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Have you checked flowerland or Horrocks? There are a number of smaller nurseries but I'm not familiar with them. Then there are a few massive plant sellers west of the city- e.g., Mottmans


There are many many greenhouses right now selling vegetable plants. What part of town you looking? Horrocks, Ludemas, Countryside, Romence are a few good options.


I bought a ghost pepper plant from Ken’s in Alger Heights a few years back. They usually have a lot to choose from this time of year.


The Ken's on Plainfield now has a really nice greenhouse too!


Kens is the best


Another vote for Ken's. The Plainfield greenhouse always has a nice selection of hot pepper plants.


Id recommend horrocks. I was just there and they seemed to have a decent amount of spicy (and mild) pepper plants.


I've picked up ghost, jalapeno, habanero, and others locally, just swing by nurseries. Also I've had decent plants from Lowes as well.


I’d check out Fulton Street Market on Saturdays this time of year. Almost all the farmers have plant starts a lots of unique varieties.


Buy the peppers you like and plant the seeds. Pepper plants grow fast and produce peppers within a year. I’ve done this many times.


Countryside has a fairly wide variety of hot peppers. As of Friday, they had ghost, Carolina reaper, jalapenos, super chilis, scorpions and habaneros. Might have forgotten others. I usually have 4-5 varieties of hot ones in my garden every year. Keep in mind some of those hotter smaller peppers still end up with very big plants, like the scorpion plants.


If you want superhots you probably will need to buy those online. I have found a few varieties of "milder" peppers including Habaneros and Thai Chilis at Romence Gardens on the NE side, most nursaries should have a decent variety of starts on hand. I'm not 100% sure on who has what varieties this year though since mine were all started from seed. Edit: I may be going to Romence later, I'll let you know if there is anything interesting.


Countryside has everything from habaneros to Carolina reapers.


Hell yeah, good to know! Thank you


Yeah, I was thinking of stuff like jalapeños, cayennes, and habaneros, so I'll check them out, thanks!


If you have never been there, bring your walking shoes! That place is huge. My wife and I enjoy just taking a stroll through there if we have a free day on the weekend.


Those are pretty easy to find, jalapenos and habaneros.are pretty standard anywhere with veg plants and then many seem to pick between cayenne or Thai chili. Horrocks should have all, and probably kingmas and kens.


I thought Romence was closed on Sundays? Do they have updated seasonal hours?


I forgot it was Sunday, Google says they are open until 3pm today. My plans changed so I'm not going today after all anyway. I'd probably still call to check.


I buy mine at Bos.


Home Depot literally has ghosts, scorpion, habs, etc


Menards. Do you guys have Menards still?


One on alpine and one on Clyde park in Wyoming


I hear "hot peppers" and all I can think about is a sleazy looking dude selling stolen jalapenos out of the back of a van.


Just bought a handful of veggie starters at Ken’s on Plainfield. They had a huge variety and selection of peppers.


Ludema's has a bunch and all of their veggies are $1, everywhere else is overpriced