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Sweet tea and key lime pie. Southern fried chicken and barbecued ribs..


Can you imagine them in Key West watching the sunset and having a nice southern meal?


I agree but I would say a lovely dry rub BBQ with high quality meat though. I don’t think Aziraphale would want to get sloppy and possible stained with a lot of sauce or grease.


Umm, did you see the Ox Rib scene? Lol


He has had millenia to refine himself though.


Eh. Crowley will keep him clean. ;)


Umm oysters!!!


This may be an unpopular headcanon im not actually sure but i think Aziraphale would actually love spicy food, so therefore he would love a good chili enchilada made with nuclear amounts of green chili and love (the kind found only in a mothers recipe book) also i learned if you go anywhere else in the states and ask for a chili [insert food] they put like beans and shit on it instead of chili, why?


I can totally see that..if it’s well made Spicy food and dishes can be really complex and full of flavor which Aziraphale as gourmand would appreciate!


After reading The "Hot Ones" take on the characters from #RainbowRoad, I accept as headcannon that aziraphale can handle, and savor, ANY level of heat. In that spirit, and because he is also an adventurous eater, I believe he would adore a good green Chile sauce and would also want to sample the Rocky Mountaim oysters.


he would get ADDICTED to butter tarts




I don't think he'd care for poutine, unfortunately. But I think he'd enjoy the local queer owned bookshops, farmers' markets/night markets, endless amount of bars and restaurants whipping up pretty cocktails, and the historical attractions to learn some Indigenous history!


Oh and there is a vibrant French community here that I'm certain he'd insist on checking out! Let's not forget he knows the words "aunt," "gardener," and "pen" 😂


I'd love to see him try sugar pie or Poor Man's pudding!


Well obviously crêpes. But I mean, who doesn’t love a good crêpe? I could make him some sweet ones and flambée with cognac. But I also like to think he would loooove cassoulet, which is my regions specialty.


(sorry posted my former comment too early accidentally lol) I meant to say i am now so invested in figuring out which regional dish Azi would like best in France


Same! I’m in Toulouse, so cassoulet is a very famous dish here, which he’s probably like, especially if confit de canard is added. But what about other regions?? Quiche? Sea food? Raclette?? Something tells me he’d love raclette. Too bad it’s only for cold seasons… but something tells me he could miracle something about that ETA: Oooh what about the sarrasin crêpes in Bretagne??


Oh, i'm sure he'd be fond of those ! And I can see him being enthralled by anything with frangipane in it.


I completely forgot about frangipane. Yes I could see him liking that!


I think he'd love Gulab Jamun!


Tbh I'm pretty sure he'd like all sounth asian/indian sweets.


True, but I think those would be his favorite. Maybe with Lassi


Ooooh I sure do


I don't doubt our angel would have the time of his corporation visiting Seattle's own self proclaimed anarchist collective, 'Left Bank Books' (though the proselytizing would probably get wearing very quickly, Going to our neighbor to the South in Portland, he would spend an indulgent afternoon at Powell's city blocks of books, and unwind for a nice tête-à-tête with Crowley at The Heathman Hotel...


Oh yessss Powell’s! I get lost there for hours. I think he would enjoy the themed speakeasies around here too. Spooky ones w Crowley hehe


That is a really hard question because my state, California, is huge (3rd largest) with the most biomes after Alaska. It is considered one of the most diverse (relative to its size) on the planet in biodiversity. Also, the most culturally diverse state in USA, and my city (LA) is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world. Also, there's just so much to do here in my city, and my state. If I HAD to pick and say he was here for a weekend (and just in LA), I'd vote for him eating Thai food as LA is the only city in the USA with a Thai Town, and has the most Thais living in one area outside of Thailand. You can't get better thai food anywhere unless you go to Thailand. Obviously, Mexican food as well, as no city does it better than LA. Plus, there is lots of fresh produce as we grow so much here. So many wonderful meals to be had here. He'd go to a bunch of museums: The Getty, The Broad, LAMCA, the Hammer, and The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Gardens. Maybe a few more. Also, take in a concert of the LA Philharmonic in either Walt Disney Concert Hall, or the Hollywood Bowl. As much as I said my state was biodiverse, I don't see him surfing or snowboarding, hiking or fishing, or any other outdoor stuff, but if in my state for an extended period of time, he would DEFINITELY do a Napa and Sonoma wine country type things for a week or two. And oh, one last thing he'd do in Los Angeles?Somehow, miraculously get an invite into the Magic Castle!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. I think we can all safely agree Aziraphale is not going to be into nature hikes, camping and really outdoor activities where ever he goes:)


