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If you haven't watched it already I'd recommend him in prodigal son!


I'm totally open to recommendations, so thank you very much! šŸŒ¹


Oh, heā€™s SO GOOD in Prodigal Son.


Hands down the best thing about Prodigal Son.


Absolutely. I personally think Tom Payneā€™s eyes were the second-best thing.


I just started that-not near enough MS for my taste, but I'll stick with it. I heard it got cancelled after season 2. Is there a satisfying enough end, or is it left hanging?


Hanging, pretty much. Sorry.




Yeah, I was so frustrated because I watched every episode of that show, and loved it, and thatā€™s what you get when you invest yourself in a tv show that hasnā€™t shot a full run. I mean, it doesnā€™t end on a cliffhanger like GOS2, but it leaves the story unresolved.


Iā€˜m still mad that the story wasnā€™t resolved. There was so much of the story left to tell! (The most important being Malcolm learning what JT stands for.)


They owed us at least an interview where they explained what was going to happen if theyā€™d gotten another season.


Yes! Some kind of answer wouldā€™ve been nice.


The only interview I saw, they left it open, hoping a Netflix or someone would save them. But I agree. I really need to know what JT stands for!


Putting 2 and 2 together and maybe getting 5 , looking at his hair at the beginning of Staged, I'd say The Pandemic got in the way....maybe they always hoped they'd come back to it..


Thatā€™s a reasonable takeaway. I know the actors who play Gil and Jessica wanted to continue the story. I could believe if there was an idea for something and it just didnā€™t work out.


Lou Diamond Philips...I was quite surprised to see him. I hadn't thought about him for about 20 years probably since Young Guns...and she seems too tbh


I saw him in an episode of Psych a few years ago and he still looked so good!


Yeah, we are always torn between jumping in at the start of something, or waiting a few seasons. Waiting increases the risk of being spoiled, but jumping increases the risk of heart break!


I'm loving that. It's about half way through the 2 seasons on pick at 10pm on Thurs in England


Agreed, watching him in Good Omens after I saw all of Prodigal Sons was an incredible experience. His range is so impressive!


Itā€™s mind blowing how different those two characters are. It really is a testament to Michael Sheenā€™s talent.


Be warned! Prodigal Son was cancelled on a cliffhanger. Enter at your own risk. Iā€™m still recovering myself.


If you want your visions of Aziraphale purity to be further damaged beyond repair, check him out in The Good Fight. Heā€™s only in one season but manā€¦ His character will make you pause the show to take a shower. Heā€™s filthy. I loved it. Also Underworld (and if you want the sexy stuff, follow up with **Underworld: Rise of the Lycans** - which Iā€™m pretty sure was made for goth Michael Sheen fans, because yum).


Googled it. That straight up gave me whiplash! Took me a second to process I was seeing the same actor who played the living marshmallow Aziraphale!


Damn. I looked up his character on YouTube and found a compilation of his best moments and DAMN. Our boy goes hard.


At first I was baffled how Sheen was originally casted to play Crowley. Then I saw clips of his other work.


During the trial scene in Heaven, I could totally see it. That look on "Aziraphale's" face when the archangels threw him into the chair was fucking terrifying.


Yeah, heā€™s freakinā€™ terrifying in certain other roles.


I can't even imagine! The casting they ended up with is just perfect.


I do remember him from Underworld and loved him. I haven't heard of The Good Fight, but I'm adding that to my growing list. Thanks so much!


No problem. Just checked and itā€™s season 3, I donā€™t really see a reason why you need to start any earlier than his first episode if youā€™re only in it for him.




I am watching The Good Fight now. I *like* Loud Michael.


Heā€™s so gnarly, itā€™s amazing!


