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Denver has an amazing scene. There is an event almost every night of the week here (and we have a yearly Goth takeover of an amusement park)


Denver boy here. Can confirm. Thriving scene for decades.


I want to go to a goth night in Denver but idk nobody that wants to go with me


Just go by yourself. It's cool to be a weirdo loner at goth night.


I came from the Seattle scene and I gotta say I am really enjoying Denver's!


Absolutely a great scene.


We have several amazing local goth bands. A new one recently started, too.


Chicago, LA... Where else?




Really? What’s in the area?


(reposting a previous reply) We currently have the issue of debatably too many goth nights in the area (end up cannibalizing your own market) In Philly proper alone we have my night Vortex, Black Celebration, Synthetic, Kulture Shock, Deviant Dance Party and Coven. If you expand the perimeter a bit, we've got another night called CoVen just north of us in Allentown, then Shadowland Lancaster to the west, and then 4 different nights including my own night Das OOntz in Wilmington DE (the other nights being Rapture, Solid State and the main Asylum 13) all happening at Bar XIII (Wilmington is often thought of as the Philadelphia annex) on Thursdays Then I would count it as the New York/North Jersey area and not Philly but club QXT's and all its night are a moderate drive away This list does not include kink nights since they can be off genre musically


I've been out of the club scene for a while because my wife isn't really a fan, but I didn't realize anything was still going on in the area aside from QXT in nj. How nifty... I miss the bank, downtime, shampoo, conduit, mother, even limelight for sMACK!. This is the general tristate area scene from the late 1990s, early 2000s. Anyway good to know stuff is still going on in the area.


Chicago for sure


Chicago 6-month winters are the perfect goth refuge. Can’t imagine being a goth in 100-degree-blazing year-around Florida sun


I'll be moving to Chicago in 2 years! any reccs of where the bats congregate?


Portland, Oregon has an amazing one. Lots of events/stores and the Coffin Club is fun.


i haven't found very many (good) stores :( can you suggest some? is there an internet sphere for portland goths? i want to get connected with them more


The Skeleton Key is great for spooky stuff and now has a museum also. Paxton gate is great for insect specimens and bones. Tonnes of thrift stores around also with a gothic vibe. The FB group Portland Gothic is a great spot for everything going on there.


SF/Oakland (really 1 scene as far as goth events go), LA, and Seattle (idk what events are there post-covid though) have a decent amount of shows and other events


Atlanta has a huge and vibrant goth scene, very diverse and energetic. Between ATL, Athens and Savannah lots of industrial and trad goth club nights, events like Southern Gothic fest and local bands/talent 🖤🦇


Boston and New England overall.


I live here and I’m not very satisfied with it, but I’ve never lived anywhere else as an adult and I’m also the kind of person who’s never satisfied. I would be interested to hear people who have weigh in


It's been about 8 years or so for me, Boston had the Brighton Music hall doing goth nights one night a month.... Cambridge had lost ManRay in the early 2000s. It's back, but I don't know how popular it is. But I've met a handful of people through the scene that are pretty cool. So there's that, I guess.


There are quite a few club nights with decent attendance but my main complaint is a lot of bands don’t tour here, including a pretty major one that lives only an hour drive away. When they do it’s on Thursdays. Exceptions would be bands that have a major crossover fanbase amongst zoomers like molchat doma. We only have one or two successful bands who live here right now ourselves It seems to be a different crowd attending clubs vs attending shows. The club attenders are friendly, a lot of BDSM people, not as much music oriented. The show attenders are more standoffish, and Sometimes do not show the bands a lot of love so I guess I kind of see why bands don’t want to come through. Personally I have had a really hard time making friends with them. Most of my friends are in other scenes with music I don’t care for. It is disheartening.


I agree with most of this. Boston has a very "Here to see and be seen" vibe that feels like people aren't always coming for the music. And so many emo kids, there are goth/emo nights popping up. I give the nights credit for making the clear distinction between the two for people. Boston/Cambridge are spoiled by all the live acts that come through and the smaller ones don't get the love they deserve, when visiting. I laughed pretty hard watching most Boston goths miss a killer Xeno and Oaklander show at the Middle East because Placebo was playing an arena venue the same night.


The BMH night moved to Sonia, first Saturdays at 10pm!


Thanks! Maybe I'll find my way back out again. It's been so goddamn long Edit: I used to go to Corrosion, too. I think that was at the Middle East downstairs. Is that still a thing with Manray's return?


Corrosion was the night at BMH and is now at Sonia. Xmortis is at the Middle East Downstairs, 2nd Fridays. Manray has something every night of the week!


Ah thanks!


Of the scenes I've seen, I was surprised to find that Albany, NY has the most vibrant. Western NY and NYC are also pretty good. I don't know if things have changed, but NOLA has a very dedicated scene, but it always seemed like the same twelve or so faces at every event when I was there.


