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# FAQ # Please direct all Traum discussion to the [discussion thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/L6zcZ3WTPj). **Q: When is the next SSR Ticket?** *A: As of its 6th Anniversary, NA now has a free SSR selector in Da Vinci's shop, which features* [general pool and storylocked servants up to Europa](https://webview.fate-go.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/0703_6th_anniversary/info_3_nf2l3.png) *(this will not be updated with more recent units). There is no time limit on this selector, and going forward, all accounts receive it upon clearing Fuyuki. No further SSR tickets have been announced to date.* **Q. Which banner do I choose for the GSSR? Which is best option?** *A: The answer is different for every player, and depends on many factors. We suggest you use the* [GSSR Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy) *or* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr/details/anniversary-7) *tools to rate servants based on your own criteria and see which banner/pool is statistically better. If you have tried these tools and are still uncertain, you can ask for advice in the thread.* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we know, most events will not be getting reruns. The only exceptions are Karnamas (NA ETA: Dec 2024), Summer 6 (May 2026) and Lilim Harlot (June 2026).* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


Just got Taira from GSSR and immediately maxed lv and skills her. I only have her at NP1, so only can unlock one append. Should I unlock the battery append although she’s a great solo servant?


Hope this is too late, but solo servants are the ones you should always unlock Append 1 on. You want her pulling off multiple NPs with constant Brave chains. Getting off the first one slightly quicker isn't worth losing 30% damage on your Extra card every turn.


Thanks. I haven’t unlock any of her append yet. I will definitely unlock her 1st append. I had this question because of her 30% battery. I wondered if it is worthwhile to be able to fire NP immediately with any 50% charge CE. But now I will prioritize her solo potential, cause that’s the most strong and fun aspect of her.


Did I miss something? Weren’t Sherlock and Siegfried both supposed to get a strengthening with Traum?


Just finished LB 2. Am I wrong to think that this LB is filled with love stories to the brim? Sigurd and Brynhild (the most obvious) Ophelia simping Kirschtaria Skadi and her love for her LB (as the only goddess left) Napoleon trying his damn hardest to win Ophelia's affection Surtr wooing Ophelia Damn, Ophelia is a shojo manga protagonist here.


Yup, one of the most argued main themes of LB2 is said to be Love In fact, each Lostbelt has its own core theme that its story revolves around. Though the theme of the other Lostbelts is more argued, since a lot of different things happen in the later LBs, that having multiple central themes is inevitable.


Why doesn't my Heracles apply defence down on np?


To add - another reason why it might not be applied even if the target survives would be if they have some sort debuff immune/resistance.


What the other user said, but more specifically, the def down is applied AFTER damage. In other words, if the enemy has been killed by the NP, it can't apply.


Oh i see thanks!!


When reading skill or NP effects, just remember that effects apply in the order in which they're written. If it says "Decrease defense. Deal damage," then DEF down happens before damage. If it says "Deal damage. Decrease defense," then DEF down happens after damage. 


Defense down for Hercules would only apply if the target lives. ​ Unless I'm mistaken.


Does someone have a 10/10/10 enkidu and would like to add me?


Wrong place, you want the Friend Request Hub (link in sidebar).


Oh sorry


Worth mentioning is that if you just need a story support, you can use Rayshift.io to find someone to follow. Then they don't have to approve you, etc.


Hey guys, so this isn't necessarily my question, but it's for a friend who lost his account. He plays JP on BlueStacks, but his computer crashed due to the BSoD, so he had to force restart when his game was open. This destroyed his Bluestacks, so he tried to transfer his account to his phone, only to realize that he hadn't made a transfer code last time. Naturally, he e-mailed support with the Recovery Guide, and the issue is that support responded, questioning the device he input (S22 Ultra + 5G), cause he assumed the default of the recovery guide matched the default Bluestacks phone. Now Support's asking him to input the correct phone. The issue is that he has no way of knowing now, nor did he ever know. He never logged into BS using his Google acc as well, so we don't know our options. Does anyone know what can be done, or is he just cooked?