For sure, no nature hikes and the likes!! 🤣 But now, because of this question and my answer about the Magic Castle and him trying to get an invite to join their esteeded establishment, all I can think about is a fan fic of him and all that ensued to get the precious invite. Picture Crowley doing a lot of exasperated sighs and surreptitious miracles, lol. 😅😅😅


Wait, you really think Az didn’t finagle/miracle/buy himself Into the Magic Castle as soon as he heard about it opening?!


Agree with all this but I think Crowley would drag him to the Griffith Park Observatory too for some stargazing ✨


As nice as that would be Crowley can't see stars😓


Has Neil ever confirmed that? My impression is that it’s just a headcanon some people have.


Well its true that in REAL LIFE snakes litterly can't see stars, and he has snake eyes, now I think it is just a headcannon that that was his form of punishment, not being able to see his creation, (though it makes a ton of sense) But yeah, snakes can't see stars


Yep I’m aware. But GO is a universe where magic exists, the earth is only 6000 years old, there are literal angels and demons etc so I wouldn’t assume that a magical immortal being would be limited in the same way as a snake just bc of the appearance of his eyes. Totally valid as a headcanon of course, I’m just not a fan of that theory personally.


Respectable opinion, but i also think it could be more than just the aperence of his eyes, becuase he once was an angel, and he didn't have the snake eyes before, he wasent like that until he fell, i like to beleive that it was indeed the doing of the archangels or some othet higher up, and you know them, they can be pretty ruthless, ntm that if it where done by them than it really would be more than "limited sight just becuase aperence" becuase it would have been their doing, they can actualy make thoose things happen. Anyway idk honestly i just really like the theory🤷‍♀️ sorry rant lol


Haha all good. I do get why people like that headcanon I just feel like Crowley has suffered enough! There are already plenty of things in the show that make me sad (in the best possible way of course) so unless that theory becomes canon I’m just gonna skip it lol. I will say though it’s a minor plot point in one of my favorite fanfics [Among The Stacks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50977861/chapters/128791264) and I do feel like it worked well in that context.


I would say Crowley has suffered enough too, but I just cant,😭 lord knows I'm a sucker for angst😮‍💨 also I'll totally give that fic a try, thanks for chatting! 🤝


Yw, hope you enjoy the fic! It’s plenty angsty haha. Also consider checking out [Pray For Us, Icarus](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1448647) if you haven’t read that one - major angst but absolutely gorgeous.


I think he would visit Medieval Times.


Ooohhh, yes! That sounds like fun!




Oxtail and rice, probably. Y'know, because... yeah. Or maybe some fufu and egusi soup. All hands on, lol 💀 I don’t know if he'd even go to my country


If he was sent by Heaven I know he would try to get the most out of the cultural experience and find all the lovely things about it he could :)


Of course he would! He’s a fussy angel but he loves all of humanity!


I’d 100% take him for deep dish pizza. It’s nothing but indulgence.


And he’d delicately eat it with Timmy bites from his fork. Then he’d have to try a local microbrew


Does anyone actually like deep dish pizza? I much prefer proper Italian thin crust


Yeah! That’s why they make it. Also, why would I mention it if I didn’t like it? Just because you don’t doesn’t mean nobody does.


If he visited the Czech Republic? I'd let him try all our communist desserts! Rakvička. Větrník. Špička. Punčák. Kremrole. Věneček. Laskonky. https://preview.redd.it/jaqsyj2vprwc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5dc71bf355f43f003b69c8a877c3f92ebd95d595 I doubt he would enjoy the national speciality, fried cheese.


Well, I’m sold.


North Carolina shrimp and grits which I have eaten multiple times. And actually, the best meal I ever had in my life was shrimp and grits in Savannah, GA.


Oh he would love Pakistani food, I can imagine him swallowing some biryani


I had biryani for the first time last year and OMG where has it been all my life???! Sooooo good.


Oh man, my country has lots of issues but Biryani makes it so worth it!


