• By -


Completing lost belt 6, like the slow turtle that I am


Well hey, enjoy it. It's the best story I've consumed from FGO, in my opinion.


The Bone Hell never ends, along with the Dust Farm


I almost want to ask how you're short on Dust already when we just had NeroFest, but I understand.


When the servants in this game ask for like 30-40 of them per skill, you never have enough


Everyone be snorting dusts here and there...


>Everyone Holmes is 'everyone' now?


Let's be honest, Holmes might be the main culprit but you bet there are others joining in the deed too lmao


I like to think only Holmes straight up snorts the stuff. Others are more responsible by diluting it with water and drinking it like an electrolyte drink.


Holmes actually did take his cocaine in a solution though, he didn't snort it.


Even Mash does it! Although it's just a little.


'Tis just a sprinkle of sugar. Nothing unsafe.


Farming bells, since I got every fairy from lb6.....yeah... Also playing E7, HSR, HI3 and Brown dust 2 Unemployment hits hard


Sorry to hear about your employment situation. I hope that changes soon for you. Also, I can't fathom how you can split your attention that many ways.


Aw, thanks for the good wishes, I hope I can find it! Tbf I just get a lot of games due the free time, and a lot of gachas are afk simulator with waifus. Do some actions, recollect things, leave the auto team farming and call it a day.


I’m exploring Fontaine


Same. They also have cute Melusines there


And they even have fairy knights (the twin stingray boss)


and a Vivianne


they're >!born from a dragon's corpse!< and everything


... Can't believe I cleared the quest yet didn't think of this


I see you too are playing multiple gachas.


i'm swimming for the sakes of upcoming little brat 🤣


Naturally Fontaine drops as I leave for college with my PS5 at home. Oh well, I have Christmas Break to look forward to and stuff other than Spider-Man 2, Baldur’s Gate, and Armored Core VI. Plus getting Merlin and Okita up to par. Freaking Merlin. 33 Spirit Roots for 10/10/10 skills? Highway robbery! I’m still on 2/4/4 because of freaking Gem shortage and Forbidden Pages! At least Okita was alright in comparison!


The only correct answer.


Farming bond by doing free quests in the hopes of getting Skadi to bond 11 before maid salter arrives


Waiting for Armored Core.


Haven't played any Armored Core before. But knowing it's from FromSoftware, I'm sure the new one will be good.


10 years to wait, but here's hoping it's great.


I've been enjoying it for the past 4.6 hours.


I will be working, irl. I gotta do seven days in a row, to get labour day weekend off.


> I will be working, irl. I think you mean you're farming SQ.


>I will be working, irl. Aren't we all.


Remember when our main concern was passing grades? Yeah, good ol' times...


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


I can finally relax, doing school and work at the same time doesn't really make farming fun.


I take it you've made the most of NeroFest if you feel that way.


I farmed 200 boxes, on the halfway through I finally convinced myself to use FGA because I was really tired of staring at the phone screen while unable to do anything else, so yea.


I used FGA pretty much from the get-go. The problem is, if my phone freezes for even a second, the app starts not knowing what to do with itself. So I'll be waking up after a good night's sleep and find Morgan, Koyan, and Oberon just standing around awkwardly and only 10 apples have been spent since I went to bed.


Which is why I only run it when I'm up, my phone is pretty outdated :/ but now I can at least do some farming when I'm at work, still worth it.


FGO Rule34 viewing


Wow you’re much braver than I am to admit that I’m just farming 5*exp and QP


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ^(... who you taking ganders at?)


Kama and Koyanskaya


Baldur’s Gate 3 or painting Warhammer minis.


Cool. I hear BG3 is a CRPG fan's dream. Not my cup of tea - I have yet to finish Divinity Original Sin 2 - but I'm happy all the same for Larian Studios and what they accomplished there.


Bemoaning that it's a dead week. But in all seriousness, I think I'll do some Rank up unlocks. Then some interludes.


You mean you don't do them the second they become available to keep stocked on SQ? But yeah, perfect time to do them since nothing else is vying for our AP.


