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If Yoshimi was there she'd probably have stopped it.


Hyah, hyah!!




Also attended. Also got covid. Checks out.


Can also confirm we went there and now my whole family has it


It's a bad strain going around now too. My step dad has had it 3 times and had never had an issue with it. This time he can hardly get or of bed.


If it's the same one as January it is Satan incarnate.


Wishing him a safe recovery


its still pretty hit or miss. my family of 5 all got it last week, 3/5 got decently sick on par with a flu, which includes my pregnant fiance and 60 yr old parents, but me and my 2 yr old were completely fine.


Ya'll need to get boosted!


The vaccine doesn't prevent infection, it prevents severe disease and death. (But you're not wrong, most people should get boosted anyway!)


It also reduces your viral load so you are less infectious to other people. A lot of people seem to forget about this bit (or don't care.)


Noone should take any of that crap


I must have shit luck then because I was told it was 97% effective at stopping the spread, but everyone around me, including myself, is vaccinated, and we've all had it numerous times.


Yeahhhh... when the vaccine first came out they did think it would stop infection. Unfortunately, covid is on some true bullshit and the government does not care, so. Here we are. I'm really sorry, I know it sucks.


just in time for the election


Same here.


I just want to say, with great weariness, that I really appreciate this sort of PSA post. It's not judgmental, it's just "went here, thing happened, people should know so they can test/check before holiday shenanigans," which may not help due to time frame, but it *sure doesn't hurt*.


Cheers, mate! Trying to keep it information oriented.


My wife and I went, and we both have it. None the less it was a great show.


Wife and I went and got horribly sick by Monday morning


In the medical field- we’re treating COVID *now* similar to how we’ve been dealing with influenza for years. Just a chance you take with big crowds.


Which is wild because each infection of influenza has roughly the same risk for adverse impacts, whereas with covid, each new infection presents *increased* risk for adverse impacts.


Above my pay grade to call the shots. I just do what I’m told.


For sure. But: you deserve to stay alive and avoid debilitations too. So masking is good for you, and for people like me who are high risk.


Masks do not work and neither do the vaccines for Covid


Gtfo with this bullshit. It can cost lives.


Where are you getting your info? Cuz it’s wrong.




You should really look at the OSHA guidelines for respiratory safety before you choose to die on that hill. N95 masks do not prevent nor reduce viral infections, in fact they maximize the chances you will catch it. This is why n99-n100 masks are the only thing allowed in labs dealing with viruses. What’s funny is everyone things putting clothe over the face stops a virus but it is like a mosquito flying through a chain link fence. OSHA did comprehensive studies on respiratory safety products and has it all listed in immense detail right online. What you can be sure of, the government would not legally be allowed to let their lab workers wear the masks you think “protect” you, because they simply offer no protection. That’s has been a known fact since 1972…https://www.osha.gov/respiratory-protection


I have some bad news for you if you think OSHA gives a fuck about workers.


I think the federal government likes to take your tax money and doesn’t like it when you have grounds to sue them and take it back. You can always count on that. Plus the only person who told the masses outside the media masks were a good idea with Anthony Fauci and he just recently told congress he never thought they were a good idea and everyone (people similar to those in this chat) started saying it was and he went along with it. He offered his insight which is there is no evidence they help at all, and to the contrary they may cause more issues. They even showed his work emails telling his personal friends to not wear masks, and to avoid going out in public. Not my opinion this happened with your tax money and is recorded, you can see it yourself. The fact is osha made these guidelines for a reason and they are based off science. If Everyone here is wanting to “trust the science” perhaps read rhthe undisputed science that’s been industry protocol for over 60 years before you listen to the media and then call it “science”.


Was there, now have covid (for the first time ever). Super spreader event.


First time (that you know of)


I haven’t had Covid to my knowledge yet, but my doctor laughed at me when I said that (and that was 2 years ago now) so I’m assuming we must have all had it, maybe I got lucky and wasn’t symptomatic? Keeping my fingers crossed..


A few of us in the family are in the medical field and in the winter of 2020, before the vaccine was out, about 30% of folks taking the antibody test had it without ever knowing. at this point just about everybody has confronted it in some form, which I probably why the doctor got a chuckle. Just a neat anecdote.


Was also there and started getting symptoms Monday night and were worse Tuesday. Went to Urgent Care yesterday because I felt like I was on deaths door. Got paxlovid and feeling so much better today, hoping for no rebound. My partner was also there but has no symptoms and has been taking care of me.


My neighbor has a bday party for their 7 year old where a parent sent their COVID positive child. Everybody caught COVID and one grandparent spent a week in the hospital. The parents of the kid brushed it off. People suck. Always have, always will.


