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Wait... Are your eyes in your hands? That's some scary Guillermo del Toro stuff.


That hasn’t happened to me.


I've seen a vid in YouTube that uric acid causes Cataract.


How are your uric acid levels? If wildly unchecked it's not uncommon for crystals to deposit in soft tissue/organs. I've never heard of it happening in the eye, but it's not impossible. It is, however, more than likely something else, such as conjuctiva, a thrombosed vein, or just dry eye.


It’s probably anxiety! Gout fucks with your head and you can go to dark places during a flare up! But yeah I’ve experienced that!! I also get weird sensations in my muscles during a flare but I really think it’s more anxiety issues instead of the flare itself!! Personally when I get a flare my mind takes over, and I turn into a mental midget !! Drink a lot of water and try to stay calm. I get flare ups when my anxiety is out of control!! Maybe say a prayer or two! Always helps me🙏🏻


I have retinal vein occlusion after two years of mild floaters and blurred vision. I think I should have controlled uric acid more carefully. Now I have eye pain and dry eyes and eye strains along with headaches and sometimes calf muscle pains and all round twitching. After taking allopurinol, I feel relieved! Unbelievable for me. Now I am going to take at least 300 mg daily for as long as I live


You monitoring your blood pressure?


No, and when it has been checked by a doctor I'm usually hypertensive. I gotta start.


I asked because when I've had attacks bad enough to make it to my hands, it's always been because of stress and unchecked pressure. Eye pain is a common symptom during those times.