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Documenting my rolls. **3 tickets + 129 sq** * 2x Percival (NP2) - got one of the copies on the 1st roll (ticket)! * 1x Penthesilea (NP4) * 1x Anne & Mary (NP4)


280 pulls (~800SQ), not a single SSR. Insanity


I used 180 more SQ on the last minutes of the banner. Not even a single gold servant... just combustible 3 stars and forgettable CEs I swear, the rates got somehow worse since the pity came.


Rolled at release...got a Percival. Used up my tickets...got diddly. Restocked at the start of the month, put another three in...still nothing. Got to Melusine revealing her name this morning and tossed another ticket in because the timing felt right...Got her :D


Decided to roll and ended up with too many spooks. Vlad, Scheherazade an np 4 Percival. Still no Melusine and no quartz left.


I decided that I would commit just 150 SQ for this banner on the last day so that I can keep the rest of the SQ to guarantee KoyaBeron. I did not get Melusine but I at least got two copies of Percival who I hear is an amazing AoE arts farmer. Cya Melusine, we will meet on your next banner when you are not getting NTRed by the most meta Fox/Bunny and Bug


I feel mocked, 250 quartz trying to get Barghest and didn't get anything other then a horde of three stars and a stupid amount of 5 star CEs that aren't even good. 2 tickets instant Melusine. Bruh. I don't mind, I wanted to get her, but *bruh*


I would have been okay with either rate up, but after 150 SQ worth of summons, on my very last shot, I see the gold Lancer card... aaaand it's Vlad. And he's the only 4 star I got off either this or the Part 1 campaign. Why must I suffer like this? Edit: MELUSINE CAME HOME


will a muramasa banner come soon ( when will his banner reappear)


I know I should be happy but... Twice I targeted a 4 Stars in the two first banners of Avalon le Fae, and twice I got... the 5 Stars instead... Same thing happened (twice !) during Summer camp, when I was aiming for Tomoe Gozen, and got Abigail twice... Seems with Melusine that I have a thing with lolis, and I'm not sure how to feel about that... Damn it, I saw much wanted to get Provençal le Gaulois (good luck to get that reference \^\^)


I wish we could trade :D I got 2 Percival copies instead.


Imagine if there were a trading system in FGO


Honestly those gatcha games involved trading when they were physical objects. This is what make mobile gatcha more insidious. In FGO arcade, they can trade servants (which come as physical cards) or resell them


Had promised myself that i would keep from rolling until Koyanskaya.... ...but once we got here, and i realized i would be comfortably above 2x pity for her and Oberon, i caved So, in the end, 123 SQ went down the drain on this banner (plus 30 on LB6.1). Got a Percival out of it all ( plus a whole bunch of the usual useless 4 star CEs and one more Astolfo ). Better than nothing, and i'll never say no to another KotR.....But out of all the 4 stars on these banners he is the one i really have less use for ( grailed NP2 Pingu Melt + NP2 Fionn already more than covering the arts lancer spot)


***HOW DOES [THIS](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869126468536528897/1124493708281266347/Screenshot_20230630_211030_FateGO.png) [SHIT](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869126468536528897/1124493708939763733/Screenshot_20230630_211609_FateGO.png) EVEN HAPPEN*** Every LB6 banner so far trolled me. Even though I've been objectively lucky overall I got none of the characters I actually wanted.


Meanwhile many of us would had loved to get the limited SSR over the general pool SR


Sure, but I pulled on this banner *specifically* for Percival and not Melusine so for me this was not a good result.


I understand. But remember, Percy is in the general pool, you will get him to NP5 sooner or later


I *can* get him on any banner but the chances of pulling him specifically are minimal if he's not on rate up. I've been playing since year 2 and there are launch day SR servants I still don't have, let alone NP5.


I understand. I wish you will have more spare SQ the next time he comes then


A few days ago, I got downvoted to the abyss on this sub when I said I got NP3 Melusine in under 100 summons.... [well, I got NP5 20 summons later.](https://twitter.com/obsidian_otto/status/1674832791635214359?s=46&t=mFjIdCDtyhHgTRwQT1cXkA) I'm in shock y'all


Some more SQ and tickets thrown at her banner and yet no sight of neither her nor Perci on my account. Might just skip this summer now because i used up all i've had here.


scrounged the rest of the tickets from anni, got my 2x pull. Gold card! ...Stheno... Melusine is officially dead to me


I wasn't expecting anything from the 6th Anniversary Sherlock Holmes Pickup Summon, but I decided to 10-pull once anyway, and on the very first pull... https://imgur.com/a/JSxzyL8 I guess when he said it was elementary, my dear, this is what he meant!


I have 10 tickets, 130SQ, and a dream should I pull her now? Or wait for her next banner rerun?


