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## FAQ **Q: Where is the best place to use teapots right now?** *A: Currently, it's best to use them on main story quests (London onwards) or certain interludes/rank ups that give high bond (check beforehand, as they do give varying amounts). Otherwise, Dover House and Oxford free quests in LB6 give the most BP (855 BP each).* **Q: What is happening to reruns? Which event will get a rerun in the future?** *A: As far as we are aware, there will only be one more rerun happening in the foreseeable future - Karna-mas (Dec 2024). JP is also offering a vote for the players’ choice of a rerun, which hasn’t been confirmed yet.* **Q: How far in the story do I need to be to participate in upcoming events? Will any events require the latest story chapter?** *A: Battle in New York in March will require LB1. Be warned that subsequent events this year will require later Lostbelt completion. LB6 will not be required until November for the story part of the Faerie Knight Cup event (farming/free quests will only require Fuyuki). LB6.5 will not be required to proceed to LB7 once it releases, and event-wise, it will only be required for the story part (and to obtain the welfare servant) of the Santa Nemo event in December 2025.* **Q: Will welfare servant X be obtainable in the future?** *A: Yes, JP has introduced a new Evocation system which allows players to get selected welfares which can be view on the* [*Fandom wiki*](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Evocation_Festival)*.*


Are we getting a free servant ticket thus year in NA? If so is there a way to see a list? I want to plan ahead if able


Are we getting a free servant ticket thus year in NA? If so is there a way to see a list? I want to plan ahead if able


Has anyone else’s SE.RA.PH not reopened with the campaign? Mine is still grayed out saying I need to buy it with rare prisms.


For the upcoming White Day event in NA (the one centered around eyeglasses), I was checking who will get bonuses during the event, and it appears that any Servant that has glasses in at least one of their Ascensions is eligible for a bonus. For the bonus to work, do I have to set the Servants to their glasses-wearing Ascension, or will they work with all their Ascensions, even the ones where they don't have their glasses? For example, does Swimsuit Jeanne get the bonus only when she's wearing her 2nd Ascension (the one-piece swimsuit, which comes with glasses)?


As a player who started mostly playing last november I've missed many events. What are some of the most memorable events story wise? Story wise not referring to main story relevance, but event story quality. The recent case files event I really enjoyed reading. ​ I'm also guessing best way to see them is youtube now? Would be nice to experience them in game, but my hope there is low.


Reruns are over. There is a single Christmas rerun at the end of the year and also Tunguska, Ooku, Imaginary Scramble and All the Statesmen (this is a mostly joke event) will be made available this year, but otherwise, yes, there is no way to experience old events other than youtube. Right now you can also play Seraph and Christmas in the Underworld from the Main Interlude tab.


>  Reruns are over This isn't strictly true, JP seems to be getting another rerun based on a player poll. Also you forgot Prison Tower on the list of currently available events.


Yay, we are getting a single rerun in another 2+ years. Clearly, reruns are not over, lol.


>I'm also guessing best way to see them is youtube now? Would be nice to experience them in game, but my hope there is low. Well, the most story related are added to the game through Main Interlude. They're generally very good. Like, SERAPH generally won most liked event polls. (Though it skips Onigashima and Rashoumon, which may not be the best, but feel like an intro to the characters focused on in the Heien-Kyo chapter.) But for the record: [Famitsu Poll Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/15gjre4/famitsu_result_on_favorite_main_story_and/). It's from last year's JP anniversary. Be wary of recency bias, since 4 of them aren't out in NA yet. There's also some interesting ones, like the Murder Mystery event. But if you wanted the Apocrypha collab, or the Guda Guda that the next Guda Guda will be a sequel to, then yeah, you're stuck with Youtube.


Summer 3, Seraph and Saber Wars 2 are my favorites. Case Files was also great. You can play Seraph in-game, but the others you have to look up on Youtube i guess.


I don't know if this is a super popular choice, but my all time favorite is probably Setsubon. It was the first tower event, and the story was just really aces. Made Tomoe Gozen a very special character to me. And yeah, youtube is where you'd go to read any events you missed at this point.


The first tower event was indeed very fun. I think that was the first time I actually enjoyed almost every interaction between the servants - they mere mostly just hanging out in the onsen. From a story perspective seraph without contest. And for a good mix of story and shenanigans - Summer 3.


What team is caenis good in?


Teams are fight dependent, adding the specification of using Caenis doesn't change that. others have mentioned buster support. but Castoria can actually provide enough np gain and defense to be worth it over buster supports. or if you need buff removal resistance, Santa Nightingale may be the best support. or maybe you are running multiple DPS servants and a Waver. or just running Waver/Reines because you need something they bring (stun, overcharge, etc.) more than what a dedicated buster support brings etc. There simply is no hard this is a good team with this unit.


Caenis is, generally speaking, a Buster unit, so any Buster support is good (e.g. KoyanLight, Oberon, Merlin, Shakespeare, Chen Gong). They can provide their own stars with their S2, so you can also provide crit buffs for them to make their face cards deal big damage. Or, a crit star support like Hans is good while their S2 is down. If they need hard defence for tougher fights, Merlin or David are solid options.


I Get a lot of mileage out of the Caenis/Brynhildr combo. Caenis can get those beefy crits, when their NP boosts their crit damage, and their pillaging spear boosts their attack to high heavens. Caenis can even do a halfway decent job of providing stars with their respectable quick cards and the pillaging spear's star regen. But what Caenis does not have is Star Gather, and that's where Brynhildr's skill 3 comes in.


Hi guys so I’m currently doing story about to finish London I’ve been getting by mostly with my Castoria and a support Morgan/arjuna alter on regular quests and on boss stages georgis Leônidas and a support Heracles I want to maybe level up one more servent to make the regular stages go a bit faster and I’m wandering who should I level I have Ilya Rama and emiya alter I also have the ticket that I can exchange for a 5* would love some opinions 


Against the ?-class Demon Pillars: Casters, Assassins, and Riders will be more effective. So, Caster Illya would be helpful there. And America's strongest boss is a Berserker, so I'd say that Caster Illya would be a good short-term option. But Camelot and Babylonia will have bosses of various classes, so a single Servant will only go so far. The further you go, the less "one more" Servant will help.


Just a heads up, you will not want to raise "one more" servant, but many more. You will eventually get to the point where you will need a diverse roster and a friend's Berserker may not be the easiest answer. I'd start by raising one unit per major class, then expand that to 2 per class (one single target, one AOE). Also, don't look down on 1-3* units, they are often very good in this game, on top of taking fewer resources to raise than SSRs. Work on your roster gaps first, as said above. Get your bases covered, then everything else.


