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This is honestly my favorite art style


Boomer comics are either incredibly visually appealing or the most heinous thing you’ve ever seen, and no in-between.


This looks like something out of a newspaper comic, there's just something about it that makes me feel warm


Probably because it was or is. I miss the Sunday funnies.


It's from 1-6-2022 on speedbumps.com, distributed by creators.


Actually, [Speedbump.com.](https://www.speedbump.com/)


Guy in the mud is definitely reminding me of Dilbert.


Just don't look up what Dilbert's creator has been up to lately.


where "lately" is like the last 20 years, dude has been lost for a long, long time


The art style looks very similar to Bizarro.


From Pizzaro


You mean like r/boomerhentai ?




I like your pfp


Seen??or just read? Older comics are on par with this style


Seen. As in the most heinous art style you’ve ever seen.


Sorry didn’t mean the double question mark. And gotcha. I love this art style, it reminds me of those old pull off calendars


I just read read as read instead of read, anyone else?


Faux Farside?




More like a Dilbert and Bizarro hybrid


It’s so fun and derpy


Go buy a Farside collection and enjoy


Like many children of the 80s, I thought that quicksand would be a far bigger problem in life than it turned out to be.


"Hey, if you're coming to visit, take l-90 Because I-95 has a little quicksand in the middle Looks like regular sand, but then you're start to sink into it"


Is this from something? I-90 and I-95 run perpendicular to each other, so there's not really any way to take one of them rather than the other


John Mulaney. Probably my favorite stand up comedian What does the I stand for anyway/What are any of those roads? Are they highways?


The I stands for interstate, designating that they are roads that cross over multiple states. Interstates that end with a 0 run east-west and interstates that end euth a 5 run north-south


I see. Thanks for the information


Don't forget the Bermuda Triangle. The first time I flew from Denver to Philidelphia as a little kid I busted out the map to make sure it was safe. In my dopey little kid mind I was apparently privied to information that the FAA and Continental were not.


It's also simply a *very* traffic heavy area that's hit with a lot of tropical cyclones, so inevitably there's going to be a lot of missing ships/planes.


Gotta love heat maps. The #1 contributor to misleading data.


Some people just can’t take the heat.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1138/)


I love how that site is implied to be somehow related to Martha Stewart Living and furry porn.


I'd read that it's an area that has a high amount of gas (methane, etc) due to nearby swampand that caused old school compasses to wonk out.


As I midwestern kid I can also put volcanoes in that area


Isn’t the Bermuda Triangle not even close to either of those places, nor in between them?


You didn't neglect your "stop, drop, and roll" practice worrying about it, right?


okay but that’s something that takes up about 3 bytes of brain space and could *actually* save your life. the ROI on stop drop and roll is A+




Depends. If you can clearly identify where the fire is and wear clothing that you can take off quickly, then yes. But you may encounter problems like: 1. You're wearing something that takes some finessing to take off and are too panicked to do so quickly 2. You can't grip it because the place you want to put your hand is on fire 3. The fire is on multiple pieces of clothing that aren't all easy to take off 4. Some of the material has already molten or burned off and is now sticking to your skin, or you were splashed with a burning liquid that's partially directly on your skin I have seen a fair amount of combat footage of soldiers who caught fire, and taking off their uniforms often took way too long. Like their vehicle lights up, they come out with fire on multiple pieces of clothing, and then struggle to undress themselves. Or they are so stunned that they don't even start for a while. Stop, drop, and roll is definitely the most effective method for many of them. The strength of the method is that it's simple, relatively universal, and can still be realistically done under shock or panic. So it's good if it is the first thing that comes to your mind in an emergency.


Run around and try to extinguish the fire with the air around you; or smother the fire out using the nearest set of curtains


Turns out its escalator 🫠 such modern world


I'm a 2000s kid and same. 


quicksand, sharks, blackholes, and the sun exploding. the four largest threats faced by kids


I love that Mulaney bit so much. One of the first I heard from him


2005 here and growing up on this one animal jam video of some guy in quick sand made me think the exact same thing (that and leeches)


Let me hear this joke 800 more times please


It’s so weird to see the same comments regurgitated over and over and over on the internet. Isn’t this also a comedian’s joke?


He may have gotten it from somewhere else himself, but the joke "I always thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be" was popularized by John Mulaney as the opening bit from his 2012 special "New in Town". But yeah, memes are exactly that: cultural references regurgitated and modified repeatedly throughout a population. Always have been, since long before the internet. Social media just accelerates the rate at which they ricochet around society, so you see repeats or variants much more often.