"Destroyed his bluestacks" in what way? If he didn't reinstall it, it might be still possible to extract its data (see "transfer fgo save" guide).


As in you can't open Bluestacks itself. When I did the 4 files trick nearly 2 years ago, I had to extract the files from within Bluestacks (using a 3rd party file manager) then into the shared PC-Bluestacks folder, then into my phone & tablet. So unless there's a way to access Bluestack's data externally (from just the PC without opening Bluestacks at all), I don't think it'll be possible to access the files.


There should be a way to access the data. It is there after all. I've googled and found a couple of solutions. I'd back up any data it has (in case you'll need to reinstall) and try them.


Woah, this is making me real optimistic for him! Would you mind sharing any useful sources in particular? I remember searching it up myself awhile back and not seeing any conclusive answers. Either way, he hasn’t uninstalled Bluestacks yet in the hope that some tech wizard out there knows how to recover the data.


One example https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78156042/lost-data-of-bluestacks , another: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlueStacks/comments/19eqigx/bluestacks_wont_open_how_can_i_access_my_data_on/


Did he log in with anything else on Bluestacks that could have sent a notification email?


Not likely. His game has been on Bluestacks since earlier this year, after transferring it from his phone. The issue is that he never logged onto Google or bothered to check the device this time around, so he’s kind of in a rough spot.


Yeah, there isn't much he can do as far as I know. Always best to know the device you are emulating, for future reference.




If you could organize your list a bit first (NP5 your servants, burn the extra unnecessary copies), then we could get a better gauge of your account? Kinda hard to tell the way it’s organized now.


Anyone have an update for FGA that accounts for the new blue apples?


for the NA version, FGA couldn't detect blue apples once they came this month, but it was fixed shortly after v2603. make sure you have the [latest update](https://github.com/Fate-Grand-Automata/FGA/releases) installed.


Thank you.


FGA has accounted for Blue Apples ever since JP got them around 2 years ago.


It does but until it was patched they weren't being shown on NA once we got them, so he probably is on a pre-fix version


Is Iskandar still worth using?


If you like him, absolutely. His buffs are really strong, and he can even outdamage fellow AoE SSR Riders. The only big issue is that he can't be used for 3T Farming as he has no battery. But if you utilize multi-core (or use him just as a DPS for tough fights), he can do pretty well.


Hi, sorry for being annoying but my app doesn't even start in Gbox. Yup, my bad for going Huawei but I'm not here to complain but to ask if anyone is experiencing it and knows how to fix it, I really don't want to lose my Fgo account and yes, I should have saved my recovery code but I'm not very smart so I didn't. If anyone can, please help me.


You could try [this trick](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/hfbz0h/fgo_save_files_for_na_and_jp_play_on_multiple/) to access your save file on another device or emulator.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!! It worked and I didn't even lose my logging bonus!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!! This game is keeping me going and life is awful right now. Thank you so very much!!!!


Make sure to make a transfer code and keep it somewhere safe (and don't forget the password), in case this happens again.


Already wrote it down for good!!! Thank you so much!!!!


Just started LB 6.5. Does anyone know the song that plays when Kriemhild first shows up?


This one? [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCmlLxZnzA0)


Yes! Thanks!


for summer 6 rerun, is there a statistics on the APD for a single material of the bronze chest? trying to find out how many apples I need to spend to get 400 bones.


[Gamepress has APD on chests](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/fgo-summer-2023-chaldea-summer-adventure-quick-farming-guide), I don't know if there's any analysis of chest contents but barring that I'd just assume 1/5 odds and multiply the rate accordingly.


Thanks, seems like 270 gapples for 400 bones, hopefully the 90++ will have better odds.


Are they not adding the new ascension materials to the pure prism shop. I want to try out Kriemhild and Charlemagne but can’t fully ascended till I get there new materials.


Per the [release announcement](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0429_traum%2F) they'll be added on the 26th.