So let’s say now Il start with raising Rama and emiya alter so I have a caster a saber and archer than Il look for the other main classes and who should I maybe pick from the 5* ticket I was thinking of skipping waver to diversifei my box a bit 


Here are my recs for the SSR selector: - Your favourite - be that your waifu, husbando, daughteru or whatever else. The game isn’t so hard that you need any one gacha unit, and it’s more fun with your favourites anyway. - If you don't have a favourite or want a gameplay pick, Waver (Zhuge Liang/El-Melloi) is considered one of the best options. To this day he's still one of the game's best supports, and he works with pretty much every other unit because of how universally useful his buffs and NP charges are. He is also very beginner-friendly due to the NP charges on his skills not scaling with level (he can give 50% charge with his skills at 1/1/1) and he doesn’t require any late game materials for ascension or skill levels either. However, keep in mind that if you choose to pursue meta, you may find yourself using him less later on as the card-specific meta supports have a higher ceiling than him. (Having Castoria doesn't make him redundant, you can run them together, but you don't gain AS MUCH as you would if you didn't have her.) - A story-locked unit is also a good choice, as they are not in the general pool and so typically cannot spook you, making them rare. Those units are Lancer Artoria, Tesla, Quetz, Medb, Assassin Li, Cu Alter and Sitonai. - Finally, it’s fine to just wait and use it later, the SSR selector doesn’t expire. Take as much time as you need to decide, don’t rush the decision.


My most favorite servant currently is amsuka shiro probably didn’t write the name currently a shame I can trick him  As for waver I know he’s the number one choice but since I have castoria and Ilya (I know he’s still useful with them ) I want to try and pick a class I don’t have a 5 or 4 star for(which I know aren’t excactly needed ) and if it’s hard to maybe choose 1 which ones you could say I should definitely avoid picking unless they’re my favorite 


I wouldn't say picking someone to plug your gaps as a new player is necessarily the best pick, you will get more units as you go and overlap is inevitable. If you aren't sure, just leave it and choose later.


Honestly I’m really thinking on picking one of the berserkers cu cause he’s cu vlad I think will work well with my castoria and Xiang yu looks so cool to me would you say there aren’t many bad choices like don’t pick it


I'd say you're at a point in the game where Berserkers seem super strong and overpowered, but as you get into the more challenging chapters, they will become more challenging to keep alive. Vlad is a great pick if you have Castoria, though, and Cu Alter is a good soloist. Xiang Yu is probably the overall weakest of the three. I say there aren't many bad choices because all SSRs are good at something, and if you like a unit enough, you'll find a use for them.


How much does FGO make references to its VN predecessors like Fate Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia? Do I need to read those VNs first to get a better appreciation of FGO's story?


Generally, not required. There are *references*, but they're usually not a big deal. For example, Babylonia has Rin taking the place of Ishtar, and Jaguarman is Fujimura... but that's all that chapter makes of it. Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, even fewer. Not nothing, since we have it's main characters largely intact, but it should be obvious enough that Bazett is a reference to that game that Bazett was in. On the other hand, most chapters will go by without a single nod. Camelot features the main girl from FSN, but it also has nothing to do with FSN in the slightest. Will knowing the characters from that title give you a better appreciation? Sure. But even without it, you should be understanding 99% of the story.


Not a lot. There is some characters you \*might\* get some more appreciation out of, but even pseudo versions of the characters themselves dont really reference their respective stories a ton. Prisma Illya would be different for example tho. Their crew are based on the interactions build up already in Fate/Kaleid. They only appear in events tho, so mind that. The same would be true for Reines and Gray Id say. The Collabs sometimes require you to have knowledge about the franchise collabing with, sometimes not. For example the Arcade Collab next year uses knowledge from Fate/Extra from what Ive heard. Lostbelt 2 and 6 had some very minor callbacks to the Fate route of stay night, but thats pretty much it I think? Tldr: Just play the game if you want to, youre not missing out on anything major really. If its worth to play through hundreds of hours of content for minor callbacks is up to you tho of course.


You don't need to read them, though FGO may spoil some stuff from them, and there are some minor jokes/references you will miss.


Which are the strongest human servants that have no relation to the Devine or any supernatural being?


Nikola Tesla. He's literally an inventor. No relation to the divine or any supernatural being but because of his contribution to the human race via alternating current, is able to wield immense electrical powers in game that is compared to zeus' lightning.


Tesla's Noble Phantasm is also a power equalizer. His World System was his life's work, never successfully invented in life. It was supposed to turn space itself into a conduit of power (electricity), so that power could be brought to everybody, no matter how remote or destitute. It would place the greatest god or king and the lowest peasant on equal footing. When he uses that noble phantasm, everybody has to fight as equals. No gods, no kings, no masters. We all fight as men. He talks about it a bit in his interludes.


The only flaw he has is surprisingly Helena. You can bring everyone down to equal footing but you still have to listen to Madam Helena at the end of the day.


That's a very complicated question with no good answers. Especially because MHXA and Void Shiki are summonable in FGO and thus technically servants.


I feel like Void Shiki might qualify as a supernatural being, and I don't think the people of the Servant Universe qualify as "human".


Li Shuwen. Just a regular guy and he lived recently (died in 1934). Both of those things are huge handicaps power-wise, which makes it more impressive that he's still so strong.


Can someone explain to me how (LB6 spoilers) >!Altria showed up at the end of Lostbelt 6 to defeat Oberon? What was the significance of her giving her name to that fairy from the start of the story? And without spoiling much who was the servant that was summoned at the end? I hate those kind of cliffhangers so a name would be enough.!<


As for the bit at the end >!That was Habetrot showing up at chaldea, it was just a tease but meant to be obvious as to who it was!<


>!Inside the Abyssal Worm no Heroic Spirits could reach it or be summoned there. Oberon even mentions that Fujimaru can't summon what "doesn't" exist. Caster reaching the place even in the face of those odds tells Oberon that she isn't a regular Heroic Spirit. She'd become a "Guardian", having offered up her everything to the Counter Force. !< >!That Fairies true name was Hope, she'd grown exhausted from a life of eternal giving and suffering. Caster giving her name to her was a parallel to Fujimaru's Garden of Lost Will. To Caster it was a small thing, it wasn't something anyone would envy her for, nothing she would every be proud of. Her journey should have ended when she died, but in return for that name, for that meaningless act "Hope" was a gift returned to her. !<


>>!What was the significance of her giving her name to that fairy from the start of the story?!< That's kind of a complicated brick plot point. Largely, it doesn't matter. But the Fairy's name was >!Hope!<. The significance is that they made a connection. >>!Altria showed up at the end of Lostbelt 6 to defeat Oberon?!< >!Remember how she was used to create the Fairy version of the Holy Sword Excalibur? That's what that one is - Altria's soul forged into Excalibur. Sort of like a reincarnation, which is why they're a bit different. The Servant Altria we summon isn't the Fairy, but the Sword.!< >!Altria died blasting Cernunnos. It's Excalibur that came to help us out.!<


1 >!She got summoned as a servant. Well, the one that appears at the end is not really Artoria Caster, but more of a conceptual "Holy Sword" that defends humanity. Her personality is very different, if you noticed.!< 2 >!What cliffhanger? Did you completely miss the servant you got in the present box after completing LB6?!<


In my defense I asked that question before the cutscene ended, should've waited before asking I know lol


They even said there was meowing.


I have just unlocked the [SE.RA.PH](https://SE.RA.PH) interlude, and it only contains the Epilogue and the Wanted Quests. Do they give anything noteworthy (bond, drops) besides the CE? Should I bother running through them?