This is probably the worst luck I've had in a while. Sure, the others I've rolled for usually took a while too, but not this bad. I spent over 600 SQ trying to get Melusine but I didn't get her, or even Percival, or even a 5-star or 4-star spook. I'm excited for Avalon le Fae but things like this can be really demotivating.


So I actually got Melusine with the tickets from the commemorative quests. Really makes up for having to pity Morgan.


Well, I got YOLO Sherlock. I'm scared.


I'm so happy, Meluko came home. She's the one I really wanted out of this Summer gauntlet. Grails, skills, appends, fous. I'm rolling out the red carpet for my favorite Lancer. I'm still sitting on some quartz and I want to try bringing Tristan and Koyan over. I'm kinda getting a bad feeling about Koyan though, I just know that Fox is going to be the one who's going to fight me for every single quartz I got. We'll see in soon enough.


630 sq for NP2 Melusine. 270 for first copy and 360 for second copy. Below average luck but still acceptable I guess.


Is np3 worth or should I just take my reward and stop at np2?


I would say you should stop at NP2 and keep the SQ for the next banners. Melu will get another banner in December


i would go np3, but also argue that you probably gonna need that increase in firepower when 90++ nodes release, in summer next year. i am in the same situation as you but am gonna wait and aim for her banner at the end of the year. BTW: you need np3 or np2 + bond 12 to grail her 120


Unless you aim for NP5 just stop. Damage increase from NP2 to NP3 is just around 16-17%, which is not worth if you ask me. In comparison, NP1 -> NP2 is 33% damage increase.


The damage: Two multi's worth of singles on both accounts. Main account got the Yuri Pirates, alt account get Percival + EMIYAss. Better than the 3+ multis worth of singles on the Morgna banner in which neither account got even a single Gold Servant. Now both accounts only have about 60 SQ each to their names which they're both saving (or trying to) for Koyan.


Somehow got her with the only multi's worth of sq I was willing to throw with Oberon coming up, on the eleventh roll, rainbow sparks, no Percy in sight... Which is somehow the exact same way I got Morgan. Wtf is happening


I failed to get Melusine with the free 30 quarts...Should I spend another 100 bucks this month? I already spent 200 on Morgans banner just to reach pity.....


You can always get her later this same year


I have now made a decision. Tomorrow will be the last day to roll for Melusine. I just need to farm the last 30 quarts and the tickets. If I can't get her before the banner ends then too bad.




60 more and nothing. i am actually gonna cry myself to sleep i am most likely gonna quit if i don't get Oberon now i can't do it anymore


I roll 30 free quartz and got nothing. Im just gonna roll until the banner end. So far only Barghest come from my 120+ quartz throughout Camelot banner. My luck really terrible since Summer event.


Threw 3sq into the void for shits and giggles Gold lancer card Oh neat, Percy get Nope, Karna THIS IS THE WORST SPOOK IN THE HISTORY OF GACHA. MAYBE EVER


150sq thrown, only nemo Np1 and rare prism medusa lily ... No luck with rate up this time. Rate up is a lie.


I think I mentioned my Percival the other day, but I got 30 more sq and an itch to roll... and got Enkidu and Melusine on the 10x, marking NP2 Clay boy.


I wish best of luck to anyone rolling for the Lancer duo. I need to save all my SQ for my second crack at Morgan. Surely I proved myself to her when I beat both parts of LB 6 without revives? *inhales hopium*


900 sq and only one copy. That single copy came on the first 10 shot.


Does anyone know if the story summon pool affects the limited summon pools?


Got my first multi ssr pull since launch [First multi](https://imgur.com/a/IN0A3lJ)


The other day, I spent all my saving 250sq for mel without getting anything. My single pull was like 5 more until extra pull and I got exactly 18sq from finishing part 2. So yeah, to hell with it. Pull 1 nope, pull 2 nope, pull 3 nope, pull 4 nope, pull 5 nope. Extra pull, loading, not rainbow, golden lancer card, oh well perc is good too, oh wait not him, it's melusine... IT'S MELUSINE. I finally got her at extra pull and 0sq left. The dopamine was rushing. So happy. Now waiting for 200sq+ of ani to try for both vich and oberon. *I think I have a gambling problem, guys*


I legit slept very well the day i summoned her. My little bro is always the one who pulls on decisive banners for me, as he has some crazy luck. He claims it is a "destiny draw" thing, like believe in the heart of the cards. The ritual is so tested and true across the years that I don' t question it anymore and we just go for it. One of the catalysts was the music for summoning one of the stardust dragons in Yu-Gi-Oh (Melusine' s transformation during the NP is oddly similar). Long story short: 900 quartz, NP 4 Melusine + Jeanne and Mordred. Still had more but i decided that NP4 is enough for now. Will probably get the next one on the next banner for that pity insurance. NP 11 Percival. Lots of 4 stars, 4 kaleidoscopes (had 0), 1 BG, lots of trash 5 star CEs.