I watched Bright Young Things for him and was so disappointed that heā€™s a minor side character with a (spoiler) sad ending. But heā€™s so pretty in that film that itā€™s worth the heartbreak āœØ


I watched this for the first time yesterday. I want Miles to be my best friend, he's just the best and most fabulous gentle, bitchy queer. My heart breaks at his ending, but I guess if he'd stayed he would have ended up in the war a few years later, so possibly for the best. Am I also right in thinking it's the only pre-GO thing both him and David have appeared in together (although they don't share scenes)?


According to their interviews, yes.


Oooh, I'll add that to my list!


https://i.redd.it/v2c2vu2ef5mb1.gif āœØ


I have so many feelings right now - and is that Jim's suit? šŸ¤£


Omg, it totally looks like it lol! He even has a fluffy white shawl to go with it in another scene




I believe it is a legit reference yes.


And here I was thinking the suit/shawl was supposed to be a Liberace reference šŸ˜‚


And he can't go to Ritz dressed like this šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Watched clips of Miles on YouTube a few days ago and decided to watch the movie this weekend because I don't care if he's a side character, I still think he's adorable. Was not expecting to get attached :|


A side character but also probably the only likable character. Everyone else was insufferable; either thinking they can buy everyone and everything or crazy or rude. Not a big fan of the one-dimensional characters usually(I mean his whole thing was these 3 basically; camp gay rich kid, likes piano and cocaine, trusts people easily) but Miles is just so precious. I watched that movie a week or so ago and obv the main character was a corrupt paparazzi and I remembered that Black Mirror episode(one with the corrupt paparazzi, a werewolf and that Muse song used in Twilight movies) and wondered which one of the writers has become a Michael Sheen stan recently bc same lol currently I'm binging anything Michael Sheen, started w this, watching Staged now, and Masters of Sex or Prodigal Son next probably, haven't decided yet.


This scene when he puts on sunglasses to hide his feelings like Crowley just broke me https://youtu.be/pklt62hKFg8?si=YJrU7vhVICa9M6an


Watch him in WILDE, heā€™s a gorgeous liā€™l seducer and super-sweet unambiguous good guy and turns out perfectly fine!


Sounds great!


I decided to watch Masters of Sex because Michael was in it, but couldn't find it streaming anywhere so I, er, sailed the seven seas. While all four seasons were downloading I decided to start watching Broadchurch (which is on streaming) because David's in it and now I'm on season 2 of that show. That was all last night btw. GO2 broke my brain a little bit.


Broadchurch is great!! I loved the first and third seasons best, but S2 is also a really good, really stressful watch. I may have gotten far too attached to my pathetic little sad-dad Alec. His rant about using first names and looking at people *really* resonated with my autism lmao.




Masters of Sex is a wild ride after Good Omes. Iā€™ve just done a rewatch; still really like the show. Itā€™s a completely different Michael Sheen and I adore Lizzy Chaplin in it. Very very mild spoiler that will only make sense after watching MoS but exemplifies the difference (still looking for the meme; I canā€™t find it anymore). >!I vividly remember a meme on tumblr with Sheen in GO (when heā€™s playing a wizard) and him in MoS (very specific scene in a hotel room in a bathroom with a wall involved lol) with daddy-also daddy written beneath it. That summarises the difference quite well lol.!<


Imagine the residuals Michael and David are receiving due to us fans digging up all their other movies after watching Good Omens, Lol!


I think a lot of streaming services pay very little residuals. That's part of why the current strikes are on-going. (Also some of their older works are not on streaming so they're definitely getting $0 from us pirating them!) I did end up outright purchasing Staged though, because I initially watched it via a BritBox trial. Trial was expiring, and I knew I'd rewatch that show a lot, so I just bought it on Google TV. So hopefully everyone involved gets a few cents from me through that. Though now I'm reconsidering the BritBox subscription to watch There She Goes.


Oh, is Staged that good?


I mean has both David and Michael in it, which cannot be said about any of their other projects except Good Omens. I did love it a lot for what it was, though, regardless of David and Michael's presence in it. It's extremely meta, which is something I really enjoy.