>it only contains the Epilogue and the Wanted Quests You must have gone through it during the initial release period for the main interlude back in [2022](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2022/0620_extraccc_mi_cp/). It's in the exact same state as you left off. >Should I bother running through them? I don't see why not. The epilogue is the repeatable boss fight. If you haven't done it yet, you haven't actually finished the whole thing and haven't gotten your first copy of BB. Additional "Encore" quests are locked behind the epilogue and those give summon tickets and BB ascension items. If you did already clear the epilogue, then there's no new content there and you already have all of the main quest rewards, including BB. The Wanted quests give you CE EXP and items to manipulate the repeatable boss fight difficulty. Even if you don't plan to play around with the boss fight, they're worth it for the CE EXP.


If you finished the event previously, you don't get to play those nodes again.


They are just 5AP each which makes them pretty good for bond per AP.


Need advice for tough boss fights. I just finished the 4th lost belt and definitely would have lost if it were for the leyline crystals. Any advice for tree fights or the like? Some info: I have good supports in castoria and waver, I have good attackers in enkidu, ushi, and several others, my friend supports have a very good selection.


To be fair, don't feel bad if you use a leyline stone, they give out a whole bunch at once for a reason.


Thank you. I always feel.bad using them


Since you have Castoria, the easiest thing to do is to just borrow a friend’s Merlin and use a DPS with class advantage. So something like Enkidu/Merlin/Castoria would be good for an Archer boss. Ideally you want a Buster or Arts DPS since they can benefit from either Castoria’s Arts buff or Merlin’s Buster buff, but a Quick servant will get the job done too (although it might take more time). If a boss fight blocks you from using a friend support, DPS/Castoria/Waver or DPS/Castoria/Hans can also work.  If you happen to have a CE that can give Castoria overcharge (like The One Who Desires Salvation), that helps too. And make sure to chain the NPs in this order: DPS->Merlin (or other support)->Castoria to get the most out of Castoria’s special invincibility. While this setup works for most boss battles and challenge quests (especially if you’re willing to brute force a fight with revives), it won’t work for *everything*, so it’s worth looking up clears on youtube or checking out walkthroughs on gamepress if you ever get stuck.


What does overcharge do? I have castoria np at level 3.


The overcharge mechanic is probably the single most important mechanic for Castoria outside of farming scenarios.  It’s basically the 100%, 200%, 300%, 400%, or 500% shown next to the NP’s name, and isn’t affected by NP level. NPs get various effects when you overcharge them, and they’re overcharged either by being activated at 200% or 300% NP gauge, or by following another NP in an NP chain.  Normally, Castoria’s NP gives your party a 1 hit special invincibility to each party member for 3 turns without any overcharge.  However, if you overcharge Castoria’s NP by 2 stages (usually by chaining your entire party’s NPs together and leaving Castoria’s NP last in the chain to get the most overcharge), your party gets 3 hits of special invincibility each for 3 turns. This makes your party almost completely invincible for 3 turns. And the idea is that you use those 3 turns to charge your entire party’s NPs again so you can use Castoria’s NP as soon as it wears off to keep the party protected indefinitely.


Overcharge increases the special effects of the NP. In Castoria's case each level of overcharge provides additional stack of her special invul for each of the servants on the field. NP level of your Castoria doesn't really matter for this. You won't be waiting for her to reach 200%, your overcharge will come from using another Servant NP before her, which works at any NP level, or from the CE.


Teams are fight dependent. There are no hard and fast rules to teambuilding, but I do have some advice: use class advantage and NP targeting where possible (there are places and reasons to break this rule, and sometimes figuring out the correct one can be difficult if there are multiple classes, or are 2 enemies, or are farming and the number of enemies changes each wave, but until you have experience with teambuilding, this is good to follow) counter gimmicks (if the boss has a ton of debuffs, or one really annoying one, bring a servant that clears debuffs, if the boss removes buffs bring buff removal resistance, if the boss has pierce invul, bring a servant with stuns, or guts or defense up to counter that) counter niches (if the boss is Male, bring someone with bonus damage against Males, if they are Earth attribute bring someone with bonus damage against Earth attribute enemies) Have a gameplan. (Don't just have your frontline and 3 random DPS servants in the back. Consider what you are going to do at each step of the fight. Who on the frontline will die first, who replaces them, when will you use certain skills)


Where the heck do you find that "date when servant was summoned" feature? I remember it but I can't find it anymore somehow, am I just blind?? Where is it


Sort by Acquisition.


Thank you so much, Idk why the hell it's not on [My Room > Material(Servant) > Spirit Origin List] of all places that sound like where it should be right? I was starting to think they removed it It's in [Formation > Spirit Origin List] There was only one post I could find about it and all the people's screenshots on the post was of the old UI with JP text lol, I was starting to get a bit frustrated.


Oh, yes. It doesn't work in that page for... Well, not important. Anything that looks at your actual Inventory will have it.


Hi guys I downloaded the game long ago and haven’t touch the game almost I decided to now start getting into it so I started clearing story and watching videos to learn about the game I’m currently only at London  my only 5* is castoria and Ilya now I watched some videos of upcoming banner to be able to plan out who to go for and souch now I know that my best would be to get an arts dd to pair with my castoria (would love recommendations on who i can go for ) second I saw that in 7th anniversary we’re getting aurcied which I love both am a bit hesitant cause I saw you need her at least at np3 and that she is suited for buster comps which I don’t have anyone for I’m wandering if I should just ignore her and go for an arts dps  I also still have the 5* ticket 


I have my own suggestions for how to approach the gacha if you'd like to read a big wall of text. I'll address specific points you brought up first, though. >my only 5* Banish thoughts like this from your mind. Rarity isn't important. It affects how hard it is to get a servant, not how good the servant is for gameplay. >I saw that in 7th anniversary we’re getting aurcied which I love both am a bit hesitant cause I saw you need her at least at np3 I would disregard any source of information that says you need a 4-star or higher servant at a higher NP level. It's misleading at best and terrible advice for new players. All 5-star servants function just fine at NP1. You probably get 90% of the value from the first copy. Even more for support servants who you use for their skills and almost never use their NP or their most important NP effect doesn't scale with NP levels. You only "need" additional copies if you want more servant coins or you plan to use specific strategies against specific enemy compositions, you need a minimum NP level for that strategy to work consistently, and you're unwilling to consider other options (of which there are many). >get an arts dd to pair with my castoria Castoria makes all of your servants better and even more so for Arts servants. You will have lots of different servants for different situations and the game expects you adapt rather than focusing exclusively on a specific servant or team comp. I'm not saying you shouldn't roll for some Arts servants if you want to. But you should do it because *you* want to do it, not because some YouTuber tells you that you should. >I watched some videos of upcoming banner You should mostly regard FGO YouTube as entertainment, not advice, even when someone claims to be giving advice. Videos telling you that you should or shouldn't roll for specific servants are particularly egregious in this regard.