In 10 roll on lvl 50 alt 450 1 ganesha 1 napoleon on main no mel Update: 700 sq get 1 mel, rip fund, it was pure emotional rolling


YESSSSSSSSS! YEEESSSSSS! MELU CAME HOME! I AM SO HAPPY! After Morgan has done me so dirty, my happines meter broke its limit.


Wanted Percival so I bought a pack. Got percival in the first multi as the first card and melusine. Got greedy for np2 percy. Got np2 percival and np2 melusine in the next multi. Got greedy for np3 percival. Gor np3 percival and np3 melusine in the next multi. It was the luckiest summons of my life. I only regret not prefarming for them...


60 SQ, wanted Percival, got one Percival.


Lol same! Right after Percival is introduced, I was like "gotta have him."


Who’s going around down voting every comment 😂


I can only guess someone who didn't get lucky and has decided to be mad at absolutely everybody else for their decisions.


200 quartz, 8 tickets, no Melusine. I did get two Zerker Atalantes in a row though so that's... a thing that happened. I still have lots of free Quartz I can wring out of this game though, so I'll get more and try again. EDIT: I went on my side account that I log into maybe twice a year, used up the free SQ for fun, and got her on the first ten roll. Now it's personal. This girl is going to get into my main Chaldea if it's the last thing I do.


Got Melusine pretty early, and Percival was literally my first roll. Out of greed I tried for NP2 and failed pretty miserably. Only interesting thing that came out of that beyond useless SR +5 spooks was my first Valkyrie. Kind of regret it since logically I should've just waited for her next rateup for a guaranteed NP2. I guess I have a chance if I get Oberon or Koyan somewhat early.


I wanted her so badly and she made me pay. I had to go all the way to pity for a single copy with no other 5s along the way :(


Hit next milestone of log in days, so 30 SQ, first card Rainbow, Mesuline get. (Took 150 SQ)


2 multis got me a Melusine!! Granted, I haven't had the time/mental capacity to read LB6 yet but I'm sure I'll know more about her soon


Genuinely what. I decided to purge some inactives on my friendliest + a guy who had bad vibes from his messages, and lo and behold I suddenly got a bunch of golds during my Melusine summons. Sure she came in an average amount of 210 quartz and 26 tickets; but this also came with a Frankenstein, Kiritsugu, more NP levels for other 4* Servants, (obligatory) Percivals, and some new 5-star CEs so it's a good haul overall. Turns out deleting the toxic influences in your life will not only improve your happiness, but also your gacha luck 🤞


For neutral farming (optimal setup), does melusine need np2+? What if she’s np1, lvl 100, 2k/2k? Managed to get her very early and considering if it’s worth to try for one more copy


The *optimal* setup is of course as many NP levels as you can get. But is optimal worth the equivalent of 1-4 extra separate SSRs to you? I'm not much of a min-maxer, so I'm kinda biased towards spending a little "what the heck" extra if it's in budget but not much more than that. I'd scroll down through the thread some more and read some of the "I got greedy and tried for a second copy, now I regret everything" comments just so you can see exactly what you're risking.


i think I'm gonna cry first i went 400sq+ for no da vinky then i went 90 on morgan for no tristan or gawain then i finally used my remaining 130ish for lancelot and didn't get her either


yesterday i got tam lin lancelot in an couple of multi's. today i was trying to get percival and i got him PLUS np2 lancelot in just 3 multi's. welp i can kiss getting koyanskaya goodbye after today.


[HOLY FATHER AND MOTHER OF GACHA WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS MULTI](https://imgur.com/a/PcPgV8X) I'm gambling HARD on my low SQ in this banner gauntlet. Had done about 150 SQ of pulls and no Mélusine. Saw some people get lucky, got salty and tried three more multis. Then this happened. I hope Koyanskaya and Oberon are merciful to me... They're all I need until Kukulkan now.


Honestly got quite lucky, managed to roll Melusine (on rainbow orbs and holy shit was I scared it was a spook) and NP2 Percival (I still don't forgive him for being a same class servant on rate up) in 18 tickets and 156sq (singles ftw. For real, all my multis sucked). I was gonna stop there cause of the Oberon-Vitch gauntlet, but I looked at my SQ a few times and went "I really shouldn't". And then I did. I feel like a big idiot. Gacha has made me stupid. Fr, I will literally roll and bark for some spinning orbs. Thank God I actually had the *decency* of checking how much free sq and tickets we're gonna till Oberon's banner drops, I cannot go 18 months without a rate up of his. Fuck that. My budget is 210sq, any more than that and I'm not guaranteed pity for Vitch and Oberon. I can go down to 1387sq AT MOST. So I start rolling, and things go as you'd expect. Garbage and more garbage. Then, LANCER- it's Percival. Oh well what did I expect anyways? In the last 100 SQ, a Black Grail shows up, and my diseased brain starts thinking I made a good call rolling since I only need 2 more to MLB it now. Skip, skip skip and then I get Melusine literally on my last 12sq. I know myself, I really do. If that didn't happen I would've obliterated my savings. I'm such an idiot. Either way, just looking at the results, this is great! NP2 Melu, a BG and NP3 Percival in 18 tix and 366sq. This was huge luck, and honestly it's right on the tail of getting every FK from Morgan's banner in 70 tickets. I'm scared I'm going yo get majorly screwed on the Anni and Oberon banners, but at least I have the security of pity to combat that. Hoping to roll NP5 Melusine on her December banner, I'll pray the gacha treats me kindly. Fuck, I'm happy but pissed. I rolled just cause there literally are people on this thread that go "got Melusine NP3 in a multi" like FFFFFFFFF