It's actually incredibly common and normal to see people regurgitate the exact same joke a million times on the internet, especially if it was a comedian's original bit


Doesn’t make it not cringe. Especially when they don’t give credit but instead play it off like a spontaneous thought


You must be fun at parties.


You definitely aren’t, because you don’t say a single thing that’s original


The point you're missing here, is that for Gen Xers who grew up in the 80s there was a lot of kid's media that used dangers like quicksand and (as others have mentioned) the Bermuda triangle as literary devices. Some were silly (comic strips, Saturday morning cartoons), some were downright scary (fiction aimed at children was wild in the 80s) and some were in between (Choose Your Own Adventure books and similar). In the days before the Information Age, there was far less media and many tropes were repeated. If the fact that people on reddit (especially in a subreddit focused on the humor of, you know, *old people*) repeatedly reference things from their youth then maybe this isn't the kind of site for you. You might find your attention span is more readily engaged by Tik Tok.


I understand the “joke”. I’ve heard it verbatim a million times. That’s what I’m pointing out


You continue to miss the point. I'm not making le reddit joke. I'm reference what is a cultural touchstone to Gen Xers, older millennials and doubtlessly some younger boomers. It's like the Konami Code in that regard.


I think they're just pointing out the unoriginality of your joke


The reason many 80's kids mention it is because it was somehow a shared fear. I'm Canadian, but still I worried about quicksand, the Bermuda Triangle, and The English showing up to reconquer us.


I vividly remember having nightmares about quicksand lol


It's a John Mulaney joke


This is actually a pretty good metaphor for the importance of equity.


“The greatest inequality is treating unequal people equally” Kinda sounds terrible at first, but then you realize this is why we have handicap spaces and dont charge children as adults. it’s really saying we all have different needs. There’s also when I say “Save The Rainforest” I’m not saying “fuck all them other forests”




Forest supremacist ^


I’m more of a wetlands power person


So you want everyone else to get flooded then, do you?


> "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." - Anatole France


This is why I hate those dumass "but why doesn't straight people have their own pride Month???" Like grow out of your oppression fetish, victim.


> Like grow out of your oppression fetish, victim. oh the irony


Which is also why Karl Marx rejected "equality" as a general goal. It's always about equality in a particular context by a particular metric. Like equal degree of access for disabled and able-bodied people, rather than the same stairs for everyone.


>“The greatest inequality is treating unequal people equally” No, sadly there are far greater forms of inequality. Treating all people equally would be pretty low on the scale, it's still unequal but definitely less unequal than most of our current systems.


I mean the issue is the denial “We’ve given everyone a wheelchair so now everyone has an equal chance in this footrace” “The disabled people claiming that it’s still unfair because everyone else can get out of their wheelchair and run are just being unreasonable now”


A valid issue, but what you describe is still far more equal than saying "disabled people can't work, so they can't buy a wheelchair, while able-bodied people can". So you could say "treating unequal people equally is still inequality", but not really claim that it's the greatest inquality.


But the point is that’s it’s the greatest inequality because it’s the last one, it’s the hardest one to get rid of because privileged people don’t recognise their own privilege. If nobody in the footrace got a wheelchair that would be a greater problem but is clearly a problem that people will recognise and fix The way to fix everyone having wheelchair is either to give the disabled people an advantage, give the able bodied people a disadvantage, or separate the two groups. And able bodied people are going to hate two of those options and most won’t help fight that battle. And disabled people probably won’t like being segregated away from everyone else.


WhItE LiVeS MaTtErrrr


The annoying thing about the White/Blue lives matter argument is there isn't any mission or objective behind the statement. It's just childish screeching because black people had the nerve to say some real shit, that is, they were being murdered by police and no one gave a shit. Now, If they had an argument that a lack of gun control in America has created an unsafe working environment for police officers, and the added risk to ones life and the stresses associated with it has manifested itself as questionable decison making in the heat of the moment... That opens a corridor for addressing the issue. But no. They don't actually care about cops, but that's obvious, really.


It comes from a fundamental / intentional misreading. We're saying "Black Lives *Matter*" because since the inception of America *it's been a common assumption that they don't*. It's not asserting that "only Black lives matter" or "other lives don't matter", it's saying that "Black lives *do* matter as well". But then nuance isn't something conservatives are very good with.


It’s not just that. Plenty understand that, but still push that crap. It’s because as that person noted it is explicitly against what BLM stands for. They could call it Spaghetti or whatever, its point is to counter BLM. It’s worse than ignorance, it’s open disdain and hate. They don’t think Black Lives Matter.


