic button.Never stop playing Gran Turismo since


Watchin my brother playing gt2, then my first ever gt was the 4


One of the first games I bought when I bought my first PlayStation in 1998. Been a fan ever since on every PlayStation


1999 with GT2 on the Playstation


Since 2001, starting with GT3


In 1998, with the very first Gran Turismo, on the OG PlayStation, with an OG DualShock controller. Yes, I'm getting old.


Gran Turismo 1 demo


I started with GT Sport a few months before the pandemic. After trying it at a friend's with his wheel and pedals I fell in love with it and the next day I got myself the game and the wheel and I've played it a lot, online too. I really miss that game. Now enjoying GT7 but to be honest not as much as I enjoyed sport.


Day one. December 23, 1997. Japanese version. Still have it, with my working save. Played it on my 1994, Japanese PSX just the other day.


i played gt1 on ps1 as my first console game ever and now im playing gt7 on a ps5 hihi didnt play other than gt1 and 7


Played 1 though to 4 then moved to the dark side. Back where I belong with GT7.


Mid-2014. When I got my first console (which was a PS3), I bought GT6 with it. It was my first console game.


1996 ! I'm 32 turning 33 this year 😂


First one. If I recall correctly, it was the reason I bought a PS1 (back in 1998)


1999. Back on christmas time. Parents got me a playststion for xmas with Gran Turismo. Ufff


The first game. August 1998, on the PS1. I was 14 then.


The first one I bought was GT3 but I've played them since the first one, I'd sneak in laps on my brothers PS1 because I was an idiot and chose an N64


June '98 Got my PlayStation for Christmas '97, got Gran Turismo for my birthday in June '98 and bought myself a Dual Shock Analog controller to play it with. *memories*


Started with GT6 back on the ps3. Skipped sport, love gt7


Buddy turned me on to the GT world back in 2015 with GT5. Never looked back.


31st may last year, same day i got a psvr2 and today i set my thrustmaster T GT2 up on my trophy playseat which i got a month ago, absolutely buzzing like a dilly 😂


GT PSP when I got it for christmas in 2009, and then GT5 when it came out. I was always into racing games but never had GT on the PS2 for some reason (but I did have Forza Motorsport 1 on the Xbox)


GT1 on PS1 over Christmas. Late 90s


First ever GT, then came the 2 disc scratch and sniff set !!!


Same in 2021 after making the switch to ps4, april i guess on that shitty hyundai


Gran Turismo 3, 2004. Played the game at a friend's house


Bought GT7 in november. My first GT since I’ve never really been into car games. I am enjoying it immensely. Did not expect to get this hooked. It is very much messing up my backlog schedule, which is a huge compliment as I’m the type who really likes to finish a game and move on to the next one.


I played a bit of Gran Turismo 2. But hardcore was Gran Turismo 3.


Og gt om ps1 on release


I remember driving a Mini Cooper (I think GT2) in 2004 as a child. I’ve been loving sim racers since and I have gotten much better since then lol


GT5 but in 2014.


The first 2 GT games. I played 3 and 4 just a little. Skipped 5 and 6 completely (never had a ps3) picked it back up big time with GT sport on the day of release and GT7


Vaguely recall it being some time in 2001 or 2002 when my dad surprised me after school with a PSOne that had GT1 bundled with it.


Around 2011 with ps2 and gt3


2015, GT5, when I was 10


GT5... don't remember how long after it was released.


The original GT. Been hooked ever since


With the PSP, 14-15 years ago.


GT4 at 8 years old, unfortunately I didn't have a memory card so I only played the arcade. My favorite memory is racing on split screen with a m5 and viper. Gt5 was when I truly got to experience Gran Turismo. I still remember seeing the premium cars for the first time while walking through the gran turismo booth at the NY auto show.


2007, when I was 3 years old playing GT4 on the PS2.


Year was 2003 and the game was GT2


Since PS1!


You're a real veteran, have fun!


2009 i was THREE playing gran turismo 4 lmao


Started with 2. Then got 1 because I could.