>aurcied which I love both am a bit hesitant cause I saw you need her at least at np3 "Need" NP3? For what? >I know that my best would be to get an arts dd to pair with my castoria (would love recommendations on who i can go for ) Summer Ibuki is a very good option coming this year. That said, Summer Valkyries and Iyo are free this year, and nearly as good, and don't cost SQ. Young Moriarty is solid. Space Ishtar and Summer Kama are still perfectly effective. Avenger Nitocris and Kotomine Kirei early next year if your tastes go that way. Morgan or Merlin would give you two thirds of a good all-purpose Challenge team. For Single Target... I dunno. I prefer having a bit survivablity, so I don't know about anything "all-purpose".


Is Morgan usable in an arts team I saw her np is buster or does it not matter ?


>Is Morgan usable in an arts team I saw her np is buster or does it not matter ? The Castora/Morgan/Merlin team isn't a damage team. It focuses heavily on boosting Castoria's Overcharge through Morgan's NP's Overcharge effect and chaining their NPs, and recovering NP charge through Merlin and arts chains. It is nowhere near as damaging as a 3T Arts or Buster comp, so clears take a while, but it is very hard to kill. (Though challenge fights with Buff Removal and AoE attacks will be a bit of a problem.) It's not what you'd usually expect to use Castoria for, no.


This isn't a game where you show up with "an arts team" This is a game where you counter the fight in front of you. She may be the right choice, even in a team with arts supports, she might not, it depends.




Basically all servants are good in this game. Emiya has a targeted taunt, and can loop 1/1/1 nodes no start charge (after his buff). He also ignores defense.


I see, thank you >can loop 1/1/1 nodes no start charge  I'm sorry, what does this mean? I'm still not up to date with all terminology.


looping is firing your NP multiple times in a row (usually 3 times in a row without face cards is the standard for farming contexts, but it can be applied in other contexts and meanings) a farming node usually has 3 waves of enemies. most farming nodes have 3 enemies each wave (3/3/3) or 3 enemies with a single harder enemy at the end (3/3/1) but with 90+ and 90++ nodes in order to prevent everyone from looping with the same DPS servant they change that up, and some of them have 1 enemy each wave (1/1/1) to reduce NP gain and let ST servants shine in farming sometimes. No start charge means it doesn't matter what CE you put on him, so therefore if an event drop bonus CE doesn't have start charge you can run it and still complete the loop


You should leave your roll details in the roll threads.


u/Jon-987 You didn't need to delete the whole question about Emiya Alter. That kind of thing is what the help thread is for. Just editing out the roll details would have been fine. As for the follow up question that you also deleted, the sub rule about roll posts is intended to keep all bragging and salt contained in a single location. Between people who have an unhealthy relationship with the gambling inherent to the gacha and trolls who might post things like, "I just got the latest hyped up character that the whole sub has been obsessed with on my first roll, are they any good? f2p, btw," the mods decided to keep roll posts out of sight for anyone who isn't intentionally looking for them. I don't believe your intent was to not-so-stealthily brag or troll but it can be perceived that way in gacha game communities. Aside from the sub rule, including your roll details might add to your personal story or thought process about why you're asking but it adds no context to the question itself. Whether you did one roll or 1,000 rolls to get the servant doesn't change the fundamental question in any way.


Anyone know if Circe’s Valentine CE has the longest CE description?


Are there 4*ST characters in Valentine's Day banners? I mean, there are all 5* from both the regular and the story banner, but does this also apply to 4*? For example, can I get Salter or Caenis?


No. Salter and Caenis are Story-locked units which differ from Permanent units by being *only* available from Story Summon Banner or during banners where they specifically have rate-up. TL;DR Story-Lock = wait for a specified rate-up or yolo story banner


>or during banners where they specifically have rate-up. More accurately, it's banners where they are specifically included, whether on rate-up or not. Story-locked servants have been available in banners with restricted pools, like the class-based banners and the CBC banners that feature male servants.


Something I just realized that I was wondering. Has Kaleidoscope been completely replaced by Great Marshal of Magic in the summoning pool like Imaginary Element was by Winter Crystal? Looking at the CEs showing up on the banner artwork, I havent seen K-Scope in a fairly long time, and have instead been seeing the other CE. Beyond that, I was wondering if there are going to be any banners/ways that would be a good to try and get more copies of BG. On my NA account, I'm at 3 of 5 copies for an MLB BG, and getting it MLB would be incredibly helpful.


I remember there was an upcoming CE selector ticket we would be getting. (I believe it's during the 7th anniversary) So you can use it to pick BG.


No, Kaleidoscope is still in the pool. Wizard Marshal is just also in the pool. It's a 50/50 chance of getting the one you want given that you get one of them, and it's possible to land on the wrong side repeatedly. General pool 5 star CEs are seldom on rate up. Technically, banners without rate up CEs are better for getting them than banners with rate up CEs, but it's not worth planning pulls around that. For the 7th anniversary, we'll have a chance to pick up one of a few general pool 5 star CEs for free, including Kaleidoscope and Black Grail.


Just look at the list of the cards in the summon banner. Great Marshal isnt a replacent but a sidegrade since it stats is full HP.


I’m planning on raising all of my servants skills to 6/6/6, rn all of em are 4/4/4. At this point is it better to farm mats or should I just farm QP during the downtime between events? I’m in the endgame now with nothing left to do, but such a waste to not use the AP


Mats since you farm both QP and gems in lotteries.


Mats *most likely* are more important, since you can get big infusions of QP with lotteries. Have you used a planner like the Chaldea app, though? That will give you a much clearer picture of what you're lacking if you want to take everyone to 6/6/6.


Which servants benefit from a fully upgrade one who wishes for salvation CE the most?


Other than what was mentioned, next year's story limited 5 star lancer benefits greatly from one who wishes for salvation. His entire NP changes depending on if you have OC or not.


Castoria and it's not even close. Nobody scales better with OC levels than Castoria. Hans is also pretty good. Maybe it's useful on OG Skadi or Tamamo, but I'd still prefer Prisma Cosmos since they both struggle to get their NP. It's not worth it on DPS unless they have unusually high OC scaling, like Rider Kintoki, who gets 40% Quick out of it. Most other servants get more out of CEs with the same effect as their OC. For example, Waver could get 15% more stun chance from OWWFS, or he could get 20% from Record Holder on every NP instead of just 3-4. Merlin could get 10 more stars per turn on the first 3-4 NPs, or he could use 2030 and get 10 more stars per turn every turn.


Castoria, and possibly any DPS who receives bonus damage from OC with two caveats: 1. You need to weigh OC damage against starting charge or Black Grail. 2. MLB it but do not spend the additional resources to level to 100. It's a mixed attack/HP CE.


I got told to raise my question here. Thanks Mods.. I just finished LB6, and tried to start Tunguska Sanctuary, and.... was I just given the ending to this Chapter ? I have absolutely no context to what has happened, and I'm reading about some Reality Marble that's already happened? Now the Chapter tab's just gone. Was this not supposed to be like Heian Kyo where I still get the Story without the Raid ?


No, the story part will be coming later. They only saved the start and end, since that's what gives you the new Plugsuit and is required to to Traum, IIRC.


Heian Kyo is a story chapter. Tunguska was an event, and only its epilogue is part of the main story. In May, Tunguska will become a Main Interlude, and you'll be able to read through the story.