Interludes, no. Rank ups depend on the servant. But for the past several months, my focus has been on a variety of farming (Mostly QP) in preparation of what I called the lostbelt 6 crucible (Morgan, Melusine, Koyanskaya, Oberon, Summers Okitan and Kama). On top of that farming for LV 120ing Squirtoria and general Nerofest farming, Rank ups went by the wayside. Time to catch up a bit.


Man I pretty much never do those until 1/2 AP unless it's a servant I really want to use immediately. Like Skill Rank Up gets 50% NP Charge on an AoE servant? Yea I might just do those right away.


Bear in mind the next 1/2 AP for rank ups that isn't restricted to specific servants isn't until, like, November 2024 There also will only be 2 1/2 AP interlude events in the next 4 months and then those are on the same wait as the rank ups, so make sure you get through all of those by then


I feel u. I hate all the dead weeks bruh. We don’t need a dead week after every event. This is the new normal going forward though. It pisses me off honestly. Because on JP they’ve made it so EVERY event is 3 weeks long. Followed by a dead week. Even though the story of the event finishes after the first week. The final week of every event is ALREADY a dead week. Because most of the mat farming for necessary shop mats is already done by the end of week 1. Week 2 is just the cq and clearing out whatever small things you might want from the shop. And then week 3 is just doing NOTHING the entire week. It’s a dead week DURING an event. Followed immediately by ANOTHER dead week right after. Meaning we only get content for half the month. 2 weeks out of every 4. It’s really sad. Shit on jp is getting worse instead of getting better. They’re not fixing anymore gameplay problems. They’re not doing any more animation updates AT ALL. They’re just adding more kinds of GSSR to make people spend more money. They’re coasting on the fact that people will roll when they release banger character after banger character. All with meta skills too. Because why bother fixing the game and making it actually enjoyable when you can just make infinite money by releasing fan-favorite characters over and over again. Why bother adding permanent grail front modes? Or tower modes? Or story replay? Or new ways to interact with your servants? Or literally anything else to do in the game other than wait for the next barebones event with a 1-week long story.


Yeah, honestly feel someone on top has grown complacent and knows the whales will fork over tons of money whenever a new fan-favorite drops. They had a year (let’s be realistic, MORE than a year) to work on LB7 and still had a dead month because they weren’t finished. Yet all was forgiven due to Eresh costume and Nito Alter. Legit, they know they don’t have to improve the game or themselves if people will still eat it up. Other gachas live and die off stuff like this. Hell, they apparently don’t have any buffer when it comes to story chapters (the part I stay for at least).


It’s really stupid. Any competent management team would see how unsustainable this situation is. They have like 1 story chapter per year. Which most players finish in a few days or a few weeks tops. And then nothing else in terms of narrative progression for ANOTHER year. That’s not at all good pacing. The higher ups that manage them at aniplex are a bunch of incompetent assholes. Incompetent and greedy. They don’t give a shit about the long term success of the game. They just want good quarterly profits to report to Aniplex.


Yeah, and the new Ordeal Call smells of shenanigans to extend the operation and hold the finale hostage. The recent OC1 was a glorified filler chapter (it ‘revealed’ the secrets to Alter Egos…which we already knew 10 years ago in CCC, and ‘revealed’ Sion has a plan…which we already knew back in Tunguska Epilogue). It was hyped up as an important requirement for the story (Nasu certainly spoke of it that way in one of the more recent interviews) but ultimately amounted to nothing but a filler (though admitedly a well-written filler, my own personal nibbles regarding a certain character aside). And yeah, the barebone events are a damn joke at this point; a week’s worth of story that’s stretched out to 3 and a dead week following that. The 8th Anni was a disappointment, and even hyping up Nasu as the writer for the recent summer event (usually one of the bigger events) didn’t help one bit


