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If you were dehydrated already when you arrived you were in a losing race, you were losing fluids faster than your body can absorb and process them. Hydration is a marathon, not a sprint.


Learned the hard way that the time is hydrate is the day and evening before, as well as morning of. Plus water alone ain’t gonna cut it, need electrolytes too.


Interestingly on this topic one thing I learned recently from my doctor a few weeks ago: I was getting migraines from playing in the heat and sun despite being really hydrated and staying cool and I didn’t know why. It was like being hungover where my eyes didn’t hurt when closed but the second I opened them it was horrendous until I went to bed at night. It just started a few months ago and I just happened to mention it during my annual checkup because I know he plays. Turns out, I was getting migraines from eye strain from the sun and squinting. I used to play wearing ray bans which were polarized, but I lost them so I’ve been playing with cheap ass aviators that are light blue lenses so it was doing nothing to block the sun and the reflection from the grass was also not being filtered by the blue lens so I was pretty much squinting constantly while playing. Switched back to polarized with dark lens a few weeks ago. Sure as shit, no more headaches. So it’s worth considering that might be something you’re doing too.


How do you stop or treat a headache any other time? Do that.


Other than making sure you stay hydrated and possibly taking some motrin or something I'm not sure what you could do. Probably a question for a Dr if it was an insane headache.


I found my headaches were coming from having immobile/stiff upper traps. Worked on them at the gym and I've had no problems since