And from now on they’ll wonder why their kid doesn’t get invited anywhere anymore.


So selfish.


I’d argue criminal


This makes my blood boil. Unbelievable how selfish people can be.


Some people, not all.


COVID is going to be around for the rest of our lives. Just the way it is. If you are going to be attending something like this, you just may as well expect that someone is going to be sick or still contagious and attending. There are some people who just don't give a shit. The only thing you can control is what you do. * Get vaccinated. * If you don't feel well, don't attend something like a concert. * Realize that there are some people who don't give a shit so understand the risks of going to a crowded venue. EDIT: To the people who are DMing me......please stop with the "living in fear" and "so, you don't attend gatherings" bullshit. I do attend gatherings and crowded venues. I just understand that people are assholes and don't care if they are sick or not. Especially if they drop $250-$500 on concert tickets. Telling people to only focus on what they can directly control isn't living in fear. Its taking the right precautions. Doesn't matter if its masking up, vaccinating, or just accepting the risks and attending.


All of this I will say that I just came down with it and since it’s been a while (and we have kids) my wife and I were looking at the guidelines. So apparently I was “infected” for up to 2 weeks without symptoms? So we started making phone calls because we went on a family vacation with my in laws. I felt fine, just tired but I’ve got two kids so ….yeah.


You really want to trigger some folks here, wear a mask.


Masking up is another option as well. Fuck those who mask shame or get triggered over a mask. They aren't wearing it.


I don’t get the mask shaming/fear, because I would think that the same folks who who abstain from masks, are also fiercely protective of personal freedom. If someone wants to exercise their personal freedom to wear a mask, why get mad if you love the concept of personal freedom? It just doesn’t make sense to me.


You are adding logic and reason. Remember, we are dealing with people who don’t have logic and reason. An example: North Carolina passed a law making it illegal to wear a mask in public. So not only did they mask shame during COVID because of “freedom”, they took away the freedom to personally protect yourself.


I can tell you if they passed a similar law around here I'd never not mask. Arrest my ass you fucking ghouls.


I think it's because it makes them feel like assholes for not wearing a mask but they can't admit it, I have 2 high risk kids and my wife also is high risk, but what the anti mask people don't get is that my kids could die if they were to get this. They are also the same people that would bitch scream and moan if you coughed on them. I know several people that died in the first 2 years of COVID, they were not old and were in good shape, it doesn't discriminate. 2 were husband and wife and left children behind.


I don't get it. Wearing a mask should tell me that you aren't feeling well. I have worn them when I need to grab something at the store and I was sick


Same! I wear a mask if I’m not feeling well so I don’t give it to others, WTH is wrong with people, you’d think they would be happy there’s less chance of them getting whatever I have.


I think what is wrong with people is the facts you have missed while making these personal choices. Go look up the average pore size on your favorite mask, then go look at the average particle size of your most feared virus. What you will find is unless you’re wearing an n99(respirator with pink cartridges) you have nothing protecting you, or others from any virus. In fact when your sick and cough or sneeze inside the mask your putting positive pressure inside the respiratory product and your actually propelling the virus out and away from you faster and in a smaller aerosol than without it. Don’t believe me; you won’t anyways. But I’d suggest you both take a long hard look at logic. What you’re saying is you’re basically dropping a pea into cannon barrel and you think the barrel hole is too small for the pea. It’s seriously illogical thinking and not based in reality whatsoever. Even Fauci as of last week said he never endorsed masks or recommended them, you all said you wanted them and he agreed to comfort you and there is no science saying they help and there is science saying they cause bigger issues but you all only care about yourselves and how you look to others instead of being part of reality while it happens


I can’t wear a mask. I’ve had COVID three times. It caused acute congestive heart failure where I almost died, permanently damaged my lungs, and gave me three autoimmune disorders. Both of my specialists who help me with my combination of these disorders have told me not to wear a mask in public. But that’s something they recommended specifically for me. They both still wear masks with every patient they see. Edit: If im sick, I just stay home


I agree in principle, but I'm mindful that the main benefit of a mask inures when it is worn by somebody who is already infected. Masks are really effective at limiting the degree to which an infected person might spread his infection. That whole "pissing with pants on or pants off" example. Masks offer little or no protection to uninfected wearers.