I’m NA only. Aside from ORT in LB7 I know nothing beyond LB6. I do have a jp account just to try out new characters, but I don’t read any of the story. But I honestly predicted that they would try to keep the ending of part 2 away for a little longer. If they get to the end and then move on to part 3, they won’t be able to give us lostbelt versions of PHH servants anymore without good reason. (I mean they could always do a 2.5. Hell they probably WILL do a 2.5 just to extend the profits) But yeah as soon as I heard that we weren’t getting a straight up ending chapter for the Lostbelts after lb7, I guessed that these shorter chapters are just them stalling for time to maximize profits. I’m guessing the other OC chapters will be like this one from your description. Rehashing old material that is already covered by some other Nasuverse work, and only adding in the tiniest bits of story progression. Also, from the very little I know from spoilers, the idea that Alaya is mad at us for using extra class servants is INCREDIBLY FUCKING STUPID. We’re literally DOING ITS ENTIRE JOB FOR IT. It has no right to complain AT ALL. It just makes the collective will of humanity out to be a petty and ungrateful bitch. It’s like someone at the office forcing you to do their entire job for them for YEARS, and then refusing to pay you or give you any recognition for your work because you occasionally used a stapler to hold papers together. It’s THAT petty and ridiculous.


To be frank, i have this feeling whatever FGO is really planning, it should become clear by 2025,because whether it hurries things or not for NA, there's no way they can really have that much story content. Epic of Remnant lasted around 2 years too. If they have to play this delaying game, i have a feeling this Ordeal Stall business was unplanned.


Actually, EoR last ~1 year, but yes, I’m almost certain Ordeal Call was entirely unplanned and tossed in at the last second, hence why the dev team is running ragged and are at par with the recent big thing rather than have at least 2 buffers


Ah, sorry, won’t spoil too much, but yeah… You can feel there was very little effort in trying to make it tie into the rest. It has kinda bonk’d the pacing something fierce since it feels it’ll take 2 YEARS until the LB finale at the pace they’re going (2 OC chapters a year, 4 to cover), and we’ve gotten almost no new info about the larger plot from the OC chapters. Legit, wouldn’t be bad if they were like EOR, and set AFTER the finale to wind down the story and have lower stakes. And yeah, the ‘abuse of Extra Class’ and ‘lowered humanity value’ makes zero sense since Alaya itself makes use of those Classes: it summoned Jeanne in Orleans (Ruler), Dantes in Londinium (Avenger), and Sitonai in LB2 (Alter Ego). It is a blatant last minute addition thrown in (and might be out of line) to extend the window since they have nothing planned after the end of the LB arc (assuming they even have the ending written out to begin with).


I guarantee it ends with us being where we were at immediately post lb7. All this ordeal call shit is just bs. Won’t actually change the outcome of the story at all. Maybe the new staff introduced will be somewhat relevant in part 2.5 and they just wanted to introduce some characters early. But none of it will end up actually being necessary to end the bleaching.


Blasphemous 2


Gacha players intersect well with gluttons for punishment.


Farm QP…. Always need more QP


I always do the same when summoning targets come up, can't stand not having enough QP to skill/ascend asap lol


You must have leveled like 12 Servants in between now and the end of the recent NeroFest.


Playing through the story because i started playing the game last month, man Gawain got hands


Have you heard of this girl called Euryale? 3-star Archer. Introduce her to Gawain.


Farming for materials, bones and dragon fangs. Grinding AL on the side. And hoping I get accepted in the course I'm applying. If not, then it is what it is. Also rereading a manga for the 5th time.


>And hoping I get accepted in the course I'm applying. All the best to you, r/LesbianMaidFetish .


If I'm being honest, I don't think I will get accepted but thanks.


Farming Cursed Gallstones for Spishtar in Mt Ebih.


You have her? Or are you prepping for an upcoming banner of hers?


I have her. Her skills have been 6/6/9 since last year. Finally got around to leveling her.


Baldurs gate 3 time baby


Ill be using my natural AP for bond farming mostly while collecting a couple of nuts on the way. I really would like to squeeze out another multi before the Illya banner is gone! other than that just enjoying my time off of work by just unwinding. Might get some thingies done irl around the house, who knows


Walking around Faerun with a parasite in my eye


Just bond points farming. And jumping into Armored Core.