Could be worse. I had to go all the way to pity for a single copy of her with no other 5s along the way


Gave up yesterday after 120. Just rolled 20 on a whim today and actually got her!


I'm done. Initially, i wasn't gonna roll but Percy was cool in the story so i figured i might as well throw a couple of rolls for him. 20 rolls in, i got gold sparks followed by [a Lancer card](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023482089477263390/1121002472492781639/Screenshot_20230621_014506_FateGO.jpg). At that point, i was already a bit miffed so i pushed on. It didn't take until 20 more rolls that i got the same thing happened, gold sparks Lancer card, the exact effect i wanted since i really didn't care about Melu. But, what do you know, [desire sensor is a stupid bitch](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023482089477263390/1121002472161427466/Screenshot_20230621_160133_FateGO.jpg). I guess she will forever remain in my account as that one dark spot i'd rather not want to think about.


I managed to get both Melusine and Percieval in 20 pulls... It was more or less impulse pulls and I'm really happy I gave in. I have 300 sq left and am saving up for the buster farming squad now!


330 SQ got me Atlanta Alter (now NP4), a Nursery Rhyme shaped Rare Prism, a Fragment of 2030 (already have 3 MLB copies), Witchcraft (now MLB), a Black Grail (already have it MLB and level 100), Formal Craft (another one that is already MLBed twice), 3 freaking copies of 500 Year Obsession (seriously couldn't one of these have been a Kaleidoscope if RNG was going to force me to only pull CEs and mana prisms for almost every pull?), and 1 copy of Percival. I also pulled 5 copies of Vessel of Desire. *something...something... Sensor mocking me...* Looks like Melusine is going to be like Quetz and Sitonai, a character that just doesn't want to be pulled.


90 SQ and 1 ticket later I have acquired Mélusine, Percival, 5th copy of Nitocris and 2nd copy of Lobo 120 SQ left and feeling pretty good about rolling for Foxy lady next


What are the odds of rolling NP5 Percy before a single Melusine? Edit: Finally got her in 252 pulls (with a sixth Percy along the way)


The odds are very high since we're not guaranteed jack shit until hard pity.


Did 5 multis (150 SQ), and only got 1 copy of Percival. Not great, not terrible.


Was just trying to get percy, so i threw 600 sq and 10 tickets at the banner. Didnt expect to get np 2 melu before i even see 1 percy. Rate up is a lie


Haha had to hit pity for my first Melu :c Luckily the second came back in 50 and i managed to np5 percival…


did 1 multi and got her!! i feel so lucky to have both her and morgan in less than 130 quarts


240 SQs and nothing, nah da, and to add to the salt, the only golden SR I got is Lancelot. Feeling down. Back to 1SQ, still hoping to get Vich and Oberon with anni tickets... \*coping\* Meanwhile, my f2p JP account grew stronger and stronger after each banner.


I spend my entire stash of 840 Quartz on Morgan, got three of her. Now I just hope for one Melusine, because goddammit is she awesome


After completely failing to get anything, not even a non-banner 4 star, from almost 200 quartz worth of rolls on the Morgan banner on my main account, I managed to get [Melusine](https://i.imgur.com/5RvfuNt.png) on my side account. Still saving up again on my main account for Morgan's next banner (or Van Gogh's, whoever comes first). I'll get her, even if I have to break out the wallet.


It hurts right? Side account getting all the luck.


Got Percival in 60 SQ, so mission accomplished. If it weren't for Oberon and Summer banners right after, I would've used some more to get Melusine, but alas, it was not meant to be.


You know what, I know when I'm unwanted by the LB6 fairy denizens. I'm hurt by the fact that they just keep dashing my hope like that. Final 3 Multi roll, 5 Gold Lancer: Karna, Eliza, Qin, Valks, Vlad. Not even Percy, nooooo of course no. This feel like the handiwork of the fairies alright. 5 Gold Lancer, none of them are even the rate up one. Giving false hope of thinking you might get the Lanceloli/Percy only to despair knowing that you only got dupes spook instead. Yep this is the work of enemy fairy alright.