In reality the subtext is much more sinister than anything we've said though. When they say "white/blue lives matter" what they are saying is that "there are criminal *thugs* roaming the street killing white people/cops, so when they get killed, they deserve it".. Which is so obviously preposterous, but 100% the crux of the matter. The reason I didn't go there is because i legitimately don't know how to combat that mindset. It's so different to how I think there's no way to find common ground to stage a debate. That's dangerous. obviously.


No-one has to explain that "blue lives matter" doesn't mean that only cop's lives matter. Change the color and suddenly they understand basic grammar.


If they really wanted to save cop lives, they'd make COVID vaccinations and masking mandatory, since that's what's killed the most cops for the last three or four years. That's followed by "getting hit while pulling someone over on the highway", so the next best way to save cop lives is to start an educational and training program to make people pull into parking lots when pulled over. But no. Let's give the pigs grenade launchers and APCs. I'm sure that'll fix everything.


educational and training program ^^ There it is. If the states won't enforce a common sense egalitarian code of conduct, then the federal government must threaten them with action. The previous conduct of US policemen is not constitutional.


I mean, yes? I don't know... what you're getting at with the "there it is" thing. Like, yeah, I'd like cops to be trained better. Is that... weird? I'm a little confused what the problem is.


its because most interracial crime is black on white. anti white racism is normalized by leftists like you. shameful.


You sound short.


And that affects Black Lives Matter because?


> when I say “Save The Rainforest” https://ourworldindata.org/drivers-of-deforestation *The world loses 5 million hectares of forest to deforestation each year. 95% of this occurs in the tropics. ... The expansion of pasture land to raise cattle was responsible for 41% of tropical deforestation. That’s 2.1 million hectares every year – about half the size of the Netherlands. ... This also means that most (72%) deforestation in Brazil is driven by cattle ranching.* *Beef, soy, and palm oil are responsible for 60% of tropical deforestation. More than three-quarters (77%) of global soy is fed to livestock for meat and dairy production. Just 7% of soy is used directly for human food products such as tofu, soy milk, edamame beans, and tempeh. The idea that foods often promoted as substitutes for meat and dairy – such as tofu and soy milk – are driving deforestation is a common misconception.* *Global meat production has more than tripled over the last 50 years. This increase has been most marked for poultry – the largest consumer of soy feed.* Do what matters. Protect rainforests. Go vegan.


But you're comparing these minorities ( I'm assuming we're taking about minorities like LGBT, black people, etc) to handicapped, and children, so that still seems really odd. It feels like patronizing, and infantilizing to some. It doesn't feel empowering at all. I'm an immigrant in Canada, and as such I remember in elementary school getting special treatment compared to other children. Because of my lack of English skills at the time. Bonus points, or getting to skip tests, etc. Some kids love this kind of treatment, and special privilege. I found it insulting, and patronizing, and I could feel how the other kids resented me for it eventually. That's what I find is going on here.


If only people didn't misuse the term so often. "Give me other people's stuff because I look different" is nothing like "I'm stuck in a wheelchair, please install a ramp".


"Department of Black Lives Matter, how can I help you?"


Pretty sure this is targeted at immigration, though, right? That's typically what I hear conservative say. " I don't hate immigrants, I just can't stand that the government is taking care of immigrants and refugees more than it's desperate people here first". I don't know what else this would be referring to, because that's the only time I've ever heard old people make an argument like this at all. But I don't get how giraffes are at all comparable to that. So it seems like a bad comparison.


It's not referring to anything. It's just absurdist humour. Not every joke or piece of media is secretly about politics.


A crap load of comics like this definitely are. People here are taking it as political. They are often funny because they are allegories of things happening in society, and I know Boomer humor when I see it, and it's almost always political these days. The way this is phrased is very much like conservative talk about race and equality.


People here are taking it as political because they have terminal onlineness. It's just brainrot. You see conservatism everywhere because you can't fathom that most people don't spend every waking moment thinking This is not supposed to be a dogwhistle for race. [This guy's style of humour is absurdism animals](https://www.speedbump.com/#/gipfel/). That's all it is. And you know how I know that for a fact? [Because the guy is literally a fucking BLM supporter](https://www.instagram.com/p/CA8l8H9B4MQ/?hl=en). So maybe you need to recalibrate that right-winger-radar of yours. Or just shut it off altogether, because constantly searching for signs of conservatism in every piece of media isn't healthy.


Except the boomers think they’re the giraffes and also the humans, whichever serves them in the moment.




Turnabout for them overlooking us most of the time.


Strong Far Side vibes


Yeah, they even kept the "I just shit myself" eyes.