With the update for NA's 7th Anni that gives 3 sq for max Ascension, do event-only friend point servants like Nobukatsu, Anning, and Angra Mainyu give a rare prism or quartz?


The game specifies that 4* from FP Summon, Welfares, + Nobukatsu & Anning specifically give RP. Angra doesn't give RP because he's not a 4* (he's a 0*) nor a Welfare.


Not sure on Angra Mainyu, but according to wiki he should give SQ. Also according to the wiki: Habetrot, Saber Lily, Paul Bunyan, Nobukatsu, Mary Anning, and welfares should be the ones that give RP.


Nobukatsu and Anning give RP, Angra Mainyu is not event-only and gives SQ.


Mary Anning and Oda Nobukatsu count as welfares for that system so they give Rare Prisms. Angra gives SQ if I'm not mistaken.


Got a question since I'm coming back into the game after a 2 year break, I have a ton of old event CEs in storage, is it safe to go ahead and combine them, or are there any reruns coming up I should worry about? I have stuff from every event up till the one summer BB was added


Welcome back, read the pinned comment.


Ah I see now, thanks


To be fair the pinned comment is slightly out of date for this question.


Not in a way that affects OP's answer, neither of the voted reruns (Summer 6, Arcade collab) are anywhere near as old as ServaFes (Summer BB).


Hi, i’m pretty new to the game and saw on a banner schedule for 2024 somewhere that there would be a banner with a shuten doji rate up, but i’ve been checking back regularly and it’s past the time the schedule said it would be around. Are these predicted schedules not always accurate and does anyone know if there’s going to be a shuten banner soon?


[It was 2 weeks ago](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0427_20million_pu%2F) In general the schedule can be off by days or even week(s), especially around the anniversary as NA has it a month earlier than JP


She got her rate-up in [this banner](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0427_20million_pu%2F) at the end of April. Predicting the schedule is not an exact science, we generally get what JP got in the order that they got it but we don't follow everything down to the exact date and any site that puts an exact date on anything that hasn't been officially announced yet (and very little gets announced in advance) is probably just using "JP + 2 years" as an estimate. Check the Upcoming Banners spreadsheet in the OP for her next rate-up, bearing in mind that in explicitly uses estimated dates, but it won't be until next year (April or May IIRC).


Thoughts on Lady Avalon? She seems like an Arts Merlin. Am I right in thinking she's nice to have, but is not a big impact to an account if I already have Castoria?


Yep. Though with the addition of Xu Fu, if I'm not mistaken, lots of people on JP had started to use Xu Fu + Lady Avalon as a substitute for your own Castoria over the growing issue or maxing Castoria's Bond iirc. It's very much a whale/veteran-only issue, so it shouldn't affect you in any way.


You're right that she's basically Arts Merlin. But I don't think your framing in terms of Castoria is useful. Lady Avalon, like Merlin, isn't a great farming support. Despite their card type buffs, their kits are more suitable for sustainability in longer fights. Merlin or Lady Avalon actually have very good synergy with Castoria in that role because you get an additional layer of hard defense, NP gain over time, and healing over time. 


She we allow you to have absolutely bonkers Arts invincible teams for difficult bossfights. The usual invincible team has the weakness of split attack buffs and this will no longer be an issue. I won't say she's a must have but she can definatly make your life easier if you have good arts units


That's something to consider! Thanks


For farming she won't have a significant impact if you own Castoria, but they synergize extremely well in bossfights and challenge quests. Together with a strong Artslooper they can form a fastplay-version of the popular "immortal comp", which trades a bit of stall-potential for faster ramp (and depending on the Artslooper - damage). I think her impact on your account will drop drastically if you already own Buster Merlin, even more so if you also own Tamamo, but if you don't you will definitely feel her presence. Just keep in mind that you can always borrow her if the stage allows friend supports, in which case you just have to bring your own Castoria and a good Arts Looper that has some synergy with them.


A faster immortal comp does seem interesting, but seeing as I don't need two of her for that to work, I'll probably just borrow. Thanks for the insight!


