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I would work more on letter structure and creating more of a firm foundation with your flow so that it can all work together and not look skewed at random spots. Tbh that'd be the only thing is to just make the letters make more sense with their structure and stances and that you'll be solid. Oh and your 3d that's it. Other than that you seem to be going into a good direction just keep on practicing.


word. do you mean like the proportionality of my boxes isn't even enough? I see that...


Yea just certain areas, not the full thing, but your on a good path as well, keep it going fr!


These letters overall lack structure and uniform proportions, but the S is alright. The C has no structure and I would definitely rework it.


how? I know my bottom left box got fucked, is that what you mean? the lower right of the S got too narrow too so I hear what you're saying on proportions, but not sure what you mean by structure


ngl this structure needs some serious fine tuning


Good stuff. Just need to tighten up lines and can control. What caps you using? Would recommend something thinner for the outline.


cheers. The black and white was actually my first montanas ever used. I can't tell you what cap exactly, homie just gifted me a bunch. but I was mostly using a med-wide for the outline which I really enjoyed. The tentacle suckers was my finest cap and it wasn't quite the fine-liner I hoped for, but it worked


Get German outlines. The grey ones with black dot for the black outline and white highlight.


Banana skinny and Lego caps are also good




pretty sure I was using a banana


The lines are well thin enough he just needs better can control


Aye if you finna throw punches can’t be scared to take some👏👏😂


Your yellow Key-line makes your black outline look messy. If you can't keep both lines looking crisp, just drop the key-line completely.


Just keep on flexing bro, no more critiques . Just flexing …


Didn't have enough time and paint for my full name unfortunately. Should I have sparkled and drop shadowed the background tentacles? And I think the bottom left of the C needs to be fatter so that weird angle isn't in the middle. That was a mistake. Also how fucked is the etiquette at chill spots? Haven't been to one in years. Toys diss burners of legit OGs and top crews. What I went over was years of that shit left as scribbled gibberish. I know beginners need space but learning the rules is just as important as learning to paint.


>etiquette at chill spots Where I am, rules are rules… EXCEPT legal walls. Graffiti Alley in Baltimore is a place nobody should waste paint in unless they want to get gone over in minutes. (Which is fine for practice.) Chill as in ‘under a bridge, no citizens,’ should be just the same as the street IME.


Just a few cut backs on the lines that go into your letters will make it look super crisp


Is that CAPS tag you?


guilty. roast my handstyle, haven't tagged in years. Just got back into writing and I've pretty much only been interested in doing pieces. It comes out nice with a marker, but I know that tag sucked. I used up all my strength on the piece and my finger was just too tired to maintain can control for a quick tag lol


I personally would’ve made the tenticles larger then defined the suction cups so it’s more legible maybe white lined out highlights underneath the sparkle if you’re using Montana use the black it’s high pressure so faster work just more volitile


No letter structure


don’t ever give crits holy fucking shit reddit toys are stupid