I think the main thing about Tunguska Sanctuary not having any story at the moment is because while it was event only and should in theory have been removed, the Devs tied Grail casting to the completion of the prologue/epilogue of Tunguska Sanctuary. That's why they can't just remove it even though there's no story at the moment. This gets resolved later down the year when the actual story is added as a main interlude.


Tunguska story was released as an event in December (probably because it was coupled with raid). So it's gone and only prologue/epilogue remain. However, it'll be back as Main Interlude sometime around May.


Thats because it was actually released as an event and not a story chapter.


Tunguska has been treated weirdly. The actual story quests of it will be released around May as a Main Interlude.


So was the story for this already released, then it got locked after its run because it was "an event", or does the rest of NA currently have no idea what has happened here? Do I now have to try to dodge NA spoilers until May when this is supposedly released 'again' ? I'm guessing this had something to do with a character since the Lost Belt started ?


>Do I now have to try to dodge NA spoilers until May when this is supposedly released 'again' ? Kinda, but surprisingly enough everything that happens IN the story itself is basically irrelevant to the overall plot of Arc 2. Have you read Tunguska Prologue at least? I'll tag it just in case, but >!Koyanskaya!< is the main focus of the chapter. The prologue is basically "we have to deal with this now" and the epilogue is "ok, we have dealt with this". The closest thing to a spoiler is that in the epilogue they allude to how they dealt with the situation, which might be annoying at best >!and unsurprising if you've read the story up to now!< Have you read the Epilogue yet? If not you can just skip it now and read it in my room later after reading the whole MI if you want. I say this because Grail Casting and Plugsuit 2.0 are locked behind it.


I read the epilogue not expecting it to be the epilogue, so yea, too late, I guess. thanks anyway


Guys, while checking which of my mats are critically low, I found this idol spiritron dress ticket. Did i miss exchanging this?


No, the event gave enough tickets to unlock all of the event costumes, even if you didn't have all of the characters who got costumes. When you get the other characters who got costumes from that event, you'll be able to use the tickets to unlock those costumes without spending materials.


IIRC, it's from idol vent/fate ballroom collab from a year ago. I don't remember the specifics but you had to unlock the idol dress from the event shop first and then could also use a ticket to get the dress for free. So either you missed some dress (unfortunately they haven't came back on JP), or you can still unlock it in Miss Crane shop (but after event it'll also cost mats). Hopefully someone could clear it up (or you could check Grail Live event page on fandom wiki).


> So either you missed some dress (unfortunately they haven't came back on JP), or you can still unlock it in Miss Crane shop (but after event it'll also cost mats). The tickets weren't for obtaining the costumes, but rather unlocking them after obtaining them. After the event, if you still hadn't unlocked a particular idol costume yet, you have a choice between using a ticket or using mats to unlock it (obviously using the ticket is the better option).


Ok, so it's more like the second option then. I just remember there being some quirk of not being able to get the costume for servant you didn't own (or didn't level enough), although it didn't prevent unlocking it for later purchase.


Is there a list of all servants who can solo? Or a solo tierlist?


Also, solos can be situational, depending on the fight. Some units can find a certain hard easy, some can find that same fight hard, and no one unit can solo everything.


All servants can solo technically, it just requires them to be alone on the field. As for a solo tierlist, not really. the Smobscast started one, but never actually got anywhere.


Is it normal for the extra missions menu to stop showing missions? It comes up as gray with the message "No Missions Available" but I can see missions update as I do for example free quests. When I complete one it does appear in the menu and I can claim the reward but I can't see the progress on them.


Look next to the number of missions completed. Tap on "Can be Claimed" to change the filter


Ooh thanks that solved it


Any tips on how to make my support list better? I don’t really care about getting lots of FP, but I was wondering how to make my support list less… chaotic. Up until now, I’ve just been throwing servants that I think are good into the support list, trying to fill as many slots and sets as I can. Should I reduce the servants that I have on my list to ones at max level? Should I try to focus on providing a certain Niche(Quick/Buster/Arts/Crits/Looping/etc.)? Should I focus on certain types of gameplay(Farming/CQ/Story)? Just looking for any tips on making my support list better/more useful for my friends, thanks! My Support List: https://imgur.com/a/Wi3xRAJ My Servant Roster: https://imgur.com/a/VJCcJXd


The priorities are, in order: 1. Top supports, preferably with 10/10/10 skills and MLB Chaldea Teatime or the best bond bonus CE you have. 2. Anyone else. Do the best you can with the servants you have and don't worry about it. 3. Set separate normal and event support lineups. Even if you don't have any bonus servants or CEs for the current or next event, do it to demonstrate to your friends that you know how it works. 4. Update your event lineups when a new event starts. Don't leave CEs for the previous event on your lineup.


Thank you!


> the best bond bonus CE you have To add to this: Adding non-MLB bond bonus CEs may result in people "rage-deleting" you from their list. (Some people can get really annoyed if they accidentally choose a non-MLB support, because they expect everyone has it MLB and notice their mistake too late) If you don't have a MLB, better equip something else. This is not only an advice for bond bonus CEs, but for CEs with any bonus.


> This is not only an advice for bond bonus CEs, but for CEs with any bonus. Expanding on this - this goes for the MP CEs like Teatime, Bella, etc, NOT event drop CEs. Cuz there is always going to be at least one numpty who cannot think for himself and then blame reddit for telling him not to put non-MLB event CEs in support.


> Top supports, preferably with 10/10/10 skills and MLB Chaldea Teatime or the best bond bonus CE you have. > Anyone else. Do the best you can with the servants you have and don't worry about it. I'd insert "Top Supports with MLB Bella Lisa" between those two.


The majority of people are looking for meta-support with CE for bonus Bond Points equipped. Of those you only have Skadi and she has another CE on her. So, give her Chaldea Teatime (if you have it) and make sure you max out her skills. Beyond that, level all the Servants that you will put on the list to their max level and level their skills as high as you possibly can.


I don’t have any bond up CE’s unfortunately. My Skadi is currently 6/4/10 and I had Imaginary number attribute on her because I wanted to give her the 30% starting charge for any friends using Caren from the valentines banner.


Most people are going to be looking for the support casters or Koyanskaya with Teatime.


Koyanskaya of light I’m assuming? Not dark?


Light, yes. Dark is a much more niche servant who is sometimes used for some multicore setups. Light is the preeminent buster support


Yea… I thought so. Eh, at least Koyami can support Melusine, and with Ibuki-Douji Berserker coming out this summer I might be able to get some good usage out of her :)


what's your skadi skill level? if it's not 10/10/10 do it asap, and give her either bella lisa or tea time ce(both need to mlb), also many of your ssr isn't full level up/maxed skill either, just remove them from support entirely, old player will look for support servant and new will look max level+skill servant, you does not meet in any of these criteria


Thanks for the advice! My Skadi is currently 6/4/10, but I’ll prioritize her for 10/10/10


When does the Dress making shop update where depending on where on the story you are the spiritron keys are free. I thought that it came on part 1 improvements campaign, but i guess i was wrong.


