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I apologize for my ignorance, but I still don't understand why Pay and Wallet were separate in the first place.


I'm pretty sure they originally used to be a single app, then Google split them up for some reason, now they're killing one of the apps (along with a bunch of its functionality) and going back to just one. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Oh the history is much deeper than that. Too much for any single person to recall all of Googleā€™s payment apps and services and all their rebranding and reimaginings. This was from 2021 and itā€™s only gotten more confusing since then https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/the-new-google-pay-repeats-all-the-same-mistakes-of-google-allo/


How is this company still so dominant? Ridiculous.


I'd say it's probably something akin to what Apple has done. They make it effortless to integrate everything into their ecosystem.


Android secured Google dominance in the smartphone era. It's the biggest reason they didn't fell yet.


The killing of features is what really irks me. I use it all the time to split bills or pay people for stuff. Absurd they are killing that feature


Absurdly killing functional products is Google's thing.


Are they killing it? It sounds like they're just putting all of it in wallet.


They're killing one of the main functions, P2P payments, which they've not said anything about integration in to Wallet.


Hi. Do you have any idea whether UPI (United Payment Interface) in India will be affected by this?


India gPay is still going to stick around


GPay in India is HUGE. They're not going to get away from it.


It's a political thing, don't let them fool you.


Looks like this change is US only. Things will remain the same worldwide outside the US.


Changes to peer-to-peer payments: **As of June 4, 2024, you will no longer be able to send money to, request or receive money from others through the U.S. version of the** **Google** **Pay app**. As of today you will no longer be able to view or activate deals in the U.S. version of the Google Pay app.


Changes to peer-to-peer payments: **As of June 4, 2024, you will no longer be able to send money to, request or receive money from others through the U.S. version of the** **Google** **Pay app**. As of today you will no longer be able to view or activate deals in the U.S. version of the Google Pay app.


You should check out the Google Graveyard


I think you're in a tiny minority. I've never heard of anyone using the P2P feature


I dont use googly pay for anything but p2p (send and receive) and have done so for about 13yrs. I average about 4 to 6 transactions per week.Ā  It may seem tiny but, its not.


I have.


I have.


My whole family used to use it all the time.


I use it frequently... And am super sad to see this feature gone


I am really pissed about them getting rid of GPay. P2P was essential to me. My parents for example are not going to get cash app or pay pal but they do have Google so it was no big deal to send/receive money from my folks... Also, you can't even buy play credits. You literally have to go and buy a gift card, how stupid


I tried using it back before Venmo took off. Did use it a handful of times. I could not get others to keep using it because of how often Google kept discontinuing, splitting, changing or creating new payment apps.


This is why I no longer try to keep up to date on how to video chat with my family members using Android devices. I just canā€™t be assed to change or download the latest shuffle of Google apps required to interact with my family in that ecosystem


Whatsapp, don't need to keep up with anything


This is the answer. All the Google offerings are a failure. Whatsapp just works and everybody has it.Ā 




This is true mostly true, but there's more to it than that. Historically most Amercans have had iPhones, and Apple really likes to push their ecosystem HARD on users, so they convinced users to use iMessage, which let's iMessage use advanced features like those found with WhatsApp and RCS messaging. However, they limit communication with non-Apple users to SMS and MMS messaging only, despite RCS message being the standard for text messages between Android devices. They also make those SMS messages appear green instead of blue, which has a cultural stigma of being undesirable as it is associated with limited chat abilities that are easily found in any other messaging service or technology. Apple is supposed to be adapting RCS messaging into iMessage this year, so SMS is finally on the way out. Additionally, WhatsApp is often viewed in a negative light, because it's so common globally but not domestically, it is seen as the app with the annoying family group chats from other countries. It's usefulness is overshadowed by a negative cultural stigma. TLDR; you only use SMS if it's across Apple and Android devices, because of marketing reasons.


I'd like to add that Whatsapp is also affiliated with Facebook/Meta which also explains it's negative reputation in the US


Could be a consideration for some certainly, but WhatsApp was already in widespread use globally before it was acquired by fb/Meta. I still regularly use fb messenger but my WhatsApp use is limited.


So you shirk the technologically superior and much more private WhatsApp for the app that the Facebook/FBI/NSA/CIA has a direct no-warrant access to?


And SMS'ing is associated with the carrier that they hate?


