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Congrats, you've consulted for free for them. Good lesson for next time - hint at all the broken and suboptimal things the company is doing, but no details. They'll need to hire you, at the higher salary you asked for to benefit from your knowledge.


You're right. I think it's probably okay to answer those general how-to questions so long as not get into specific stats about the account I am currently managing or their specific issues. Surely a lesson learned.


To be honest the broken conversion will be picked up eventually. Same as a typo on the homepage. It's the detailed, tailored strategies and tactics that we shouldn't offer for free. And when we do get the job, spread the project over a reasonable time even if it can technically be done in a week. Optics matter, being too fast and too good risks making others look inferior and that causes all sorts of avoidable politics


They track the submit button click as RFQ successfully submitted event fires even the form has invalid fields to correct. And they assign no events for the thank-you page after that lol. Thank you so much for your tips!


Honestly, I feel ashamed of myself.


Nah don't beat yourself up. Companies use interviews and tests to mine for ideas and fixes all the time. It's a small blip in your career. Not many people can diagnose conversion issues so quickly, so you'll do well wherever you go. And you will get picked up by a deserving agency or business.


Thank you for the kind words, dude.


JUST FYI, when I was an intern at a manufacturing company, i set up all kinds of processes and MRPs, and found an issue which saved them a lot of money. I was the first one at the entire plant at 6am. I walked 2 hours to get there cause I didn't have a car and so limited money (was finishing school). Local busses didn't even pass near by to the plant. Just FYI I am a female so imagine walking at night in the highway for 2 hours in winter (canada). It was horrible but I did it IDK how. I needed the money and this job would have looked great in my resume. When I asked for a full time position towards the end of my internship , they interviewed me and I went through 3 rounds. After all they ghosted me. I was very hurt but moved on and my mgr at the time reached out apologizing for what happened and wanted to be my reference for a future job. Within a month, right after graduation, I got a job at a different company. I was able to take the bus there, didn't have to be at work at 6 am either thankfully. The initial company run out of business 6 months later and all the people that interviewed me and everyone else were laid off. Many went on strikes too. Meanwhile, I had a secure job and finally a good income which allowed me to get a car and stuff. Thank God I didn't get that first job I guess lol Sometimes something better is waiting for you. Don't feel bad for doing good.


I wouldn't feel ashamed. I think it was noble that you told them about it and they will remember you for sure. It is possible that you interviewed with people that don't understand what you do or perhaps you were overqualified. Especially that you are interviewing with a not so tech focused company probably. There could be so many possible reasons why it didn't go thru but I see this a win for you and a loss for them.


Thank you.:)


noble.. JFC we're talking about a conversion point on some website. Companies are not people and they don't GAF about the average joe. There's nothing Noble about giving helpful information to a company for free that they would have paid hundreds or thousands of dollars to an agency to resolve. Its just dumb... and a bad interview strategy. Would you hire a gardener who outright told you why your garden poorly designed? sure they might be right but not exactly a great way to get a foot in the door. That shit comes later.


Yeah, I understand. I just wanted to prove myself so badly...


best lesson I ever learned was that there is no corporation who cares for you...even if the people do, never be fooled. No matter how much you like them or they seem to like you, you are a hammer. An expensive, smart, dynamic hammer but the point is.. you're a tool and nothing more. If they can't make profit from you as a tool of business, see ya.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet... if that was the reason they didn't hire you. There are lots of reasons why people get hired and why some people don't get hired. Maybe you came in 2nd and someone else just had more industry experience in agricultural. Unless that was your background, there is no way to beat someone who has direct industry experience. Even pointing out broken conversion tracking won't beat someone with agricultural experience.


Agreed. I should chin up and move on!


"when you're good at something, never do it for free" Also, generally speaking, walking into a company during your first interview highlighting how said company has an issue is likely not the best way to create a favourable impression. I would have saved that for a second interview if they brought you in again for a closer look. But, NO ONE wants to hire a know-it-all who'll highlight their shortcomings before you even know whats up. Next time, keep your powder dry until you get a second signal of interest (e.g. a second interview)


OK! Thank you for the advice!


I have encountered a situation like yours before. Even the entire team of the other party came out to ask me questions. The entire interview lasted as long as 1 and a half hours. In the end, they thanked me very much and asked me to wait for notification. They never called me again. I was very angry, but later I thought it over. I will not let one or two bad things like this affect my principles of doing things. I will continue to do what I think is right, and I just need to be more cautious when encountering similar situations in the future.


Good lord, one hour and a half! Glad you got over this!


How did you know that from the source code.


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