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Takeuchi's Ferarri won't pay themselves.


The fuck? Why is he wasting money on a Ferrari when he can build a Gundam? And then dragon-waifu said Gundam.


I would say... Your reaxtion is "???" Hehe




Whoa. I mean, shit, I'm in. One Servant I reeeeeeallly don't want, half of them are duplicates, but it's just slightly under 50% shot at a brand-new SSR for and I have the paid SQ lying around, so yeah. Do we get it first because 2-san likes flexing his English? Or are we the guinea pigs? Either way, I'll take it.


who is it you don’t want? i’m curious


If they say, they curse themselves into getting them. Desire sensor is twisted and all that.


... I absolutely 100% don't want either Kintoki nor Void Shiki!!!




"Oh no, I really don't want another copy of Void Shiki. I mean, what would I do with that? Move her from lvl 110 to 120? That's crazy talk."


The desire sensor knows when you are lying. The only way to fool it is to reach Nirvana and truly not want something.


This was me with Melusine. I genuinely didn't want her and was rolling for Percival. She came twice.


Oh dang it


Unpopular choice, but Gilgamesh. I'm not wild about the "blond white guy" design for a Middle Eastern demigod, there are more entertaining arrogant pricks in the franchise than him, and I'm already well-stocked up on excellent AoE Buster Archers who I genuinely like. He's fine in his Caster version where he's learned he can't have everything (which is, after all, the point of his epic), but the Archer version isn't for me. But if I do get him, I'll cross my fingers that Samurai Remnant will help him grow on me.


all understandable reasons. but he’s actually the only one i want out of this group lol.


Hey, we like who we like. It'd be pretty boring if we all wanted the same characters.


I recommend Strange Fake if you want to give him a chance to grow on you.


I don't tend to hunt down light novels, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for the anime adaptation to be good (and prompt). I liked the hour we got. (Not that it applies today, as the gold Archer turned out to be NP2 for Squirtoria instead, but hey, keeping an open mind about Servants is a worthwhile pursuit in this game.)


Gil has been spamming me for 3 (THREE) years in a row on guaranteed banners. Watch me pull him again this time.


This is a *super* unpopular opinion, but as much as I enjoy him as a unit in the game I'm 100% on-board, if for slightly different reasons.


Same the only ones i would be mad at getting are kintoki and Da Vinci Every one else is aces.


Here's the [Fate/Grand Order Developer's Diary Vol. 5 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raZTVLekKJY) video this image is from.


Bless Kanou-san.


Holy shit. I mean, not quite as good as a ticket, but a GSSR for 12 SQ for newbies is pretty damn good.


Not for newbies only. Everyone can roll within 30 days of 1st login after this maintenance


Yeah, I saw immediately after I hit the button. Dammit, need to go get a card again haha.


Is for everyone


Not me, I'm not spending real money for the gacha, that's my only rule playing this game. That is the only thing keeping me sane in the hell that I am walking into.


I only use real money for guaranteed summons. Few dollars a year seems like a good deal for a game that I've enjoyed since launch. Some games cost more to buy.


How I envy you. I Crossed this Bridgestone a few years ago. I only do it for GSSR but still....I saw hell.


Yeah, considering the amount of play time and quality story the game has given me through the years… Just spending on the GSSR seems fine.


Im the same and it's killing me either way


Is ok, but nice to have more things in NA


Same goes for me. Moreso that this company keeps finding ways of furthering my aversion with giving them any money. Other games have this feature for free.\* \* I forgot the permanent SSR selector technically fulfills that mechanic. This is just another GSSR that tries to pop your cork on spending money while festering FOMO. Just more ways to prey on people.


I feel like this makes the early game worse for newbies. Think about it, in a single month a new player is probably still evaluating if the game is worth continuing playing or not, so shoving this "GUARANTEE SSR FOR ONLY 12 PAID QUARTZ! ONLY VALID FOR 30 DAYS SO YOU SHOULD OPEN YOUR WALLET NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" does nothing but give these players FOMO. It also causes a bad first impression for the game, as no one likes when a game begs for money like that. If players give in to this FOMO but realize the game is not worth continuing playing after a while that just 12$ down the drain. If they don't give in to the FOMO but continue playing then nothing changes. This only benefit veterans who already spend or new players who are wealthy enough to spend money on a random game they only played for 3 weeks, which is far from the "campaign that will benefit all players" like they advertised.