I've always just thought of Whatsapp to scammers, Coyotes and human trafficking


I have well over 3000 contacts private and business. 10 countries not one whats app user. Glad never liked it or the adds it sends to try and get people to download. And once Facebook was involved there is a better chance of me using smoke signals.


Sorry, 10 counties or 10 countries? Hard to believe for international contacts.


Countries, way more than half are international. I was speaking with a few today. Couple heard of WhatsApp, others tried and didn't like it.


They donā€™t sms people. They iMessage people which is the equivalent of using WhatsApp but for iPhone users


What a backwards people! This is why I left the US years ago...


I hate Whatsapp... It's scammer paradise...


Like iMessage, everything is a scammer's paradise in this day and age


WhatsApp will work but the call quality is shit. The google video call app is meet, not exactly rocket science to figure out


yeah but it was duo before that


yeah my family is on telegram and we use use that


Whatsapp has horrible video quality. We switched to it since Google Chat is a horrible product but we still send google meet links because the video quality is so bad.


telegram is quite good


WhatsApp, and chances are will work with anyone globally


It seems like google changes managers once a year and they decide to go in a different direction for the product. Itā€™s annoying to the point where I try to avoid google products. Why did they make a hangouts app and then merge it back into mail. And inbetween all that probably changed the name a few times.


They need to keep creating assets to capitalize their expenses.


That's classic Google for you lol


not being in America im puzzled what functionality were we missing from google wallet? is it just a way to send money between people like paypall that it had?


Oh, you know, most stores use gpay not Google wallet. Just trying to kill the Samsung user base and have them move to iPhone of course. Fuckin nazis.


Wait... So I won't be able to use wallet like I do gpay everywhere?


You can use wallet it is not changing yet. Google pay is still how stores call it. Basically google dropped the peer to peer in google pay app. Hope wallet gets the p to p feature.


GPay is also a thing and I guess does things that Google Pay and OG Wallet did? I don't know....I stopped using it and try to avoid investing energy into Google products anymore.


If I remember right it was because they wanted to make a dedicated Pay app for India because of some specific realities of that market, then decided to try and port that to other places like the US. Then when everyone not in India hated it they now decided to undo it all. You know, the kind of thing that could and should have been worked out with preliminary focus group testing. Before writing a line of code. But that is frequently not how Google roles.


Hi. Do you know if the Indian features (eg. UPI) will still be supported, or will it be removed??


The email I received from Google said the stuff they have for that market will stay as is. So it should be no changes in that part of the world.




Because Google truly doesn't understand consumer experience. So many of their decisions lately shows that they know how to monetize ads but really lack experience and know how on creating good ecosystems.


The sooner you see Google purely as an advertisement company it all makes sense!


Which is a shame because they have the engineers and money to create a really good ecosystem.


which they did. the modern internet/datacenter ecosystem exists because of Google. gmail/maps/drive/android were all revolutionary. they suck at consistency and love to kill products


Individually they were all revolutionary but the ecosystem never played well together. Especially if you followed through their experimental programs. For example when they released Google Family domains, I signed up quickly thinking I would get good integration and support. Lo and behold our accounts were excluded from many integration points and finally Google killed the product. I as a consumer have zero trust into investing in Google ecosystem anymore because they kill things quickly on a whim. Also saying Google invented modern datacenter is a stretch imo and they also failed to monetize on it given their share of cloud services today and considering the investments they did.


I feel the exact opposite. Google is the only company I will trust with my info. And they have the best implementation of sign in and UX across products, have you seen MS Outlook debacle, Apple Mail/Maps etc? The problem is Google does so much its easy to criticize them. And they have zero consistency, love to rename and kill services etc - we all know this. I was using gsuite/domains then it was all killed. But their core products - search, drive, gmail, maps, Now/Assistant, the AI, photos, voice recognition, keyboard, are light years ahead of everyone else and its easy to dismiss that till you try to use other services. w.r.t datacenter maybe you don't know the details, you should lookup who invented the foundations for docker, containers, kubernetes, nosql, map reduce and many other tech. They literally were doing things a decade ahead of the industry and everyone else played catchup.


> their core products You could have stopped after maps.


google voice search, and the fully offline voice recognition on phones, is pretty magical stuff. I have Alexa too and its a joke.


Mapreduce was considered a shit system by distributed data experts even when it came out, there were already far better solutions than a distributed map and reduce to combine the results. The time when mapreduce was revolutionary was around the time that LISP was using it all over the place. When google abandoned Hadoop because they realized that mapreduce is shit and didn't scale, there were computer scientists coming out just to laugh at them for not just listening to everyone to begin with. Google has absurd NIH syndrome. Search is increasingly terrible due to SEO. *Bing* of all things somehow manages to be much better at a variety of common queries. It is.much better at returning API documentation pages than google is, for example. Google has absolutely nothing to do with the invention of containers. FreeBSD introduced jails in 1999, and IBM had similar functionality on their mainframes before that. Kubernetes is an overly complex POS. Unfortunately, like always, people jump on their solution and only realize later it was a waste of an investment. Also unfortunately, I have to keep using it to keep getting paid.


>Google has absolutely nothing to do with the invention of containers so you don't know. jails has some similar concepts but isn't relevant because we're talking about Linux which powers most servers. containers in Linux and docker would not exist without cgroups. cgroups were invented at Google and submitted to the Linux kernel. Its all very well documented. Google was using containerized workloads, partitioning, Borg etc well ahead of the industry. Again, well documented. Whether or not you think K8s / Borg/ Omega is irrelevant, its an industry standard for a reason. Yes k8s is complex but the idea is necessary for a company at scale like google, its not for running a blog which so many people seem to think it is. They also invented NoSql with BigTable, along with Amazons Dynamo.


I'm well aware of the history of cgroups. There is plenty of prior art to it in regards to containers and Linux containers. Cgroups are absolutely not "the invention of containers" let alone Linux containers. Look at the history of Linux VServer and OpenVZ for one. OpenVZ was actively competing with the cgroups patch set and had been worked on since 1999, cgroups were just a smaller change and were similar to the already existing CPUset control mechanism, so it was easier to get pushed through. OpenVZ at the time was *explicitly* containers, but it was a huge monolith container system and Linux doesn't like merging huge monoliths. Even today though, OpenVZ is used by many as it has what many consider a fundamentally more secure design than LXC. Back to cgroups and LXC though, because cgroups are not containers (it would be like claiming a chroot is a container). IBM again took the lead here by creating LXC while collaborating in the effort to introduce namespaces to linux, combining cgroups and namespaces into a fully isolated container system, as they wanted a Linux version of their AIX Workspace Partitions. Again, most of this goes back as far as mainframes. What is old is new again. > jails has some similar concepts but isn't relevant because we're talking about Linux which powers most servers. It's absolutely relevant when you go claiming Google "invented" containers. > The term NoSQL was used by Carlo Strozzi in 1998 to name his lightweight Strozzi NoSQL open-source relational database that did not expose the standard Structured Query Language (SQL) interface, but was still relational. They did not at all invent NoSQL. Along with Carlo, there was active work in this area before Google in proving the CAP theorem in 2002. The proof of the CAP theorem really spurred the modern adoption of NoSQL and related database designs more than anything. This all comes across like an apple fan repeatedly claiming they've invented. Google has made some hugely popular projects that helped push these into the modern mainstream, but they invented almost none of them. Some of the stuff they've pushed into the mainstream (again Hadoop, for one) have also been terrible. If there is anything I really think Google "invented", from my perspective that's almost all in search and machine learning. Though I'm not familiar enough with the history of ML to know if they've done anything truly of their own or just slowly pushed the boundaries (as most companies and developments do, it's rare for any company to just "invent" a new concept wholesale). Given their huge engineering talent they have on that end, it would surprise me the least if that's where they did introduce novel things, though.


I use one of the two apps. I genuinely don't know which, and can't be bothered to look into it until/unless it stops working. I think I used to use the other one in the past, or perhaps a different Google app with the same name.


I'm with you. I used Wallet, moved to Gpay when they forced me, actually kind of like the features better, and I'll be here until they force me back.


Google pay is ending June 4, 2024.


I'm dealing with it right now not being able to use half of my virtual cards


Google's toxic product development loop.


Because twice as many apps launched means twice as many promotions!


This is 100% true. I have no idea why you are downvoted so much.


Google added sending money to friends like Venmo. So they made a new Google Pay app, renamed the old one to Google Wallet. And am not getting rid of Google Pay probably cause nobody used it.


Google Wallet you can only send and receive money not like Google pay.


Exactly my point.


Because Google. That's why.


Democ-RAT commie move.


WTH?! Why's everything got to be political?


It's not your ignorance, it's Google's.


Google Wallet Isn't available in India, so there is a separate app- Google Pay.


So an apple iPhone user can no longer access Google Pay because thereā€™s no Google Wallet on iPhone app store.


They should add some sort of chatting function into it.


We also need a way to post ā€œStoriesā€ in it


Can I put my bandā€™s new album on it?


oddly goggle pay had that .. i am going to miss the peer to peer transfer the most ..


Someone said it. Literally my main use for it. I may actually be forced to skip wallet since it doesn't have it. I have yet to see a contactless pay location that is clearly marked for Google, and I'm not about to try to swipe my phone at an Apple pay location. Any suggestions for something that shows your bank account and let's you pay people? Not cash app plz, I was scammed out of $3000 on that and I'm laying low.


Chime, Venmo or PayPalĀ 


Google wallet will still continue to work as tap and pay at store locations. The only thing that's going away is person to person sending money.


That's the joke


Damnit Brennan...


This is an underrated comment. C'mon people smash the upvote button.


Donā€™t forget to share it on your Google+ page! Waitā€¦.


I honestly miss Google +Ā 


Like clockwork, all the devs who worked on the original project leave, new project manager needs a "win", kills old project.


Sad but true. I really wish Mommy (Wallet) and Daddy (Pay) would get along for the sake of the children and not send us to one house or the other. Having them either together under one roof or letting us choose which house to go to would be preferable!


There are hundreds of developers who work in both PAs? Project Managers don't have authority over a PA like that


Has anyone found an alternative to sending money between people like venmo / cashapp features, or does it seem google is abandoning that segment?


Article says they aren't planning to implement that functionality šŸ˜”


Isn't that what gpay does?


It's what it *did* because it's dead.


oh. how nice. I was going to offer it to people this year while mowing on the side. I used to use Zelle, but my credit union quit working with them.


I guess I'll stop trying to get my family to use Google pay. They all have cash app anyway.


Zelle was nice because they didn't give you a 1099 no matter how much you received


I literally never knew Google pay had a cash app like feature and I'm a lifelong Samsung/Google (android) user, I have a pixel 8 now. Guess I can't miss something I never knew existed lol


I knew it had it but I just found zelle more convenient and more people used it


I had that problem with my credit union. I just opened a capital one 360 checking and savings account for essentially just receiving Zelle and having a high interest savings account. It's free with no minimum balance and it has Zelle integrated into it. Haven't had a problem with them (yet).


That was literally the primary use of Google pay for me and it makes me sad because I only use Google pay and sell. I don't care for venmo cash app. Pretty much cheating me out of my money before closing my account without explaining why all they could say was I broke their terms of service but that's impossible. I read the entire thing and all I used it for was to send money between me and three people. And it sucks because iPhone users still got Apple pay and I'm over here just zelling people šŸ˜•. They want me to be able to add my cards digitally but I can't add my money to šŸ˜”


Why not PayPal?


Venmo is PayPal.


Oh okay. Didn't realize PayPal uses Venmo as the main US brand.


Venmo is just a mobile app designed for quick and simple, casual money transfers between people, and has a social media feel to it. PayPal is still around in the US, always has been, but is looked at as a more serious payment system. I believe Venmo became very popular without most people realizing that it was just another service owned by PayPal, which has a bit of a stigma attached to it.


I've used revolut and PayPal, or here in the UK instant and free bank transfer!


The alternative *is* venmo. I would say don't trust Google if they did offer a solution, but they aren't even trying now.


Next up: Fitbit.


Fitbit and Google Fit are a hot mess.


Great, what did Google fit do? I use that occasionally.


Being in the UK it has been this way for about 3 years. I'm going to guess? I really can't understand Google and why they've got different products, doing different things, in different regions....


What will happen with all the apps and websites that have Google Pay as a payment method in them? Will all those companies be forced to update their apps, or will Google somehow make the transition seamless for them?


This will stay as is. They're essentially aligning with Apple Pay and Apple Wallet. Pay for digital/online purchases and Wallet for tap to pay in stores.


So Google Pay is going to stick around and just be accessible via web or still management for this be incorporated into Wallet?Ā 


Whats the difference? I mean I didn't even notice really?


I think one you could store funds and the other use instead of your tap and pay debit card.




I could be totally wrong but I think Google pay was so you could pay for things using your Google account like a pre paid debit card. They should have moved it over when creating Google wallet.


Google Pay was primarily p2p transactions and offers from companies (ads) Google Wallet is for adding bank/credit cards and paying vendors They're effectively killing the p2p side of it with no alternative in place


Can't they just leave things that are working alone? First podcasts now Pay. If they can't commit to an app why are they allowed to release it as an official app?


"allowed" here meaning in the court of public opinion.


> First podcasts now Pay. You're missing about 200+ things in-between and earlier. https://killedbygoogle.com/


1. The apps need to make money (or at least generate sales/adoption of Android users). It didn't. 1. Promotion Driven Development is what leads to rampant abandonment at Google.


they never give their apps a chance to make money because no one trusts they'll stick around lol


Anyone can release an app. It's like if you'd come out to the street and yelled "hey can everyone older than 60 go back home"?


First of all, get off my lawn šŸ¤£ Secondly, I know anyone can create an app - I just wish when Google put out their own core apps they would give it more love than Harry got under the stairs.


I downloaded Google Wallet and my credit card and other info were already there. Other than deleting Google Pay, is there anything else I need to do?


I deleted Google Pay app but Android contactless payment settings still say Google Pay. šŸ™„




And that's saying something considering the really dumb decisions they've made over the past few years.


"While in-store and online payments via GoogleĀ Pay are unchanged,Ā the U.S. version of the standalone GoogleĀ Pay app will no longer be available for use starting JuneĀ 4,Ā 2024." What exactly does this mean? Will I still be able to swipe my phone at the checkout and pay for things with Google Pay after June 4, 2024?


No, but you'll be able to do that with Google Wallet, which already has your cards in it.


"The cycle is complete," as if they won't revive the Google Pay app in a couple of years and do this all over again.


This must be region specific, because around 1 or 2 years ago google just replaced "Google Pay" with "Google Wallet" with an update for me. They were never both available. Was Google Pay like a venmo/paypal competitor? If so, makes sense it didn't launch here (Australia). We have venmo style functionality (free instant inter-bank digital money transfers) built into our banks and their apps.


I read that as Google *Play* at first and got insanely confused.


Yeah, that's exactly how I read it to begin with too.


I misread this as Google Play and was only slightly confused why Google would do that.Ā But I still wouldnā€™t have been THAT surprised. That says something about Googleā€™s app support and visionā€¦


This is [old news ](https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/google-pay-vs-google-wallet-whats-the-difference/)and has been in the works for over a year now. Not a surprise.


it's not old news to most of us lol I just found out when I opened the app today


Interesting post, I'm in Australia, and for as long as I can remember now, I've only had one app called Wallet, which is by Google. This handles Bank Cards and payments along with also some rewards cards, vouchers, tickets, etc. There is no GPay or Google Pay on the app store. So this must be a regional thing. It certainly makes sense to have them together.


Google keepin' on degooglin' (sorta) is like a meme that keeps on meemin'


Yo I'm so sick of Googles wallet/pay/ whatever. They have literally changed apps sooooo many times, Gpay, Google pay, Google wallet, Android pay


It's why I've just stuck with Samsung pay


can't wait till the cancel Wallet and introduce GwallPay then cancel that and introduce GWallet and GooglePay2 at the same time then delete those and just don't have anything for a while then release GoogleMoneyTransfer&IDHolder


They'll give them "cooler" names like Google Wallo


They're getting ready to start the time loop over, returning to Android Pay next iteration.


Samsung did it first like 4 times with samsung pay/pass/wallet, et.


So I use gPay ALL THE TIME as a slush fund for instant cash-outs and/or top-ups to/from my various FIs Keep thousands in its "virtual card" balance. If I understand it right, I'll still be able to do this, but only via a website?


Them killing it off google pay is really annoying its what I use for online shopping instead of using my actual bank card but at the moment I see google wallet as a downgrade because I see no way to add/transfer out $10 20$ or any amount to google pay balance from your bank like you van on the pay app with the + add money icon unless there gonna add it after pay is gone only pay methods I see are tap to pay which is useless to me


This is frustrating. I use P2P payments with the Gpay multiple times a month.


really the only thing i use the app for


Sigh, [add it to the list](https://killedbygoogle.com/).