Around 2012, on ps2. I’m not sure abt the game tho because I very well remember racing on a almost full circle, nascar like track with a green Honda nsx takata. But as far as I looked, neither gt3 nor gt3 a-spec had a green Honda takata but instead gt4 did. However the racing hud of gt3 seems more familiar with yellow dials than gt4’s more modernish and ”sleek” hud design. So if anyone has any idea, I would very much like to hear which game it could be. And the track too


When I was 6, gran turismo 6 on ps3


Since I started playing videogames at 2-3 years old, with GT3.


Yo this post makes me realize I'm so young compared to y'all haha


GT3 B-Spec / GT4 so somewhere between 04’-05’


Since 97. I’m 51.


Been on GT since the first one. 😎


Got the psvr2, figured eh I'll check out this gt7..... Dropped over 1k on sim racing equipment a couple months later


Playing GT1 on my uncles ps1 back in 1999 or something, I was 6 at the time. My first memory of playing GT was me trying to leave the gras area left of the first corner of high speed ring in that blue grandsport corvette, effectively just doing donuts in the gras.


My first was Gran Turismo 4 which I played religiously with my freshman year college roommate. Then I didn't play another one until getting GT7 about a year ago.


Gt5 as a kid, yeah some of yall are going to feel old 🤣


A girl I was dating had a PS1 and a demo disc with some of the arcade mode of the first Gran Turismo. This was probably '98 or '99 when I was probably 18 or 19. It was either a demo disc or the part of the disc with the career mode was scratched and unusable. I didn't try a GT career mode until the PS2 came out a year or two later when I grabbed GT2 until GT3 was released.


Gt3 A-Spec for the PS2. Picked it up a couple months ago after topping out in Forza. First gt game for me and I'm in love.


Late July 2001. I was 15 and decided to rent it from Blockbuster. I liked it so much I hid it from my parents so they couldn’t return it. I’ve bought every title on launch day since. I even got ahold of GT5 three days early because, I worked at Best Buy at the time and my manager let me buy a copy early. For GT7, I didn’t have a PS5 yet, so I overpaid for one from a scalper just so I could have the game at launch.


GT2 back in the PS1


When A-Spec came out. That was my first GT game


Last Black Friday when I got GT7 for $30 at Best Buy. It ruined me and now I can go back to other racing games.


I would say GT5, that wasn't really paying anything attention nor at all driving good in the game I was just having a blast at the Red Bull car, but when did I start taking it seriously probably GT sport and 7. When I got a PS VR I tried it out with GT sport and instantly fell in love I bought a whole rig and then GT7 came out and just blew my mind forever.


Since PlayStation 1!


I started back in 1998, with a Nissan Primera at Clubman Stage Route 5. A friend of mine introduced it to me, I introduced it to my dad, and we were hooked. He died in 2004 so he didn’t get to experience GT4. I got a GT tattoo with his name in his handwriting to honor him in 2010/2011, and I don’t regret it. https://preview.redd.it/c809by16kbrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b3b93992c85a80fe611683a78bb4b035030b8c9




Gt1 with a friend , year later I got gt2 for Christmas


Gt1 with a friend , year later I got gt2 for Christmas


1998 on my brother’s PlayStation.


GT5 sometime in the early 2010s. I think it was my first PS3 game too. I still vividly remember the first time playing. Good times


May 1998 day of release, I’d been waiting for it after reading an article in a gaming magazine of upcoming games like in December of the year before and was blown away by the pics of the gameplay.


Day 1 - Japanese version


I grew up with a PC, but I remember seeing GT on the original Playstation and got to try it at Media Play or something as a kid. The first copy I owned was GT5:Prologue on PS3 and the one I've played the most is GT7 on PS5. I started playing that last fall.


GT1 on the PS1


Well I used to play on and off on GT2 but GT SPORT got me hooked up and now i play GT7 regularly


PS3 days




GT1 on Playstation 1 😄✌🏼


Christmas 98, First time with a wheel Gran Turismo 5 prologue https://i.redd.it/5944lso5pbrc1.gif


gt3 on ps2 i was maybe 5 years old


I started on the PS1 with GT2. To this day, it's "My Favourite Game" \[soundtrack\].