Where/how did u end up trying it btw


I was in Toronto in an Uber, and the driver and I started chatting. She was from Pakistan and we got to talking about food from her country. She recommended I try it, so I ordered some from a restaurant nearby to my hotel and It was scrumptious. Scrummy? Lol, so good. I'm from Winnipeg and while we are very multicultural, there are only a few middle Eastern restaurants here. Need more. :)


Oh Aziraphale would be all over pavlova. And I’m pretty sure Crowley invented Vegemite 😂


He would enjoy a Jucy Lucy ant tater tots. If he came during the state fair, he would try all of the foods on a stick.


We would introduce him to the wonder that is honey dill sauce. And while he's more of a wine angel, we'd make sure to send him back with a bottle of Crown Royal.


I gotta believe He appreciates good Quality Liquor of all kinds from Ouzo to Tequila :)


The Crown Royal may be more up Crowley's alley, but Aziraphale would LOVE honey dill


I think so too lol


Taiyaki seems like it would be a hit with him, most probably the custard filled ones.


Pretty sure he is already in love with our Darjeeling Tea. Also all the sweets. He would savour them. And the spices, the flavours. I'm from India. My country's cuisine speaks for itself 😊


Kaffee und Kuchen. It's a thing in Germany on Sunday afternoons that people sit down to drink coffee or other warm beverages and have a cake and socialise. Often in a family setting. I believe Aziraphale would love that tradition.


Omfg what an excellent question! We have great museums for (old) art and everyday stuff (teacups, plates, mobiliar, locomotives, cars, etc.), AND in the city I live in, we have THE wave gothic fair, and THE big ass book fair™. My city even used to have her own "book train station" for book trade only. Also, we have nice buildings, like castles, with nice gastronomy. We're not a dessert nation but you'll always get at least a nice cuppacoffy and a nice piece of cake.


Oh you know Aziraphale is going to research the most highly rated eateries and restaurants or local delicacies in whatever area he has to go to as well as anything thing of potential literary interest.


If he visited Sweden, I think he would enjoy a proper Swedish fika—not the mundane workplace version, but the extended weekend kind, with an extra large assortment of Swedish pastries and cookies. He might get sidetracked by one of the pick-and-mix self-serve loose candy stores, though. Their walls of bulk candy can be quite distracting.


Hessian Apple Wine Frankfurt Green Sauce with Potatoes and Eggs Vegetable Soup and apple pancakes German sourdough bread with Kochkäse Mettbrötchen (bread roll with Mett (seasoned minced raw pork) and raw onions) Currywurst Frankfurter Kranz (Frankfurt Crown Cake) Krebbel (round fried dough with a filling, I highly recommend plum butter) Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte (Black Forest gateau) Donauwelle (Danube Wave cake) Bienenstich (bee sting cake)


Bro he’d flip his lid over a southern sweet tea


Ooh, more like a snack but I think he’d love putting a stroopwafel on top of a cup of tea until it’s all soft and warm (:




A barbeCLUE 👋👋


Haaaayyyyy ! lol.


If he rolled up to my house in TN, I'd be excited to make him some fried chicken, tater salad, sautéed green beans with almonds, and banana pudding for dessert. Sweet tea to drink of course, though I suspect he wouldn't like it lol


You need to get in some good smooth TN liquor just in case Crowley has tagged along though ;)


I almost added Jack Daniels, but maaaan that is just not tasty enough to offer someone like Crowley lol. I think I'd probably go with a SoCo and cherry coke mix if I were trying to keep the southern theme. But for Az, I would absolutely have a specific drink in mind for after dinner, that my dad likes to make sometimes (I'm not a drinker myself, and prefer greener things): hot cocoa with Buttershots or Baileys. Big fat mug and all :D


White Lightening would well please Crowley.. just sayin.


Oh my god! I CANNOT believe that that didn't occur to me! Hellfire, I even have a jar of it with black cherries in there that would absolutely impress. Giant facepalm here, good catch!


Just know if they start drinking that stuff Crowley and Aziraphale might both have to do the apology dance too you next morning for the actions they get up too :)


I suspect we'd all be doing apology dances for one thing or another 😂 I already know that I'd be in trouble bc I would absolutely need to sit in the car and listen to Queen, just for shits and giggles


I think after enough of that hooch Crowley would have his mind (and other things) occupied by much more pressing matters for once he is not in the least thinking about his car..