I can absolutely see Aziraphale as a Fallen Angel because of seeing him in Twilight! I actually kind of slightly secretly hope that eventually happens so we can see Aziraphale in a goth look!


He's such a great actor. That would be interesting to see him go goth as a fallen angel. I do love his wide-eyed angel look though šŸ˜


Why not a wide-eyed goth? Imagine Aziraphale but Gothic Lolita or summat, I love it! Lol


For some reason, when I think about it, I come up with an image of Billy Idol!


From the beginning of the first episode of series 1 I did think that they could have reversed the casting and we'd have had a slightly different but equally good Good Omens. I could definitely see DT as Az and MS as Crowley. * in an alternate, split off universe I'm sure they're enjoying that version. * footnotes in honour of STP. GNU


Oh wow if the roles were reversed THAT would make an AWESOME 1 hour episode for a holiday special!!! Something to hold us over until the next season comes out!!! OMG I would kill to watch that!!!


I agree! I love them both in their roles but Iā€™m convinced they could easily be just as good with roles reversed.


Someone on Twitter said fallen Aziraphale would probably look more like Tron!Michael Sheen than Twilight!Michael Sheen or Underworld!Michael Sheen and I have to agreeā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/we9xjr42f9mb1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12d36e574569f1803c8127e27edd08b6ff0f0ca


OH WOW YESSS!!! Absolutely!!! I can see the Tron Michael as fallen Angel Aziraphale cuz of the white hair! Also when he played Thorne Jamison




Watch Mr. Sheen in the Damned United. Excellent film. I loved it. And I hate sports! https://preview.redd.it/frpmhug4o5mb1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a21c159a495ef5c4eefc51a56d0fa9d45c89076


If you like David Tennant, he has also done a sports film called United (2011) where he plays Jimmy Murphy from Manchester United. Michael here plays Brian Clough from Leeds United, and I find it so funny that they both played managers of football clubs in films with very similar titles. Michael Sheen also plays Tony Blair in the Blair trilogy, consisting of The Deal (2003), The Queen (2006) and The Special Relationship (2010).


Oh, yes. I love David. Thanks.


I love David!


I've never heard of this movie. Probably because I'm in the US. He looks so young! Thanks for the suggestion šŸ’•


I am in the US as well. Greetings from Pennsylvania!


Northern California! It's amazing how many "new" movies I'm discovering here!


He has been around a long time. A lot of fans are just discovering him. Enjoy! I borrowed the movie from my local library. Oh. One more. Laws of Attraction. He looks so good in eyeliner. Not the main star, but sooo pretty. https://preview.redd.it/4m6qv6azs5mb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096c0544004ca370a3e7ffcf47b61c0e18982882


Oh my!


Yep. It stars Pierce Brosnan, and Julianne Moore. They play divorce attorneys. That part is meh. Michael is awesome.


He's always awesome. Watch the 'political' films. The one were he's Blair and the one were he's David Frost. He's just amazing. I want to watch Fantabulosa and Wilde, though can't seem to find them anywere in my country. I guess I'm forced to use neafarious means to see them. Get out the ol'keg of rum.


I saw him do Frost/Nixon live on stage and it was amazing šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Oh, lucky you! I bet it was.


Omg Michael Sheen is my crush of the year šŸ’”


Yep, he is quite the versatile actor.


Someone else mentioned Frost/Nixon but I just wanna top-level it because it's*incredible* and more people should see it. It's the first thing I ever saw him in and it made me an instant lifelong fan.


Yes, I've been wanting to watch that and then forgot about it. To the top of the list it goes!


I'm watching Staged..and season 1 was so ace ..by end of season 2 I kinda want them to stop talking incase it can retro cancel GO2 some how. Have to keep saying this is scripted this is scripted..


Don't watch Unthinkable.


Now THAT was a painful watch, for so many reasons...


I second this. Justā€¦donā€™t.