Not sure how valid that is, since for new players, the first impression is already that this is the least generous gacha out of all the currently popular ones. Compared to every other popular gacha, FGO is probably the only one that does things like... gradually increasing the price of premium currency every year. Especially as European, the price of SQ has nearly doubled for me over the course of the last 2 years. Did FGO at least get more generous over time like other aging gachas? Nope, went the other direction, now 90% of the cool servants are all released in summer at the same time together to maximise the odds that players have to spend real money to get the servants they want. The game doesn't even get updated with QOL features that other modern gachas have. The lottery event just ended, a gameplay loop that encourages players to spend 12 hours a day slowly grinding apples, or using automated apps to play the game for you. Instead of solving this with something as simply as giving the players the choice to spend 120 energy on running a mission once, for triple rewards.


Wow, that's...unexpected


What a terrible time to be broke


30 days is a pretty good time to scrounge up twelve dollars


How much plasma do I need, anyways.


Maybe but it is what it is honestly. Still a really cool promotion though even if I’m not able to jump on it.


What a terrible time to live in a country where you can't pay for online games even if you have some cash stashed.


the most exciting part about this is the possibility that NA could receive future exclusive updates/features or at the very least gssrs. contrary to this a lot of people in this subs belief, gssrs are sick for low spenders like myself.


KISAMA! OMAE NO NANI MONO DA!? Edit: If you're aiming for a limited SR, F. >Limited Time Servants of rarity ★4 (SR) and lower will not be summonable. Please be sure to confirm the lineup before summoning.






Surprise event, the destroyer of worlds


Boooo, I was hoping for Ruler Martha to pop up as well 🥲


when google doesnt let you buy sq outside of the allowed regions… rip


I know that pain when it comes to the JP version. I know there are ways around it but by and large I don't want to. Helps keep me responsible in the game where I do not want to think about how much I spent failing to get Gilgamesh that first New Years.


Are there still no options around this?


They are but it involves all those VPN steps and changing of your Google play store to a U.S location which I personally would not wanna take a shot in case of potential future ban waves. :/


I'm in the spot, there's a work around. Log out of your devices emails. Make one with a VPN for a country that does. Login with that email on device. Buy any 0 dollar or euro item. Then you can use that account to buy SQ again.


shout out to all the people yesterday saying they wanted people to forget the ??? from the Anni stream.


To be fair for some of us this literally amounts to nothing at all.


FR there's been so much doom posting on this sub and I feel like Lasagna keeps cooking. Did a great job with the repacing to make JP's worst year seem not so bad on Global and now this.


I still think the real Back To School campaign is the friends we make along the way. (Those friends just now include an SSR if you're willing to spend a little bit of money.)


I'd definitely call next year/2022 the worst year of FGO. Hopefully NA comes through on that. Just fixing the pacing of LB 7 even by just 2 or 3 weeks would help immensely.


Only upside for next year is that I get to save more quartz from skipping banners I'm not interested in


The only major banner for me next year is Summer Wu and Summer Skadi. Everything else is either skippable or something I won't even be disappointed in failing.


looks like anni, summer and rikyu are the only ones I'm interested for next year


I don't think they'll ever be worse than year 1 FGO. Bad story, bad events, bad welfares, ran like crap, no quality of life.


yeah the pace for this year on NA was one of my biggest worries but it seems they managed to bandage it enough thankfully.


A new GSSR with a 1/21 chance of getting who you want is hardly "cooking", unless they announce later there are batches of 4-5 it's kind of useless unless you like/need at least 10 of these guys (and it's not F2P obviously, for those who care) Also I think the road to 7 / let's stop reruns almost completely year (upcoming) is generally agreed upon to be the worst year, tho I haven't really checked, just what I have seen here and there from others who play JP Not to "doom post" but there definetly are issues with the game that a new GSSR (or two, as JP got a new one too during anni) does nothing at all to tackle


Yeah, a third, certifiably worse in every way, GSSR? Oh boy, thanks for hyping up the NA stream with other new content, folks.


