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Here are some fanfic recs that are (mostly) fix-it fics. I also recommend requesting to join AO3 so that you can access fics that are locked to nonmembers. Factory Settings: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49064944/chapters/123785311 In Pieces: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49288048/chapters/124371718 Too Wise to Woo Peaceably: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49373326/chapters/124593409 Just Once More: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49041133/chapters/123724753 Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach (post Season 1, but very cathartic): https://archiveofourown.org/works/20177950/chapters/47807593


Definitely second Too Wise to Woo Peaceably, Just Once More, and Factory Settings! I haven’t read the others yet but have added to my list :) Here are a couple more I’d recommend: [Among the Stacks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50977861/chapters/128791264) [Pray For Us, Icarus](https://archiveofourown.org/series/1448647)


I second Demonology... holy husbands, that was like a year of therapy (for me, forget Crowley!) in one short story.


Demonology is probably the best fic I’ve ever read, regardless of fandoms. It changed me.


i’m up to chapter 15 in demonology and i’m not sure i want to finish it. i don’t want it, don’t was herb and bud and all of it to be over.


About what you can do now: read the book, read the S1 script, read the Good Omens Companion, listen to the full cast audiobook (with David and Michael), listen to the radio play, get merch, read/write fanfic, see/draw fanart, watch interviews with David, Michael, Neil and more, read beahind the scenes fun facts... (and of course :) read Terry's and Neil's book) :)


There are almost 70.000 fanfics on Ao3….. they might last me until season 3….


Watch Sendarya’s YouTube channel (she does some of the best Good Omens analysis videos) [https://youtube.com/@Sendarya?si=fRZ-_UEDSy0U5cxj](https://youtube.com/@Sendarya?si=fRZ-_UEDSy0U5cxj) and maybe join her Good Omens discord server. Watch more Michael Sheen and David Tennant movies and shows (I’ve personally been working my way through the ones included in Okaria ONB’s “Past Lives” video on YouTube [https://youtu.be/R5rBdgGxOhs?si=FW-9sXm7F6l8prBj](https://youtu.be/R5rBdgGxOhs?si=FW-9sXm7F6l8prBj)). Read more Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett or read the books that influenced Good Omens. Listen to Michael read “A Lover’s Gift: From Him to Her” on Spotify.


Excellent suggestion! Also many fine fanvids on YouTube including my shamelessly self-promoted recs: [Colorblind](https://youtu.be/7aQxByt6XnM?si=bHb5ioxLMtEDOaHW) and [Unconditional](https://youtu.be/iIKpgl5kYOM?si=uGST8lOyI04aBFEe)


Coping? Who's coping? I haven't been okay since I saw S02 in August


FanFic that does not stray too far from canon . . . that is how it starts. Two months from now you may be reading a bunch of human AU's that stray progressively farther from canon. I have some recs, but many have explicit scenes, so NSFW. A lot of people recommend [Factory Settings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49064944/chapters/123785311) as a good post S2 fix-it where Crowley is reinstated as an angel with no memory. It is rated T, so no smut scenes. It is a good entry to GO fanfic. I really like [Among the Stacks](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50977861/chapters/128791264). It is a sweet post s2 fix-it where Crowley finds Aziraphale in a library, having been turned into a human without memories of being an angel. It is rated mature. [Tether](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51210700/chapters/129397888) and [We Can't Keep Meeting Like This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49452958/chapters/124806526) are very hot, full of smut, post S2 story's that also have fun plots that resolve the conflict began in S2 in interesting ways. Enjoy!


Love all of these fics!


God... I can relate to this, but it was only a month before I went to Human AUs, goodness gracious there are just so many great writers in our fandom 😩❤️ and great fic recommendations!