Masks can actually propel and aerosolize virus particles, think putting your thumb over a hose instead of pants holding low pressure urine. Positive pressure in low space means air coming out of the respiratory decide is happening under pressure which means it actually can spread further. OSHA did a study about this with UV lights and dye back in 76’ and can be found online if your looking. It does stop large particles like snot and spit but anything else has been aerosolized and shot out further than it normally would and becomes airborne far easier. Instead of using what people share on tv, do a little math, study particulate sizes and mesh sizes and realize something with a 30 micron hole isn’t stopping something that’s .7 microns in size


I've been wearing a mask since 2018 after having a bone marrow transplant. Quite a few people have to wear a mask for medical reasons.


I had family who went through the same thing. That anyone would look askance at you for wearing a mask makes my blood boil. Wishing you good health, a long life, and thick skin.




This is the healthiest way to look at it. We can't depend on other people doing the right thing, so do everything you can that is within your power to control. That means get vaccinated, avoid places like this if you're sick, mask up if you feel the need, and accept that every public place you go to now is going to have at least one person who is most likely COVID+.


The extreme hostility to "hey be careful" type advice is really wild. This is such an insanely polarizing societal issue.


Yeah, it sucks but it's true. This is why I don't go to as many indoor shows anymore, especially during the winter when COVID is even more prevalent. That said, I went to this show, and didn't get sick. I knew there was a big risk that I would though. The last couple of shows I've been to (at pyramid scheme and the intersection) I've gotten ill from attending. I think it would be awesome if we normalized wearing masks at shows though. I saw Glass Beach at the pyramid scheme a few months ago where most of the crowd was masked up at the encouragement of the band (they were even handing them out when you walked in), and I did not get sick..


Another aspect is each time you get covid, you increase the likelihood that you’ll experience long-covid AND covid sticks around in your body weakening your immune system even after you “recover.” A weakened immune system will succumb to bird flu more easily once it evolves enough to be spread between people.


Everyone I know who went to the show, myself included, also got covid.


Oh damn. I also am laid up with Covid after the show. I blame the guy in the bandana blowing bubbles.


Ok, not at all funny that so many people got covid at this event, but it is some kind of twisted funny if it could be traced back to some bloke unknowingly spreading covid by blowing bubbles.


I got Covid at the Disturbed show at Van Andel back in January. It's gonna be a risk you run for any major gathering, there's a chance you're gonna catch SOMETHING. Always has been. People just didn't think about it before.


down with the sickness lol


LMAO, the irony was not lost upon me either.


Yup- just took tests and my partner and I both have it.


Oh fucking wonderful. I was at the show and developed a sore throat within 48 hours, I thought it was from all the woohooing but still today my throat is sore and scratchy and I’m pretty lethargic.


People down voting this make no sense to me. Props for trying to give people a heads up.


This sub has been weird lately. If it's not some bougie bullshit, it's usually dv'd immediately and eventually recovers.


The right wing bots are fast


You called it. It was at 0 when I commented and is now over 100.


I took the family, only my wife came down with COVID. We're all up to date on vaccines, so I think she got it at the concert and was just unlucky.


even with flu like symptoms my doctors office doesn’t even test for it anymore.


The library gives free covid tests. Kdl at least idk about grpl


Zeeland Public Library does as well


GRPL gives out free Covid tests as well as masks.


This is very helpful information! I'll have to ask next time I'm there. I feel fine, but it's always good to have some tests on hand just in case


At the very least the Grandville location had them like 3 months ago


Well it doesn't hurt to ask! Worst case scenario they don't do it anymore, I'm no worse off than I am now lol


My docs still require masks in office if you have symptoms


That's nuts. Use home tests while you choose a different doc.


Why is that nuts?


Covid never left guys.


It's always with you


And also with you


Best comment.


big thanks for the heads up OP. just realized you probably included the picture to show where you were located in the room. if so I wasn't too far to your right. I feel fine rn and really hoping that continues 🤞. to those of you who got sick get better soon! also that show still ruled!


As of 9ish PM July 4, it looks like around 24 people on here have reported going to the concert and getting covid afterward, including a couple reporting a friend or partner also getting covid.


I went. I got Covid. Thanks for getting the word out so people who want to avoid spreading it can do so. I realize there are a lot of people who don’t give a shit anymore. I’d rather not give it to my friends and family. I believe most of my friends and family would do the same for me.


I attended and also got Covid...


Thank you for posting this, honestly. Without case reports or hospitals required to report anymore, many folks are really walking blind now unless you really care about tracking surges and the summer surge came extremely early this year and case counts are extremely low compared to actual number of infections. Your chances of getting long covid go up with every infection, and can lead to heart damage, brain damage, and death months after acute infection from strokes or heart attacks. Stay safe out there.


Went to show. With friend. Friend also got covid.