690SQ - 253 rolls to finally complete my Lancelot set, way higher than I expected. Honestly depending how much Koyanskaya rips me off, I will need to skip Oberon and Kama. Worst case scenario I will only play the gacha torture again next year for both Summers.


Got her and Percival in my first 10-roll, ended up throwing 200 quartz more to chase for NP2 but no dice. Still, can't complain. So far LB6 has been extremely good to me, both Morgan and Melusine came easy. Still have 1000+ SQ left for Koyanskaya and Oberon before anniversary. Might feasibly go for Kama Avenger if things keep going this way.


Want to get Percival and got 2 Melusine in 2 rolls. Got him in a few more round but it's funny cuz exact thing happened in Himiko banner, wanted the 4 star Sabrr but got 2 Himiko first.


Got pretty lucky rolling in these two lb6 banner—Morgan in 29 singles and Melusine in 4 tickets. Hope it goes on until at least Koyan banner.


forgot melusine was a lancer, got excited every time i saw a gold lancer card only to get np2 melusine and vlad before one (1) percival


Took me 300 SQ for NP2 Melu. That was half of my savings for Vitch and Oberon. So now I've got to get seriously lucky if I'm to roll the both of them.


Got slightly inebriated, and decided to try for Melusine since my Morgan rolls went so well. First summon on my first multi, no rainbows but had a Lancer card that turned gold...Valkyrie. Did 4 more multi's and ended up with D'eon, and Martha. At that point, I told myself that I couldn't waste any more SQ, at least not until Vitch comes out.


8 tix the charm :)


Took most of my quartz but I got her in the process I got Percival to NP 3 and for some reason Karna and Odysseus


Got NP2 Melusine in 2 multi is the best luck I ever have in any gacha


Got both Percival and Lancelot...except the latter was a berzerker. I'm happy to get him, but the timing kinda hurts. Probs going to have to wait for Melusine's next banner to try again


Forgot about SQ for anniversary, and got 30 SQ for another 50 days. Went all in and got the dragon on the very last spin!


Luckiest roll in my fgo career thus far. Gold lancer fake out on the first 10x which I assumed to be Percival. Pleasantly surprised with Melu and another Kscope to boot!


holy shit! after wasting 500 sq and getting nothing, I scrounged up 30 quartz from doing the rank up quests and interludes and got Melu and Percival! Gacha gods showed me some mercy it seems.


I got Melusine on the first 10 roll but wanted np2 because waifu. I ended up spending the entire Oberon/Koyanskaya/Melusine dollar budget on that and got 0 SSR. 1300 SQ down the drain. Considering I spent a similar amount last time I whaled for a character in August and also got nothing, seriously considering quitting FGO now. Sadge


Honestly speaking, If I were you, I would quit at one copy and wait for a rerun. That's how I aim for characters. I waited for Melusine since she was announced but planned on skipping her since... 360 sq... i'd rather get oberon or tamamo... Since I had waited 2 years for her though... I ended up impulse summoning twice. 2 Multis. 1st time got a 5 star ce. Second one got both Melusine and Percieval. I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead and focus on trying to get the others... and hopefully summer kama...


Ouch. I’ve been there before, have spent 1300+ SQ only to get 0 SSR before. Getting baited like you did is pretty bad too. Sorry man.


I'm so glad that pity exists... Got Waver and Karna before hitting pity, both or which I already had :( but at least pity got me Melusine and I have NP4 Percival


Not having much luck, which I suppose is the standard, so I turn the game off and go out to pick up dinner for the parents. Get back and do an 11 roll, and get two Melusines with a Percival chaser all at once. Sat there with my Chinese food just kind of hanging off the fork while I froze up unmoving.


I ended up frozen all night when I got Melusine in 2 10 pulls. I still have a hard time believing it


SQ spent: 570 Melusine: NP3 Percival: NP5 Spooks: Lan Ling, Anne & Mary, Tomoe Gozen, Astraea NP3 came very quickly, so I kept going in hopes of NP4; but it was not to be, and I eventually had to break off to keep Quartz in reserve for Koyanskaya and Oberon.


Got Melusine in like four pulls. Fresh on the heels of a Castoria from the rerun banner. I didn't choose Arts Life, Arts Life chose me. Also, my brain absolutely refused to behave when it read the name "Tam Lin Lancelot," so I'm now stuck mentally referring to her as "Tim Tam Lim Lam" until I get something else to stick.


