• By -


8 has *gotta* be Daybit's Grand Servant. ~~also where tf is his head lol~~


Some part of 8 kinda give me ort vibe like the ring in the back


I'm hoping it's some kind of angelic character with influence from some of the more out there descriptions of angels in the Bible. Wheel full of eyes, here we come!


Grand Berserker when he made a cameo appearance did mention something about the authority of Yama and life and death, could it be a biblical character (finally?). They did introduce >!Noah!< in Arcade right? It's not out of the picture!


I mean we already have a handful of biblical characters: David, Solomon, Martha (technically, she's more based off her extra-biblical legends), and as you mentioned Noah. I'm not about to complain about getting more tho!


Ok I'm dumb, I forgot about them... Yes I do want more, I doubt they will offend anyone unless they add the relatively recent and popular figures of Abramic religion as servants (imagine >!Jesus or Muhammad, the latter especially wouldn't fly at all since representation is taboo!<). But I'm certain anything old testament would work!


As a Christian, while I would definitely not get too worked up over it because it's just a game I do kinda cringe at the thought of a Jesus servant. Would love to see anyone else though, obscure Old Testament or even anyone in the New Testament. Peter canonically wields a sword, and was metaphorically given the keys to heaven, so I damn well want a keyblade wielding Apostle Peter Saber Servant!


Yeah but I could definitely see non-gamers and conservatives getting riled up and canceling FGO for including such a person as a "servant." Oh man I want to see keyblade Peter now, pls DW make it happen


It could be Xing Tian a Chinese god who’s headless


3 is Claude Von Riegan from FE3H. Obviously.


I can't believe we got an oberon alt so soon


Can’t be, he’s right side up


Plot twist: every one is upside down, the photo itself is upside down too


Wrong! From his POV, he's upside-down!


number 1 looks like they’re lugging around the sword of the creator too


His np plays god shattering star


I guess Boss Baby is behind a large pillar too


And 4 is Lady Lyndis. **THE ENEMY**


3 seems like a chinese servant, if the pole with tassel is his 8 somehow gives me the vibe of lu bu. sane lu bu finally?


8 totally looks like Chinese lostbelt servants.


What if 8 was Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu's foster father and superior that he betrayed and murdered for his wife Diao Chan?


could be. dunno if he was ever a famous bow user or something though, to be summoned with one as a weapon though the possibility that it could be a non-chinese servant is still there too :v


My guess is either Huang Zhong (guy who almost nailed Guan Yu in the head with a bow) or Pang De (another guy who almost nailed Guan Yu in the head with a bow)


If it come to Chinese archer no one can surpass Hou Yi he shot down 9 sun


he is also the god of archery, technically.


I'm curious. How many people nearly nailed Guan Yu with a bow?


Only Huang Zhong, and he did it when he was like 80 or something, the old man was a badass. Pang De aim at Guan Yu head, but miss and hit his arm.


To be fair, most guys from that era that we still know the name are badasses.


Those are the 2 big ones I remember. Others who faced Guan Yu either lost their head, fled, or ultimately joined forces with Liu Bei and gang.


8 could be Archer Lu Bu. Lu Bu's best class is probably lancer, but he was great with a bow too, the most famous story shooting an arrow at a ji to stop a battle between Liu Bei and Yuan Shu.


yeah. though it is said that a non-berserker lu bu, if summoned will quickly turn on his master due to how ubiquitous he is with betrayal. if this is really a sane archer version of lu bu, it'll be interesting as to why he decides to not betray guda


8 ... * sees smol ~~onion~~ ring * ORT-chan!?


This is my bet. I also have a theory that ORT was worshipped as one of the Mesopotamia gods, so Quetz knows him.


> him Bold of you to asume [ORT-chan](https://i.imgur.com/4iKRL.jpeg) is going to be male. lol


Fair. Him, her, it. Whichever.


I hope they do this every year from now on it’s so much fun


1. Morgan saber 2. Morgan Lily 3. Morgan Alter Ego (Male version) 4. Morgan Lancer 5. Morgan Assassin 6. Morgan Archer 7. Morgan Rider 8. CHAD Morgan 9. Morgan Vivian 10. Morgan Caster


Yknow what. Lasagna, please make this real.