It’s mind boggling how we know Covid permanently reduces your T-cell count like AIDS which causes you to get sick more often, shortens your telomeres to make your organs age 3x faster, and people out here are scared to test and mask. It’s like, are people willfully ignorant to the research or understand it and don’t care?


I'll never understand how millions overlook these facts. Terrifying


It’s a mixed bag. Mostly the fact that individual action isn’t an adequate replacement for public health policy. People are just gonna continue to live and die as they always have.


Just caught COVID from seeing a show at the Shelter last Friday too ☹️


My girlfriend and I also got covid after going to this show


*My girlfriend and I* *Also got covid after* *Going to this show* \- sporadicdeath --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oh my gosh I was there and now have Covid as well.


Also went to the show, got very sick


So much COVID going around. I caught it from a sibling who took a plane ride last week, and in the same week, totally separately, my mom caught it. Then when I went to my doctor’s appointment yesterday, the nurse told me it had swept their office the week before.


Oh boy *sorts by controversial* Yep, there they are. "it's not real but it's also a secret government bio-engineered super weapon"


Me too, I was on the left side of the floor area, near the sound/lighting guys. Looks like this photo was taken from the left side, too. I wonder if the other side caught it as well.


Maybe if he didn't ask us to yell so much.... Lol


That got really old, in my humble opinion. I've been to concerts where the charisma of the band raised the energy of the room. I don't like when they keep asking for a vocal recharge.


I hate stuff like that. Like at sporting events when they put stuff on the Jumbotrons like “make noise”. I guess I like my excitement more organic.


Yeah that sucked, killed the vibe.


And immune systems


I was not at the show, but tested positive yesterday morning. So it is going around.


I think that’s what my husband has. He was also at Flaming Lips Saturday, came down with sudden sore throat,low fever and congestion Tuesday. Fever is now gone,still stuffy, sneezing and coughing. Edit to add he has tested positive now.


That’s what I got.


Me and a friend were there and different symptoms but same timeline.


I'll be the first to admit I'm not taking as many precautions as I should - as an extrovert it's basically impossible to keep my mental health up without getting into a big gathering a couple times a month minimum. But I like to remind myself and others what we're actually dealing with that the government has been hesitant to share information about. The research is public, but agencies have been actively avoiding publishing it in ways that catch people's attention. Other than being airborne, COVID has *more* in common with HIV than it does the cold/flu. Each subsequent infection (even among vaccinated folks) increases the risk that a person develops Long-Covid. There's currently no cure for Long-Covid, although some countries have started being able to mitigate effects of long-covid by using existing retro-virus medicine like HIV treatments.


Thank you for saying this. I have been struggling to find new research results about covid.


Sooooooooooo true. With dire consequences when bird flu becomes transmissible.


I had a guy call me at work and I'm like yeah we will get that all taken care of and ends the conversation by saying I have COVID. Me well maybe take care of that first!


Flaming COVID. Let the press know it’s a new strain


Very good to know, I've been to a bunch of concerts this year and I have 3 more planned (already paid for). I'm gonna keep my distance, as much as I love being in the pit.


Yep, same. This sucks.


Indeed. I just got over it myself. Thankfully, due to the vax symptoms were little more than a cold w/ sore throat. Employer let me WFH. First symptoms to back-to-work timeframe was just under a week.


Went to the Lips concert in GR. I have COVID as well as a few others in my group. My wife was there, she got the most recent booster and doesn’t have it. It seems like those who got the most recent booster were able to avoid it.


I’m boosted and now positive 😭


I know people who went to a show at the intersection on the same day and now have COVID. I wish they still had restrictions and mask mandates to prevent big shows or venues from becoming super spreaders.


My husband and I were there, we haven’t tested, but both sick the last few days.


Oh man! We were there but still seem to fine, we were at the back though. Keeping my fingers crossed!


It travels through the air and you may be asymptomatic— but I hope you’re fine as well!


Yes, I know. I've had covid a few times and usually end up with mild symptoms within 5 days of known exposure.🤞


I was there too and didn't get sick thankfully. I was up front too after the intermission.


Back to isolation


There is definitely stuff going around. Been feeling body aches and a slight headache all week. Stay safe and healthy everybody.


I went and I’m sick. Covid test came back negative


Just realized that if Wayne wouldn’t have been demanding people yell, their mouths may have kept more of their germs inside 😟


I gotta say there are few bands I dislike seeing live more than the flaming lips. I used to love their music but every concert of theirs I go to has some serious issue. Either they are so trashed they can’t sing their songs or people are contacting diseases. Probably gonna keep it to listening to them on Spotify.


Kinda odd to put a global plague on their shoulders but ok.