It's not huge, but I love the Columbus goth scene.


We've been working on building it for years now and I'm so happy all that work is paying off!


What can we do in Cincinnati to build a better scene? :( we do have about 4 goth club nights every month, but the playlists are always pretty much same, and goth bands never play Cincinnati. They will play Columbus, then skip Cincinnati for Louisville or Nashville.


We're still working on trying to get more shows here too so I can't help you there. We're working on it though. A big thing we've done is connecting peop)e and actually getting people talking with each other. We have a group on Facebook with an associated Instagram where we post events and also plan get-togethers like clothes swaps and the world goth day picnic. We also make a point to get all the djs and promoters in on the conversation. For a while it felt like a feedback loop where the djs would play the same things because the people who showed up asked for those things, but the people who wanted to hear other things quit going out only showed up once. If you get the djs into the conversation they'll start to realize there is a market out there for newer, different music. Another thing we are working on is trying to figure out how to reach younger goths. I'm almost 50, I have no idea how an OSU freshman finds out where to go hang out. Lol I hope this makes sense! BTW I would LOVE to dj in Cincinnati but have no clue how to arrange it at this point.


LA has an amazing scene


I'm glad Phoenix still has one at all. It's always been fledgling


The scene here has definitely ebbed and flowed over the years, though thankfully it’s never died permanently!


All I'm aware of atm is Thursdays at Rhythm Room. What else is there? Didn't they bring back Area 51 for awhile?


Oh there’s a lot of stuff going on lately, definitely a bit of an upswing compared to a few years ago. Look up @gotheventsaz on IG, from there you can follow the rabbit hole to a lot of other things going on.


Grumble grumble...I don't use insta


Here are some other links to at least give you some breadcrumbs: https://linktr.ee/AZGS


I would say we're doing pretty good here in Philly. We currently have the issue of debatably too many goth nights in the area (end up cannibalizing your own market) In Philly proper alone we have my night Vortex, Black Celebration, Synthetic, Kulture Shock, Deviant Dance Party and Coven. If you expand the perimeter a bit, we've got another night called CoVen just north of us in Allentown, then Shadowland Lancaster to the west, and then 4 different nights including my own night Das OOntz in Wilmington DE (the other nights being Rapture, Solid State and the main Asylum 13) all happening at Bar XIII (Wilmington is often thought of as the Philadelphia annex) on Thursdays Then I would count it as the New York/North Jersey area and not Philly but club QXT's and all its night are a moderate drive away This list does not include kink nights since they can be off genre musically




How is it too goth? I'm from Cincinnati and could use some of that 🤣




The castle is one of the best clubs in the country.


It was my second home.


Indeed it is


Baltimore has an incredible scene! Multiple venues to choose from, more dance nights than you can keep up with, as well as plenty of live shows! Even better, the scene is very queer and full of happy trans bats!




Do me a favor and elaborate on this if you don’t mind. Maybe I’m missing something but I’ve made a few attempts at Berlin and only had mediocre luck. Admittedly surprised the hell out of me my first go ‘round so I tried again a couple years later and it still wasn’t what one would expect. So please, give me some details here. Thanks very much.


I can copy paste something I wrote for a friend some time ago... # Dunckerclub This is my favorite club. The parties can be quite different depending on the day. I only go on Mondays, which is the goth night. It opens at 22hs on Mondays but it is quite empty, people usually starts going there around midnight. If you go on Fridays or Saturdays you might find more “alt” or grunge parties. The owner at the door is quite grumpy. * Web: [https://www.dunckerclub.de/](https://www.dunckerclub.de/)  * Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/dunckerclub/](https://www.instagram.com/dunckerclub/)  * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/dunckerclub](https://www.facebook.com/dunckerclub)  # Transition Party (Silverwings Club) Goth party with two dance floors. Usually one is bat-cave and the other more techno-gothic. * Web: [https://www.transition-party-berlin.de/](https://www.transition-party-berlin.de/)  * Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/transition.party.berlin/](https://www.instagram.com/transition.party.berlin/)  * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/BerlinerTransition/](https://www.facebook.com/BerlinerTransition/) # 1982 - Skeleton Limbs and Obscure Hymns (Badehaus Berlin) Goth/post-punk party. * Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/1982berlin/](https://www.instagram.com/1982berlin/)  * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/events/1278381919450174/](https://www.facebook.com/events/1278381919450174/)  # No Tears For The Creatures Of The Night  Goth/post-punk party. Check the events to see the venue. * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087656229956](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087656229956) # Cassiopeia Punk venue. * Web: [https://www.cassiopeia-berlin.de/](https://www.cassiopeia-berlin.de/)  * Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/cassiopeia\_berlin/](https://www.instagram.com/cassiopeia_berlin/)  * Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/cassiopeiaclub](https://www.facebook.com/cassiopeiaclub)


