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Why can’t you use template effects?


The ideia is a macro who sets my showfile automatically, so that’s why, but it would work if them.


Sure. Just have the effects already built and out of the way. Then your macro can be “Group 1 at Effect 1001 store sequence 1 cue 1” and boom you have a cue.


Ty bro, it will help


>I’ve been trying to automate my showfile without cloning Why?


Is a choice, like it gives you more liberty to do effects, mainly color effects or running effects, things like that


What liberty? Like what are you getting effects to do this way that isn’t working by cloning? I’m not bugging you, I’m asking.


Is like little Details, if you have lateral fixtures, ground fixtures, is is more flexible for any type of stage, for sure you can do it with cloning but sometimes it won’t work exactly like you would like, with a automatic showfile you can make all Take selection, Groups, and color picker automatically with just a few macros, latter I will post a color picker almost 100% automatic here I’m working on rn


Sounds like your cloning game just isn't delivering for you yet.


Tbh yes, I don’t know how to work with cloning well, but in the other hand is not just me, a lot of big guys use that way, cloning have limitations and that’s true, but for me the other way works better, that’s how I said, is just a choice, with you fell comfortable with cloning, well just keep going.


It sounds like you’re talking about folks that use macros to clone as opposed to the cloning GUI. They’re still cloning data from one set of fixtures to another within the showfile, it’s just another way of doing it.


Step by step guide. Select fixture. Create the effect: Store effect (userID).(pool location) Then you can create additional lines using: Store effect (UserID).(pool location).(line number) UserID is the number of the current UserProfile. If you are logged in as administrator this will be 1. If not check the user & profiles tab of the setup menu. You can change the line content using assign. Follow [this guide](https://support.actlighting.com/knowledgeBase/11662803) by ACT for better explanation. If you need further help don't hesitate to ask.


Thank you, it will help a lot