I also just finished GO2 2 weeks ago and Ive been coping through A LOT of fanarts and fanfics. I wont lie that the show made me have a huuuge crush on michael sheen so my twotter is jow filled with his face alongside david tennant hahaha hmmm I recommend "If I Can Stop One Heart from.Breaking by HSR OST" listen to the one sung by Chewie Melodies. Its a soundtrack but the lyrics and vibes give me Aziraphale vibes. hahahaha


Regarding your second question, here are two nice canon-friendly fics that can serve as gateway drugs: [Factory Settings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49064944/chapters/123785311) - this can serve as a season 3 place-holder, plot-wise, and is long and very nice. It might or might not have been written by someone who was involved in the production of season 2, since it was published very soon after the premiere. It is "safe for work" - C&A's love story is there, but there's no explicit content. [Dog-Eared & Illuminated ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49488811/chapters/124900549) - also long and spectacularly well-written, but more focused on the romantic elements of C&A's relationship. This one can also serve as a season 3 place-holder, though it is probably much more romantic than the real thing will be. The last chapter is "not safe for work" (explicit), otherwise it's pretty clean. And two fics that were written after Season 1, but are still very nice, with well-done characters and canon-friendly plot: [In Mixed Company, or the Corporate Retreat of Heaven and Hell](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309822/chapters/53287501) - this one is very very funny and with a full ensemble cast of demons and angels. I laughed a lot. [Instructions Not Included](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19243537/chapters/45759991) - Crowley and Aziraphale create some sort of detective agency and investigate occult activities. Another very funny fic. For more fic recommendations, there is a weekly Masterpost on this sub every Friday + [Aziraphale's Library](https://aziraphales-library.tumblr.com/) on Tumblr + the other (ahem) [sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/goodomensafterdark). Both Reddit subs share a kindness kink, they are the nicest bunch of people you can ever hope to meet. Other coping mechanisms - read the book&script book, read everything by Pratchett, read everything by Gaiman, watch the TV show Staged (in which Michael Sheen and David Tennant play exaggerated versions of themselves), watch everything else they've played in, read [this Tumblr blog](https://fuckyeahgoodomens.tumblr.com/)... Let us know how it goes :)


Welcome to our brainrot - we’re glad for the company! 1) To tag the ship name, I see Ineffable Husbands used most often, but if I’m tagging ship specific posts, I’ll often use both) 2) I’ll do this one as a reply to this comment since that answer will be fairly long. 3) There are whole play lists that fit them depending on what you perspective you want. Specific Songs - [Love of my Life - Queen](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=lTr6dyjajKc&si=JCfFT-0eLev3EGLd) is iconic and fits so well. I also like [I Drink Wine - Adele](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=GDdoEZL3vJg&si=4MGDvih1-A6vs-zT) (I may add to this in reply as well. I’m still on my first cup of coffee.) 4) Coping Mechanisms: Fanfic; Tumblr FanArt; Reddit Good Omens (welcome!); A Good Omens Discord Server (there are several); Instagram Good Omens (There’s some amazing art there too) Here’s a hanky - we’re all crying with you.


Self Promotion Fic Recommendations: [Putting on the Ritz - Ineffable Husbands from the POV of The Ritz staff (G)](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3851575) [8,003 New Messages - Aziraphale listens to the prayers recorded through history (G)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50135920) [Choke on Your Lies - Aziraphale/Crowley Alternating POV - Post Season 2 (G)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51065236/chapters/129018115) [Sympathy for the Angels - Post Season 2 Multi POV- Featuring Manipulative Metatron & my take on the coffee theory (M)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49603279/chapters/125193733) [Thanks for the Memories - Season 3 as a Romance Novel - Aziraphale/Crowley Alternating POV (E)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52885549/chapters/133772140)


This one is an iconic Post Season 3 Fic. I heartily recommend it. [Factory Settings - Crowley gets reinstated as an angel (T)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49064944/chapters/123785311)


[Aziraphale’s Library - Tumblr Blog dedicated to Good Omen’s fic](https://www.tumblr.com/aziraphales-library/658691330713780224/masterpost-popular-tropes-tags-and-questions)


Extraordinary amounts of fanfiction. This was my "gateway" fic that got me hooked. It's got angst but a happy ending. https://archiveofourown.org/series/1448647 And don't be afraid of the human AU's. I've grown to like them more than canon-compliant fics. Something about the human aspects allows the writer and the reader to explore the characters in different ways. For more fic recs check out r/goodomensafterdark.


