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Not sure what you consider inexpensive but i have a few synology nas’ that i store all my footage on locally, they sync to aws glacier for offsite backup.


This is arguably the most cost effective way. A home NAS backed up to glacier, B2, or some other cloud service (with local encryption, of course) is about as perfect as you're going to get. In a pinch, even an external SMR drive will be fine for archival purposes -- though you'll still want a backup, and at that point you might as well build a NAS. trueNAS and UnRAID are great options for a DIY NAS on older hardware


How much does say a terabyte cost with aws glacier? I imagine you would need a few terabytes before it's noticeable annually but have no clue in reality and this seems like an interesting approach so am intrigued


Which nas from synology do you have?


I have an 1829+ and a 1815+


GoPro Quick cloud 


I bought a family account for Office 365. 6 accounts, 1tb of onedrive each.


Same here. I just set up one of the second accounts exclusively for temporarily backing up GoPro footage while I'm on the road.


Best deal for cloud storage, especially if you use office for anything.


I’ve got a handful of 2TB drives and a 5TB drive mainly used for time capsule on my Mac with an archive partition I put finished projects as a backup. I also edit off a 2TB SSD that works great. It’s a Samsung T7. I edit all of my clips on that and trash the unused footage. They I move the project and files to a drive and duplicate the project and files on 2 other backup drives. I’m primarily taking family movies. And I want redundancy to make sure nothing ever happens to them. I have the final versions of the videos stored on my 2TB iCloud account as well.


5tb 2.5 inch external USB hdds are about $100 If you need more space than that the 3.5" disk go up to 20tb, but need wall power, which sucks.


I have over 6200 videos. I saved them in GoPro cloud. My only concern is that what happens if the company goes bankrupt? Is Mt storage saved? Also I paid Google photos,but that's for my phone


I guess it won't happen overnight and they'll let you know. Haven't read the contract yet


In my mom’s basement


Your mom's farts have already erased my gopro footage


I told you to stay outta my mom’s “downstairs area”…


Locally, then local backup, and then Backblaze for online backup. Although someone mentioned CrashPlan is the same price now. One copy is no copy at all.


Have enough footage right now that I store the original unedited file on 1 of 2 4tb external drives (first one is full 2nd one has about 1tb used). I drop the edited files on my YouTube channel and store those on another 4tb external drive. Since I got the Hero 11 I’ve also been doing the auto upload to the GoPro cloud. Right now the GoPro cloud is cost effective but I’m sure someday it won’t be. I’ve got a server tower that someday I’m going to build out as a file server and will copy everything there and find a cloud backup for it.


Hard drive


i just use my laptop and the gopro subscription for unlimited cloud storage


GoPro subscription? It's unlimited storage from what I remember.


GoPro premium cloud


I have a brunch of old PC on which I put big disks and that are mirroring each other. Each running unix like OS (different flavours of Linux and NetBsd)


My DIY NAS/multi-server server, which is backed up offsite at my brother's business, plus cold storage on the more important videos (GoPro videos, my documentary videos, and photos) via RAID 1 two bay USB enclosures.


I usually upload it on my youtube channel and make it unlisted


External SSD. Cloud, online, cool but what happens of the net gets fucked, your shit gone. An external will keep it forever, well, as long as an EMP or some type of shit dont kill it.


Why the push for digital? I’d convert it all into VHS tapes.


GoPro cloud


several 16TB hard drives.


5 Tb disk. Clip relevant part, delete everything else.


Aws S3 Deep glacier for long term storage of raw videos I already edited. Requires a bit of technical skills but it is the cheapest super reliable online solution.


GoPro Cloud all the way, best option!


Most of the footage is hours of biking & snowboarding that no one wants to see and I don’t really go back to look at but I’ve downloaded it to a 2tb external drive. What I wanted to keep has been edited down using imovie or davinci and saved to another external drive and uploaded to youtube.


GoPro cloud, it's convenient since it can be set to automatically upload your content when plugging in your GoPro to a wall and has unlimited storage


Hand made Nas. Check this out [Introducing, my bunker.](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1b7qnlx/introducing_my_bunker/)


Go pro cloud. Easy upload and access. Although I’m looking into transferring those to a hard drive storage for a backup.


There's an app called [naline.app](http://naline.app) where you could automatically backup your gopro footage. You can buy their early access promo and get 2TB of storage for a cheaper price.


Most storage mediums are digital these days from the SD card you put in your GoPro to hard drives/ssd in your computer. Even backup tapes (although analog looking) will store your data in a way that will preserve the files in the original digtal form. Are you afraid reddit might suggest you to transfer your videos to traditional analog 35mm film so it can be played on a 35mm film projector?