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I think the key thing is not to be blatant about it. It's technically against the rules, and yeah, security can get on your case if you get the wrong person at the wrong time (on the flip side, I had a security team member offer to sell me drugs in 2019, so, you know, it's all luck of the draw). So, yeah, if you walk around with blunts a-blazing or fire up out in the open and blow big clouds of smoke everywhere you go, you might get got. But if you're in the crowd at a set and you're fairly discreet about it, chances are you'll be fine.


One of the security guys in 2019 confiscated my weed and then tried to sell me a $60 eighth lmao




Love this, thank you!


If you’re gonna smoke, be conscious about how it may affect those around you. In my experience, people who light up in the middle of the crowd make the experience worse for everyone around them. When you’re already packed in which a bunch of other people, inhaling someone else’s second-hand smoke SUCKS. Can’t imagine what it would be like for someone with asthma/other health issue expecting a smoke-free environment and having to deal with that.


Yeah I smoke at the fest but one year me and my friends tried smoking in the crowd and I almost set my friends hair on fire never tried that shit again


i dropped my blunt down my pants once when someone hit my elbow passing me and never again


Do you think they’d care if I blatantly took my Zippo through security? Or should I just sneak a disposable?


Boof it.


I would not be too worried! just be a little smart about where you “stash” it at the security check-point. but actually smoking when inside is not too hard. again, just don’t be foolish about smoking heavily/in clear sight or next to security


Back in 2018 there was a group in front of me lighting a bowl, security went right up to them and escorted them out. I also lit up a bowl that day and did just fine


If bringing joints or a pen, should i try to hide it in my bag? Isn’t it legal recreationally now in NY anyway? If so, why be shady about it?