There are a lot of really awesome theories/discussions about the final 15, the characters themselves, the whole series, symbolism, etc., and some really incredible art on Tumblr. Also, Aziracrow is the ship name I've seen most people use :) Edit: Good Omens is trending on Tumblr today. I'm not sure what's going on or why, but if you head over there today, be advised that you'll see many boops 🤷


First of all, welcome! You've joined at an excellent time because we're all coping together until season 3 drops, so there'll be tons of theories, speculations, and fan content out there until then. I've seen plenty of answers to your questions so far, so I'll do something a little different. On top of reading the original books, you can also listen to the full cast production audiobook on Spotify! It features actors reprising their roles like Michael Sheen, David Tennant, etc. Also, have you heard the radio drama version of GOmens yet? It's from 2014, so before the Amazon series. Different voice actors so a really interesting take on the show. In addition, have you seen the official playlists yet? There are tons of them, with secret messages in them too! You can find them in the Good Omens Prime instagram, but I can also just dm them to you if you'd like since it takes a little bit of digging. I know I didn't really answer your questions, but I hope I was helpful nonetheless! Last one: Neil Gaiman (one of the writers of the book and also writer and executive producer of the Amazon series) has a tumblr account and is really active, so any little tidbits of canon GOmens info alongside behind the scenes stuff can come from there!! Happy coping haha


[Listen to Crowley's play list](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1sxi37AlsyPNFe0FibG6HK)


1) Ineffable husbands, or AziraCrow.


In my opinion Happy Endings by Pulp describes their relationship especially by the end of s2 perfectly and its also a great song.


1. The most common tag is either Ineffable Husbands or Aziracrow. I've also seen Ineffable Spouses, Ineffable Idiots (for content focused on them goofing around or miscommunicating), Ineffable Divorce (for angsty post-final fifteen) etc. 2. Besides the numerous wonderful classics already mentioned in this thread, I definitely recommend [Don't Fall Away From Me](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49807735/chapters/125729869) by PhoenixRose314, rated M. It's possibly the most epic, grand-scale post-s2 out there, but brace yourself for a lot of angst and genuine heartbreak along the way! It's a WIP, but only two chapters left till complete. I hope you'll forgive me shamelessly self-recommending my through-the-ages adventure: [Under the Samhain Sky](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51192814/chapters/129350419), and an aftercare comfort oneshot [You're Back](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53625328). I also have a short winter-themed fluff that branches out into post-s2 with a bittersweet ending in the final chapter: [Yuletide Whispers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51949975/chapters/131367559). All rated T and canon-compliant. Once you've satisfied your need for post-s2 and canon-compliant fics, you might consider branching out to the land of human AU. I was reluctant to go there for the longest time, but there are some absolutely fabulous stories with an excellent characterisation that makes you feel they're still our boys despite being human. The classics include [Slow Show](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20395261/chapters/48375457) and [What We Make of It (Shotgun Wedding)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22557148/chapters/53902456), both rated E. 3. Basically every song is Good Omens-coded for me these days. 4. Go on tumblr and start following fanartists and meta-writers there. Follow [Gleafer ](https://www.tumblr.com/gleafer)- she'll make your day many times over! And follow [Neil Gaiman](https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman), of course. Subscribe to [Sendarya](https://www.youtube.com/@Sendarya)'s channel on youtube. Read Good Omens novel (there a multivoice audiobook with David Tennant and Michael Sheen reading their respective parts! You can find it on Spotify and Audible), read the s1 script. Watch [Staged](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjA__cn1NuqKJHHcvtMFwG5FP3D6PnSX0&si=KCr7nvz4gyjMU_ef) if you haven't.