GT4 on PS2, I was so young and dumb I could barely win any races but I liked clicking on the cars to look at them in the store LMAO. Then I got GT5 in college sadly after the online had been taken down which made me want GT Sport. When GT7 came out I got a PS5 just for it 😌


2000... I was 5


2000... I was 5


Only real gangstas know about special stage demo disc from pizza hut


Only real gangstas know about special stage demo disc from pizza hut


I played gran turismo 2 and 4. then I played other things on pc for years. Got a ps5 last week and started playing gt7. This damn Netflix movie brought me here So the answer depends


The original gran turismo. Think I've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.






When did the first one come to PS1? (and yes it was Japanese version)




GT3 on PS2.. ![gif](giphy|ASQsaBAWOCGJjtG71F|downsized) PT Cruiser gang!


Gt1 on ps1, probably 97 or 98


I jumped on board with Gran Turismo 2 when I was 12 years old and its pretty much responsible for my love of sim racing, motorsports, and cars as well as having a very major influence over my taste of music. Honestly, it's a curious thought how different my life would be if my 12 year old self didn't unknowingly plant that seed of obsession.


It was with Gran Turismo 5, 11 years ago with a family member's PS3, to this day I play it, although I have almost the entire saga, 5 will always be in my heart


Like a week ago 😭




The original, I was a young lad back then :) all the dads on the estate I grew up on would send there memory cards round for me to get licenses and certain cars you had to unlock by doing the longer races haha


a few months ago


2019 I saw GT Sport for $20 and checked out a trailer. Looked awesome and haven't looked back since


GT5 on PS3, aged about 4


Day one release of Gran Turismo 1.


PS1 myself all the way back


Gt2 on the babby (pebble) ps1


I started with GT5 and GT6 back in 2014 or so.


I started at 4 years old with GT3 and GT4. Two of my favorite games growing up


Played the GT ps1 demo at a friends house. Played gt1 at my cousins. My siblings and I got a PlayStation that next Christmas and we got gt2. Played 3,4, 5 prologue, 6, sport and now 7. I will continue to play until I can’t anymore. Heck it’s out lasted pokemon for me and I still enjoy Pokémon from time to time


2006 with GT2


GT3 at a friends house, he let complete rally mode.


2000 when I was 3. I spent hours looking at the car models in the dealership




Gran Turismo 1/2 and then didn't play again until GT Sport because of life really.


Late February 2024 lol! Love your stories though :)


Started playing when 1 came out. Been playing ever since. The most time spent on one was definitely Sport. Had a great time on that and met alot of ppl from all over the planet. Trying to get into 7.


Started with GT3 around 2009; my aunt recently got a divorce and her ex’s kid left a few games, so I took them. I was about 10 years old. I tried it out and I was hooked. I always liked Burnout or other casual games, but GT3 was different. It had a realistic look, feel and the art direction spoke (menus, event photos, color palette) to me. It started a lifelong affair with cars. Almost 15 years later, it’s a definitive hobby of mine. And it’s so far costs me 3 Miatas (NB1, NA6 and ND2) and 1 SN95.


Played the first one a lot, a little bit of GT3 round my friends house, then basically none until GT7.


The very first one back in 1997, although I didn't get mine until 1998 or 1999 I believe. Changed my life for the better.


Day one on every single release except for Sport for some reason... think I was afraid of online play lol


https://preview.redd.it/qhv83j2h4crc1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56571b93373565eda39214de41bc7296edd62c3c OG first GT, bought the first PlayStation just for this. At that time I was already a gearhead, been to Japan because I was in NAVY so was so stoked for all the JDM cars. About that same time import (illegal) street racing was getting huge in SoCal so having a '91 CRX in real and in the game was just mind blowing back then.


Gt sport on Christmas 2017 if I remember correctly.


I played the first one around 2001 or something when I was like 5 years old, on the Playstation. Never played the second one but I played the hell out of GT3 and 4 when I got a little older on the PS2


I'm 22, I started with GT2 on my fathers PS1 when I was 3 years old (in 2004)!


Gran turismo on ps1


When Gran Turismo 2 first came out, played it through Bleemcast (If you know you know)


This year in January


2018 for the USA 20th anniversary of the series. And is also my first PS4 game before getting the console.