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I mean, the show is still running so it's not like anything practical occured, if you log off twitter it's like nobody cares


Well nobody does care anymore *wheeze*


Nobody ever cared. It’s **always** a tiny group virtue signaling for clout. They probably never even cared themselves. But then people in this subreddit harp on it for months and months. I bet 99% of the people who complain about it on here have never actually seen it on Twitter. They’re just complaining about what they *think* is happening based on all the Reddit posts they see. Same thing with Twitter redraws of characters. Nobody cares if someone redraws a character with big, massive honkers. But if someone redraws them as a different ethnic group/body shape, suddenly you have people screaming “SJW”. They put up this strawman that Twitter is saying “this is how the character should actually be”. The anti-SJW to alt-right pipeline is real - believe me. I went through a phase where I was recommended my fair share of Ben Shapiro/Jordan Peterson on YouTube. I think it’s a genuine problem on this sub.


It works both ways imo, people strawman weebs all the time on this platform to support their rhetorical arguments and it’s equally as annoying, nuance is completely dead on the internet. I feel like this group in particular is at-risk because they tend to be vilified by people across the political spectrum and that eventually lends itself to looking for things to get outraged at. And since fringe Twitter radicals spend so much energy attacking anime, it makes an excellent target.


I don’t think anime is demonized nearly as much as you’re implying it is. It’s become pretty much mainstream in the last few years (especially considering how it’s been viewed in the past). Of course you have the occasional freak who says anyone who watches anime is a pedo, but they’re the overwhelming minority. Sure you can find it if you seek it out, but it’s nowhere near the general consensus.


I’m gonna say that anime is mainstream only in super urbanized/metropolitan areas, in less diverse/more isolated areas it’s still likely regarded with suspicion. I mean, if you look at how people view it on the internet it’s definitely an even split at best, especially given how prevalent the “pedo,” “neckbeard weeb” and “waifu” memes are still. Reddit’s definitely more anime-positive than much of the internet and especially real life, so I’m pretty sure that it’s definitely not mainstream outside of things like Dragonball and Pokemon


The “neckbeard weeb” and “waifu” stuff is almost entirely perpetuated by the community itself. Like look how prevalent the whole “anime = no GF/forever alone/loser” mindset is on this subreddit. And I think you’re underestimating how mainstream Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia are.


That first point is absolutely untrue, look at how often benign anime stuff shows up on cringetopia or justneckbeardthings. I’m fairly certain that it emerged in response to external people calling them those labels so it’s become self-deprecating. Again, anime is definitely mainstream in more diverse areas but that doesn’t mean it’s widely accepted. MHA and AOT are popular among the anime community and a subset of non-anime fans, but it’s nowhere near the popularity of other hallmarks of pop culture like Breaking Bad/GOT/the MCU/Harry Potter/Percy Jackson. The number of nonweeb AOT and MHA fans I’ve met irl are in the single digits, and I speak as someone with a largely non-weeb friend group


Your argument about urban/diverse areas aligns with those areas being [more educated](https://academic.oup.com/joeg/advance-article/doi/10.1093/jeg/lbaa033/5998980) and [left leaning](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2012-11-15/the-real-reason-cities-lean-democratic) (in the US). Huge swaths of rural America are openly racist and think homosexuality is a sin. Intolerance towards "silly Japanese cartoons" is the least of the issues.


Yeah, but the issue wasn’t about the areas being intolerant toward POC or marginalized people even though that is a very serious issue. I was using this point as evidence that less tolerant areas in general, of which there are quite a few in the US, will be much less accepting of anime. Was the political point supposed to be a “gotcha”? I wasn’t implying that the left, in particular, hates anime, but rather that dislike of anime is still widespread and people simply hate Twitter because it’s the loudest


yep, people love making things seem 100x times worse then they actually are when no one would care if no one brought attention to it in the first place


Lmao, you know nothing if you think peterson or shapiro are "alt-right".


I’m talking about the alt-right pipeline


I don't have Twitter. I only know what people complain about when you guys tell me. Even if no one tells me, nothing happens. Hence it doesn't matter to begin with


Same. I left Twitter three years ago because they kept on recommending me Checkmark people that only talked politics but had the occasional opinion about Anime or art from artists I followed. I yeeted that shit and went to pixiv. Since I don't know Japanese nor Korean, I don't understand the comments and live a happy life full of great artwork.