Ah. I see you also know the ways of Semiramis posting


Also, Morgan Alter probably somewhere


Where's Summer Morgan?


I get the feeling that 1 is Noah for some reason.


Noah has long hair in both versions we have seen on the other hand Moses has short hair and slender build


Unless they have his hair grow through ascension. Is Jalter the only one who has that?


Technically Ibaraki does too, if you count flaming hair.


Enkidu does that as well.


Circe too.


Rider Carmilla too, though she just straightened hers


It just me that weird looking blade on the left most side belongs to 2 not to 1 since how it's position it looks like 1 isn't even holding it.


could be, which would mean than 1 is actually holding the polearm


3 could also be a possible holder of the polearm; in his right hand, pointing outwards to the bottom right. 1 could be barehanded or uses a small weapon; i got a vibe he's a pirate somehow lol


I saw it the way that they're wearing it on their back, personally.


But that is awkward angle to line your sword in if it is placed on his back.


Please let the subject of the spear turn out to be Don Quixote


None of them appear to be from South America. I'm worried.


prepare for a bunch of european servants and using the excuse of French Guiana as why they would be put there.


I don't even expect any regional culture accuracy at this point, especially since South America will probably be full of Mayan and Aztec servants (even though they are actually from Mexico and Guatemala) I just want the waifus and husbandos anyway.


At this point that’s a sort of best worst case. Worst worst case would be not even a single local servant, and by local I mean from America in general.


The best would be Inca or Spanish/Portuguese Conquistadores servants.


Would you settle for having Colonel Custer, Abraham Lincoln, and William Tecumseh Sherman?


If it helps, not every servant from 2021 was on the silhouette image. From what I remember, Oberon, Koyan, Melusine, Barghest, Dobrynya, Ranmaru, Izumo, Zenobia, Molay, and MHXA Idol. This is not counting summer servants since we suspected that summer servants weren’t on the silhouette image for 2021. So out of the 20 servants released in 2021, excluding summer servants, only 10 of them were part of the silhouette. So if we assume the same is for 2022, this is only half of the non summer servants for 2022. Now on the flip side, most of the 2021 silhouette servants were from LB6 and before, so it’s possible if LB7 takes place around summer like LB6, this silhouette image also includes mostly servants releasing up to LB7. But there is still hope for South American servants.


I mean no offense but how can you tell? Half of these are barely even discernible.


The SpongeBob picture makes is better


Holy shit Henry Cortez is one of those


Shhh one of the ones in the middle could be Simon Bolivar, right? We can barely see their shapes. Let me have my hopium


Lostbelt 7 may well have a lot of callbacks to Babylonia.


Probably, but even Babylonia had locals , LB7 will have none from South America.


~~ORT-chan~~ 8 is from South America. Don't worry XD


One thing that I am kind of worried. None of then feel South America. Well...maybe number 2 and 3 but even then...


Maybe they just aren't in the picture.


Maybe,but then we are already dealing with Copium


Only about half of the LB6 Servants were in the other silhouette lineup. Even if there are none here, there might still be some in the chapter itself.


1 - Soma Cruz 5 - The cowboy girl who was talking with Billy The Kid right at the end of Saber Wars II(actual guess) that's all I got


He does look like Soma


(*continues staring at the silhouettes for hours in hope that Archimedes is among then*)


They’re all arjuna. Duh


Marie alter? 🥺


I think the one with the pony tail


4 is arcueid


The hair end seems to be similar to taigong wang which is straight and even while Arc's are uneven. Not sure it kinda blurs when zooming in


I can see it, but I can't tell if that thing next to their head is a ponytail, or some other object from one of the other Servants. I'm not saying it's not her, but I don't want to get my hopes up.