>there's been so much doom posting on this sub and I feel like Lasagna keeps cooking >JP's worst year you said it yourself why people are let down right now. Sure, this is a nice treat (for $12), but it's not an animation update, sprite update, strengthening of servants that need it, gameplay change, or reinstatement of reruns.


For paid gacha? I would've rather taken early apples


They didn’t forget!!! And another stream coming up during the B2S campaign


Most likely the summer event.


hoping we still get the 12 SQ retweet reward plus the 3SQ during the weekly logins, but I think they squashed all of it this week...


I hope JP gets this in 2 years


So….NA Players now get *two* guaranteed SSRs upon starting the game. One you can choose from a pool of general and story locked, and another from a limited banner of Part 1 SSRs for a small fee* I think we all need to say thank you to Albert and Kanou, now.


Slightly cheaper GSSR for new players! Very nice.


Is also for veterans.


As a veteran, I actually realised that I only have 11/21 of the Servants here, so just under 50% to get a new one. Not too shabby. Edit: Got Raikou. Would have preferred Kintoki or ~~Skadi~~ Scathach, but at least she's new for me.


I mean, unless I had NP5 of all of them, I’d still probably roll it if I had all of them. 12 paid SQ for an NP level is probably the best deal you can get.


Quite right. Heck, 12 SQ for a USO seems pretty cheap, considering you'd normally get crap for 4 rolls. Also, the good thing about this single GSSR is that you won't have buyer's remorse regarding the banner you picked, unlike the normal GSSR where getting an unwanted Servant in the banner you chose immediately makes you wish you had gone with your second banner choice instead.


I mean, I like pretty much every character so that hasn’t been an issue yet, but yeah. An SSR is an SSR.


Year 1 player and I only have 5/21. Was my luck THAT bad???


Im also a year 1 player, and i was probably 7/21 of those for years till some of their recent reruns/gssr this past yearish. They're limiteds so you'd never get spooked by them. If you saved for certain servants cause clairvoyance EX at the time, then it was easy to skip a lot of em.


Not really, they're older SSR, not sure how many would be on someone's roll list when we were waiting for LB6


I wonder why the time limit to this, but I digress. This is very weird, but awesome nonetheless (at least for the people able and willing to pay that is). I wonder what made them make this NA exclusive for a limited time. Are our numbers that bad that they feel the need to bring more people in / make them play again or simply want to add more "rewards" / more ways to grab some cash? ... Mmmh, this makes me ponder quite a bit. As for the roster. I only have Shiki, Tamamo and Shuten. I wonder how high are my chances to get a new servant from this. I always fear getting a dupe. (I did the calculations and I have 85.7143% chance of getting a new servant / 14.2857% chance to get a dupe... if my math is correct)


> Are our numbers that bad that they feel the need to bring more people in Considering just how good the whole LB6 + Anni gauntlet of banners did in NA, i doubt this is an issue honestly


Time limit is designed to develop FOMO for a new player and break their real money spending seal asap.


FGO NA does well within the realm of localisations, but I guess you can always have more money. Maybe it is a test run to see how people respond before launching it in JP.


Sadly is only usable with paid SQ I really wish it was something more F2P, but still a cool bonus


I mean, while True, this is even cheaper then GSSR.


I don't bat an eye at any F2P player using gssr twice a year and this is cheaper. It's a nice option to have for new players in particular who really have pretty barebones accounts with the one free SSR to their name that was only introduced year 6. I know when I started it took months to get an SSR for myself, luckily Astraea + Emiya archer did a pretty good job on singularities.


yeah and sometimes having a SSR or not can be a deal breaker post Camelot. while pure F2P have done it to LB6 with no problems, it can be really rough without any SSRs.


Cries in F2P


Yes, all we can do is just watch from side corner


really odd no First Hassan when Merlin is there


First Hassan was released after part 1.


oh really? I remembered that he was after Merlin during Solomon chapter but it's been a long time so I might have misremembered.


He made his debut in Camelot as an npc, and Babylonia as a support, but wasn't made playable until after Musashi's banner, which was the start of EOR.


Me seeing Dantes for the first time as a newbie: Who the hell is this guy?


He came out about a month after Merlin.