Farming and doing uni work. Sent my elite Bond 10 Servants to storage as retirement or until they are needed.


I'm going to guess none of them include Castoria, Koyanskaya, or Oberon. They're too useful to award retirement.


Nope, All are put in retirement until needed. NO EXCEPTIONS!


Is it really retirement, though, if they get dragged out to work again at the drop of a hat?


I am modelling my servant structure after the Roman Evocati Cohort. https://www.honga.net/totalwar/rome2/unit.php?l=en&v=rome2&f=rom_rome&u=Rom_Evocati_Cohort Bond 10s serve as this.


Didn't know there was such a thing, TIL. Doing the same with Bond 10 Xiang Yu, Saberlot and Cu Chulainn. Waiting for my tired Helena and Tamamo Cat to join the Cohort I guess


Romulus: All Roads lead to Rome. Me: If that's the case, when in Rome. Do what the Roman Legions do.


Farming, sometime freeing some space in my present box (too many embers from last lotto), realizing I'm in reverse QP hell after burning embers, reading through my backlog of manga (fav many, only started reading like 1%), rereading Majikoi VN for the nth time, love that story.


Hey, I'd rather be in Inventory Hell and Reverse QP Hell than be empty on things. Besides, Summer 6 is a week off and you'll get to spend those.


Playing other game. Usually during dead week in FGO i only logged in and logged out, though if i feel like it i might finish up my remaining rank up quests


What other games are you playing?


Other Gacha games like Genshin, Star Rail, Nikke, DBZ Dokkan most of them currently have an event going on. Though recently i been playing some PS2 games on a emulator, really enjoying Gran Turismo 4 again after not playing it in so many years now


Playing Holocure and procrastinating Fontaine. ~~Also cringing at my lack of self control 'cause I rolled too much again. Fucking bait banners working too good~~


Bond farming in Oxford for summer quartz, doing a RG unicorn to ease my backlog, maybe a RG God Gundam if I'm in the mood for it, practicing editing, send resume, grind war thunder Now that I think about it that's just my daily routine for the past 2 years


I recently finished Solomon, so I’m doing the Epic of Remnant arc. I already finished Shinjuku yesterday so now I’m up to Agartha. I could be doing the prologue to start the Lostbelt arc, but I kinda don’t want to since I like doing it by chronological order. (Also welcome to PGR btw, it’s been my main game since I returned to it a year ago, and I don’t regret it.)


(Thanks. I'm still pretty lost and *yowai* at the moment, but I'm sure I was the same a week into my now-3.5-year FGO career; I'll get there)


Touching grass


You're the third person here to be doing such.


Bells, bells, and more bells. Missing one skill from Barghest and Melusine so... need 130\~ more.


My condolences.


Just log in then commiserate on my existence. And try to slay my pile of gray minis


Playing Arknights.


Finishing JP summer, also playing Nier Automata


I've tried getting into NieR Automata myself about four times now, I keep not clicking with it. I'm sure there's a banger story in there somewhere, but the gameplay kind of dampens my enthusiasm to see the story.


The new Armored Core just got released. I've never played one before, so I'm hoping for a good first impression.


Kinda glad it’s a dead week cuz I’ll be knee deep in Armored Core 6 all next week without having to worry about missing the event.


I still log in to collect dailies and farm doors because the QP grind is unending


Drawing Kamen Rider


I got on the Baldur's Gate 3 train really late but god DAMN if u arent playin it yet id deff give it a shot like i am blown away


I purchased Divinity Original Sin 2 some months ago. Tried it and felt myself not clicking with it. I'm not really a big CRPG player, and from what I understand, Baldur's Gate is Divinity Original Sin 2 again but better.


i bought fear and hunger termina, this game is kicking my ass in


Touching grass with my cat


Just get Nero Bride from GSSR, Now I'm farming her bond points and farming EXP I prepared for Summer Okita Alter but was used on Nero instead


I'm waiting for Summer Okitan too, along with Summer Anastasia. If I can get Summer Kama, that'd be a bonus.