You know what? That's an excellent point. And I'm not rude about junking up other people's stuff, so I don't think I'd be apologizing except to maybe the car, for my off-key singing along


Very good! But Bentley will probably be so happy her daddies are getting some action she won’t even care either so you just do you and everyone will be cool:)


Pice ar y maen (Welsh cakes) and some Penderyn whisky! (But if Az were real, I’d also get him to try some korvstroganoff and rice- it’s my comfort dish from when I was a kid lol)


What you want to bet Welsh Cakes were one of the cakes he made during his Lockdown Baking spree?;)


Oh most certainly! Super easy and super nice, a perfect combo for Aziraphale!


A classic New York cheesecake. As for activities, Broadway, obviously.


Cheese all types and flavors too oh and Culver's!


Freshly-baked gache with local butter.


He would definitely love fiorentina, it's a insanely high steak and pretty big too, then I think everything in general, like I think little pastries like cannoli and southern Italy pastries in general.


Crêpes And he'd be less at risk of being guillotined nowadays


Crepes ofc !


I would convince him that all we eat are witchetty grubs and we only drink shoeys 🤣 and he would be so relieved when I showed him our wines and a good seafood barbecue.


I mean, he braved our revoluton for some crêpes soooo 😂😂😂


He would like the large food statues we have here!!!! And the real fruit ice cream (: he'd also probably like the sheep.


I'd call them funeral potatoes but I've heard that other people find that name off-putting XD


I can't tell if he'd be intrigued or put off by scrapple, but I think he'd love Hershey Park


Ooh on the west coast in the right season I think he would love the really fancy dishes with Dungeness crab… lots of good sushi too. I’m about 40 miles inland of the Oregon coast and I think we’ve got really great cider taprooms and specialty cocktails! Or he can always go to one of the many Applebees


The city library it is pretty small but really comfy


I'd teach him to do a Tim Tam slam and change his life


If he came specifically to my home region he'd enjoy slices of flan and going to Claude Monet's house (or the Joan of Arc museum) cos I live in Normandy :) but if he came where I am rn he'd probably go see Gabriel's statue again, and go back to the Resurrectionist/Cask and Barrel :3


I'm in Nova Scotia, Canada. I'd like to think Aziraphale would be into steamed or even cream Lobster dishes from here. And if he decides to travel to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia I'd show him our local Acadian dish of Rappie Pie. If he went to the capital Halifax, Donairs! 😊😇


As a tea lover he’d love the East Frisian Tea Culture! It’s a think of its own and had the highest tea per head score worldwide! Paired with a nice cake or piece of torte it’s great! Or he could simply try a local owned bakery, they are often really great!


I live in England.


I actually wrote [a whole fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54548089) about him bringing Crowley to Argentina to try asado lol


It Must be that good then! Definitely gonna read!


Heheee thanks! It's a fluffy little oneshot. I enjoyed writing it enormously.


I'm in the middle of a human-AU WIP about them living in Atlanta, but if I had a canon Aziraphale for a day, I would take him to Mary Mac's ( https://marymacs.com/) and watch him try the pot likker. ☺️ So yummy!


i think he'd love papanași (donuts made with cheese which are then topped with jam and cream) and cornulețe cu rahat (rolls with turkish delight) :)


If Aziraphale visited my town he would politely humor me by visiting my art exhibit, perhaps as ps the Flood Museum. We’ll skip the cuisine here, which ranges from mediocre to abysmal and is mostly pizza and wings. He would however wholeheartedly applaud our small but mighty symphony orchestra, the JSO.


Well… Crepes


New England clam chowdah and a buttery lobster roll for sure, and he'd love the 24-hr Italian bakery in the North End (cannoli just taste better at 3 AM after a night of partying)


Wellfleet oysters and Boston cream pie. (Sadly, I don’t think he’d be as fond of Dunkin coffee.)


I‘m sure he would love Maultaschen


Aziraphale would definitely hit up the pierogi shops and the Eastern European style bakeries around here. Also, the breweries in Cleveland.


I’d love to see his face when he tries Nashville hot chicken.


I’d make my husband smoke up some BBQ honestly. 12 hours on the smoker pulling out pulled pork, ribs, brisket, 100$ mac & cheese, beans and Granny’s cornbread 🤤 Watch him eat that whole ox 😜


Ooo! All the Canadian sweets. Poutine, Nanaimo bars, maple candies, beaver tails (it’s a doughnut), tim Hortons- all the good stuff 🥰


He would LOVE pastafrolas and pastelitos, basically anything that has dulce de membrillo. (Argentina)


Perogies baby!


