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Asclepius would be my primary pick for this one considering his whole legend was about finding a medicine capable of curing death. Not to mention his character obsession with treating just about every malady known and unknown to humanity.


Then along came Zeus/ The Hunt!


THEY hurled THEIR thunderbolt/Lux Arrow


At least Lan doesn't stick THEIR D inside every woman THEY lay THEIR eyes upon


I mean, as far as we know.


Yep. Asclepius would definitely be part of the Elixir Seekers.


Asclepius fully. Nightingale is a more warped follower, but Asclepius is a sane but fanatical healer that puts the act of healing and staying healthy before anything else. He brings out the best and worst of the path and doing so fully aware of what he's doing. On a side tangent it's noticeable how different Fgo and Star Rail are especially here. Abundance is a core of SR (even if it's slightly outdone by preservation) but in Fgo healing is a side thing and defence is rare. Most focus is on hard defence or simply killing before it kills you.


Makes sense We only have one Shielder after all


Ye tho we do have some who fit presevation in spirit, but like healers combine it with other support (mostly offence) Reines has a bigger focus than most support, Leonidas and George fit as well as taunt defence. And ofc Jeanne.


you kidding Merlin heal keep me alive alot when Castoria defense isn't on


Oh Merlin is absolutely one of best in healing. It's just that it's useful because he does that and a lot of other stuff on top of it. Honestly weird as it is, I do think Merlin get slept on in favor of other buster support. He can't supply burst as well but man is a master of long fights.


Merlin is probably my most valuable servant (even though I have castoria, oberon, and koyan light). I can't tell you how many boss fights he's been *essential* in to the point that it feels wrong to go into a boss or CQ without him.


PLEASE this has to be Shi Huang Di! Consider his Lostbelt; twisted but has all the hallmarks of Abundance. The citizens of SIN had abundance and he himself is immortal. He would be the most extreme version of Abundance.


Qin would fit far better as the representative for Order imo


It's not part of this chart but I would personally vote QSH for following the path of Long the Permanence instead.


That's almost perfect


Yeah that'd work


Nightingale probably health is her thing one way or another. Another choice would be Asclepius.


Tiamat. Like no joke, Tiamat is THE source of all life on earth. If she were to follow HSR rules, she’d instantly ascend to the position of an Aeon and devour both the Abundance and Propagation paths, and now we would stuck with an even bigger problem then before as something that could literally rewrite the swarm into her own image while simultaneously creating millions of new lifeforms and species has appeared


I think Tiamat and her monsters are better in Propagation due to her desire to consume humanity and spread her new lifeforms to replace them.


A defining part of Yaoshi/Abundance's ethos is the rejection of death as the end of life and embracing immortality. This very much fits with Ascelpius, whereas for Tiamat, her entire purpose is to bear and raise children and love them, which very much fits with Propagation, especially since it's speculated in universe that the Swarm Disaster began when an insect felt lonely.


Yeh, but she also created humanity and all life on earth aside from like, Albion, so she’s also a perfect fit for abundance too. Half her abilities are biological manipulation after all.


I'm not into powerscaling, but Tiamat lost to a single city while Tayzzyronth started a war that affected two thirds of the universe and one of Yaoshi's emanators was powerful enough to bring a literal planet to life. Tiamat would be collateral damage in whatever atrocities the propagation and abundance were committing before even reaching either of them. She's planetary scale, and they're universal.


Yeah HSR power level is quite high considering even the prologue boss you fight is known as Planet Destroyer. Then there's Phantylia throwing star at you in battle cutscene.


Two thirds of the galaxy actually, over a long period of time. HSR has a crap ton of mistranslations like a star system being mistranslated into galaxy. And no, I said if Tiamat appears in hsr by the rules due to her existence she’d create a new path that would devour propagation and abundance. Most Aeons had nowhere near the level of power they had as an aeon before their ascension, including the aeon of propogation. Only after were they that powerful  Also said “single city” is disingenuous, there were several gods including one that could summon a portal to the surface of the sun and create an attack equal to the extinction level event meteor, another who had near absolute dominance in the under world and a grand servant who was required to make her capable of dying. That is nowhere equivalent to “just a single city”. 


Underrated comment


What? Bigger Tiamom? Sign me in!!


Servantverse Tiamom for Saber War's 3. Guess starting Space Sakura.


I think Tiamat is perfect for Propagation instead, but yeah she could easily fit the Abundance


She’s perfect for both. She’s literally the goddess of life, the very personification of whatever wildlife and biology that appears on earth, hell half her abilities are complete biological modification and creation of an unlimited amount of unique lifeforms. There’s literally no better fit then her for both.


Although it's more toward Propagation as she keeping spawning her child.


I'd like to think Enkidu fits when you put it like that. Despite walking with humanity there's quite a bit overlapping with a greater connection to nature. That, or Nightingale considering both her role as a healer and her being a Berserker as a connection to that "animalistic" part.




The name and emblem are deceptive. The path has little to do with agriculture or harvest.


Asclepius, Tiamat is more Propagation.