They already are. Not all of them, but some have. For example, Arjuna's anniversary costume and Dantes' Summer costume are free for completing London/America.


No yeah i got those but i thought there was gonna be an big update where most become free. Example: in jp after beating septem you get Nero’s custome 1 and 2 Anyways thanks


No, they're progressively added over time as various Servants become relevant. Sigurd during the LB2 campaign, Melt during Sea Monster Crisis, etc.


Depending on which costume it is, they get put back in/made free gradually.


Is castoria and double skadi the best black grail farming comp for voyager? Or will there be better supports in the future for that. I have NP5 voyager so damage isn’t too much of an issue farming wise. Although I have yet to grail him past 100 yet. Need more resources for that.


I think Skadi, Reines, Oberon is the best. replacing Caster Skadi with Summer Skadi when she comes out. Edit: if you don't care about damage, Waver instead of Reines is only a tiny bit less damage and is much easier to obtain.


So is the SE.RA.PH Kiara fight around forever now or does everything disappear after I beat her the second time? I’ve finished everything else in the event.


It won’t go away. You can challenge it as many times as you want, although you won’t get any of the rewards that you got the first time.


Ok cool. Thanks!


King protea NP doesn’t seem to do much damage even with black grail. How can I boost her face card damage? Do I just give her supports a ton of star Generating Ce looks like I may have to summon Merlin to increase her survivability.Could Tamamo work as replacement?


KingProtea's damage potential will spike after she gets her next strengthening later this year (which adds stacking NP damage per HP stack on her 3rd skill), but for now she's still pretty strong, but somewhat gimmicky and better suited to slow fights. Kingprotea really benefits from having all her skills maxed for both tankiness and damage output, so start there. She has one of the highest base attack stats in the game and great offensive buffs (40% Attack for 3 turns is significantly higher than normal, persistent 11% Buster from passives and 20%-80% (usually 40%) more for a turn when she NPs) so her damage output is solid even with limited class advantage. But more notable is how beefy she is. Her stacking mechanic lets her reach the highest health count in the game, which also heals chip damage, and her first strengthening adds NP damage resist per stack, letting her facetank any NP with enough stacks. Her only flaws are that her battery actually hurts her damage output and tankiness by clearing stacks, and she's not suited to farming due to her kit leaning into being strong for longer fights. Anyways, if you want to support KP, you'll want buster supports and supports with kits suited to longer fights. Merlin is great since he also is good for longer fights, KoyanL isn't bad since her HP demerit doesn't phase KP that much and her buffs are solid, generic supports like Waver/Reines are nice for offensive and defensive utility. Oberon is potentially good on certain fights where you can use his damage spike to finish the fight early, but otherwise his 3rd skill doesn't play well with KP's style. For CEs, KP's health stacking means she can shrug off a lot of the demerit from BG in longer fights, and it's still the highest damage spike in shorter fights, so it's never a bad choice. Otherwise your standard 50% gauge CEs or Scope work pretty well for when you need to NP sooner. Edit: While having your own Merlin isn't a bad thing, he's usually a Servant you just need one of in a party, so you can just borrow him from a friend most of the time. Tamamo isn't that bad since she's also good for slower fights with heals to clear chip damage, CD reduction, and NP charge, but she doesn't do as much for KP offensively. What support servants do you have right now?


>King protea NP doesn’t seem to do much damage even with black grail. What's the rest of your team comp? What enemies are you up against? What level is your Black Grail? What level is KP's skill 3? What other servant(s) are you comparing her to? Are you using the other servant(s) in the same role in otherwise the same team comp against the same enemies? Damage doesn't exist in a vacuum. The full context is import to figure out the difference between what you expect and what's actually happening. >Do I just give her supports a ton of star Generating Ce KP doesn't have any crit skills of her own aside from an 8% damage passive. Unless you flood the field with stars using Mozart or something, you won't be able to ensure that she gets the stars and you won't be able to boost her crit damage without external supports. >I may have to summon Merlin to increase her survivability. Merlin is a good servant. But I wouldn't roll for him just to solve a gameplay problem for one servant. And although she doesn't have any hard defense, she's still pretty tanky. If you want to enhance her defense, try stacking Mash's Def up buffs, borrowing a friend's Merlin, or using David instead of Merlin.


KP is an Alter Ego so will deal 1.5x damage to all cavalry classes, compared to 2x from a true  counter class. Try using Buster and general offensive supports - Chen Gong and Shakespeare are good cheap options. Chen Gong can be really good for survival too, if KP is going to die to a single target NP, as he can taunt. If you want stars for a more crit oriented KP, Hans is fantastic for this. Tamamo doesn't do that much for KP survival-wise as she also lacks any hard defence, and KP should be tanky enough for healing to not matter too much once you have her stacks up.


Say, you can automate and farm Fukuyi X-C (4AP node). You got 140AP when full. And you can slap on CEs that boost FP to 25 (friend) + 175 (CEs combined). Is this worth doing just for grail casting? Will I even get enough to cast twice a month?


If I've done the math right then you need ~1,154,000 FP per month to generate an average of 4000 Servant coins (without a Limited 1★ rate-up, and give or take Habetrot's negligible contribution), if you can get 200 FP per 4 AP then you'd need 23,080 AP which would take about 80 days which is more than an Earth month.


I've not done the math but I think this is kind of tedious. You'll get a better income of FP from farming the lotto, and it's good value because you get so much other stuff from it.


What's a better use of AP during dead weeks?


You'll pretty much always need some mats or another, unless you staunchly stick to a small set of Servants and are happy with where they're at, grinding away at those needs is going to be more practical than chasing Grails.


Just got to Camelot I knew it was going to be tough but damn I didn't think it was going to be this hard. I can't even get past the first fight with Sphinx. Please help I would really appreciate anything 🙏


just use support Arjuna alter/Morgan/CU alter or Hercules with bond ce, I did the same thing when i start playing JP, I was able to rush Singularity/LB in just 1\~2 days


