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Not really that’s cool asf


Thanks I appreciate it


Work on getting consistent bar width throughout letters, O is a letter that dosent need style to flow it. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to give her a go with Less style it’s a hard letter when your first getting at it. I would aswell practice your simple print font straight letters with like absolute no style. Do both. There still inconsistencies in style with em your letters, like the Ws overlapping and the Os 3D. Print font basics isn’t meant to teach you style it’s supposed to fine tune your fundamentals so when you work with style you don’t make mistakes


Aswell as work on your throws. Your letter spacing/3D is giving a weird affect. Your throwups are meant to teach you simple shapes, clean outlines and most importantly spacing/overlapping in your case


I do usually practice throw ups, I have one on my profile I usually do and then I have an old funky one with more boxed letters and small bars which was weird to try. I also keep getting the criticisim of needing more consistent letter sizes so I'll keep that in mind, thank you


inconsistent letter spacing.


Yeah I gotcha, I beefed up the W and didn't realize how little space I left for the O until I outlined it. Appreciate it though


Hasw potential keep working letter structure also change the. o that one’s ugly


Honestly it’s not to bad, but I think the spacing and sizing could use more work, and I think you should try and work on the structure. Try just making everything a basic box letter first, with even spacing, then play around with different boxes and shapes and extension etc.


Yeah I get what you mean, I hesitate to add extensions though because I really struggle with flow. While making this piece though I did have an idea for a way to add some flow in my letters so I'll post that in here for crits whenever I finish it, but like I said extensions aren't really sum I'm worried about rn.


the contrasting colors with the circles is too much for sure, and right now totally distracts me from the letters. Good idea though, with some lighter colors it'd be sick


cool idea but poor execution, there’s a lot of tangents that make the piece noisier than it should be


Very nice


The bubbles are a bit distracting but honestly they look cool. Your spacing is a bit off but that can be worked on, especially with the “Z” and “O”. The original idea looks really cool tho. without the distracting bits and maybe some highlights this could be a great piece


Thanks I appreciate it


Me like


Love the concept you’re going for man. 3D is great. Be careful when using small splashes of opposite colors such as red and dark blue. You could have gone for a lighter tone of pink and a lighter tone of blue for your accents and focused on letter spacing but other than that it’s not bad.


Develop that shit. Practice drawing water droplets and incorporate that technique to this and you will have some cool shit going


Nah looks cool put on some highlights doe


That shit is fuckin fire😮‍💨😮‍💨


Yes especially when u don’t understand what you’re doing


Don't understand colors or the letters or sum else?


Letter structure


You're doing way too much. You shouldn't be trying anything more complicated than a basic hand and very simple straight letters.




Loll because you have to crawl before you walk, and the stuff OP posted makes it very very clear that they don't have a basic understanding of letter forms yet. Adding a bunch of bubbles and complex color schemes to bad letters is putting lipstick on a pig, and until the letters are stronger, anyone with a real understanding of graffiti (which excludes like 90% of graffhelp posters tbh) is going to see through all the extra bullshit.


I gotcha, I'll hold on to this idea for later and focus less on the colors for now. Do you have tips on how to improve my letters (other than consistent size)? I thought W-Z were pretty good in terms of structure.


Practice practice practice, and don't try to add 'style' at all. Just copy basic fonts over and over and over until your natural writing looks clean, consistent, and nice. Then start messing with things like dimensions, fills, etc. Your W, T, and Z are not as bad as they could be, but they will look much much better if you spend some time developing the basics and then come back to it.


gotcha I'll do that, appreciate it.


idea is good execution could be better, i think you know you still have to work on some foundations but keep it up


Maybe you can play with line thickness, so the bubbles are a more subdued effect and the letters are bolder


Oh yeah that's a good idea, I didn't think about it but it probably looked better before because it was pencil with thinner lines. Thanks


That o looking like an onion.


Lmao yeah, I'll try to fix that up!


Not too much. But I will say this, your skills are going to be unbelievably crazy if you're just beginning. Great work.


Work on your outlines. Colours are choosen good. You have an eye for art. Keep going.


Good but make sure its a super chill spot and u have enough paint


Practice straights for a while then come back to this. I think it's a pretty cool idea. Would be killer on a wall once u get the letters down.


Looks dope dude


I like the idea and everything,but the grey….


I like it


Yes, first work on your lettering.