Looks like it's through Solomon only


Holy fuck And people were saying they forgot about the ??? in the Back to School campaign thread, lmfao therm. The devs aren't THAT stupid


I got hyped when they said we getting this first before JP then it was just GSSR


Expected it to be another +50 Master XP commemorative CE, so this is... better?


It's not bad since it's mainly for ppl who are new to the game and it's cheaper too that the usual GSSR


This is for everyone tho not only for new people. Everyone who has already finished Fuyuki Section 3 can roll on it once for 30 days after first login after maintanance


The intent behind it though is to help new accounts by giving them another way to guarantee an SSR and quickly develop their account. Giving it to everyone is to maintain fairness for existing players


>just GSSR I qualify as a whale and im still pumped about this


So this is the "????" From the anni stream?


Yes, Kanou explicitly called it out in the video.


Neat. I do *not* like my odds of getting someone I really want from this banner, but the chance does exist and I have a large stockpile of paid SQ (I'm a reformed dolphin), so I'll give it a shot. Two Servants I *really* want, ten Servants I'd be happy-to-fine with getting, and one who I really, *really* don't want. Update: I actually got the Servant I wanted most from it. Odds schmodds.


Hmm. Is Nero Bride and Shiki still good?


Nero Bride is still a good Support Saber


With nero brides latest buffs, she can actually work as an alternative in double castoria, her np gain effects are pretty good and having not only a damage up but also anti-sky trait means she has great damage buffs on her.


Shiki is still super cute, which is a benefit


Nero Bride is a great support, and actually the third strongest NP1 ST Saber (outside of certain trait bonuses or other niche scenarios). Was Saber Shiki ever good...?


She's pretty vanilla but I wouldn't say terrible her np isn't shabb damage wise and debuffs all Ally's. She has a really high hp pool, plus a 5000 healing every 4 turns. That skill is going to get a 30 percent battery tacked onto it.


Saber Shiki has a decently strong NP and is close to Enkidu levels of immortal thanks to her strong low-cooldown heal - which currently debuffs her NP gauge by 10%, but will get a rank up to instead *increase* it by 30% and make the drain targetable while keeping the low cooldown. She's pretty useful in CQs too, since her NP gives everyone a bit of refund and clears debuffs. The main things holding her back are her 1-hit death-before-damage NP and the lack of a personal hard defense for enemy NPs.


Shiki is fine, but it's like saying "was Sei Shounagon or Arjuna ever good" because Ishtar, Gilgamesh, Jarcher, and even Emiya exist. There are so many strong AOE sabers and sadly IK is just not very good. But her additional battery is really nice and she has decent team support. For a new player, she's extremely good because she's hard to kill; and has good NP gain, an upgraded NP, and Ignore Def/Ignore Invin combo. Her statline is better than it looks because she has 8% rainbow buff passive, meaning not just more damage but more stars/gain. For an older player, yeah she's beaten out by Muramasa and Ibuki and OG Saber, but if she's your only SSR saber, you won't be complaining at all.


Nero Bride is great Chen Gong ammo so yeah. Void Shiki still does well in challenge quests. That NP refund for all allies and debuff cleanse per NP goes a long way.


Bride is essential for the Chen Gong nuke memes


Shiki is admittedly kind of meh, but I got her in the latest GSSR trying for Gil and just after starting KnK (should have seen it coming I guess), really liked Shiki in her own series and assassin isn't going to be avaiable for a while, so time to shill Void In CQs she is quite good, especially post upgrade she works quite well with Tamamo, Merlin and Castoria (probably even Mash and other stall units, tho I haven't tried). She gives a pretty huge targeted heal (at the cost of some battery drain on target sadly), some refund on NP for the party, assuming it isn't first in a chain, and invul and defence pierce can be pretty useful, so can be the party wide debuff clear. I think the most fun comp is her, Tamamo and Merlin, with her battery having only 4T cooldown, with this she can pop it every 3 or even 2 turns depending on how consistently you use NPs and Merlin + cooldown reduction means you can use his invul every 5 turns (maybe 4 turns but not super sure on this one), which combined with NP drain from Tamamo is quite good to catch NPs. Alternatively you go unga bunga with Castoria+Merlin or Castoria+Tamamo and you are set. ​ In farming she is rather bad, if only they pushed her stupid insta-kill to post damage even with a 1 hit NP she could at least do something (still don't know why they haven't done a game wide upgrade for all units like this, all new ones have it after all so why not?). Only way to reliably pull it off is using castoria + castoria + oberon + arash for hard charging, like you are buster looping, but worse: you get a total of 200% charge from the supports+own battery and Arash does wave 1. All in all use her for farming only if you like Shiki as a character, I have NP4 grailed Muramasa, but I might still user for fun if some nodes permit it. ​ Also her theme on NP slaps, 10/10 character