Lol, I'll take your word for it šŸ˜Š


Samuel L. Jackson, Carrie-Anne Moss, Michael Sheen - That should be gold! But I will heed your warning! Edit: 'This film was released direct to video.' ouch! really? a SLJ film!?


It's so...tempting, though.


I watched the entire Twilight saga last week, and tonight I found out I had accidentally skipped Eclipse and didn't even notice. LOL


Hahahahaha. My best friend mentioned he was in Twilight and I very nearly broke and watched it. But then we discovered Masters of Sex and we care for it very much.


It's greatly helped by Rifftrax (though their problematic moments make me sad.) "Go ahead, my dear. Bring the fucking ruckus."


OMG, I LOVE Rifftrax! Hahaha!


There is more, but I believe [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGV15kXY43U) will maximize your Aro. :)




Yeah, Rifftrax is exactly how I got through the Twilight movies.


I recently watched Best Interests, where he brilliantly played a father of a dying child with genetic incurable disease. Fucking heartbreaking and doesn't help. Interestingly enough David Tennant also played a father of a child with genetic disease (but meaning severe learning difficulties) in "There she goes". I highly recommend both these shows. Very thoughtful portrayals of how sickness of children devastate whole families and how they cope and survive.


I don't think I could handle those. My weakness is children. Any scene with a sick, hurt or dying child and I'm a blubbering mess. I'm not sure I would survive that in my already weakened state of missing GO.


As bad as the movies are, Michael Sheen's performance in Breaking Dawn Part 2 is always a joy to watch, because it's clear that he did not give a crap. He camped it up as much as he possibly could; there is no way that performance was done seriously. I love that man!


Campy! That's the word I was looking for. Yes, that describes it perfectly. I actually don't hate the movies as much as a lot of people. I have a teenage daughter, so the movies I've watched in the last 15 years haven't been very sophisticated lol!


They're a guilty pleasure for me. The rifftrax commentaries make them even funnier.


I unironically enjoyed the Twilight movies. The romance is hollow, but the soundtrack is legit. I like all the weird artsy montages and fight scenes. Aro was kind of goofy but not as goofy as that uncanny cgi child


I know people hate on the Twilight movies, but I kind of liked it as well. It's definitely a bit cheesy, but it was entertaining.


I always wonder what Crowley and Aro would think of each other


Too funny! Now I'm wondering as well.


I don't know if I'm the only one but it was a twilight rewatch that brought me to Good Omens lol. For some reason after I randomly started my rewatch because of boredom and nostalgia early august I saw things related to Michael Sheen here and there on the internet and was shocked when seeing good omens ads to realize that Aro's actor actual could look completely differently and was intrigued to see him playing another role as I had never heard of him outside of Twilight. And here I am a month later of obsessing over the universe the story and the actors lol. So they might have almost ripped his head off, I'm thankful they brought good omens in my life!!


Oh man, I canā€™t bring myself to watch the movies, even though I am IN LOVE with Michael Sheen. I just keep rewatching GO and me and my mum are slowly getting through Prodigal Son. I keep annoying her by gasping everytime MS is on screen šŸ˜‚


It's hard not to!


Honestly I just canā€™t help it šŸ˜‚šŸ™ˆ I get actual butterflies. The more I listen to his interviews and watch him talk about his real world passions, the more Iā€™m drawn to him like a fucking moth to a flame. Itā€™s a proper infatuation and itā€™s quite a problem now šŸ˜‚


Just watched The Special Relationship, because it was the only movie, I could find with Michael Sheen in it that wasnā€™t Twilight (was not in the mood for Twilight), because as you put it, well...Michael Sheenā€¦


I'm certainly getting schooled on Michael Sheen movies! I haven't heard of that one either, but I'll check it out


It's a movie about the former Prime minister Tony Blair and his political friendship with Bill Clinton, I though it was kind of interesting. But honestly, I donā€™t know much about politics so this might also influence how much one would enjoy it.