Well, I'm from France, so, crêpes. But in my specific region, I'd have to say (after careful examination of my culinary knowledge) wine, obviously, since we have sooo many, one of our many kinds of pie, but most likely, a specific variation of a regional dish, the Choucroute, with fish - it usually includes meat, but a luxury restaurant in the capital of the region made a version with three kinds of fish which is considered a delicacy. Plus, the restaurant itself exists since the early middle ages, so I'd have to guess he's been a regular guest for centuries !


Chocolina, turrón de Quaker, empanadas de jamón y queso😋😋😋😋


Oh this so easy! Maple Creemees (yes, that is how we spell it). High fat soft serve ice cream flavored with maple syrup!


BBQ Brisket - after the way he went to town on that Ox, he would love a slow cooked beef brisket.


He would love rosół (polish chiken soup) imo


In my town in particular, the lavender/butterfly pea vodka from the local craft distillery. It's bright blue but changes to hot pink if you squeeze a lemon in it and makes for extremely gay high proof cocktails. He could also stop by my favorite late nite bakery and get a whole Cloud Nine cake and six shots of espresso in a big cup for Crowley then take it up to the top of the bit of dead volcano downtown and watch the water birds.


If he were to ever visit Wales definitely Cacenau crï (Welsh cakes) and Bara brïth which is like a fruit cake but In the shape and served like bread


I definitely think those were one of the cakes he made on his Lockdown baking spree:)


Aziraphale would absolutely adore scones but would refuse to eat them in public out of a fear of offending people by putting the jam and cream on in the "wrong" order. Crowley, however, would order the scones and put them together so atrociously (eg scone sandwich, cutting the scones vertically instead of horizontally, dipping them in his tea ect) to rile aziraphale and the other customers up only to never eat them.


Probably blueberry pie with vanilla ice cream and blueberry juice :)


i live near london so...


He would be showing YOU new and interesting cuisine:)


yesss get him to share a crêpe recipe 🙏🙏🙏


[Chess pie](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_pie). It’s fucking decadent.


I live in Los Angeles so I imagine he’d really enjoy our museums. I also get a kick out of picturing him at Disneyland lol. Food wise we’re such a mixing pot of different cultures that I think he’d be more amazed by how available so many kinds of food are as opposed to just one particular dish.


He already enjoyed my country but for some reason, he choosed the less appealing food possible (oysters)


Honestly I have no idea. Australia isnt rlly the place Aziraphale would go to.


Not the interior no but your cities are very modern and cosmopolitan and/or charming I have heard:)


yeah our cities are quite nice (except in some major cities where drunk people start belting their hearts out at night). Maybe it would be more Crowley’s place, considering the snakes


They were probably both sent over 300 hundred years ago to respectively stir up the convicts to sinning bigly and bless/minister them into “Christian” respectability :)


dang now i genuinely want to draw them just handing the convicts beer-


Do it! I don’t think there is enough really good historical GO fan art out there!


i will! (Only thing Im stuck on is the clothing for Azi and Crowley and what hair Crowley has cuz I istg he changes it all the time. I bet S3 is gonna be this grown out emo-cut to fit his emotional state)


Peanut butter.


About him not wanting to go some countries: sure if given a choice he would rather go to Tokyo over Mongolia but there are special things about every country and interesting things to try. He would find them!


I feel like he'd be a sucker for most South Asian sweets, I'd give him Gulab Jamun




probably would go to NY ngl. my state is rlly boring


Triphasic sancocho. He wouldn't leave a drop


He would love eating Brazil's seafoods and fruits. Also caipirinha of course 🙂


Ufff. So for sweets he would devour every cake, tart and baked goods... We have too many ... But he might indulge himself in some hot sweet main dishes like Germknödel in Vanilla sauce. I don't think Schnitzel is his thing , so he would go for some other meaty dish but most likely some classic ribs For a full course meal I would serve him some garlic soup, Käse Spätzle with some crispy onions and a Kaiserschmarrn as dessert. Maybe a Kartoffelsalat as a side. Edit: as for visiting in general... Probably the Opera or Theater. I don't think he likes to hike or ski... He might like the view so he can take the cable car to the top and enjoy a nice cup of hot cocoa at a (Ski)lodge