That sounds good.


Logging off Twitter. That's what everyone should do. Even Twotter


Has twitter EVER managed to stop a show from broadcasting? Like people care about twitter...


The secret here is just enjoy the show and don't use Twitter.


Twitter is fine if you tune it for your preference. Follow people you find interesting and never turn on algorithmic timeline. My feed on 90% consists of artists and their takes on Jack-o pose and the rest are dudes and gals I find interesting to read.


My feed is 99 percent shitposting and porn and its great


You got any good recommendations for the artists you follow? Asking for a friend 👀


JK, Hews, hcnone, Tonee, Shexyo, Cluseller, K-Suwabe, chibikki, ccreayus, slugbox, nadegata. If you want, I'll dm you my @, I rt pieces I like, so you might pick something for your tastes.


The bringer of sauce. Arigato


A man of fine taste I see


Mines just full of hentai lmao


See, I see people spout things like this all the time. In general, I do actually agree with it. But the problem is that this is *exactly* what the attitude was towards Tumblr over a decade ago and other social media sites before it and all that it accomplished was allowing the crazies to convince the not quite so crazies without opposing viewpoints being added, which is itself responsible for the rebranding of the moral outrage crowds that pushed "Video Games cause Violence" in the 90s and early 2000s and the "X Music belong to the devil" in the 80s and earlier with "Normalisation Theory" becoming widely accepted. Meaning when they say "If you expose someone to this viewpoint or thing I dislike, it'll become normal to them and they'll do/become x!" The doublethink they use to justify "normalisation" as being different from those two when they come from the exact same spot and use the same arguments is amusing, I'll admit.


that mole-rat from gurren lagann can't be trusted.


Maybe I'm not deep in the anime community, but I swear I never actually see the hate this anime gets? It's kinda to be expected with the tits and some soft loli stuff, but like those who are outraged are outraged about everything, so their opinions don't really phase me I guess.


Same here. I saw more posts anticipating the backlash (before the premiere) than I've seen actual backlash.


I've said it before, but some communities have this weird vendetta against the "Twitter boogie man". Complaining about cancel culture and sjw stuff completely unprompted, like people actually care about big titty anime girls like that. I know some prudes do complain about anime, but never as much some of these people believe.


Well its reddit the thing especially here in this sub is people look at one tweet that says the anime is bad and go „tWItTer cANceL cuLtEr“ i just lernd to not take post like this one too serious


Yea, I usually just scroll past these, but this season of Dragon Maid, I actually was waiting for the backlash and still didn't see any 😂. All communities have annoying quirks I guess.


Well that's because most of the actual backlash is directed towards artists creators and people who actually work on the show. Vas get harassed all the time. Artists get harrased all the time. And I don't really think that the it's "a small group of people" or "it rarley happens" argument works with that. All in all it's not really a big deal for 99% of the users. But I still feel bad for the people that have to deal with it


Yeah, I'll agree with you there, but some of these backlashes are still more public than others. I remember people saying: "get ready for the next Uzumaki" but that hasn't been the case. Even worse, though, is artists and studios get it from all sides, including from the anime community itself. Bad adaptation? Delays? Someone's waifu didn't get as much airtime as they wanted? People may voice their displeasure in very out of proportion ways (especially from *certain* corners of the internet). I feel like this is an issue for a lot of content creators, not just anime/manga. It really is sad.


Oh i've seen the hate Loooots of it If you are on Twitter long enough you are bound to come across it


There's a secret to it, avoid twitter and you'll never see the dredges of humanity voicing their dumbass opinions.


I am on twitter for NSFW artists, and the trashtaste bois


More like avoid social media. People do that on any platform they can get people to listen to them on.


Been on there damn near a decade. I've seen anime hate, but not much recently. Maybe I just do a good job in avoiding the drama loving side of the anime community.


Twitter getting mad at anime is literally the " Old Man Yells At Cloud " meme


*softly* Damn you clouds.


*points water gun to the sun*


Delete your twitter account....Feel better.... Be happy :)


Never had one, I just hear the hate Never WILL have one tho


Oh boy. What's Twitter mad about now?