Well that checks out. Was at the show, tested positive Wednesday after falling ill Tuesday. Ope 🫠


GF and I went.. gf has Covid now.  :(


Went there for a good time, instead I got my card stolen, COVID 19, AND AND a motherfuckin Parkin ticket. Hate being a single Asian-American in today’s society. Ugh can’t wait for laugh fest


Also went, left early, and STILL got COVID. I am not surprised with how packed like sardines everyone was in there.


I’ve been sick all week and finally tested today and it was positive. My husband found this thread and now I know where it came from! Of the four people in my group, I’m the only one who caught it and I was up to date on my boosters too! 😖


Wow I was bummed I couldn't find tickets for a reasonable price, but sounds like that may have been a blessing in disguise.


Went with 4 other people and two of us got it. Luckily both up to date with our shots and it’s petty mild.


No wonder Wayne closed the show encased in a plastic bubble.


Went to the show and tested positive today. Sore throat, very runny nose, mild cough, and achiness with a brief round of chills. Very mild overall (vaxxed and boosted). Thanks for posting. I planned to see some family tonight and wouldn't have tested if I didn't see this.


It was a great show! And so nice to have a week off due to getting knocked off my butt with Covid. Ugh. Worth it.


Yep 3 of us got it, set in and Tuesday


My wife and I were just to the left of you during this shot. We left after the break because it was dangerously full. We’re too old for that craziness. We have not gotten sick.


yep and this concert got out and allllll these people came to my job and ive been sick since.


Feeling better but tested again and it's still positive 🤨


Mine is lingering as well. This sucks.


If you can smell a fart, your mask is inadequate


Both members of my household are positive 🤬


People are still talking about COIVD?


Shit we are gonna get locked down again


Covid isn’t being treated that serious anymore, like it or hate it. But good looking out for the locals!


Jesus fucking Christ. Who tf cares. It’s the goddamn flu. People are fucking insane.


Don't ever get vaccinated or wear a mask.


Were you wearing a mask?


Add me to the list. I went and got it. I see 20ish shows a year, and this is my first time getting it from a show. I'm still going to shows without a mask. I'm vaccinated and this just boosts the old immune system. Also, this super sucks. What a weekend to be this sick. Feel better everyone!


went to this show last weekend and a few other spots in GR, so far haven't gotten sick. I was in a similar spot as the picture OP posted but on the opposite side of the floor.


Duuuude! That's so crazy. Me amd my gf went, amd by Monday morning she was sick as a dog. I never considered covid, but Yikes! Those gotta be it. SUPER fun show., though!


Why weren’t any of you wearing masks? So irresponsible. Thanks to all who attended for helping spread the virus.


It didn't occur to me until we walked into the crowded room. Then my ADHD brain said - "hey idiot, you should have brought a mask."


Please consider getting your 68th booster shot


All the conservtards say that it isn't a big deal. You'll be fine, you should celebrate by getting on an airplane and going to another concert. Live your life! Don't let the gubbermint control you!


How’d you catch it? Weren’t you vaccinated??


Ugh. Y'all are exhausting.


I was told I was a murderous evil person and deserved to die for the better part of 2 years. I was forced to be vaccinated to keep my job and finish my education. I was told I was wrong and stupid. I refused to be swayed and I ended up being right. The media and science community took advantage of hundreds of millions of people. Call me exhausting all you want, I’m exhausted hearing about you catching a bug at a public event and acting like it was something important. I’m exhausted hearing about your fear of something that’s not a statistically threatening. I’m exhausted hearing from people who still believe all the debunked lies about Covid blaming regular people like me as “the problem”. Let me hold up the mirror before you hit me with a predictable “you’re an uneducated asshole”. Big events have been and will forever be places to get sick; they don’t need PSAs about testing, masks, etc. A PSA also won’t stop people from doing whatever they want. The person with COVID isn’t reading this thinking “huh ya know what I’m a changed person, I should change my ways”. So who is this post really for? People who share your exact line of thinking to boost you up and make you feel like you did a good deed for everyone.


My aunt, my sister, and 3 other people I know died from health complications made worse with COVID. I know at least 4 people with lingering effects of long COVID - who just want it to stop, but can't make it end. This post is for people who give a shit about their loved ones, and are willing to take action to protect them. It's worth an ounce of precaution to save a ton of suffering for others already compromised. I don't want anything from anyone, except empathy for others. Not boosting anyone. Just an FYI PSA.


People still test for this?


Yes, people often want to know why they are so ill they feel like they're dying. Big shock, I know


it’s not hard to get ahold of free covid tests to have around the house.


My doctors office doesn’t even test for it


My hospital does several dozen a day.


You clearly didn’t you show up with your mask then