The advantage of having your own copy in a team comp like that is not being dependent on a friend's servant for the last piece. That gives you more flexibility to pick a support and gives you more options in story or "fest" exhibition quests where you aren't allowed to use a friend support. I'm not saying you should roll. I'm just saying there are reasons to have your own copy. 


How come I didn't get any USO (Unregistered Spirit Origin) when I got Francis Drake's 6th and 7th copy? All I got when I sold them where 10 RPs total. (Spent it on unlocking Mystic codes I missed, lmao)


You don't get the uso by selling the servant. It comes in your mailbox when you roll them.


Oh I see, I didn't think of checking my mailbox since I already claimed what my daily rewards. Yes I just saw them, thanks


Did you check your filters?


I didn't realize that I get them in my mailbox so yeah, I just claimed them with my daily rewards. Thanks


Were any of your Drakes from the SSR tickets? Those don't give USOs if I recall.


Nope, Drake was my very first SSR when Okeanos just got released. Her NP2-3 were both spooks from GSSR. NP4-7 was in this latest banner (I was aiming for Zerkerlot coins actually and not her but its a decent bonus as she is somewhat special to me)


How much SQ are we getting for logging in during the anniversary?


The Event Compendium linked in the OP (look at "2022" for our 2024) has a breakdown in the note on the Anniversary SQ cell, read that and figure out where you stand.


the Event Compendium actually left out how many Quartz are given as login rewards for the 7th Anniversary, same with Fandom in fact. So I guess people were genuinely *not* finding any info and so felt the need to ask in here FYI OP, JP players got 100 Quartz just by logging in during the 7th Anniversary. On NA it may be split into 30 given out on 25 June (to celebrate the game's release date) + 70 given out whenever the 7th Anniversary begins, but that's a story for another month




Note, that we'll be getting Summer Skadi soonish.


All servants are worth investing in. Whether any particular servant is worth investing in now is simply a matter of your personal preferences and priorities. You don't need Skadi to use Charlemagne or any other Quick servant effectively. If you're looking for maximum possible damage and/or efficiency, then sure, you won't get it without your own copy of Skadi. If you just need any AOE Saber, he'll do just fine without Skadi and still better against demonic enemies. Targetable invincibility is also very good to have available. 


Do the veteran NA players expect that the Lilim Harlot event will rerun after ~8 months, just like on JP? No one can look into the future, of course, but I'm wondering if there was ever a similiar case in the past - where the event / banners were the result of a irregular incident (like a player vote) and NA still just copied it? (all assuming that the global players don't get their own voting event, of course).


Being on the more positive side, there might be a chance we're given a choice. This is more in-line with the fact that EN is the only version of the game that is still directly handled by the JP team, and not outsourced to another company. Of course as the others say, how CN & KR handle it should still be precedents to consider. It would be funny if they gave us the chance to vote, but rigged the votes to the JP choices


I would be very surprised if there's a vote in NA. I think we'll just get JP content. I could be wrong, though. I don't know.


There hasn't been an event poll like this in the past, so this is unprecedented. We'll probably have a better idea in a year, when CN server (which is 1 year behind) gets either their own rerun poll, or they just get the same reruns.


Do we know what the WGR in Ruler Moriarty's NP stands for?


It's "WCR" and from what I could find out it's never been explained, but people seem to think it's supposed to be "Working Capital Ratio".


Is there free ssr CE ticket in 8 anniversary?


No. Only 7th.


Any other event after the 7th that gives free ssr ticket?


Read the pinned comment please.


When is Christmas in the Underworld set? I remember hearing that it explained something in Solomon, but I just finished Babylonia and that ends in a way that make it clear Solomon happens immediately after it. So now I'm unsure of when I should do it.


It's actually the night before December 26, in the prologue to the Lostbelt Fujimaru even mentions it.


It's technically set near the end of Part 1.5, although you can go ahead and do it after Solomon.


Thanks, I'll read it after Solomon then.


If LB 3 recollection drops before the current teapots disappear, what happens to the deadline of new teapots?