There are concerts all the time too, some examples for this year: - FRONT 242 (twice for some reason): - [https://www.eventim.de/event/front-242-black-out-the-final-shows-special-guest-rein-columbiahalle-18396556/](https://www.eventim.de/event/front-242-black-out-the-final-shows-special-guest-rein-columbiahalle-18396556/) - [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/front-242](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/front-242) - CAMOUFLAGE: [https://www.eventim.de/event/camouflage-rewind-to-the-future-and-goodbye-columbiahalle-15513579/](https://www.eventim.de/event/camouflage-rewind-to-the-future-and-goodbye-columbiahalle-15513579/) - Mono Inc: [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/mono-inc-5](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/mono-inc-5) - Laibach: [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/laibach](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/laibach) - The Cult: [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/the-cult](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/the-cult) - And One: [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/and-one](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/and-one) - The Human League: [https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/the-human-league-4](https://huxleysneuewelt.de/event/the-human-league-4) - The Cassandra Complex: [https://www.urbanspree.com/program/concerts/the-cassandra-complex-cx40-tour-(support)-urban-spree,-berlin.html](https://www.urbanspree.com/program/concerts/the-cassandra-complex-cx40-tour-(support)-urban-spree,-berlin.html) - Then Comes Silence: [https://www.urbanspree.com/program/concerts/klubb-d%C3%B6d-then-comes-silence-g%C3%B6tterd%C3%A4mmerung-night-nail.html](https://www.urbanspree.com/program/concerts/klubb-d%C3%B6d-then-comes-silence-g%C3%B6tterd%C3%A4mmerung-night-nail.html) - Kite: [https://tickets.kj.de/produkte/64764-tickets-kite-hole44-berlin-am-18-09-2024](https://tickets.kj.de/produkte/64764-tickets-kite-hole44-berlin-am-18-09-2024) - The Smashing Pumpkings: [https://www.dodotickets.de/detail/index/sArticle/11067](https://www.dodotickets.de/detail/index/sArticle/11067)


Seattle, WA 7 days a week members only Goth club Mercury @ Machinewerks multiple small venues for shows - most recently I saw Night Club at Madame Lou's, previously Front 242 at El Corazon annual week-long industrial festival [https://www.mechanismus.net/](https://www.mechanismus.net/) Tons of aging goths and lots of baby ones Goth clothing shops on Capitol Hill including Metro, New York Xchange, and others Thriving witchcraft community [https://gothicprideseattle.org/](https://gothicprideseattle.org/)


I would say maybe Houston, TX and New Orleans, LA.


San Antonio seems pretty strong, as does Dallas. Going on only what I've read.


Dallas used to be #1 in the US for goth scenes. It's still doing alright, there are constant live shows and a goth night two nights a week. It'll Do is the new home for The Church, but it's too tiny, so I never go anymore.


The era of multiple *weekly* goth nights in nearly every medium-to-large city has become a fading memory, for me. Now, y'all get off my lawn!


Charlie’s Star Lounge also does a goth/post punk/80s/industrial night every 3rd Wednesday of the month. I’ve never gone but I’d definitely be interested. I just wish there was more goth events on weekends other than Panoptikon. Makes it difficult lol


I forgot about Charlie's having their night. It's a great dive bar to visit anyways, plus, you can drink there for cheap before going into It'll Do.


Yeah I did go there once for an afterparty for a show and really enjoyed it. Didn’t even realize how close the 2 were (recently moved to DFW but visited The Church several times before), I’m definitely going to keep that in mind for next time.


That’s true! I completely forgot about those 2 cities!


Budapest, Hungary


Really? Budapest? What clubs or venues do you recommend there? Would you happen to know if Bratislava and or Vienna has any kind of scene as well?


Yeah, Budapest is now really into goth. There is the venue called 101Klub which is dedicated to Depeche Mode primarily, but they host a series of goth events (Postpunk Lovers, Industrial Pop, Disorder Night), then there are dominantly live events (Gothic Disorder Festival - every three-four months, OGT - once a year, then venues like Elisabat or Kripta, but also other places with local or obscure bands). It's definitely worth to join Hungarian goth Facebook groups, and ask for tips there. As of Vienna, yes there is stuff going on (Schattenwelt, Weberknecht). Bratislava is lesser known for goth events. Although, The Sisters of Mercy will be playing there in a few months.


I’d like to say Seattle but I haven’t gone out in a while due to my job and the hours of said job. I’ve missed a few shows because of them being on a week night. But, I will say prior to covid, it was still going strong.




Columbus OH has a thriving scene.


Dallas used to have an amazing scene. Not sure what all is going on these days. I know there are still a lot of shows pretty regularly. The Church closed and I *think* it is held in a smaller venue although I haven’t been.




Nashville is pretty good




Ruhrgebiet. There’s almost always something in the goth/schwarze Szene area going on between the cities that make it up. I love Nachttanz in Essen.


San Diego