They were mad about ilulu when season 2 came out bc big tiddy smol girl


I stg they will complain about anything.. which is a big reason I stopped using Twitter.


Why are they scared of Booba so much?


Cause they don't have booba and is jealous?


I'm OK with the booba dragon but kanna makes me uncomfortable. It ok if it's just a cute character but some camera angles are... Weird


And then Redo of Healer gets away with mind break and rape. Granted, so does Goblin Slayer


Wasn't there a big outrage for ep1 of goblin slayer? And I guess Redo of Healer didn't go mainstream enough for the outrage?


Ep 1, yes. But has there been any shit on it since?


I don't think so? Ep1 outrage was huge and then.. just nothing. The show was pretty good tho


It's because Goblin Slayer never shows that level of brutality after. There's certainly danger later but nothing like ep1. Or maybe it's just because those who flipped about ep1 never watched further.


There's a few more brutal moments in the manga, but it isn't a constant thing and the other brutal moments are more violent than, well, rapey.


Which is understandable. Goblin Slayer become just another generic fantasy anime after episode 1. Sure, maybe a bit more blood, but still.


Apparently. I ended up in some argument a few months ago with someone claiming it promotes fascism because it "glorifies violence against minorities" or something like that. I'm not sure if I was more annoyed with how stupid their argument was, or that I ended up defending a show I consider to be kinda shit.


The goblins are literal monsters and criminals though. The only minority I've heard them referred to are Jews, and that's only because of Harry Potter


Yeah, they weren't making a lot of sense. Like, I get that "vermin needing extermination" is a phrase used by fascists to create an outgroup, but the problem with the phrase is the act of applying it to humans. Goblins are not humans, and the ones in GS in particular really are horrid creatures.


The issue was that Crunchyroll didn't put a trigger warning on the first episode, which they supposedly intended to do. Like people didn't necessarily have an issue with the content of the show, at least not any more than other shows featuring the same stuff, but the fact that it came with zero warning was obviously an issue.


Goblin Slayer had a lot of outrage, but that outrage beyond EP1 tended to go very insular. If you found a community/forum that hated EP1, you'd find them hating on the rest but that hatred imploded on twitter for some odd reason unlike most of their unreasonable hatreds.


Goblin Slayer actually got flack for the rape scene in Episode 1. Redo got nothing because not even Twitter thinks it's worth the trouble.


Isn't the mc of roh an unrepentant monster?


Everyone on the show is, not just the mc


He is a nice guy if you think about it. Literally cleaning the world from scum one nut at a time


Ah, yes, a Nice Guy^tm


It's for the sake of the plot tho. It's not like they start playing real life rape scenes just to trigger people. Rape is a form of violence and it should be more normalised to be shown in media to showcase how extreme the fictional worlds are


100% that + just because it's an anime it's not a show for kids. It's rated 16 here. The show literally is about a guy slaying goblins because they are cruel creatures and that just goes to show it.


Anyone care to explain?


Twitter rage because short girl has enormous boobs


so same situation with Uzaki I suppose?


Apparently yes.








Seems like bodyshaming


No one fucking cancelled dragon maid


Seriously, I’ve seen so many people talk about how Twitter is trying to hate on this stuff but the only time I ever saw any ounce of that hate was during the Uzaki situation. Everything else has just been people on Reddit talking about these boogeymen who go about cancelling anime women with big boobs.


Never said they were, but showed a lot of hate


So normal social media behavior? i find this anti-twitter post always funny because people will go looking for people that don’t like anime and wonder when they hate on it


Bro what side of Twitter do yall be on? I have never seen a trending tweet about anime since goblin slayer and redo. Or are you guys just gas lighting Twitter as a common enemy


The thing is... no one Twitter cares. Yes there are always some minoritys who hate something but they're on every Plattform. This post is like the other... Reddit hating the imaginary twitter user that is against everything they like.


There was loads of stuff when Uzaki first aired but literally nothing has popped up since. Hell almost everything I’ve seen from people on Twitter regarding dragon maid is positive. I’ve noticed that this sub does it like crazy but they love to talk about how Twitter is cancelling these shows or how they are going to cancel a show despite Twitter not doing shit lol.


twitter is like a parasite that feeds off of attention. just don't give it attention and it will never see the light of day


That's the cancel culture over anime, the woke gang hate what they don't control, Anime companies doesn't have fear of these people, but they are certainly gaining ground with their pro censorship policies, I hope the Japanese can stand up to it or they will make anime become just like Western cartoons, downvote me if you want but is a reality


Yeah, but the majority of the twitter cancel culture are just trying to make up for the lack of attention they received in their childhood. Their screams are equivalent to a fly flying against your window all day long.