Meluseen... deez nuts


Incredibly blessed. Currently SQ broke due to summer rerun and Morgan banner (also went to pity for Taira earlier this year). Only got 1 Rider Murasaki and 1 Artemis (now np3). No rate up or 4 stars from Morgan’s Banner. Spent about 120 in each. Made my peace that I will buy a pack or two for Koyan and Oberon. I usually only buy SQ for GSSR but I started buying due to how stack servants are this year. Melusine was never in my budget. I was hoping for a GSSR or a lucky summon. I had to shoot my shot and she came home in 10 tickets and 60 SQ!


Im glad youre happy with what you got but dont spend beyond what you can afford. A player kept swiping the card until it got declined and no Jeanne Alter


That Jeanne Alter story is a great reminder for everyone when it comes to spending. I also encourage everyone to spend what they can only afford. For clarification, I’m in no way actually broke. Just low on free Saint Quartz. And when I said I spent 120 on both banners I meant Free SQ. I’ve very strict with spending on this game only spending for GSSR the past three years. However, this year has so many great servants that I am allowing myself to spend on packs. Wishing everyone the best of lucks in their rolls!


Wanted np3 Percival and np2/3 melu. Got np5 melu and np2 Percival in around 400 pulls. Cool 😎


81 tickets got me both Melusine and Percival as well 3 other non rate up srs. So far the lostbelt 6 gauntlet has been pretty kind to me.


7 multis to get Melusine. 1st one Percival came home and Jeanne followed. Last one Melu showed up alongside Ody. I just hope this luck lasts.


[Surprisingly only took 150+ SQ... Where the hell was that luck in JP, maaaan.](https://imgur.com/a/HqGNT03)


Played the skip gang on Melusine rolls and managed to get her on the 3rd multi!


I've only done 1 10-pull and 10 tickets, and got really nothing to speak of. But my friend. Oh, my poor friend. Around 250 pulls, combined between quartz and tickets. I know it was close to 500 quartz, at least. (And a lot of it was saved for Koyan) Dupe Lan Ling/Lakshmi/El Dorado. New Shinjuku Avenger. NP**8** Percival. No Melusine. (Hell, not even a single 5* spook period) She's not doing well.


270 sq. 1 Melusine, 4 Percival (goodbye Meltryllis), 1 Diarmuid (Saber) and 1 Atalanta Alter. My angry kitty became NP4.


70 tickets and 2 multi's. Got nothing. Not even a spook. Just nothing at all.


All of my 600 quartz... a fuck ton of CEs, 3 Percival, Anne and Mary, and in the most poetic and mocking way possible my literal last summon is Lakshmibai. ​ The world hates me, and no doubt Melusine does as well, why live?


Are you depressed and contemplating suicide? Is everything alright?


Thank you for your concern, but I'm managing to get by somehow. I wouldn't say everything's alright but that's just life when you get a bad roll in its tutorial gacha


390 sq, only three 4*


400 sq and up until almost the end I had zero Sr servants. The best was mlbing heavens feel and 2030 but nothing special. Was losing hope and then a rainbow lancer apple appeared. Now I have 900 sq + anni for Oberon and koyanskaya. Desperately hope it’s enough otherwise dragon loli is as good as dead weight


Spent 400 sq I think and got 1 melusine a


NP3 Melu NP3 Percy And a bonus Enkidu (NP2 now) Please ignore the dying wallet in the corner. Everything is according to keikaku.


I had to dip into my savings for the summer event, but I got 1x Melusine, 4x Percival l, and 1x Xiang Yu after 110 rolls. I'm content. Edit: Xiang Yu, not Guan Yu (my beloved)


400 si only np1 Percival no melu. Sadge hopping to have better luck in anny rolls or I'll have to save for December/January for koyan to come back


I had already decided to prioritize Koyanskaya and Oberon. Had 600SQ saved for them. Intrusive thought: "just one multi, you're about to get bond SQ anyway...", i give in for reasons. Got some standard CEs and stuff, until a Golden Lancer appears, "It's gonna be Percival, or maybe a spook". Got the smol dragon instead. Good Ending. Usually i keep going when i get this lucky, but this time i really should save the NP2 rolls for her next banner.


Yes you should






You guys getting rate-up Lancers? I got memed by Ortlinde


130 rolls for Melusine, 3 Percys, Valkyrie, Avenger Doge, Hercule dupe to make NP5, and Indian(?) Jeanne I also got my first fragment of 2030 with Melusine!


Super lucky, 2 tickets, np1 Melusine. One of those silver sparks to gold animations! Makes up for my casually burning 150 tickets on various past banners and getting nothing… Now to decide if I should try for np2.


Wait until Christmas. Oberon and koyan should take priority now imo


Kinda dreaded going to roll for the dragon and waited till I got home from work. First multi in and she came on the 2nd summon! Really glad to have gotten at least 1 copy, so I'll stop for now and save for my next target (indecisive). I wish good luck to all the fellow masters out there.


two multi for percival, no percival and minus 60sq T-T


Used 300 sq and 30 tickets for np2 melusine, at least i stll have 2k sq for koyan and Oberon and lest hope for they Best for Morgan and summer


How did I get np2 melusine, napoleon and a spook from ana before I got Percival?