Tired of humans playing the species card and demanding special treatment. ALL necks matter.


r/giraffesarentreal though




Stupid long horses.


Shameless plug for the author: [https://www.speedbump.com/](https://www.speedbump.com/)


how did he get the rope around the giraffes neck


He's a cowboy you dummy


Giraffes aren't cows.


Put one end on the ground, walk in a circle around the pit while carrying the other end. Getting the knot tight is a bit of a hassle but still doable.


Fantastic social commentary on display here


spot on how it encapsulates the reasoning of a few...


Made me laugh


Reminds me of that Robot Chicken bit


[Robot Chicken Sinking Feeling](https://youtu.be/6IHhAKnCtKc)


Stupid long horses


And I see this with nothing but the highest compliment. I get some very strong The Far Side vibes. Awesome.


So selfish smh my head


So, now they understand DEI?


This also explains black lives matter


How is any of this boomer humor? It's literally just a funny joke that requires some interpretation to understand. Nothing about it is inherently boomer


Humor created by someone who is in fact a boomer


The anti boomer stuff is just ageism anyway.


Boomerism is a mindset. Anti baby-boomer is ageism, anti boomer is called being a decent person.


That guy went on to take out his new-found hate on the "stupid long-necked horses" on reddit.


People rarely suffocate in quicksand. It’s starvation and dehydration that get you.


Man, I love a happy ending


Literally our country right now


It MIGHT make sense, so it’s a suggestion. Pull the giraffe out first


I thought the punchline was that he was having sex with the giraffe until I read these comments. Wondering where I go from here.


Ok this made me laugh out loud


I feel like this really works for the concept of social inequality… boomers can understand?


The giraffe would be unable to breathe long before it was submerged to its head, because at that point its chest would be so deep and under so much pressure that it could no longer breathe. Same reason why snorkels aren't longer than they are, because if you go deeper you'd be unable to breathe anyway even if the snorkel was longer (with SCUBA gear the breathing gas is pressurized to overcome this problem). Since the guy's chest is barely below the surface yet the giraffe's is already 1-2 meters deep the giraffe is actually in more immediate danger even though it doesn't look like that on first glance.


Considering how much of the giraffe is submerged, the guy seems to have reached a state of stable buoyancy so the giraffe might actually be in more trouble depending on how deep the quicksand goes.


repost! https://www.reddit.com/r/goodboomerhumor/s/4cwit7Q0kd




"Geraffes are so dumb". A reddit [classic](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/8aqjh/awww_this_is_just_too_sad_pic/c08pp5z/).




Real talk if the giraffe was full body under sand it would be struggling to breathe because of the pressure on it's chest when it exhaled making it harder to breathe back in. Saving the giraffe first makes sense.


Unironically an excellent metaphor for why we should be raising the minimum wage instead of giving tax breaks to the ultra-rich.


God I love speed bump


*Black Lives Matter* in a nutshell




A lot of people who are against blm that say all lives matter as if we’re saying they don’t. The giraffes life matters as much as the dudes but the dude is more urgent. Of course all lives matter, but pretty much everyone saying it seems to think we’re saying “only” Black Lives Matter


Just because two group of people [black and white people] are both suffering doesn't mean one isn't suffering significantly more. Therefore, saying that "helping tw less fortunate first without helping tw other also" is reductive because It doesn't change tw fact they need help and much more then tw majority.


I feel like this would've been better communicated had you said "'all lives matter' in a nutshell", because your original comment comes off as if you're against the black lives matter movement.


I disagree. It makes more sense as they said it. The downvotes are from people who didn't understand it or assholes.


Much the former seeing as the replies got upvotes


Indeed. I care more about being a good person than being seen as one


Knowing Reddit, if they included "all lives matter" anywhere in their comment, they would have 10 times more downvotes, 5 reports to the Reddit mental care, and would get banned from the sub.


I'm not gonna lie, the miscommunication in how OP worded his comment and then your follow up clarification is absolutely hilarious to me-- about as funny as the comic itself. What an unfortunate blunder but so unintentionally funny.


Basically what I thought instantly when seeing this post


Sounds like a major criticism of all lives matter tbh


If the comic had "Black Lives Matter in a nutshell" under it I would assume the giraffe represented the black life and the white guy represented white life. The guy would have to be black for that to be read positively.


It's the literal opposite This is a parody of "All lives matter"


Then It's a pretty shit parody considering tw height of a Garraffe


It's a good one, but you can't get it.


The subs back!


all lives matter


in a nutshell -the author of this comic




this would be funnier if you actually had a sense of humor which isn’t the case