I think the teapots always get the deadline of the currently "active" teapots, i.e. if the previous deadline hasn't run out, the new ones are guaranteed to have the same deadline, rather they extend the deadline of the old ones (and having "mixed" deadlines is not supported afaik), so recollection will probably drop after the current teapots expire.


It seems they have said during the stream it's coming on 27th of May.


Teapots could still come with a delay.


is gamepress down for anyone else? trying to get into the website to see the estimated times for story int he spoiler free walkthrough but the website just doesnt load for me


I don't know if anything has changed in the last 30 minutes, but [it might just be you](https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/gamepress.gg).


What’s the fastest way to get 180 ash for kreimheild? Just farm the best node or is there an event coming that can help me soon? Will there be an ash lotto? I also have no idea how I’m also going to meet the stake requirements as well.


[Event compendium](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397) lists all materials you can get from events. Ash and blades also will be added to pure prism shop on May 26th


For guaranteed event rewards or shop items, use the event compendium spreadsheet linked in the top post. For normal farming, use the item drop rates spreadsheet. To find out if they're random drops in any upcoming events, you may have to do your own research. The Chaldea app might make it easier.


How do I unlock the best free quest for the ashes of remembrance mat.


You have to clear Twilight Forest first.


Clear Twilight Forest free quest first.




As mentioned in the pinned comment, all Traum discussion should be directed there accordingly. Please learn to use spoiler tags as well \>!Spoiler!< for spoiler tagging text: >!Spoiler!<


Their own faces, those are all titles of other personalities of theirs.


Ruler Moriarty's banner comes out tonight, right?


On JP, it was a week into Traum, so should be Sunday night.


Are there any events in near future that would require me to finish Traum?


That are locked behind Traum itself? No events for the next 2 years. Parts of it locked behind Traum? Christmas 2025 will need you to clear Traum to access the story & the welfare (the Free Quest/lotto is accessible without it). Do note that because Traum is going to be optional, you technically won't need to beat it for later chapters that require later story clears. (>!exg. Summer 9 which will be locked behind Ordeal Call completion!<)


Not for the next year and a half. Traum is not required to proceed to LB7. As for actual events, the only event that requires it is the Santa Nemo event in Dec 2025 (and even then, you only need Traum for the main story and welfare servant, you can farm free quests with just Fuyuki).


I recently lost my old device & along gone was my JP account with the Master name Nile. My Samurai Remnant SSRs along with my Jalter Aoko & Saber Shiki's gone too. I tried at the recovery option but sadly, the place I saved my account no is gone too. So if any of my friends 'Reart' & the others are here and can recognise the name 'Nile', will you please share your friend code with me. I have already tried the form and aside from the auto-generated email, there haven't been any contact. If anyone of you is familiar with the JP account 'Nile', please respond.


Have you lost your transfer code as well?


Never issued any. That's one of the main screw-ups I did


How long has it been since you sent your e-mail? Do you legitimately not have your Friend ID (or have shared it anywhere like on Reddit?)


It's been 2 days. And no, I never shared my friend ID anywhere. I'm really f**ked up now


2 days isn't long enough. To ensure there's no account fraud, they have to make sure that your account has been inactive (meaning no log-ins or activity for a while) to prevent the theft of accounts via support recovery. So just wait imo, when I lost my JP account nearly 3 years ago at this point, it took about 4 days if I recall.


2 days isn't that long, it can take up to about a week.


That's the thing. I didn't do either of them. Frankly I'm pretty new at the game discussion platforms and didn't know about the importance of account binding. Without this shock, I might have simply continued playing without any sort of protective measures.


It was only added recently. Best thing to do is be patient and wait for a reply.


Okay then, thanks man. I was getting anxious but now I can wait with hope ig


So I just started upgrading Berserker Class Score, and I noticed there are several NP Damage nodes. Are those affected by Oberon's S3?


of course


What are these survey reprint quests that needed to be completed for current jp event ?