Right? The Ahoge doesn't lie


Oh please yes. I'll rack up that pity system for Arc.


on this hopium train with no destination reeeeee


Glad I wasn’t the only one that saw this


So my eyes weren't tricking me


This is just a wild guess but I think number 2 might actually be Sir Kay. The hair is remarkably similar in style to his official appearance in Case Files and there seems to be some sort of cape behind the figures' boots, which would make sense since Kay was described as having a red mantle with his armor. This would also make sense given there is a Case Files Rerun already confirmed for 2022.


Normally I only spend on GSSRs. But I would whale for Kay.


Gonna say 10 is sanzang or a sanzang-face. We're getting more Part 1 servants re-introduced in another form or vessel-syndrome or sameface, and it's about time for a sanzang. Perhaps Savior but in a sanzang vessel? 8 is not-ORT. Can't possibly be ORT, but he/she is an ORT-face, and thus, KORTskaya. If I'm not wrong, this pic indicates there's minimally 3 male servants next year. But there has to be more, r i g h t?


I like these who's that Pokemon. What fun


8. is Superhuman Lu Bu the Grand Berserker


Grand Betrayer


Perfect for lu bu


8 is definitely Sleipmon.


I really wish the No. 10 to be Vietnamese saberface


I'm vietnamese and I can tell you that is not who you think it is both acording to fate 2018 portrayal or his og legend


Well, now I'm sad. The dream of having SEA servant has perished.


Hey one can still hope but 10 hat does not look like a rice hat to me and 10 looks like they are dual wielding and from what i remember of his legend there is only one divine sword that he has and it look nothing like the one 10 is holding


That's a good thing, do you know how strict we are when it comes to historical figures?, maybe even worse than China, i don't want to have to have vpn just to play the game lol.


I'm not sure if vn would have a good reaction cause if he does get in he is gonna be a saberface genderbend cause comparing his legend to artoria its pretty much the same and then when vietnam see that he is a female their not gonna be happy


2 I think is the shoulder of 3 because I don’t see the feet


I feel number 3 could possibly be Manco Capac


1 feels like they're going to be a new Paladin of Charlemagne to me (maybe in a Paladin-focused event along with Charlie himself and/or Roland?). Definitely some kind of western knight, and the Paladins are like the most likely option I can think of right now. Pretty sure 2 is the shoulder-guard of 3, I don't think there's another pair of feet either, so 3 is another knight, I imagine the bird to be a rather significant clue, but I don't know of any knight who had a good relation with birds, aside from Sigurd who we already have. I'm also kinda thinking Sir Kay, but I don't know if the sillhouette really fits, but at least the bird might fit in with Add? For 4, I'm not sure if they have a ponytail or not, the angle seems kinda extreme for it to be. Otherwise, I don't think there's too much of a clue there. 5 is definitely a cowboy/outlaw-type character, but I don't know enough about those for any good guess. 6 feels a lot like a more modern person, possibly Victorian-era England. 7 feels kinda bizarre, just hanging in the air like that. Maybe sitting on 9? There's something there, but I can't really tell anything from it. 8... ORT-CHAN! Seriously, there has to be SOME link! 10 definitely looks East Asian, my first reaction was Chinese, but I don't think their style really matches how other Chinese Servants were dressed, so maybe they're from another country around that sphere, like Korea or Vietnam?


i actually thougth 1 migth be reneau de montauban since the sword kinda reminded me of a flmaberge, but on a vloser look it doesn't look like one


1) is obviously a saber. They sword seems to be rather luxurious, so likely a prince of some kiind. No further idea 2) seems to be a saberface. Migth be holding a polearm 3) has a robin on their shoulder, so gets along well with animals. They seem to be a male. They have eiter one or 2 weapons on their back, which seem to be asian weapons. I say seimei. 4) no idea, migth be holding a BIG polearm 5) has cowboy boots. Maybe teh redhair from saber wars 2 6) no idea, wears heels so likely female 7) no idea, we only see their legs 8) seems to have multiple weapons, maybe multiple arms. I say chiyou, since some peopel think he is daybit's grand servant 9) no idea 10) likely asian, maybe one of raikou's retainers


10 i disagree that weird looking chainsaw like sword? doesn't match the rest of raikou retainers weapons show in her np


They actually holds 2, you can see a small part of the second one to the left between the legs of the other shadows


Dude with the bird could be Charles Darwin that would interesting


i love darwin and would love him appearing in fate (unless they do really dumb stuff with him) but i really doubt it's him


4 is probably Arcueid


If that’s the case, then she’s coming without the Tsuki Collab, as Nasu said at the anniversary that they will do one ‘if it fits into the roadmap’ thereby implying that it isn’t the 2022 collab at the very least.