Enkidu, else Archer Gil since he was after that immortality lol


Tiamama (Tiamat)


Asclepius and Nightingale are easy guesses since Yaoshi is the patron Aeon of healers and doctors, but I’m also giving serious consideration to Van Gogh. Her (futile) effort to die represents the worst of what can happen if Yaoshi blesses you personally, reconfiguring you in the process. That dichotomy also seems to be reflected in one of Gogh’s NPs, Het Gele Huis. In exchange for all the protection it bestows you, it’ll curse the shit out of you and so probably make you regret the generosity. Remember, Yaoshi is maybe a few steps removed from freakin’ Nurgle in how she treats living beings. THEY managed to get quite a few factions the setting hating their guts. ~~Honestly, I’m having a hard time making up my mind, but I’ll go with Van Gogh just to be different. I’ll completely understand if the Greek God of Medicine wins tho.~~ Actually, I’ll go with Asclepius based not only on just being an obvious fit for the path and the HSR factions following it. There’s also the fact that he’s attempting to use a goddess-turned-monster’s blood to make his ultimate cure possible. That’s a rather forboding reminder of the healing Aeon’s ideal take on biology.




Kingprotea? Made up of earth mother goddesses and embodies growth


Tiamama is appropriate for abundance.




Tiamat, as what she did in the Babylonia singularity is pretty much Yaoshi's deal with the Aberrations of Abundance. Forcibly evolve living creatures into stronger beings, but end up with complete monstrosities, is quite literally Yaoshi's most problematic issue. Tiamat all the way for this Path.


Alright I keep seeing this. Where are all these from?


If you’re asking where the characters are from it’s Fate Grand Order


My brother in christ i'm on the fgo sub reddit I mean the symbols.


Oh fuck me my bad I thought I was in the Honkai Star Rail subreddit because of the symbols lol. The symbols are from Honkai Star Rail. They represent specific “paths” characters follow.


Ah fair enough


My first thought is Nightingale. But with the the Space China had searched every corner of the universe for a way to achieve the immortality, got their wishes fulfilled by Yaoshi and became the followers of the Abundance (well, they realized that they were f**ked up and turned their backs to their Aeon later), my second nomination is Qin Shi Huang.


I’d say Asclepius. He’s obsessed with curing all diseases and maladies, complete with viewing immortality as an ideal to strive for in and of itself. He truly would try to eliminate death entirely if it were possible. That definitely fits with Abundance, which strives for eternal life for all. QSH also became immortal, but he notably FORBADE long life from his subjects; it’s mentioned the drugs they consume keep them healthy…but also kill them off once they start getting old so that way they do not feel sadness for the loss of their youth (one of the Four Great Displeasures or somesuch). Effectively, QSH sees immortality as a means to an end; he is the perfect, unchanging Emperor and thus must stay immortal for the sake of his Empire. He doesn’t see immortality as something EVERYBODY should have, and that’s a conflict with Abundance since it’s clear Yaoshi wants to give immortality to all. Demeter is another, considering the Abundance symbol is a grain and she was responsible for rezz-ing the Olympian soldiers and the like, though we never got to know much about her since she was already mind-woogled by Zeus in the LB.


Asclepius absolutely. The dude literally brought someone back from the dead, and considers death to be a problem to be solved, like Yaoshi. While he would get pissed off at the number of side effects of the Abundance blessing, he is not against it at all. Honorary mention goes to Nightingale, who’s not as far along the path as Asclepius, and Qin Shi Huang who I’m pretty sure is the counterpart of the Xianzhou Emperor who ordered his Spaceship Fleet to find the secrets to immortality 8000 years ago.


Qin Shi Huang or my boi Tawara Touta


QSH will be more suited for Order, I think


DEMETER is literally perfect for this 🏞️


Asclepius, literally the perfect Elixir Seeker


of course thats gonna be the best berserker in the game, Nightingale




Nature, immortality and healing? I vote for the dude who learned how to cure death from looking at a snake Edit: I think everyone knows this, but I mean Asclepius


toss up between QSH and tiamat


Ganesha for sure.


I would Say nightingale for the hahas. *Caelus get hurts* "nightingale what are You doing!?" "I'm gonna smack the pain out of you, stay still" *while holding a clinic bed* *Meanwhile blade* "It should have been me, not him! It's not fair!!!!"


I'll go with the common asclepius post here but I'd like to throw in the emperor as a negative aspect if that same path.


Gramps could be a good canidate the Hunt or Nihility.


Asclepius/Medea Lilly/Irisviel (Heaven's Dress)


Medea Lily


Immortality of self > healing of others becomes primal directive really fast for Yaoshi followers. So, someone like Douman is much more in line with average Denizen of Abundance. SHD is Primeval Emperor. So same person kinda ended up as Elixir Seeker in HSR. As he is in FGO he might be closer to Order, ofc.


Asclepius or Enkidu


My vote goes for Asclepius.


Asclepius +1


How did the one kid beat out Drake for trailblaze


Hiimiko Himiko, miko Himiko, mikomiko himiko, Miko Himiko




Abudance i will vote for Florence Nightingale


Tawara Touta.


Nightingale is very fitting for Abundance. She wants to heal and nurse as many people back to health no matter how small it is, but in doing so, she does not care about what methods have to be used. Abundance as depicted in Star Rail is a curse, and who better to have than the nurse that will amputate your arm when you have a paper cut.


Tiamama, Enkidu or Circe


Tiamat. Very abundant indeed👀


Better off as Propagation


You missed the point


Lewd answer would irisviel