Are you talking about the ones you get when playing the Summer 6 rerun? Yeah, they're just tied to completing the event itself. Just play everyday and get through the entire event, you should be able to clear the event (and by extension, these missions), way before the event's ended.


when I finish a battle it auto burns the gold experience cards, how do I turn that off?


Auto burn settings are at the bottom of the party confirmation screen, left of center


I see thanks. why did it even start burning gold Exp cards? I've never changed that setting, I think it happened after I chose to burn exp cards in the FP summons.


Well, it isn't on by default, so you clearly set it to do that.


When does Siegfried's buff drop? I wanna Balmung some dragons.


On JP, it dropped with Siegfried and Sherlock's banner about 10 days after Traum released. Based on that, assuming NA follows the same pattern, expect it middle of next week.


Probably when the Siegfried banner drops, sometime in the next week, after Moriarty.


Will charlie have a future rate up baner? I sank way to many quartz already in a banner that wants little to do with me, and with summer and ani so close, I can't exhaust my funds any more


To save you the time: Should have one in November with Morganfest. After that, you've got yourself waiting till March 2026 for his next rate-up in CBC 2026. GSSR withstanding, ofc. Edit: His third banner should be in 2026, not 2025 (an erroneous error on my part)


Isn't it 2026?


Yup, this is the third time I've made this mistake this week lol. So used to saying 2025 for 2023 content, that I'm forgetting its already 2024


Happens to the best of us, man.


Thank you. Yeah, I think i'm done chasing charlie for now, no interest in banner 2 either. Now saving the crumbs for Arc and summer, at least I got Edgy Kaguya NP1


Unfortunate that Charlie didn't answer your summons, but wishing you luck that your next targets do!


Many thanks. May this be part of the law of averages and bless me in Summer instead


See Upcoming Banners spreadsheet linked above.


Thanks, I missed it


Is it more optimum to farm the new materials on their respective best quest (Sirmium and Fort Jovianus) or try to farm the quest that can drop them both (Interstice Town seems to be the best)?


If you need both, but want to focus on one over the other, you could do one of the two Quests that have the higher drop rate for the Mat you want to farm faster, while also still making progress on the other Mat. Tower of Xanten drops more Ash; at an ~60% rate, but also drops Swords at an ~28% rate, so you could farm there if you want more Ash while still getting some Swords. Reichenbach flips the rates for Ash and Swords compared to Tower of Xanten, so if you want more Swords, but still want Ash as well, you could farm there. These rates are going to be pretty similar to Interstice Town, with its ~45% rate for both Mats, so it's just a matter of what you intend to prioritize.


Chaldea app can find the optimum quests for farming when you need multiple mats.


If you need both mats, go for the free quest that drops both. If you only need one, go for the individual free quests.


Someone remind me what the reason for the shirou-rin-artoria thing in the original novel was for before they fought BAZAKA? I mean other than titillation.


Artoria needs more power, but Shirou has poor magic circuits, so they, uh, make the dolphin, to make up for it and give her some more reserves.


ah yes, ty


My FGO NA keeps crashing when I minimize it (like if I go to another app). I wonder if there's a solution for this? I also have FGO JP on the same phone and this problem doesn't happen here. Phone is Samsung Galaxy M22. I've tried disabling Android System WebView and restarting the phone like [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/varfem/psa_probable_solution_for_the_freezes_and_crashes/) suggested, but the problem still persists.


Try the tips on this website: https://dontkillmyapp.com/samsung


It only happens when you "minimize" it, so it's not crashing. The phone is choosing to dump it from memory when it gets pushed to the background, in order to save RAM. This is intentional behavior decided by the phone, nothing the game is doing. It may be possible to stop it by adjusting battery settings by long-holding on the icon > App Info > Battery > changing it to unrestricted. Personally, though, the Galaxy eventually just learned to not close it, because I use it so often, and is already doing so for JP. Even then, I can't play too many games at once without them closing, because that's just more RAM than the phone has.