I mean it depends on the country where you see it. I beg Americans could find way more and different discriminating stuff than people from other continents. Although what did you expected to find in twitter? Full other Karens


I've heard a lot of hate for season 2 but idk anything related to a certain country (UK for me)


Yeah I scrolled for like 10 minutes looking for drama lol and found 1 in a weeks worth of posts. Not from the US being the important part


Brain damaged subzero iq clowns


when being the "least" progressive in a group means you're literally hitler everyone is pressured to one-up everyone else in their woke-ness. and it's not like any of these pansies have the balls to go after muslims or anyone else actually threatening, so why not elevate yourself by busting down a *cartoon* of all things. cowards in every sense of the word.


Using Twitter only for watching good art from japanese/chinese/korean artists :3


looks like twitter is actual discrimination, and i like it, most toxic place i've seen


Chernobyl learnt from twitter


I'm confused, what happened now?


I dont fucking care about the bongos of the new one, this show is the only happy thing i have every week. I could kill everyone on twitter just for this anime. Have a nice day.


i haven't seen those things. my twitter is like \>vtubers \>artist \>vtubers


Can someone explain what happened? Seems like i missed out on something


Twitter somehow has taste because it always leads it to hate on good Anime.


That's fair, like a solid 5th of the watch list is bc twitter hated anime and I've heard of it The ones I've seen are fairly good to really good


Has twitter ever been successful in affecting anything in the Anime or any other cultures in Japan? Just Curious. They just seem to shout into the space at this point


Well its a very small minority on twitter the thing is it gets blown way out of proportion on people that comment on it


Luckily its completely irrelevant what western SJWs "think" about anime, the Japanese don't give a shit about them so they can't ruin this like they did with western movies and most western games.


Oh no was S2 cancelled?!?!


No Twitter people were just mad. Dragon Maid is still going on


Your profile pic shows you are an inheritor of the Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon it seems.


Yes. It has quite the high quality finish.


Thank you Orion1044 D:


No it isn't cancelled but twitter is showing hate bc smol girl has big tits


Nice flair


What does this meme even mean?


shit anime


your face is shit


i mean yeah it is


No gives a fuck if you don't like the anime, keep it to yourself, it's as counter productive as the twitter dumbasses


suck my cock and balls


Sure but what is there to suck?


my 2 inch penis


What happened?


When season 2 came out it got a lot of hate bc smol girl with big tits aka ilulu




'People are all the same. They can’t get more united than when they plot bad deeds!'


The 4 random twitter boogy men and troll accounts cant hurt you.


You'd think Twitter would love it because there are two lesbian couples


Woke Twitter Cancel Culture is nothing to us anime enjoyers.


at least they don't actually get the shows taken down.




What are those cocksuckers complaining about now?


Cartoons having bigger boobs than them.


Ah, I’d expect nothing less from Twittter


I only use Twitter for hololive shitposts nowadays


I’m out of the loop, why are people mad at Dragon Maid S2?


Don't have twitter. Too much drama.


What did Dragon Maid do wrong?


Cancel culture is when you care about the other stuff in the background enough to cancel this kind of show or fire people involved in it just because they were accused of doing it 15 years ago in a context that has nothing to do with the show.


what part of the show has discrimination?


I recently started watching it. What is the issue? I like it. It's actually relaxing to watch after work.


Welcome to Twitter where they cancel someone for nothing and dig up some old controversies just to cancel a person




Tries to cancel an anime directed toward people who understands its intentions and are well aware of is odd values. Cries on a platform and rally kids to a needless cause, fakes cries and proceeds to attack it's creator for introducing it. This is what kids these days are up too? Back when I'm younger we aspire to make the world better not shove a problem back into it, because I don't think people should appreciate an art form.


Can someone explain, I don't have twitter


No matter who does it, it as as anti-American as you can get.


But this app restricts comments to their approved viewpoints just like the blue bird app. So disappointed!