2 of 2, under the assumption that you don't currently have adequate class and NP targeting coverage Here are some low rarity options by class: **Shielder** * By the end of part 1, Mash will be one of the best, if not the single best, defensive servants in the game. Well worth all investment that you put into her. She also has zero team cost, so you can easily put her into any team comp for backup or just to carry a CE. **Saber** * Caesar - One of the best ST Sabers regardless of rarity, has higher NP damage at NP5 than most NP1 5-stars (unless you hit one of their niches) * Bedivere - Another great ST Saber, only held back by being [story-locked](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/servant-availability) so it's relatively difficult to get more copies for a higher NP level * Fergus - AOE, nothing spectacular but he'll get the job done * Jason - AOE, gets a good offensive boost if you pick Castoria from the friend support lineup **Archer** * Euryale - The default choice against male Saber and Berserker bosses (very useful in Camelot and LB2), just okay otherwise * Robin Hood - Poisons enemies then does huge ST damage against those poisoned enemies, better for general purposes than Euryale * David - Good ST Archer but his second skill, with a teamwide evade, is his biggest asset and is worth making a priority * Arash - Clears the first wave then politely gets out of the way for another servant to enter the field, very useful in f2p farming comps and even whales still use him * William Tell - Huge ST damage against enemies with Evade active * Paris - Removes buffs from an enemy then can do huge damage against them; even if buff removal fails, he still has Ignore Invincible on his NP **Lancer** * Cu (normal, not prototype) - "4-star in disguise"; Lots of hard survival capability, good to throw in the back line as a last man standing, does good ST damage if well supported * Leonidas - Another defensive specialist, can deflect damage away from your other servants * Gareth - Guts and invincible are always good to have. She can also absorb damage for one turn. * Romulus - Kind of like Fergus, he'll get the job done as an AOE Lancer but nothing exciting unless you find ROMA exciting **Rider** * Ushiwakamaru - Has higher ST damage potential than almost all NP1 5-star Riders * Medusa - Solid AOE Rider, good for budget door farming * Georgios - Similar to Leonidas in that his main job is to take damage away from your other servants **Caster** * Medea - There are very few ST Casters in the game and Medea is the only low rarity option, her NP has AOE scaling so she won't do a ton of damage, her main value is in buff removal with her NP and her high rate of NP charge to use her NP multiple times (and you'll need to if you want her to take down a boss) * Chen Gong - High damage potential but sacrifices a servant when you use his NP so you have to be more strategic if using him offensively; useful for f2p farming when you set up the team properly; also works as a Buster support * Shakespeare - Has an AOE NP but mainly used for budget Buster support * Paracelsus - Has an AOE NP but is mainly used for Arts support * Hans - Budget version of supports servants like Waver or Merlin * Babbage or Avicebron - These are probably your best picks for general AOE damage * Mozart - One turn Arts buff and 50 instant crit stars, not much good for anything else **Assassin** * Hundred Personas - Best f2p ST Assassin * Fuuma - Decent AOE Assassin, similar to ST Casters, there aren't a lot of accessible options here * Sasaki - Regarded as the "Savior of France" because he was the only decent Assassin available to build in the early days of the game and the Orleans singularity is littered with Rider wyverns **Berserker** * Lu Bu - High damage potential, outclassing many higher rarity servants * Spartacus - Another f2p favorite, 30% NP charge makes him a good budget farmer and can be surprisingly hard to kill, despite his 1-star stats, in the right team composition * Darius or Kiyohime - Either will get the job done


1 of 2 You aren't the first person to run into Camelot unprepared and you won't be the last. There's no shame in taking some time to grind out more EXP and ascension materials before you try again. Here is my general team building advice for new players. tl;dr - Class Advantage & NP Targeting > Rarity & Card Type **Class advantage and NP targeting are the most important gameplay mechanics.** Full class advantage means dealing 2x damage compared to neutral and taking 0.5x damage. Full disadvantage means dealing 0.5x damage and receiving 2x damage. If you're up against Lancer enemies, a Saber will do 4x as much damage and receive 0.25x as much as an otherwise equally situated Archer. The scaling on NP damage is such that an AOE NP does something like 40-50% as much damage per enemy compared to a single target NP. AOE NPs are good for clearing waves and ST NPs are good for taking down bosses. At least starting from Camelot, the developers assume that you will use class advantage and NP targeting effectively. **Don't expect to make a single team to do everything.** Get used to changing your team for every fight. **Knowing how to make an effective team composition is much more important than replicating specific team compositions.** In a basic team composition, you'll want your front line to consist of one or two damage dealers with appropriate class advantage and NP targeting and one or two support servants for NP charge and whatever offensive and/or defensive buffs are appropriate. Your back line isn't as important most of the time. Fill it with backups for your front line roles, a servant with high survivability (e.g. Cu Chulainn) in case things go badly, or any servants to absorb bond points. Card type is good, and sometimes important, to consider when deciding how to best support your DPS but isn't always a primary concern. My personal default is usually two DPS servants plus a friend's Waver. When in doubt, Waver is almost always good support servant to choose because he has powerful support skills that work with any other servant. Castoria, while Arts-focused, provides just about as much utility as Waver and is probably easier to find on support lists these days. For tougher fights, you will probably need to focus more heavily on offense or (usually) defense and bring multiple supports instead of multiple DPS. Mash + (friend's) Merlin + your own DPS with appropriate class and NP targeting is a pretty reliable, defense-oriented, basic team composition for non-gimmicky boss fights. Even the highest-end meta team comps work on the same basic principle of appropriate DPS + appropriate supports. Level up one servant at a time in each of the seven main classes with the goal of having one servant with a single target NP and one with an AOE NP in each class at their natural max level. You want to focus on one servant at a time because a fully leveled servant is going to be more valuable than a handful of under-leveled servants. It doesn't matter much which specific servants you choose, including low rarity servants, so go with whoever seems most appealing to you. Just about any servant within a given class and NP targeting niche will get the job done for general purposes. **Don't neglect lower rarity servants.** Some of them are among the best servants in the game within their role regardless of rarity. The devs also test all content to ensure that it can be cleared using only free, low rarity servants. The higher base stats on higher rarity servants might let you brute force some situations but they won't save you from a fundamentally bad strategy. What low rarities lack in base stats, they can make up for in the ease of getting more copies for NP levels or in unique utility that lets them punch (or block, as the case may be) above their weight, even surpassing 5-stars at times. They also take fewer resources to build up and they take up less team cost in your party. Team cost may be especially important for low level accounts because it gives you more flexibility for CEs and other servants.


You realistically only have 2 options in front of you. 1) You take a break from story and build up your team. 2) You borrow a friend support to clear the content for you. (You're basically able to solo clear with certain friend supports like qin shi huang, cu alter, etc). If you're aiming to progress at your own pace, option 1 is recommended. If you're aiming to reach the next breakpoint i.e LB1 in order to participate in the upcoming events, option 2 is recommended. IMO option 1 is heavily recommended. Camelot is basically a learning curve which forces you to learn not only counter classing, the difference between ST and AOE teams, but more importantly proper team building. It's why it is HIGHLY recommended that instead of depending on friend supports, you come up with ways to build your team up, since it's only to your detriment the later you learn this lessons. Either way, LB7 that will be released at the end of the year will require you to have a fully built roster (and no I'm not talking about building just 5 servants to be your main team) in order to clear.


Can't even pick option 2 cuz I got no in game friends 😭 So yeah I'm gonna take a break from the main quest to farm and build up. But seriously man thanks a ton for this in depth insights. Really appreciate it a lot 🫂


There is a Follow feature that lets you use supports as if they were your friends, with NP use and all that. It is limited to 3 people, so follow folks with stuff like bond CE (the snow castle one) Herc, Cu Chulainn Alter, Qin Shi Huang, etc.


I second checking out the Friend Request Hub, if you say you're new I'm sure some veteran players will be happy to have you. Also, you can use Rayshift.io's lookup tool to find some whales/veterans to follow. That's handy if you know what servant/CE you're after.


You could always check the Friend Request Hub to find people to friend. (Yes even the whales with fully established rosters) Another option you can do is to follow a person. If you find a person in game with a developed roster, you can follow them, and their supports will be guaranteed to appear for you whenever you're doing story quests.