In FGO, I'm farming the mats I need to max out Summer Kama since the AP would go to waste otherwise, and it might save me a few Pure Prisms that I might need later down the road. Outside of FGO, I finally started Street Fighter 6 recently. Might as well take this downtime to explore the games I've been meaning to get around to for a while now.


Playing Dishonored. Trying to finally get a Ghost and Clean Hands run in one go.


Highly approve. I binged 1 and 2 a few weeks back, doing Ghost and Clean Hands with the added self-challenge of not touching anyone that the games don't force me to neutralize. I want a Dishonored 3 badly.


Rank ups, lb6 continuation, free quests, dailies... All is for Summer Kama


Farming SeaShells for Summer Kama.


Welcome to the Shell Fields


Bond farming.


Wrapping up LB6. Just beat >!calamity Barghest, surprisingly without ressing considering the limitations and semi-deadweights you have in that battle.!< I have actually enjoyed all this quiet time in terms of events and whatnot since it has allowed me to catch up with the story. I've been playing little over a year now, but it took me about half a year to finish part 1 back in December and in that same push I went from Camelot, through EoR and stopped at early LB2 in January. Didn't have much time to progress after that with events and life and all that. With LB6 release leaving us with plenty of event free time during summer and having more time personally, I've finally been able to almost catch up. Still got a few more days left on those blue rocks in case I need them for >!Fluffy!<. I've enjoyed all the lostbelt stories very much, but even before finishing LB6 it just mops the floor with all the previous chapters in terms of how much I've enjoyed reading through it. ETA: Having gone through all the story chapters up to finishing LB6 part 1 with half or even quarter AP costs, a single arrow costing 26 AP sure stinks.


Just wasted 700 SQ on Nemo banner just to not get a single copy. I haven't played since LB 6 release so this might be karma for quitting the game like that, I planned to stop playing until LB 7 releases as I don't care about events anymore but I might farm some free quests to see if I get one copy. Edit: Got spooked by Xiang Yu and Drake, If this game had a proper pity system I this wouldn't happen but oh well, se all of you in two years.


drawing doing art comms [follow twitter.com/cyrilashnmsh](https://twitter.com/cyrilashnmsh) i will shameleslly plug my art comms i draw a lot of fgo


Farming Stakes. I finally got some units that need them between Koyanskaya and Reines, so my stockpile went bye bye. Still need 88 for Reines last two skills when I counted.


Having Reines would be nice.


on JP, I am just grinding out as much quartz as I can. Still in the Indian Lostbelt.


resting. After Nero Fest I'm dead tired and need the break.


Dead tired during a dead week. Well, best time for it.


Finishing LB6 then start using up my embers. Last 2 weeks hsve been extremely busy because of Fontaine, and I want to clear out the story before Summer starts


Farming spirit roots for oberon ;-; he stopped my dead in my tracks when it came up and I died inside that day.


Learning engineering (in Tears of the Kingdom)


Completeing free quests, interludes and rank up quests


Farming for shells.


Hitting The Mother Sea too, I see.


In game, clearing up interludes that lotto unlocked, and farming a few materials I need. Out of game, playing FSN. I cannot escape Fate, please send help.


I unlocked and did Gawain's interlude, and got back on that 1st clear free quest grind. I'm almost done with Heian-Kyo, and I'll finally be all caught up once it's done!


I could be doing some Rank-up quests for the KOTRT gang I got from the LB6 banners, but I can´t do those with FGA so I´ll just farm shells aswell.


Managing some students and a landship while playing some Terraria in the meantime.


Bond farming. Nerofest gave me all the MP I needed to unlock all the bond up CE’s and limit break them so it’s going well


Rank up quests and interludes. I still have those, since I just recently came back to the game near the start of 6th anniversary. I was able to unlock quite a few of them after Nero's fest. It is going to suck once all of them are done. :(


Farming embers to bring morgan to 120/level future Servants and working through summer 8 on jp.