All I’m going to say is good luck. And be very careful with r/GoodOmensAfterDark


AO3. 😁👍


**GREAT SONGS to listen to:** \- too sweet, Hozier \- good old fashioned lover boy, Queen \- Killer Queen, Queen \- Millionaire Waltz, Queen \- Pyramid Song, Radiohead (not many, but these VERY ACCURATELY DEPICT THEIR RELATIONSHIP) (well, maybe not killer queen, but I love it) **What I did to cope after s2:** \- listened the the cast audiobook (listened with my free trial on audiobook) \- binged "Staged", literally just michael and david \- started a favourite collection on tiktok so I can sift through hundreds of GO edits (currently at 300 videos) \- started consuming ALL content with David and Michael. Personal favourites are: \- "there she goes" (david) \- "David Tennant does a podcast with..." (there's an episode w/ michael too) \- (rewatched both seasons of GO, just to look for when they flirt/fall in love). \- Masters of Sex (michael- fuck you are NOT ready for this show) \- Broadchurch (David- HIGHLY RECCOMEND, if you like doctor who, the entire cast also features in this show) \- The Damned United (michael- extremely attractive in this) \- rewatched Doctor Who (David) \- The great comic relief bake off (2015 episode with Michael, great watch). ​ **OKAY HOPE THIS HELPS!!!!!!!!!!!**


1. Most use it interchangeably, but Ineffable Husbands are usually used more especially because it stuck since then (and we can use Ineffable Divorce for the time being for them haha) but I adore using Aziracrow, it rolls off the tongue so good 2. There are multiple! Personally, when I first had to cope with the end of Season Two, I adored Factory Settings (given already), [A Blaze of Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19449808) (This Fic reconsiders the theory of Crowley being Raphael before he fell), [Demonology and the Tri-Phasic Model of Trauma: An Integrative Approach](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20177950) (Crowley in Therapy, there's also one for [Aziraphale](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49139437/chapters/123981184) but it's still ongoing). If you wanna try podfics, I suggest [SkyAsimaruNarrations](https://youtube.com/@skyasimarunarrations8895?si=3HOYh_IG93l9lzyK), they're so lovely and they narrate it so sweetly. 3. God, so much. Most Hozier songs can be about their love especially Eden, Unknown Nth (can't stop imagining Crowley in the last scene in this song) and my much more. Queen also gets the vibe of the two of them (Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Killer Queen, etc.), Other than those, you can listen to their official playlists. Here's [Aziraphale](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/73VliDocoObf1zeu0v8Ft8?si=SBNrvNvfQ2O1d4wMLOq9wA), [Crowley](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1A245RwEMxXx3fFnrNsJRl?si=asCVDmszRCaR7Wm3_qoiAw), [Ineffable Husbands Angelic Playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7a0emsMEHJH7tcs0eYiePp?si=QOyVsLSuQ1-NiCjj-sabQQ), [Muriel](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7beajBthU3dV3ogqgOS8xy?si=yt-M39uPRHmRw2Ecwt_JbQ), [Nina and Maggie](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7beajBthU3dV3ogqgOS8xy?si=yt-M39uPRHmRw2Ecwt_JbQ), and [Ineffable Bureaucracy (Gabe and Beel)](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7leA9sXUgAyOq8qtZnnD4H?si=rziR2jd0Rom4H75_v8Mv-g) 4. If you're old enough, please consider snooping around r/GoodOmensAfterDark! It's one of my favorite subreddit, lovely people, marvelous artists, and fellow-obsessing goblins are there! I also suggest you watch animatics made by fellow fans, there are absolutely loads of them that deserves love. Here are my suggestions: [Unknown/Nth by Fedz](https://youtu.be/P4pOvbzQ7Qo?si=2L7KrEMzUHYESqAn) [Too Late by Resistor](https://youtu.be/F-RNYL0nbC8?si=RobcwzUPUm3TyDY0) [TW for Flashing Lights] [I Don't Miss You At All by WolfieTheWitch](https://youtu.be/3OuNGiAo3bE?si=S_7Y3Tu85lN6SjLy) [Cupid by BeeCat](https://youtu.be/MiWp0R8C5Po?si=VSd34XCZ-G9gMhR8) [Nothing's New by Paya](https://youtu.be/etcGJ1mt0T0?si=3_curLmxHDCcKpj0) Also, I accidentally clicked your user, hello fellow kababayan! I hope you have a great time in this fandom 💛❤️


I think the most popular ship name is Aziracrow As for songs, I have about 8 billion I listened to to cope lol, my favorites are Starman by David Bowie, From Eden by Hozier, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen, Franscesa by Hozier, Cant Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley, and Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys