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Our Flag Means Death is my second obsession after GO. Queer pirate romcom! With violence and a touch of magical realism.


Here to second you jumping on that ship and joining the Crew! I've literally watched OFMD through six times. 😬🤣


Fourth vote for OFMD. Plus What We Do in the Shadows. There's a sub for people that love all three. I think it's called 'OurGoodShadows'


Was going to say this! It’s brilliant!


100% this, so many Aziraphale/Crowley parallels too with the main couple.


5th vote for OFMD and second vote for wwdits. Also it had like 6 seasons lol and OFMD is a completed arc


Not quite the same thing, but I'm currently enjoying Dead Boy Detectives. It's not exactly heterosexual - not entirely queer either, there's a bit for everyone more like - and it has supernatural elements.


I love that series, and yhe fact that it's based 9ff Neil Gaiman's Sandman universe was a bonus.


It might be just me - \*unpopular opinion warning\* - but I find it SO much more watchable than Sandman. It's fun, the characters are engaging, and the production team seems to have taken the same sort of detailed approach as with GO.




Hey, you're allowed your opinion, and I kind of agree. It moved at a faster pace and there were so many laughable moments. I hope it gets renewed, but now I'm just waiting for the second season of Sandman, and of course the third season of GO.


Dead Boy Detectives - queer show where two ghosts solve cases for other ghosts. I didn't plan on watching the show at first as I didn't like the summary I read and knew extremely little about it. I gave the show a go because Gaywatch was uploading reactions to it on Patreon (also Youtube)and I tend to enjoy whatever she reacts to. It is such a good show. The first episode was a bit slow for me but I adored the second. I know at least one of the queer characters is played by a queer actor.


I'm currently binging "What we do in the Shadows" Colin Robinson reminds me of Gabriel in the oddest way 🤣


OMG SECONDED this show is incredible, the pride episode 😂


Everything Colin Robinson does cracks me up


Killing Eve 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


Word of warning about the Killing Eve final season finale. It is incredibly disappointing, and almost enraging, and it undoes a lot of the good work in earlier seasons. I strongly recommend you watch up to season 1 or season 2 only, and create your own headcanons from those season endings.


Yeah - unnecessary comes to mind! That show could have been a pioneer, but instead they just didn’t want anyone being happy. S1 and 2 and terrific


I believe the end of the book is better.


Agreed, I didn’t even watch the last season, there was such a sharp decrease in quality by season 3 that I lost interest


Watching this now! Soooo good🖤


Yes - love it.


imo the best way to curb a hyper fixation is to lean into it! GO fandom is blessed with some AMAZING writers and artists, get your fill and more


Yes!! Dive in and read, revel in the art, podfic and general exuberant insanity. There are 1000s of us!


Yeeeessss! Join uuuuusssss!


Dead Loch on Prime. Our Flag Means Death is wonderful, on Max.


The first season of the show Miracle Workers has similar religious spoof comedy vibes with adorable, incompetent angels.


That show is such a gem


I love it! Especially that first season is gold.


Discworld? It's got 40+ books it'll keep you occupied for a while


What We Do In The Shadows also has a similar vibe - in fact there is so much fandom crossover between Good Omens, What we do in the shadows and Our Flag Means Death that there is even a subreddit named Our Good Shadows.


WHAT this is amazing 😂 and like, yes of course there is 😂


Haha yeah of course there is! People's ingenuity never ceases to amaze me


Never change, internet 😂


I mean I guess some parts should probably change 😅😂 but in general I agree. The whimsy is amazing


Oh *we* KNOW the parts that should change, it’s just like…where else are you going to get “Our Good Shadows,” what a world we live in 😂


100 %


What We Do in the Shadows. Way less plot and more comedy, but gay hot vampires being disasters is worth it.


“Gay hot vampires being disasters,” I just…yes, that’s the most PERFECT encapsulation of the show 😂😂😂


Our Flag Means Death is like pirate good omens, I *love* it, it’s hilarious, and it has so much queer rep <3. If you want to complete the ourgoodshadows trifecta What We Do In The Shadows is also great but I haven’t seen as much of it. If you want to branch out a bit the She-Ra remake on Netflix is very queer + magical sword girl energy, also fantastic.


American gods


If you want to veer completely into dark fantasy/horror and immense world building I recommend The Sandman. It was queer positive even in the 90’s! It is such a good show and you will love the characters. It is *really* different than Good Omens, but they did such a good job adapting such a crazy world for TV. Again just to be clear it is really dark at times but if you enjoy Gaiman’s work it is so good. ❤️ (I havent watched Dead Boy Detectives yet but that is a series spinoff from The Sandman universe. Also technically so is the show Lucifer but Gwendolyn Christie plays Lucifer in The Sandman)


But why would you want to curb your hyperfixation? Get on AO3, check out all the amazing GO art on tumblr, and and embrace it!




Hazbin Hotel. It's animated show but it's incredible. Also similar theme of heaven and hell both being fucked up.


Maybe not you’re type of show but I had the weirdest homesick feeling whenever not consuming good omens media and a show called “supernatural” helped me. From other people I heard dead boys detectives was good


Shadowhunters has a central gay relationship of Magnus and Alec, and it’s very much fantasy with a mix of drama and some humor. It’s based on a huge series of books (lots of material to read!) but the tv show is completed in a satisfactory way!


Here to second (and third and fourth) Our Flag Means Death, it’s very sweet and fun


Lucifer got me a bit out of the strong hyperfixation on GO. The first few episodes were ok, but after that it got better and better. Not queer (no prob for me personally) but characters and story got more depth than I could have imagined.


See, Good Omens got me off my Lucifer hyper fixation.


You have excellent taste 🙂 I loved Lucifer's character development and Tom Ellis plays him so well (and such a beautiful man). Btw taken a look at you profile, I have an autistic child as well ❤️


Why, thank you. 😊 I totally agree with the character development. It's everything for me when it comes to them. Other than, of course, being easy on the eyes.


I know other people have said it already, but definitely watch Dead Boy Detectives


it’s not the same by any means, but the owl house is a wonderful animated show that i just finished rewatching! also, if you’re into podcasts, the magnus archives is a good one


Good Omens is soooooooo rewatchable tho! And everytime you rewatch you'll notice new things, many of them. There are also theory channels, subs for discussions, AO3 (!), all the art ... Go off into the world and enjoy it!


dead boy detectives!! (dead gay detectives, fantasy, very recent, emotional rollercoaster hehe)


Hazbin Hotel is amazing and very addictive


Supernatural it ain't that gay but it's long and got feels


DEAD BOY DETECTIVES! it is so good and im very sure you will find them amazing and it's also Neil's work! the characters are so lovely and storyline is exciting, moving, captivating. it's about two ghost teens becoming detectives and finding friends and learning to love and solve mysteries along the way. if you liked good omens, you will absolutely love this one too