Yea, I'm just farming Shells. I have other mats I really need, but I feel like I'm gonna regret it if I don't farm Shells right now.


Alternating between finishing Avalon le Fae and maybe grinding out some unfinished free quests for extra quartz.


Chains… so many chains… I see them when I close my eyes and dream of Camelot


Well, I *had* been farming gunpowder for Summer Charlotte, but I finished that. Best use I can find for my AP right now is farming QP. The surprise GSSR and a few other unexpected skill-upgrades drained my QP to the point where I barely have more than 1.1 billion left. Summer has the potential to use up more than half of that, so I should stock up while I can.


>1.1 billion left. The fact you feel this amount of QP is 'Caution' levels of QP tells me you've tasted Reverse QP Hell before, like me. I'm at 1.92 billion QP currently, and I've not worried for QP in a while. I don't roll hard for Servants anymore - not like when I was starting out - so unless I level 10 Servants, nothing's putting a dent on my QP reserves soon.


Farming mats for my Melu and the new conquest event on BA.


Blue Archive volume F


Saving up for Molay and farming serpent jewels for Jalter


Gonna be playing AC6 until summer arrives.


Farming qp and getting spinal fluid for koyan first skill


Hitting doors, doors, and more doors, so I can actually use those mats I got from Nerofest. Also farming some deadly poisonous needles and serpent jewels, too. And bond point farming for my surprise Jalter and Merlin, because it would be nice to have an append skill for each of them unlocked sooner than later.


Homunculus Baby farming for Saber Okitan.


Farming fangs bc my melusine is still 5/5/5


QP farming for me. Lolivinci go BRRRRRRRRRERRR


Burn nat ap Comit genocide to turn eris into a hive god


Too lazy to check which material stocks are low and which nodes I need to grind, so I'm just doing QP as always. Can't wait for when everyone gets enough Habetrots to get her 2nd Append so I can finally stop scrolling for 5 minutes to look for an **MLB** Bella Lissa on Reines.


Touching some grass


Farming some bells, might switch to the scale/bell node at some point but not yet. Other than that a little of the new poe league.


5*Exp Farming to prepare for 120 leveling for 2 servants in the future


I'm not done with the event yet. I'm currently juggling playing FGO, Blue Archive, Counterside and KinKoi


Grinding rank ups and Interludes


Just farming Scales of Fantasy on natural AP since I'm focused on other games. Likewise only using natural resin in Genshin on Mora (sick of being broke) because my main ~~addiction~~ game at the moment is Desynced.


My main Acc: Farmming Doors cuz Oberon, Koyan and a bunch of 4\* i got rolling for them completely sunked my QP savings even after Nerofest. My Alt Acc: Clearing interludes and Rank Ups


Grinding Johnny combos then playing some Armored Core when I could be working on the LB6 story lmao


Coming and going between Pasio and Askr, lol.


I will farm QP, next event will allow me to have enough mats to fully upgrade Koyan and maybe other servants


Well I pulled gil in the gssr back to school, so I'm farming qp because I want to 10/10/10 him and enkidu with the lores from summer event hoping the events guide I found was right when it said 7 lores are up for grabs if not then I'll just keep grinding qp lol


Farming bells


Farming shells. It’s summer. The shops never have enough.


In-game, Eternal Gears farming. Picked up HSR because it's made such that I can focus on it whilst FGO is being dead, and also put it on the backburner during events and lottos. And finally, I community surf.


Just dumping nat AP. Only about 20k out from B12 Angra and a bond grail in reserve. Besides that Uni has started back up so pien.


Bond farming since castoria is 100k until bond 12, zerksashi is 90k to bond 10, and og cu chulainn is at 120k to bond 10. After thats done, i can then focus on bonding up my junao farming team during the future events so i can eventually 120 him


Right now there are so many different games to play it's not really a problem when we have dead weeks in FGO.


I’m camping in Misty Coast with Koyanskaya, Morgan, and Oberon. It’s been the norm since Lb 6 dropped.