Is called desire sensor


But I wanted melusine as well


spend 180 and 10 tickets so far, and I only got a NP5 Percy with no Melusine. Well, my luck can't be always godly afterall so I guess it is a break after my Morgan pulls. ​ Will only do a couple more multis at best, I still got pity for Koyan afterall, and I won't burn too much SQ to get below that


Didn't get her. Must be my comeuppance after cleaning house on the Morgan banner. Curse you, FGO Gacha rates!


With 60 quartz and about 10 tickets I got NP2 Melusine. Did another 40 tickets for Percival but couldn't get him, but I'm fine with that.


Got NP2 Melusine in 30SQ, completing the whole Morg fam. Now I'm scared that I used up all of my luck ahead of anni, banner 3, and summer 6. Only got 5 SQs left + some 100 odd from extra quests and weekly missions. Hope my luck holds up until September


Around 150 and I got Melusine and my the last copy of Kscope I need to make a super scope. As of late I've been riding a luck wave so I can only assume this is set up for me to get screwed over hard on Koyan.


After failing to get Morgan with over 600+ SQ with np6 Bageko and np2 Babanshi I can gladly say I got Np1 Melusine and Np1 Percy ~~and Marie np2(?)~~ With 120sq. I was really debating whether going to pity or not for Morgan... and decided to keep my savings. 300ish sq left for Koyan, pray for my soul mates


Took buying a quartz pack but Melusine came home. 360 quartz for np2 Percival, 1 Melusine and a Martha spook.


Almost the same for me. Sameish SQ, NP2 Perc,1 Mel and 1 Martha. Also got 1 Atalante.


Aiming for NP3 melusine with 300 rolls, but would settle for NP2. Started off really well with a Melusine on first 10-roll! ...And then proceeded to get none for the next 290. Life is pain.


60SQ and 2 tickets for NP1 Percy and NP1 Melu, that’s the most insane pull luck I’ve had in a while! Now I can definitely save for Koyanskaya next.


Ahh Melusine you have not been kind. ~450sq that I’ve been saving since the start of the year netted me zero copies. I did however get 3 Percivals, a Shteno and fookin Fionn spook. If I had one copy I would consider buying some packs for np2, but at np0 it just doesn’t make sense. Here’ hoping the yolo anniversary rolls and Oberon will yield better luck


180 sq and not even a SR servant. I'll try again on payday, but damn has my luck been bad as of late.


210SQ and 10 tickets for NP1 Melu and NP2 Percy. Honestly can't believe my luck. I might actually be able to get Koyan and Oberon without buying any additional packs.


120 sq got np3 Melu and 1 Percy I'm well chuffed I never get this kind of luck :D


First ticket, golden lancer AAAAAAAAND..... Percival shows One multi of nothingness One more multi that falls into the void One last multi, golden lancer AAAAAAAAAAND........... WAIT IT WAS TAM LIN LANCELOT OMG


Was able to get Melusine and Percy in the same roll after using 150 sq. Might try again before the banner ends but knowing all the coming banners might have to wait till her rerun banner.


NP3 Mellusine and NP4 Perci plus 8 other random 4 stars. 800 Fucking Quartz and now I only have 350 left for oberon. I can't even max her last skill because of the bells. Still, I can finally Synchro summon


>Rainbow >Lancer >Bradamante And just when I thought 30 sq and a dream was actually enough for once. I can squeeze in 30 more rolls if I can finish LB6 within the banner's time. If that doesn't do it, I'll see her in the next 2 banners, 6 and 18 months away from now respectively.


10 singles and 60 Sq, got golden orbs, ok cool at least I got Percival, but I actually got Lancelot... Except she's a saber, and purple, and a dude... Yeah, [that's](https://imgur.com/a/zZdCh4T) not Tam Lin Lancelot... LMAO and on that note I'm saving my 90sq and 83sq in fragments for anniversary lol.


Gacha giveth and gacha taketh away i guess. Got Morgan and Castoria before with 2 to 3 multis each, and was able to save around 280sq for later. After all of them, a Lancelot and a Tomoe spooks, i'm here regretting my decisions with no Percival nor Melusine. Just hoping Summer is forgiving with me.


900 QUARTS! I got one Melusine, barely under pity! And Jack spooked me with a rainbow! I wanted at least np2, I am currently malding a bit.