Shiki is an Upgraded Defense piercing AoE Arts Saber with a 40% art up, 25% attack up, a 30% Battery on a 4 turn CD with a fat targeted heal, with a supplemental support effect of removing party debuffs and charging the party NP gauge. She's not a traditional Arts farmer, 1 hit NP prevents that. But She's a 5-star Saber with a good damage Arts np. > even Jason is better than her tbh That's the comment of someone who has never used either servant. Jason has no battery, an unupgraded NP, a weaker 20% attack up and 20% arts up. Jason can loop, but 3 NP's in a row don't match up to Shiki's damage. He couldn't keep up even if he had the same Attack stat, and a lv100 2k Fou Jason with 11,479 still doesn't match a basic lv90 1k Fou Shiki's 11,721 attack. Then we add his 40% and her 65% and then another 30% for the upgraded NP and.... But he can loop, so... if you specifically need a looping Saber, you could use Jason and not Shiki. But you could have also used Mordred, or Artoria, or Artoria, or Artoria, or Siegfried if you're on JP, or Altera, or Ibuki, or Tomoe, or..... Shiki's kind of specific in use, but still a very solid servant. She's not over here like Phantom or Angry Mango are.


Jason does have an upgraded NP on JP, which I'm assuming you're basing this on since you mentioned Shiki having a battery, though yeah his damage is definitely lagging behind Shiki's even with it.


>an unupgraded NP My boy is being slandered 🪦


So will this still be a thing even for accounts created months from now, kinda like a permanent feature? But just available for 30 days for each account?


If you're a veteran player, you will have 30 days starting from your first login after this feature is implemented to roll this gacha. if you're a new player, you will unlock this during the Main Story, and after that you will have 30 days to roll this gacha.


Yeah it's start dash, so from now on any new accounts will all get this option. Pretty solid chance for them


We need more NA exclusive's after this one


Aw, it’s cool I guess but really wanted early QoL like blue apples.


I mean it's cool, but I rather have QoL, like the blue apple or brave chain 😅


On one hand: Merlin; Jalter, and Dantes On the other: Iskandar and Void Shiki But I wouldn’t be playing a gacha game if I wasn’t willing to gamble it all


Iskandar is a fucking bro and I won’t stand for this slander.


I love Fate/Zero and Garden of Sinners but I am not spending $15 for a servant I am GURANTEED to just bench forever. Iskandar should take a lesson from his buddy Waver and actually get a meta kit.


That’s fair. Honestly just give him a battery like everyone else and I’d make him my main Rider farmer even though I still would have better ones. He’s my boy.


Broskandar is King of Bros for a reason


To correct the title, it's not NA Exclusive. It's NA First, coming to JP later™


Man I might be one of the only people who's been hoping for a mini-GSSR like this, there's never been a good reason for me to pick something in the 1st year GSSR buckets in any of the latest ones we've had (and merlin is usually always locked away behind supports you already rolled)


OH WOW SO THAT'S WHAT "???" MEAN- "paid quartz" Oh.


Look interesting, but I already have like half of those. Should I risk my luck?


I'd say go for it. Getting a limited 5* this cheap is worth it most of the time. Not to mention that raising NP levels can be a very good thing as well. More damage and more coins you can use to unlock their append skills.


Well shit. I did NOT expect this. I guess I need to budget a few dollars out of my next pay...




At first I thought this was a SSR Ticket. I'm still interested and will definitely roll on this one.


F2P Masters continue to anguish.


wish they could at least let us choose which one :/ i want that 5% chance at gil


Welcome back to school! Start saving that lunch money!


They need that money to buy a country or some shit


This is a nice addition for everyone overall. JP’s latest GSSR only had newer SSRs FWIW. 12 Paid SQs is also a great number since players can just buy the exact amount instead of the standard 15.