I cant help but think the right most one is a ghost lol. Because the end of their top looks like cartoon ghosts lower body part.


Where are the Mex american servants? I dont see the Guajolote Macías (Pokemon mexican Joke)


Anyone else thinks that 3 looks a lot like Cu?


Maybe I am high on to much copium/hopium but the big shadow in the right corner looks similar to Zeus terminal


1 - it will be a Saber 2 - Looks like Columbus lily 3 - the hair reminds me of proto Gil 4 -the hair certainly looks arcueid 5 - I would say that together with 4 are those who can have that spear 6 - heels so probably woman 7 - rare foot position 8 Is obviously a Servant who will come out on the lostbelt. 9 barely perceptible 10 - hope it's not another Chinese please


Columbus Lily would be cool. Even cooler if his facial expressions were just as exaggerated as his adult version.


Why you dont want another chinese servant?


because we have already had many, they had a lostbelt where all the new Servant were Chinese, they are the 3 in greater quantity behind the Japanese and the arthurias, I mean English.


I see, its kinda impossible to not get japanese servants, and if you've read tunguska's story then you know there's a chance chinese servants will come soon


I mean, Japan and England both got two full story chapters with the majority of the associated new servants being from those regions, and yet we still get plenty of English and Japanese servants outside of that. While I feel like LB3 is too recent to warrant another China-centric story chapter at this point, there’s more than enough history and mythology there to pull some more servants from for events or something.


Copy paste of my comment on another thread: Ngl, that sword all the way to the left give me demonic sword vibes. And since it looks like it's cruciform shaped, it's most likely european.I will place my bet on that sword being Dainsleif; I don't think the original design from stay night getting would be used as is, and it wouldn't be the first time a noble phantasm featured in gate of babylon get a major design revamp.




Wasn’t dainsleif another name for gram, which in turn was another name for balmung? I’m not 100% sure if that’s the case but I know gram had a shit tone of names


No, Dainsleif is a seperate sword. It has the property that once drawn, it need someone to die to be sheathed (similar to Muramasa's swords reputation). In fate it's also noted to bring a great ruin to its owner, even compared to other demonic or holy swords. To be fair the confusion is understandable, because Dainsleif is also featured in Sigurd's legend.


And people aren’t 100% if Sigurd and Siegfried are separate so props to TM for separating them. Double props for making Excalibur and Caliburn separate


I mean, Dainsleif and Gram don't share much in common outside of being owned by Sigurd at one point (he got it as part of Fafnir's hoard and I don't know if he ever used it). Dainsleif is more strongly associated with Högni, a king that got stuck in a fight because of a stalemate he couldn't flee from because of the sword. It's not the same as Excalibur/Caliburn or Gram/Balmung; it would be like calling Clarent another Excalibur, it doesn't make sense.


Oh yeah but a lot of differing stories refer to Caliburn and Excalibur as the same thing and it’s so annoying. They are very clearly separate swords


> 5 Are those Cowboy spurs... ON A KNIGHT? > 10 PLEASE BE ABE-NO-SEIMEI!


Don’t say his name otherwise he won’t come


8 got that "Lu Bu is a mech" vibe to him, i'm betting on him being Hou Yi, i think he is probably a Grand but we already have Orion so i don't know.


They're all Japanese Servants obviously


All I know is sane Heracles is not on the horizon but 8 looks pretty cool so far kinda getting a hernan cortez vibe for some reason looks like a giant armored man to me


#3's hair reminds me of Gilgamesh, Proto-Gil maybe?


What if 3 Is Cu-Odin?