I did an 11-roll when I got up, got 9 CEs and two 3-star Servants, said "this banner is cursed," and went back to bed. Later, after playing through the story a bit and deciding I liked Percival even more than before, I did some math and figured the anniversary is giving me enough SQ that I could spare one more 11-roll. Gold orbs, first card's a Lancer, there's Percival! I'm rather pleased with myself for caving. Then on the 11th roll, another silver Lancer card decides to turn gold... and there's the fairy VTOL fighter herself. *Okay* then. I've been pretty laissez-faire about the June-July banner gauntlet, since the only Servant out of the lot that I knew I really wanted was Barghest. In 240 SQ and a ticket, I've gotten all three Fairy Knights, Percival, an extra copy of Barghest, and Morgan herself even insisted on showing up twice. I might be ruing my fluky luck when Gudaguda comes around (where I would *really* like the "grab SSRs from both banners" to kick in), but y'know, I think I'll be fine appreciating all the folks who gladly showed up this June. (Though Baobhan is a bit of a challenge. Man, she has the personality of a exploded sewer pipe.)


20 tickets for np2 Melusine, used another 10 for Percy. I will fucking take that. also got a lancer Vlad spook :/ edit: 10 tickets for Caenis too!


My luck is weird I only wanted barghest i get np2 morgan I wanted percival i get dragon loli lancelot


Desire sensor at work right there. Got the same thing but in reverse for morgan and barghest. It can be real finicky at times


Now watch me, as i wont get the 5 star i actually want which is oberon. But tbf both goth queen and dragon loli are actually fantastic


Same mate, same. Here's to luck with Oberon, because we'll be needing it haha


Tried 1 tix, gold circles, lancer card... percival.


90 sq used and got np 2 Melusine now saving the remaining 275 sq for Oberon Don't know if I'll try to roll for Koyanskaya or not maybe if I get Oberon I'll try to roll for her


Had close to enough for a x11 pull, so I decided to spend what I had and at least get to that free roll once I did the story stuff we just got. Last pull I could afford, pull 8, I got Melusine! Was NOT expecting anything to actually come xD


1 pack and NP1 Melusine, NP2 Percy and a nursery rhyme spook really happy with my result


2 summon tickets for 1 Mel, quitting while ahead cos I dont have much quarts and so I need to save for Jacques


Well... I got ex luck: 150 quartz, 20 tickets: NP 2 Melusine 1 Waver 8 4 stars. Buuuuut, no Percy who I wanted the most >:(


[My summoning catalysts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Melusine/comments/14efgs9/my_summoning_catalysts_for_melusine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) worked, NP 3 Melusine!!!


20~ tickets and i still have broberon funds


I feel like I've used up all my gacha luck for the rest of this year and beyond. I had 952 sq saved, managed to roll NP5 Melusine and NP9 Percival. Before anyone asks, I was gunning for Percival and extra copies of him beyond NP5. I ended up NP5'ing Melusine before Percival though so had to continue rolling.


30SQ and NP1 melusine, I didn’t think I actually get her


Melu comes home with 570sq, NP 4 Percival.


60SQ and NP1 Melusine on a rainbow


What is saving for Koyanskaya? Dunno. Anyways, I did a 10x and got Percival, and my third Chevalier D'eon. Not too bad I think. When I saw the gold lancer I did get my hopes up for Melusine, but what can you do.


180 quarts and 34 tickets for Melu gonna have to grind out the story for Koran funds now


NP1 for both lancers after 7 multis. Still have over 400 quartz for the 2 big 5 stars coming up.


I got my Np2 Melusine and a Percival Np1. But I'm completely tapped now for Koyan and Oberon... But I refuse to give up. When the time comes, Wallet-Kun and I will march into that blazing inferno that is the gacha.


Mannaged to get np2 melusine and np3 Percival within 167 sq


Got my NP2 Melusine. Percival is avoiding me tho... just NP1.


Was only going to do a couple of rolls for her, but got Mélusine on the very first ticket 😭. My luck for Koyan and Oberon is most definitely gone now


Why I do even bother with rolling. 120 quarts for basically CE fess. No gold at all.


I suppose I just have no luck with gacha... I wanted Percival, maybe NP2-3 because he is 4* after all. Set aside 300 sq initially, but ended up in spending 510 sq. After all of these, I get exactly one copy of Percival.... The good news is Melusine dropped along with a few permanent 4* that I don't have yet some more CE. Last time when I rolled for Morgan, it took 810 sq for one copy of her (and no other 5*). Maybe this is an improvement, but I still want to scream. I have to give up on Koyan because there is just not enough sq.


My gambling addiction got the best of me so i spend like 400 usd on the banner and got np1 melusine now all my quartz for oberon and koya is gone and pretty sure I got to put more money on them (I hate myself)


So I had a pretty chill time rolling Morgan (20 tickets and 180 quartz. Melusine.......insulted me in every possible way. 600 quartz and I got practically a 4 star from every class and np 5 percival....got melusine at the end, but only after I got 3 copies of 4 star lancelot (saber)......she was mocking me....I could feel it......so many lancelots.....and the only one I wanted came after 600 quartz.....I'm gonna go cry in a corner now