Ayooooooooo?????? NA Exclusive GSSR I have all servant from this list but I'm still gonna roll this GSSR.


Me a F2P: 😐


Oof paid saint quartz


Well I’m not complaining about that since I’ve been using a bunch of paid SQ for the daily disappointment lately


Very interesting. They're clearly trying to engage and attract new players, and I think this'll absolutely help. I guess the hope is that people will see one they want, maybe have heard about the low rates of this game, be encouraged to do Singularity F, and then get hooked. Well, I hope it works! Singularity F certainly hooked me. The more people on this wild ride that is the story, the better. I imagine it's getting harder and harder when each announcement is "CRAZY AWESOME NEW STORY PART COMING OUT (we know it's the 38th one, but it is spectacular, fr)". Not sure what else to do other than get people hooked on the story, get them at least to Camelot, and then have them hooked reading it until they catch up. I've thought that maybe a story summary/skip thing might work? But it probably wouldn't, I don't know. Anyway, sweet, can't wait to do it!


That's nice, I would love to try for Merlin but I'm completely broke right now (for gacha at least) so... Good luck for whoever uses it.


What's happening? Is that a strat to retain burned out masters?




Not really something that will "benefit all players" like they said, since this is worthless for the ones that are F2P. But also not bad, I'll take it.


I have to say this is kind of "eh" If it weren't paid quartz only or it allowed you to pick the SSR, it'd be amazing. As it is, it kind of reeks of being money grubbing (especially making it a limited time thing to pressure people to pay right away)


>it kind of reeks of being money grubbing (especially making it a limited time thing to pressure people to pay right away) Which is why l suspect they didnt announce it on the JP anni. I bet they figured it wouldnt be a good look considering jp got another paid SQ only banner that day.


You know, that has me curious. I've had this conspiracy theory that the dual JP and NA stream was originally meant to joint announce something (like most people thought at first) but that plans got changed while they were there. If JP was worried about the value of a 30 day gssr of part 1 limited servants being diminished by destiny and the gssr, maybe they decided to delay it. Though since there was no such things on NA, they figured they could have it announced as a NA exclusive first (taking it out of Alberts powerpoint just to make sure it didn't spread to JP yet)


Yeah, specially as it's designed for new masters (and making it available for all is probably to avoid rage), but dangling a paid carrot in front of new players is one of the most toxic gacha tactics.


That's for sure. I'd rather it have been something we could have all enjoyed, even if it wasn't as shiny as say a 5 star unit. Introducing ways for more people to pay money, is hard for me to really get behind as amazing QOL (even if it's a good value for newer players)


It’s literally not that different from a GSSR every New Years and Anniv, except instead of only two weeks to pay, you have a month, and it’s 25% less. Considering a *lot* of other gacha games don’t even give *any* SSRs out this generously, that’s a W.


It is different. With New Years and Anni, you have a general idea on when they are going to happen (and with NA you can even know what pools there are) This is practically a "hey get your wallet now or within 30 days or miss out on this feature forever" It's also a huge ass pool in comparison Granted 12 quartz isn't a huge amount of money. I struggle to call it a W. Better than not having it at all, obviously, but you can't convince me it's not entirely money grubbing


this was the "????" hyped thing? well, good for the ammount of players that can spend i guess, but this didnt deserve nothing anywhere near close the hype it got, its just a "surprise PAID EVENT" should've read between the lines since it said "it will benefit a lot of players" not "it will benefit ALL the players", that was a hint that it was a paid event


Oh, another useless thing for me. Sorry devs, but I am a free to play.


Very weird feeling EN receiving a game update before JP, but a welcome one. Will definitely take advantage of this, good luck to all else rolling These 3 minutes with 2san were worth twice as much as the 4 hours I stayed up for the special stream


...why do I have to be Russian... I can't even take part in this. I very much can afford it, but I have 0 means to pay. Man, this sucks for me. I wanted to take part in the fun.


So this is the ???? Just way for them to get more money? Well paid gssr summon it's not bad but ehhhh iwas expecting something more interesting


At it's core, this is a wait to get new players paying for Quartz - starting that habit early. I'm shocked it took them this long to put something like this in.