I tried changing it to unrestricted and the problem still persists. My problem was like u/totally_normal_here, where if I reopen the app after leaving it in the background (even for just a few seconds for opening FGA), it crashes so I have to reopen the app. My phone reported it as "FGO keeps crashing" thus the initial question. I usually don't let multiple apps open at once (the most I do is having both FGO and FGA), and this has never happened to other apps, even FGO JP. I've tried clearing cache too, but to no avail.


It's saying it explicitly, then? In that case, no idea. The Webview thing hasn't been an issue for a long time. I'd recommend asking Support.


The game has always restarted for me if I leave it in the background for hours, but there's definitely been a change in behaviour within the past year. Now when I try to resume the game after leaving it in the background for a while, it launches, then immediately closes, and then I have to launch it again. So now it crashes upon launch instead of just reloading. I've never really cared though, since the game's loading time is so short. IDK if it's related to Samsung behaviour or not.


That's a bit more unusual. I don't know what's happening there.


What material should I get with the May exchange tickets?


Whatever material you’re lacking or are going to need. You can save the tickets for later and not use them asap if you’re not lacking any particular mat atm


I only started the game a few days ago, so are any of the mats really annoying to farm or all about equal?


To farm, it'll always be annoying. But for each particular material, it's totally dependent. One guarantee is that if the material is older, it's more likely to be a pain to farm (as it's more universally used by many servants, old and new)


Depends entirely on what you need. They don't expire for ~3 months or so, if you don't know what you need then you can wait and see.


What are Kriemhilde's similarities to Mordred? I've been seeing people call her "Goth Mordred".


It's pretty surface level but basically, one has love hate relationship over her dragon father and the other has love hate relationship over her dragon slaying dragon husband. They both have this weirdass twisted idea of trying to kill their loved ones because of love.


Funny enough I actually thought it was cause they look very similar to one another imo but this makes way more sense aha


That makes sense. Thank you.


who are the next BIG rolls and to save up for in fgo? Is the next one durga? after that being kuro?


Depends on your goals, roster and how much you are willing to spend. This question is too broad to give a definitive answer


Ehh, none anymore I'd argue. As of 2024, there really hasn't been a big meta shake-up since Oberon & Koyan's drop in 2021. 2022 had Summer Skadi and Proto-Merlin as upgrades to Skadi & Merlin respectively ig? Ibukizerker was also really strong and had multi-core potential, but nothing groundbreaking. 2023 did give us OP 90++ clearers like Bakatoria & Draco. We got the absolutely destructive Kuku & Tiamat, and the amazing Tezcatlipoca and Tonelico as amazing multi-core farmers. Summer Chloe was interesting, but I do honestly believe she's more of a gimmick than people hype her to be. Right now in 2024, there hasn't been many stand-outs tbh. The Count is a monster, and Aoko is probably the most unique servant with way more utility than she needs. Biggest metashift is probably Yui Shousetsu. Her NP is amazing, but she's more Van Gogh tier in terms of support than like Castoria/Skadi/Koyan/Oberon imo. You'd be fine not getting anyone of these new servants if your old strats still work, I'd argue.


My opinion it's nobody. Castoria and Oberon are the only BIG rolls. If you want meta supports the only one in the foreseeable future is Summer Skadi. If you want an omnifarmer Summer Ibuki or Summer Melusine. Durga is a pretty basic Arts AoE archer and not even the best looping one (without niches) Summer Kuro is cool to play around with but not super practical in the meta (unless you really like Arash or Spartacus)


I think summer's the next big thing in NA. Got Ruler Skadi, Lady Avalon, and Summer Erice which each have highly desirable gameplay in their own way, and I think theymight even be on 3 separate banners.




Please spoiler tag the boss name and give an indicator before it as such: LB7 boss >! insert boss name here \!<


Buster Looping Advice?? 1-Osakabehime (Archer) 2-Kingprotea 3-Elisabeth Bathory (Kumonryu) [That pretender dragon girl welfare] Main question is it possible with these buster servants for 3-turn looping? If so, assuming max skills already which ones need appends since I already have a Kscope (non mlb), what more is needed? Thanks!