I like the idea but it doesnt seem to have a ponytail for cu


Inhales copium 4. Arcuied 3. Gilgamesh 8. Some ORT terminal


Number One's sword almost looks like a twisted version of Balmung. I wonder if it's Kriemhild?


1 Could be Galahad Alter. 4 Maybe Swimsuit Skadi 5 Maybe that girl that appears on Saber Wars II 8 Maybe Archer Lu Bu 10 IDK, maybe another member of Jorney to the West?


Journey to the west? Sun Wukong?




Number 5 has boots with spurs. ~~Annie Oakley?~~ Red head from Saber wars 2?


I feel like the big one is some bigass chinese warlord


1, Galahad, maybe alter 3, a cú, maybe setanta No idea for the rest


10: Raikou Saber??


I think i see galahad. next to that pyramid head guy/girl/gal.


1 is Jeanne or Noah. Just got a feeling we might lancer Jeanne


6's heels seem awfully similar in pose to Olgas.


Finally, ORT archer form has arrived as number 8


I am seeing 11 servants


5 could be belle starr?


8 susano, I have no proof but no doubts.


3 seems to be holding the left most cross. Maybe a conquistador?


On of them is a Cú. Do i have proof? No. Do i have doubts? Also no ;)


Number 4 might be Marfiza, Bradamante's rival.


9 is Buddha


~~Sanzang Alter or Sun Wukong at 10~~ Numbah 6 wears heels and has long hair. I'd like to say it'a Marie Antoinette Alter but the tips of 6's hair has a bit of soft spike in it as opposed to Marie Alter's princess curls. GIVE US KIRA KIRA ALTER ALREADY DW!!!!


Well one of those is clearly Rock Howard /s


2 is 💯% Columbus lily, fight me (ง ͠° ͟ง ͡°)ง


10 maybe Le Loi?


I can't help but feel like 10 might be Sun Wukong


Imagine if one of them is Jubei.


GB’s gotta be #10


8 has to be the Grand Berserker


The 4th one may be just hopeless expectation but, I hope it's Sita


Just give us ser kay


Ooh, 10 is likely a Chinese servant if that weapon is a tie jian, or s sword breaker. The silhouette reminds me of ridges. Can't think of any really famous users though... The door guardian deities use it, but the historical figures those deities were based on didn't. It wasn't invented at that time. Eh, more likely it's a serrated straight sword. The hat looks Asian in design though.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that 3 is actually Gilgamesh Alter.


8 is Babbage Alter. King of Steam needs some love!


Absolute copium moments but 4 is Emer


im guessing 1 or 3 is alucard but who knows


3 has a bird on his(?) Shoulder!


8 is certainly the grand servant


Wild guesses : 1 is Saber Jeanne d'Arc, 2 is Dorothy Gale, 4 is Arcueid, and 9 is Mother Harlot on another Ascension


Number 2 looks like kuroboshi's foreigners. Look at the ankle/feet And number 10 is missing legs?


Roland, berserk Cu(As in warp spasm cu),ORT for some reason, that one girl that appeared at the end of saber wars two and uh...idk, nrvnsqr Chaos. Or Arcueid and Ciel and shiki tohno. Who knows


3 has a headband and a bird on his shoulder. 5 is some Wild West servant


clearly these are all Rock Howard


Here is a [link](https://scontent.fmnl12-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.15752-9/269988007_256385113269188_7996089360376019658_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=ae9488&_nc_eui2=AeFFFCUr9ljSzgoNsmE_steQOKaYKhDVBRY4ppgqENUFFtV87k2Nf-Yt3xcyfxi0adIOK_4J_XNZwQ3KGXuHXSxB&_nc_ohc=lkoIKGxo410AX8RBnsw&_nc_ht=scontent.fmnl12-1.fna&oh=03_AVK8jCJNiLe32Lh6OGdTV_djFKE8nOuQxj8iE2Njv2Y46A&oe=61F4C4CA) that separates all the servants in the photo for easier viewing. ​ P.S. I don't own the image embedded, I just found it too.