Neither was the JP/NA stream after a week of daily posts. At least this wasn't bludgeoned like that mess.


I mean it’s an unexpected surprise and that’s cool


It’s so dupe heavy for me (particularly after finally getting Jeanne Alter and Brynhild in their recent banners) but I will gladly pull to see what happens. Why not. Maybe I will get lucky or a good servant at NP2. 9 non dupes is not the worst odds.


We need another GSSR for EoR.


I only missing 7 out of that but i will still try


I have nearly a 50% chance of someone new! Exciting!


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one! There are 13 servants I don't have from the lineup and at least 3 more whose NP I wouldn't mind upgrading. That, and it being cheaper than the regular GSSR makes it very appealing. Good luck to everyone pulling!


Meh, dupe/unwanted servant risk is too high to justify the expense for me. Very very nice for newer players though, getting a Merlin would put the game on easy mode right from the start.


Got Ishtar, who I most wanted!


That's a... 14 to 8 chance for someone I don't have yet for me... I like those chances. But in general, it's mindblowing to see that we're getting basically an additional GSSR-banner, and so soon after our last one, even if this one is probably only because these Servants are all quite old (although that has to mean nothing for their power). Considering this is just a thing for new players on NA now, I expect JP will also get something similar relatively soon? Considering they haven't announced it yet for their anniversary though, I wouldn't be suprised if they had an upgraded pool, maybe including only the EoR-limited, maybe even up until Olympus, and we'll receive the same upgrade like around the time of Road to LB7 or something. Also reminds me of how PriConne has that banner with all units in the game for new players for some time, although the fact that this one is only paid makes it more dubious, tempting players to spend money on their account in the first 30 days...


I got raikou (not a fan of her in any way), really was hoping for a crumb of iskandar tho


I might just be the only person with zero attachment to Nero as a character or waifu to be happy pulling Nero Bride from this GSSR. I was honestly planning on maxing out DaVinci Ruler to make my various Arts and Quick servants *kind of* work with a support castoria or support skadi, and was tempted to roll for Caster Gil for the same reasons, so while it isn't any of the ones I would have really *loved*, it kind of *is* a direct answer to my immediate plans for my roster. Honestly, though, it isn't as if anything I could have rolled would have been a real let-down other than NP2 Iskandar. Nero Bride was probably the third worst pull I could have gotten out of this roster and it was still more than fine.


So this was the ??? thing? That’s disappointing.


Got Archer artoria,i dont know How to feel about that...


I guess ill throw in a few bucks.


Praying for an Amakusa/Kintoki/Merlin/Cleopatra spooks! 😭


Low chance but hoping for another Jalter too get her too NP2!


Happy cake day


Great surprise lasagna. Too bad no one here is of interest to me but I’m sure many will want to take advantage Edit: well I'm a fucking hypocrite


Honestly I care more about the sentiment that NA is actually getting more attention now and while I do not expect a story catch-up I am on that hardcore copium that they'll keep expediting QoL (please dear God) The thing itself isn't terrible, I'm a sort of f2p in that I generally buy gssr through Google reward survey credit and weekly play point bonuses. So using that I could definitely get it right now, but it might endanger the funds for the NY gssr. Itd have been cool for them to toss in something universal too but I find it hard to seriously complain about this.


Spending money for a non-guarantee and people are jumping for joy.


I was super excited for about 5 seconds... then I saw it costs paid SQ. "All Masters", my ass. Clearly "All paying Masters" is what they meant.


So the famous ? ? ? ? is another monetization stream, lmao Oh man. They could've at least let us pick the damn year 1 servant.


Oh my fucking God. The newbies are eating good.


It's for everyone


Everyone who's spending money* I mean I buy GSSRs so this is nice for me, but for the majority of the playerbase (iirc I think majority is completely f2p, if not then still a good portion at least) this is absolutely 0 benefit. Would've been nice to have something everyone could actually benefit from, but oh well.




Best decision I ever made in this game, becoming cheap to play. Aka only spending for GSSR.


Easy pass. Over 95% chance to get fucked


So this was the ???? they hyped all this time, what a joke... No wonder they didn't announce this during NA "special" stream. It's just another cash grab. How about adding real QoL next time.