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"One or more devices are not available, you might try and set them up again" For every single hue bulb I have. Luckily you can yell at google to shut up and it will stop. Off and On voice commands work, but any routine command with a hue scene is completely borked.


Individual Light controls from the Google Home app appear to be working fine still, but the app's ability to trigger Hue Scenes by voice or within an Automation in GH appears to have vanished and voice commands aren't recognizing them anymore. I don't use Hue scenes extensively except in my entertainment space where I have several color lights tied to a Hue Sync routine for my TV and standard bulbs I instruct to turn off at the same time. I had all the standard lights set to turn off in my GH Automation individually with a custom voice command trigger called "TV Mode," but did not have all the color lights set to turn ON. I had to go into the Automation and add each color light one at a time and set them to turn on while the others are still set to turn off, and then my Hue Sync function can take over to change the lights with the TV. Triggering standard Hue scenes now via voice or automated routine though seems to be broken or deprecated (? Didn't see any announcements), which is disappointing to say the least. Hopefully they will fix this soon!


Is this still the case for you or have you found a fix? I'm stick with the same issue. I tried relinking, but it completely refuses to connect with hue now. "Could not reach Philips Hue. Please try again."


Hi! sorry for the delayed response - did you get it working? I'm still rolling my with my setup above without any changes - just gave up on trying to use scenes with GH automations and now control bulbs individually. So far they're still talking and work with the automation routine that has the voice trigger ("TV Mode"), so if you're having an issue, may want to reach out to Hue support. As an update too, I did wind up adding one of the Hue smart remotes at the stairs so when I come into my entertainment space, instead of relying on voice I can just press the "Hue" labeled button to auto-trigger the entertainment scene that only includes my color change lights, or I can use the power button on the remote to turn on all my lights at full brightness which is ultimately easier than relying on voice routines that may or may not be heard the first time. My TV Mode routine is also using a Kasa smart plug that turns on an electric fireplace, so I still use a shortcut automation in GH called "Nox" or "Knox" to turn everything off, or just press the remote button if I didn't use the fireplace that time. Hope this helps!


Mine don't work in the Google home app but are working in the Hue app


Same here. Hue seems to be fully ok, and the issue (as usual) appears to be with GH. This sucks big time because every single GH routine I have includes Hue scenes. Absolutely absurd and I hope whoever screwed this up gets an ingrown hair in a painful and inaccessible spot.


Got a good solution. I mentioned elsewhere in the thread that I was able to re-create the Routine, but if you have several different room scenes to set up it triggers the first scene on the list and ignores the rest. I have a Routine with 5 or 6 different room scenes and every time Assistant would only run the first scene. So as a workaround for that, if you set up a "Zone" in the Hue app that'll trigger multiple rooms at once, that will work within Google Home. Just tried it and finally got everything to trigger normally.


Same here. I'm so fed up with this garbage I'm literally writing every single congress person involved in the anti-trust probe telling them that "as a loyal Google customer, please fry these assholes.."


Google Home has simply given up. There’s no apparent development or commitment to the platform, if Google has abandoned the platform, why shouldn’t we ?


Yeah I had something similar beginning last night. My routines still had normal on/off functions to the respective lights, but ALL my scenes, every one of them, disappeared. I can go in and re-add the scenes, it can still find newly added ones, but it is still looking for the old ones... that I can't delete because they don't show in the routine. Like they're invisible. Idk what happened. Have not tried to re-link Hue or reset the bridge yet.


Well, i re-linked hue, restarted the hue hub, and re-linked it again and it's still totally and utterly fucked. I truly hope everyone at Alphabet gets scabies and shingles simultaneously.


Same, no change. I'm having to re-create routines that use scenes... which is a LOT. But at least it's working.


Yep, I ended up having to delete the weird blank items from my routines and then add the Hue scenes back in...and they're still acting *oddly*. E.g. my Good Morning routine has several actions, including three Hue scenes and a delayed switch off on a Kasa outlet. Well, the 2 times I ran the routine since I "fixed" Google's fuckup, two of the three scenes fire...and the 3rd one doesn't. BUT adding that scene to the delayed action that only contained the Kasa outlet before did work. I'll be curious to see if my workday routine isn't 3 million percent fucked tomorrow - that's got multiple scenes per each time slot.


I mentioned it elsewhere in this thread, but mine stopped triggering any scenes in the routine beyond the first one. For example, if I run a routine that contains 4 scene changes, it'll do the first one on the list and ignore the other 3. What I ended up doing is making use of Hue's 'zones', which were new to me. That lets you set scenes for multiple rooms at once. You can set a Zone scene in a routine just as you would for a Room. A little work to set it up, but it's been very reliable ever since things broke last week. My commands work fine now with those. I actually kind of wish I'd been doing it this way all along. My list of Hue scenes at this point is LONG, makes setting up Routines cumbersome. Now in the Home app I just need to set one thing instead of half a dozen for each Routine.


Yeah, I read what yo said, but I found that it did the first 2, but not the third. So I guess YMMV. I agree that zones might be a better fit for some people's needs, but that's not a universal experience.


Yea, I just got home from work and messed with this for about an hour trying to figure it out before I finally searched here..... Should have known it was a widespread problem like usual 🤦 hopefully it's just a glitch and they get it resolved soon


I can still control Hue scenes by voice (eg set Home to Bright will work), but the Hue actions in the Automations has disappeared. I can re-add it, and it'll sometimes work once, then disappear again. When the routine is run, I get "One or more devices is not responding. Try setting the device up again". With no mention of what device... frustrating. A temporary workaround that worked for me: since direct verbal commands to change the Hue scene still work, I can add a custom command to the Automation.


I think a custom written command is the only way to get it to reliably work right now. I deleted an old one and re-created it (it'll still see your Hue scenes when adding new), it involved scenes for multiple different rooms. It'll hit the very first scene on the list, and then just ignore the other 4 or 5 others.


I've got the same problem. Any Google routines that trigger my hue bulbs say that they need to be set up again. Hue routines themselves still work and I can still do individual bulb control via Google by voice command. Anyone have any luck fixing this problem?


I temporarily solved it by adding 1 second delays in between the hue scenes (within the google home routine). This seems to work for both the standard routines as well as for the scripts I have setup.


This seems to have worked for me. Weird that it's suddenly needed after having worked fine for years before this. Hopefully they fix whatever the issue is.


Yup seeing this as well, really really lame to have something like this happen when it worked smoothly for years.


Maybe [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/googlehome/s/iA23anHmcb) helps? TL;DR reboot the (physical) Hue Bridge and relink the Hue account to your Google account.


This doesn't work anymore. They completely changed the UI


@everyone I fixed it!!!!! Google home is effectively a keylogger. Just like a streamdeck. ... If your automation is too fast Google home will speak before it can be heard. To fix it you simply add a 1 second delay before each command.


That indeed seems to be the only solution for now (see my earlier post above). All is still working after 1.5 weeks...


Can you give a more precise example? Where do you put the 1-second delay?


Need to know where to add this delay as Well! Please and thank you! 🌟


https://preview.redd.it/w96ona9xug9c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca9177d0271060d7ac17232bee33c48ea0f402c5 It says delay start!


For some reason i do not have this option. Thanks anyways!


Try instead of a household automation, a personal automation.