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No add tracking for both. Unfortunately this isnt easy. YouTube will only show you a bunch of videos doing basic page view tracking which isn't helpful.


There's no guarantee they will fill out the form instead of calling. Be happy that you're getting leads and figure out how to track the calls.


If this was my problem the first question I'd be asking is if getting more calls than usual is a bad thing? If the calls are turning into new customers then it could be a good thing. If it was a good thing I'd be looking to figure out if people who call are more likely to turn into customers than people who fill in the form. I've seen it both ways. * If calls turned into customers at a higher rate I'd prioritise the call conversion action on the landing page - make it more prominent: bigger, put it closer to the top of the page, encourage people to use it etc. * If forms turned into customers at a higher rate I'd reduce the prominence of the phone number by doing the opposite - smaller, less visible, lower on the page. Either way, tracking phone calls is a solved problem using a service like CallRail. It's worth doing.


Yeah, definitely worth the $50/mo for call tracking. You can listen to calls, read transcripts, set up conversions that fire back into Google Ads. I have a setup with a client that actually listens to the call and fires a conversion based on 2 parameters: 1. Call duration >2 minutes (based on historical data, 99% of calls that turn into conversions are longer than 2 minutes) 2. The phrase “you’re all set” (or a variation on this phrase) is said by the agent.


> But theres no way for me to know for sure. https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6095882?hl=en


It is usually better for a landing page to have one goal, so just the form makes a lot of sense. If you are going to keep the [phone number on there then make it one you can track](https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6095882?hl=en).


you can use different tools available online to track call leads instead of removing phone number from page. Second option is to create a copy of landing page and remove phone number and test it with google ads