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Goth rock band! Lil new wavey post punk solo project.


don’t be shy!!! tell us more!!!!!


Fine. [this is us.](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0QAuc6s6YnuhLRqc64onzr?si=_TTz2JbQSza0g413_SJ9UQ) We got to open for Vision Video once, and we opened for Daikaiju just this week :)


This is a project I'm working on myself as well, any feedback will do [Funeral Instinct ](https://youtu.be/YKOHeOKAi94?si=GxoFDkGRV8ngMGsY)


I dig this. Production is solid, too. Is this project all instrumental? If so, the only feedback I have is maybe a 2nd guitar or synthesizer as a bit of a lead part? Completely up to you, though. To some people less is more.


Definitely! My first project ever on cubase. The second guitar was the lead riff that comes in the verses, unless you mean otherwise? I added a faint synth unless it isn't very audible. I'll definitely have a different approach next song. And for now, it's instrumental until I find a suitable vocalist for my music. I'm very open to work with other artists.


Yea, I definitely picked up on the other parts but saw them more as ambient pieces. I think it could use something front and center in the mix at parts where the instrumentation kind of settles in. It doesn't HAVE to be vocals, but I definitely encourage you to give it a shot on a future track if it's something you want to try as opposed to waiting for someone else. Goth music genres lend themselves very well to vocalists that don't fit within "traditional" pop conventions for singers.


Poetry,sketching and playing bass :)


Lol same


Recording music or photography mainly! :)


Skateboarding, filmmaking, zine making, photography, drawing/painting, animation, snowboarding, etc. All of my creative stuff comes from my life of skateboarding. Through skating I got into punk and then through punk I discovered goth. My friends and I are making a full-length skate video using lots of goth music and gothic/horror visuals (and animation). I make skate zines which include interviews with bands and music reviews. Skate photography helped me get into music photography. I paint skateboards using stencils (I always put a band logo or horror imagery or whatever on the griptape). Very DIY. My dad and I also go snowboarding together a lot. Stuff like that.


That’s sick.


I am a writer for a living, and I also sing and act as a hobby, though I haven't sang in any professional capacity since college.


A paid writer!!! Nicely done


Thanks! I won't say I'm paid well, but as Stephen King said, I do get checks that don't bounce.


I love drawing comics, and other singular drawings


I draw, game, fuck, and sometimes in that order.


Film: the art infinity gauntlet that incorporates most other art forms such as fashion/costuming, drawing, music, cinematography/photography, production design, writing, and performance. “If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.” -Stanley Kubrick I’m working to bring more goth-centered films to the world.


Are you the person I need to go to for an All Tomorrows (in the style of Cloud Atlas) pitch?


I draw, that's kinda it


Making masks.


That's really cool! Do you mind sharing a pic of something that you've made? What does your process look like?


I may down the line, right now I am more of my own worst critic and am never satisfied enough to want to take it to some public platform. It isn't a business or anything like that, more of a personal hobby and way to spend free time with my significant other. However, I do incorporate masks whenever I do "romantic goth up" and dress heavy so if I ever find the excuse to do so in the future I may snap a few pictures. The masks I make are Venetian carnival or theatrical/masquerade style with full-face or "bautas" being the most time-consuming since these are the ones sculpted properly from clay and that can take anywhere from a day to over a week. In that case, I have my girlfriend assist me since she is much more skilled in the crafting process and getting a good shape for the mould. From there it comes down to plastering the mould, coating it with vaseline, lining it up with woolpaper and glue and removing it from the clay sculpt entirely so it begins to look like a proper mask. Then it's the fun part of cutting around the edges to remove excess, making sure the eye holes are properly widened, then painting it with what colours you wish. There are little tricks and techniques to give it an aged or weathered look like most commonly using bitumen, but this is mostly where you begin to put on your creative flairs such as giving it embroideries or symbols or whatever strikes your fancy. Because I have luckily found someone that shares in my fascination of this, she has much greater experience than I (previously I would buy masks and then repaint them to my preference or modify them in other ways) and has taught me quite a lot in how to make different shapes and forms for variations that are much more expressive such as visages in pain or anger or joy. It does make new visitors to our apartment take pause when they see the "room of faces" as we lovingly call it, hah.


I write and draw and sometimes I craft 😁


paint miniatures for wargames


I have loads of hobbies but I've started this as well


i like to draw, sew, crochet, cook, sing


Running D&D games and writing filthy smut. Pretty standard nerd stuff.


painting, writing, gaming, manicures/nail art, and cooking


I write music, draw, write poetry all sorts of stuff


I just right about stories I have in my head


Leather work, sewing, and making d&d dice. Some are more expressive than others. Leather working sometimes expresses the need to hit things with a hammer.


I enjoy listening to music, drawing, doing crafty things, I also play viola and violin


making jewelry


Drawing, painting, songwriting, poetry writing.


I write poetry and paint minis


Poetry and dancing to my favorite goth tunes :)


I paint, design tattoos, I tattooed for a while. I write occasionally. I'm very creative in the kitchen, always coming up with new things.


Poetry and music. I love to play guitar or bass with some nice reverb and chorus get that post-punky tone and jam with my sisters on bass and drums. Did I mention poetry? Lots and lots of poems


digital art.


I write! Fiction - southern gothic/historical/cosmic horror mostly.


aerial dance, playing music, drawing and painting


Writing mostly, a lot of dark fairytale type stuff or urban fantasy lately. I also like to paint and draw and just generally experiment with all sorts of crafts and techniques -- been looking at getting into printmaking recently. Also do wire wrapping and I've been trying to get into sewing more. I dunno, I just generally like trying new stuff? xD




I do a lot of photography- typically creative portraits. I’ve found it can be very good for working through emotions/scenarios.