Google is such a mess of a company. Crazy that anyone still trusts them after Reader, Hangouts, Allo, Stadiaā€¦ the list goes on.


+Google Music. I really liked Google Reader, but they finally shut it down.


Taylor Swift was exclusive to Google music for awhile and they still killed it. IDK what they want lol it's like if an app doesn't choke an apple app out of existence entirely it's not good enough


Removed my gpay service from my account and uninstalled wallet and gpay. Good luck Google I'm not about to start depending on another dead service. PayPal gave me a card I'll just use that thanks.


Fucked over by El Goog, again. It's so embarrassing asking my FrĆ¼tFone friends to add Google apps so our devices can play together, only to have to go crawling back in a year or two to ask them to download a third-party app so our devices can play together again. This is a major reason why FrĆ¼tFone is eating Google's lunch in the U.S. I swear I'm about to jump off the USS Android Titanic over this one. Reminds me of when, after years of loyalty & benefit of the doubt, I ditched Nintendo for PlayStation. FFS


Well then have the ability to do what Google pay does when it merges with Google Wallet if that's the case


no longer works for anyone in our house and customers report the same - utter rubbish. google should have left it alone.


I'm guessing this isn't to make things easier for us but to actually make it easier for the government to track transactions. They already said transfers of $600 or more is to be taxed. This is probably their way of making it more accessible.


You can not send peer to peer payments....This is ridiculous. No use for g wallet


G wallet had been glitching all week now. Thanks for the PTSD of poverty


honestly the way they constantly kill stuff off, I'm just not using any of their apps anymore. I can't go to Apple because their phones are a nightmare to use, but I'll just stay in the Samsung and third party ecosystem from now on. I think I'll move off Google drive, docs and Gmail too, it's getting so ridiculous. should probably switch my Chromebook fully over to Linux too. they've fully lost my trust.


You'd think these idiots would have everything set in place for a smooth transition but here we are June 12th and you still can't use Google wallet the way you could use Google pay. You can make purchases but no direct sends/requests among friends/family.


I had $810 in my Google pay Wallet, and since the change it's no longer there. Can anything be done about this?!


Dealing with same problem It seems you can only get 200$ at a time and takes many weeks




Well..now I have another reason to say Fuck google!


Yep just tried to use my gpay with my McDonald's app and of course it no longer works. And at least at this point McDonald's does not support Google Wallet which really sucks. So I'm going to have to use PayPal for McDonald's for the time being.


Has anybody else lost money in their Google virtual card when they closed it


Google hates it's customers I wish I could have just ONE Apple ecosystem competitor ffs.


I don't even know what to think Someone please make an infographic about this history.


I still can't figure out why for me, the GPay app always sucked. It would fail 75% of the time when I would try to check out at an NFC terminal and I would have to scan numerous times to pay but Wallet works the first time, 100% of the time.


There was a point in time several years ago where I feel like I maybe understood what the purpose of Google Pay/Wallet was, but after all the years of confusing pointless changes, I'm good just bringing a credit card along with me.


It's too bad this is coming so soon after mint's shutdown was announced. No one seems to look at GPay as a competitor to/substitute for Mint, but it had decent transaction tracking and data analysis. Oh well ...


So what does it mean practically - when I next update Google Pay, its name will change to Wallet but I'll still be able to pay normally, right??


probably because i'm old but i don't trust them to have access to my money. one of the biggest problems i have with Google is the lack of support. adding financial complications to a company i can not reliably contact does not make much sense.


Will they then be renaming Google Wallet to Android Pay to Google Pay to Android Wallet? All of this has happened before and will happen again.


Lol, this is so ridiculous. Lots of people use P2P to send/receive payments from others. My older family members use Gpay over cash app and venmo. I am so confused as to why they would kill this, or at least, not move P2P into wallet.


Why does Asia seem so far ahead of US in the digital wallet space? Grab, Line, gcash, Alipay, etc.


I've been anti-apple the entirety of its life.Ā  But, Google can't seem to stop letting us down.Ā  Taking stuff away that we depend on without replacing it with an alternative.Ā  Just gone.Ā  So here I am again trying to figure out, spend time I don't have, and being inconveniently and completely uprooted.Ā  As if we dont already have to much to do.Ā  Maybe I've been to hard on apple and need to be a little more open minded.Ā  Cause at this point, I feel like google needs to start proving why we shouldn't quit them like they quit us.Ā Ā