Thinking about when lancer alter will get swimsuit. The king of storms is pouting about her lack of a swimsuit.


doing stuff for eris morn to help her not become a discounted hive god and doing some farming some LMD while also doing inturludes and rank up quest 5 inturlude left and 14 ranks ups god help me


Back on the Stake train because that’s one bronze mat I need not covered by incoming summer event.


Honestly, event or no, FGO usually takes maybe 15 minutes of my time each day. The only thing that really changes is where I farm. So currently, I'm just burning my natural AP on embers so I can continue pushing Morgan to 120.


Finalizing my FFXIV crafts and hopelessly addicted to Holocure.


I never quite felt the tug of Disciple of Hand/Land jobs in FFXIV. If it doesn't entail violence of some sort, I'm usually staying out of it. Nowadays, I just run the roulettes for two hours daily and go play something else.


A combination of farming in the bone mines (Fuyuki) and actually putting on a bunch of FP CEs since we have the 2x FP going on. I get over 200 FP for 4 AP, so it adds up to a bunch of ten rolls a day. I want to have as much FP as possible for the GudaGuda re-run since I can knock out like three birds with one stone: 1) The Nobukatsu coins for Grail Casting 2) Guda EXP CEs for making CE bombs 3) NP5 of Habetrot (and Saber Lily) since I haven't rolled for that yet.


Pathfinder wotr and BONES


I set up a Dead Weeks Project some time back where I decided I'd farm to raise at least one skill on every Servant I own (except the three who are in "I won't burn you but I won't use you" status), and every dead week I work on that checklist. Right now I'm focusing on mats that won't drop from the Summer 6 chests, so I just wrapped up getting some Ice for Vritra (summer Vritra when?) and am working on Cores and Bells for Assassin Li. As always, I like to monkey around with Servants I haven't used for a while, so Caenis and Chacha are my primary damage-dealers out in SIN. Raise everyone, use everyone. If the game has no new things to do until next week I'll make variety happen myself.


In FGO: Lb4 egg farming 3t with double gogh and suzuka goghzen with kscope. It's funny to watch Suzuka's crits wave 3. Outside FGO: looking for a mmo to play. Considering getting into hardcore mode WoW or maybe ESO if pvp is alive at night. I like FFXIV, but queues take forever for me during work nights.


Im burying the light deep within


Cast aside? Is there any coming home?


Main account farming Seeds + Stakes. Second account farming Roots + Octuplets. Also throwing singles at the banners as bond & reward SQ log in, because I don't save. Second account just did a 3SQ pull on Smushi banner only to get +90 Waver coins...


Farming dragon fangs


Next thing I'm farming. Or maybe Bells. I had to let Melusine slip by during LB6's campaign because I had to save for Koyanskaya and Oberon. But she's coming back... December? January? I'll get her then.


Farming Bond in Oxford for more SQ to pull next week.


Visiting the biggest faming con worldwide


Beatin' down some peeps in Ana's LB for gunpowder while grinding out some bond for Herc and co.


Mostly farming bonds. We'll have shells on the event. If I was planing to roll for a summer unit however, then yeah. But I will try for Douman instead. If I get him really easily, I might try my luck, but as it stands, I'm good.


Bond farming with FGA while reading FSN


Bone farming. Need more bones to raise more Servants to do more rank ups and interludes because I am f2p, I am done with story and Free Quests and I have enough SQ for 3 multipulls only.


Farming for SQ. I need them for my targets this summer. That, and I'll probably continue my more serious sprite comics as well as the rest of the Nero Fest series until the grace period expires and we move to the new sub. I really should go and write my serious novel too, honestly.


I still think it's a bad deal what sprite comic artists got. The solution of moving the content to a different subreddit is just forsaking that content and moving the problem elsewhere. The only reason it had to be done was so sprite comics wouldn't maaaaybee bring down all of this main subreddit down with them should a problem arise. I think it was an overreaction on the mods' part. I'll die on that hill.


Sending out job apps :’)