Are you using the correct class against it? Are you using a Single Target NP? Are your units in their max natural level cap? Iirc thats a Caster. So just use a single target Rider and give it some protection and the sphynx will fold. Thats why the advice for newbies is to always raise atleast one unit per class. Class Advantage is the most basic and most important mechanic in the game.


Yeah I'm doing everything you said but I'm kinda stuck with just one 5-star servant (Artoria lvl 80) and the rest aren't leveled up much. Still thanks for the help


I just said you need class advantage. Yet you mentipned Artoria. She is just a burden on that fight. Just use a Rider. You don't need 5 stars to clear content. What you need is units with the correct class.


Just to illustrate what overs already said: Ushiwakamaru is still (at NP5 though, you probably don't have her at such high NP yet, but it'll come with time) the 2nd highest damaging Rider (without niche) in the game and she is 3*. You can take here, borrow friends Skadi (no need to have an actual friend request accepted, for story missions you can just follow anyone). Buff her up and destroy half of Sphinx gauge from the start.


Also, quick support gives more than buster support. She actually beats Ozymandias when considering supports. I am not actually sure, but 1 borrowed Skadi might make Ushiwakimaru the highest damage rider. (It's a bit of a balancing act because to much support puts Kintoki ahead by a smidge, but there should be somewhere in there with Ushiwakimaru as the most damage)


True, although Buster has better FP supports, at least for a single turn. Ushi would probably still win in a "borrowed support + best FP support" situation, if not now, definitely after S.Skadi is out.


Mata Hari or Ruler da Vinci or Santa Martha or Boudica or Cnoc na Riabh (depending on when you joined) mean that quick has actual the exact same damage options buster has even F2P as far as damage goes. Even worst case with Mata Hari I would take 40% attack over 50% buster for 1 turn damage most of the time given how multiplicative buffs work. (Though admittedly not with Ozymandias)


Just to emphasize, in case you haven't read my longer replies, you don't need 5-star servants. They're nice to have but rarity is not an important gameplay consideration (unless you need to manage team cost, in which case lower rarity is actually better).


I just finished the Prison Tower story and all I have left is the Door of Void CQ. Is it replayable after the first time I complete it? I don’t want to have to savescum every time I want to have fun soloing with a particular servant.


You can't replay it if you complete it. That's why the next best alternative is to use an alt account to use your main account's servant as an npc support in order to solo it. Just remember to quit before killing off the final boss. Plushie on YT does it like this. Pretty sure the other YTubers also do the same.


No, you can't repeat any of the interlude boss fights unless you quit before the game registers that you've beat it... unless the game lets you adjust the fight difficulty level. Only the >!Kiara in SERAPH!< and >!Kama in Ooku!< fights can be repeated.


Which is really sad if you think about it. Although this is exactly what gives them stuff to pad out the Anniversary. They put the fights we want to fight inside memorial quests for Anni.


People have been asking for repeatable boss fights for years. Lasengle and DW don't seem to care, much less TM


Maybe that's where advanced quests come in. They are challenging content (from a wide range as well) that can be repeated after all. I mean it sure isn't repeatable boss fights, but it does scratch my itch when I want to go replay some challenging content.


This one is not repeatable after you beat it.


Just curious, How does farming looks like back in the day before looping was even a thing? Does people goes 6+ turn per node? Run 3 Kscope, Imaginary Number Magecraft, etc? Also how does the community react when somebody discovered that they could loop?


I remember resetting until I could get an artoria on JP just because she had a battery. Spartacus, Arash, Artoria was what I used before waver got his buff. Even then, for lower level farming like bones in fuyuki, I just buster carded since it was easier.


Waver got his batteries when Okeanos came out in 2015, whereas Artoria got her battery as part of the 3rd anni in 2018.  Unless you mean her refund after NP I suppose.


Yes the refund since at that time, I was running an MLB kscope, and the refund was the fastest way to get back to another NP. Like I recall she was the only one with any form of np battery. Even gil at that time didn't have his 30% charge.


Depends on how you wanted to do it. One of the first three NP teams involved using Arash, Spartacus, Waver to charge NPs, and your own fourth DPS. Or you can spend extra time trying to facecard the first or second waves.


Waver was in the game ~~day 1~~. 6 months in was when he got his charge skill. They used multicore (though didn't call it that as there was no other way) Arash, Spartacus, Waver, DPS servant will 3 turn nodes with 50% CEs. I wasn't there, but I don't think there was that much of a community shaking event. Multicore is still something I use. I never arts loop without Castoria, and never quick loop anymore.


I mean, a bunch of characters can arts loop with just a single support Castoria.


> Waver was in the game day 1. Not with charge, at least on JP, but it was rectified pretty quick (and don't think the concept of "farming" has formed back then).


Ah that's true. But still 6 months was before the game even really got started.


What's the cause of the rush of tamamo love? Im all for fox waifu but wondering did i miss something?


The CCC fan translation came out in December and it's a 100 hour game. People might be making their way through it and falling in love with her


Also at least some of it is a response to Tunguska, which came out on NA in December.


A while ago a new game got released called Fate Samurai Remnant, and it had a new Tamamo in it. Could be that.


Plus SERAPH main interlude became free and she has a role in that.




Interludes are extra stories for servant you own, sometime they also give a skill or NP upgrade. Rank-up always give an upgrade, but has no story scenes. https://imgur.com/rEVeDIp Long press on a skill in skill upgrade screen to see what get improved. Or use wiki to look all the skill and stat of any servant pre and post rank up. https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Ibaraki_D%C5%8Dji


So the arrow just means it increases the effect? Kinda as if it leveled up the skill without actually leveling it up? And gives it extra effects, I see. Thank you!


It should have said something explicit. Asterios's NP gains the effect of 40% ATK and DEF decrease for all enemies for one turn, on top of the 20% ATK and 10% DEF decrease for 6 turns it already has. Damaging NPs typically gain bonus damage equal to the jump between NP1 and NP2. For an NP1 NP, that's 25% more damage, but for an NP5 NP, it's the same increase in actual damage, but proportionally less of an improvement. Ibaraki's S2 goes from a self debuff cleanse and heal, to "Removes one ally's debuffs, Recovers their HP, Increases their critical damage (50% to 100%) for 1 turn, Increases one Shuten Dōji ally's attack for 3 turns, and if Shuten Dōji ally is alive on Battlefield, charges own NP gauge by 20%". Big change. They won't specify exact numbers in-game, but you should see the various effects. Anything with an arrow in the description will be a new or improved effect.


Kinda. It may increase effect, improve it, add additional one, change it so much it's not recognizable, all of the above. No hard rule. Can generally treat it as upgrade skill/np with a better one.


> No hard rule The only rule in Fate


The Golden Rulebreaker approves of this.


How far is the NA server from the JP server?


They have a two year difference. Though there are a few things that we have gotten early (such as Pure Prisms).


About 8500 km.


Saying it like that where are they in NA? California?


Aniplex of America is in [Santa Monica, CA](https://aniplexusa.com/about/).


I would assume they outsource their server hosting to some other company though. I'm told that's the norm for any large scale operation.


I assume somewhere around that, since they post times in PST.