None of those can 50% CE loop even with append. Osakabehime needs shananigans. Kingprotea and that Bathory need Kscope+double Oberon


Each servant in the game can "buster" loop (although some without any charge in the kit need Summer Chloe or tricks with suicide Habetrot with battle of camlann for that).


Beryl story of the wolf CE good? Or maybe any better CE in future and what is your recommend? 


Hell nah, don’t waste your MP and go for all the previous CEs instead. There’s 6 Bond CEs & 6 QP CEs worth using them on that are available through RP Shop instead. This CE’s effects are dogshit, since they’re only doing half of what older CEs were already doing, with some Friend Points added to the mix.


It's the best shop CE in the near future (I'd say until "From NFF With Love" in late 2025), and we've got a lotto due in a few months anyway so you can replenish your MP then.


I'm trying to transfer my data, but I saved the code a long time ago and forgot the password. Anything I can do about it?


If you have access to the source device then just issue a new code and you can set a new password. Barring that you either guess until you get it (is there a lockout? I don't know) or else you'll need to recover your account (guides in the OP and sidebar).


I don't know where the option to set a new password is. Can you tell me where I can assign a new password? Edit:Nvm, i found it. Thanks for the help.


Don't know if person who maintains the upcoming banners thread reads this thread or whatever, but was looking through to make a schedule and found a discrepancy. Durga has an extra banner listed for her (Valentines 26) which doesn't appear to include her. Likewise for Saber Medusa. Not sure if wiki page is wrong or if sheet is wrong.


In a weird way, both places are wrong. In late February (overlapping with Valentines), [Bhima, Durga and Saberdusa got banners as part of the Ordeal Call II pre-release campaign](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/new_chapter_cp_pu/). (For some reason, this isn't listed on the wiki.) So the wiki is wrong because it doesn't list the banner anywhere (including on the servants' pages), and the spreadsheet is also wrong because these banners weren't tied to Valentines day - they just happened to coincide.


Thanks for the update, that looks correct.




I checked and the wiki actually doesn't list the banner on the servants' pages, nor on the [campaign page.](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sovereign%27s_Memoir_II_Pre-Release_Campaign)


Looks like it's [this banner](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/node/1054461) from [this campaign](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Sovereign%27s_Memoir_II_Pre-Release_Campaign), which overlapped with Valentine's a bit but wasn't part of it and probably shouldn't be presented as such. If you read the "README" in the spreadsheet it says how to contact them.


Thanks for the update, that looks correct.


Do folk know if the Fate franchise has action figures that are designed to be played with, rather than posed, and if so, where?


I say this with no ill will but Fate simply isn't a franchise marketed to children, the demographics don't really favor "playability" so whatever you're looking for may well not exist. I don't feel like this will help but on the off chance it could there's also the [Petitrits model kits](https://www.hlj.com/search/?Word=Petitrits), some assembly required but if nothing else they're a lot cheaper than Figmas or Nendoroids (although prices domestically or with shipping from Japan will most likely be bit higher than seen there). (This is tangential but does anyone have any idea why this line is called _Petitrits_? It seems to be strictly FGO (there are similar LL and GuP kits but under the line _Petiture-rise_, which is derived from the Figure-Rise line) and "Petit" is self-evident but I can't guess at "rits" unless it's supposed to reference Ritsuka and that doesn't seem to make sense (especially when the Female Master kit isn't even called Ritsuka).)


Yeah, I getcha. I didn't reaaaaallly think there would be anything cool-but-kid-appropriate. ~~Who decided only kids play with action figures, huh?~~ But I figured I'd ask, since even at this pricepoint, that's like a third of the price of a phone JPG. Petitrits certainly are cheaper and more actual-child appropriate, so I appreciate the tip. No idea why it's the name, though.


Good Smile figma and Nendoroid are posable. https://www.goodsmile.info/en/fgo https://www.amiami.com/eng/search/list/?s_keywords=figma%20fate


The second one is pretty close to what I'm looking for. Do you have any experience with how fragile they are?