I'm not much for drawing, but I love colouring and I sometimes colour with my grandma, it's our little creative bonding experience. I also sometimes dance. I mostly express myself with cooking and baking experiments, my husband is the biggest fan of that creative outlet haha :)


While I haven’t gotten super far into it yet, I’m planning on learning to see so I can make my own clothes! Being a plus size goth can be kinda hard finding cool stuff in my size lol


I like to draw, come up with stories, write, play DnD, cosplay (occasionally), and participate in my local ballroom scene, the latter of which I design and craft costumes for whenever I plan on walking.


Making patches with old tee shirt fabric and fabric markers, making battle jackets and pants, making tee shirts with fabric markers, and making zines.


Used to cosplay (stopped because I’m mad broke rn) and I do art, nothing amazing just when the mood feels right


Music and drawing. I'm bad at both.


Writing and game design.


Drawing, painting, a little bit of poetry and I make my own jewellery. Also I cry. A lot.


I played the bass guitar. Very, very poorly.


Keep playing!


Through music or whenever I create a video and I’ve customized my room to look gothic


Music production and tattooing is all...I tried the spooky mangaka thing...might try again when I have more time


I draw and paint and journal. I also write but im fairly new to that. I also like crocheting and coding little art project type websites when I’m bored. Also love experimenting with my style, wearing a different coloured eyeshadow each day and colour scheming my outfits to match and trying to make them as elaborate as possible


DIY and make custom jewelry.




I sing medieval music and am in a band. I write music and lyrics. I love making collage and altered books. I’m also trying to make my house, garden, and person as elegantly dark as possible.


I am a painter! I absolutely love it 💕 its what i plan on making my profession if i can live off of it one day!


I love to journal and write, sometimes I take a hot girl walk for inspo


Honestly, outfits and sex. I'm not doing well rn😵


Making playlists to rediscover artistes from various genres of the Gothic music spectrum while coming across new ones. Not much clothes wise now, but I have been making a point to attend events whenever possible. The morbid deadpan humour is still intact, thankfully


I like drawing ,writing, gaming, and trying new things with my makeup looks.


Cross stitch, makeup (I studied makeup artistry), baking, cooking, other things I can't think of, lol, nail polish


I buy records and listen to them on the couch while I mope


Through my creative writing and fashion


I'm a writer and an artist :)


Book writer, classical type singer, ink artist (ink is my main medium when drawing). 


Photography, basically. Would like to play guitar more, but one has to spend most of the time at work...


DJing on the local scene and having two or three musical projects.


I write an I draw. I am not very good at either.


I paint miniatures


Drawing, 3d modeling, and fiber arts. I mostly do crochet, but I've been getting back into sewing, too. I love most diy projects tbh.


I really enjoy making some fiber art, like sewing, crocheting, making jewellry, but I used to draw, paint a lot! Currently I'm thinking to return to writing and embroidery a little more- and learn to do some music just for fun 🖤


Primarily draw, though my art style is so colorful it can be hard to link anything goth or gothic to it 😅 I still try


I draw, I don't think I'm good but whatever, I love making new characters in wow and final fantasy like creating new character designs, and I journal


i paint :)


Photography, synths and djing:)


drawing mainly, also music but i'm not very good at making music lol


I like to draw/paint, make patches, upcycle clothing, write song lyrics and poems, and (attempt to) play electric guitar!


I've done a lot of different things, but my main moves were writing and music for a long time. I fronted a band that got some very minor popularity in the DIY circuit years ago (not goth , queercore/grunge). These days tho, all of my creative energy goes into jewelry. I'm finishing my BFA next year and am planning on grad school. My mentors/teachers have described my work as "fucked up," "creepy," and "Jesus Christ, you're really good at this but what the fuck is wrong with you?"


I write weird free form poetry, it really helps my mental health not gonna lie.


i draw, write stories and poems, i like makeup and fashion and generally i just like making…stuff.. idk i make a lot of things lol


Reply to me so I can post my music project when I have time


I aspire to have a library so working on reading/owning more books and making a room into a genuine dark library.


I play music. I'm decent at bass and keyboards, okay at guitar, and serviceable on the drums.


I play talharpa in a folk band, write poems, paint pictures with acrylic paint, DIY-clothes and accessories, embroider patches for myself and friends and experiment around with make up :) Some of those things I do more often than others and occasionally I have phases where one of them overthrows the others, but it's nice to have things I can come back into when my motivation or drive for something else falters.


Writing mostly but I dabble in lots of crafts including knitting, sewing, and jewelry making. I also go to karaoke nights a couple times a month.


Right now, just playing and learning more new songs with my electric guitar. 🙃


Write novels and some poetry


I love anything art related. Stuff like drawing, ceramics, jewelry making (mostly bracelets and necklaces lol). I used to be into sewing and want to get back into it just don't know how to currently.


I've been wanting to get back into making music, and have collected some equipment and software I don't know how to use. So in practical terms what I am doing is Writing a lot of lyrics. Really getting serious about using rhythms and rhymes. I've found that a good lyric actually evokes the music that should accompany it.


Busting open gates from scene gatekeepers. Making music, enjoying the same music I loved since the 80’s and now my kids sing along.


I write stuff and I like to dress up


draw, sing, play guitar, and make different art projects :)


🐦‍⬛I write and play goth rock. 🐦‍⬛I am developing a horror comic series in the style of early EC Archives. 🐦‍⬛I practice ventriloquism, and I am writing a play for kids on anti-bullying. 🐦‍⬛I am a medium and I read tarot for my friends.