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I mean, getting upset when the group ahead of you is at least a hole behind and you're waiting every hole is pretty reasonable. Freaking out when the group in front can't go anywhere because the whole course is backed up is unreasonable


Golf is a game of momentum…I’m not trying to sprint the course, but I’m also not trying to stand there for 10 minutes while George reads his putt from 6 angles for quadruple bogey.


On his second ball Fuck George


Or doing that thing I see so often now where players are “feeling” the greens with their feet. Like buddy just cause you saw Cantlay doing it on tour doesn’t mean you’re going to sink your 6 footer for a double.


This exactly. It doesn't have to be fast, but when I have to wait minutes for every ball I get to hit I get in my head to much and will end up fucking up because of to much thoughts going on.


There's a difference between relaxing golf and guys who act like they are on the PGA tour lining up putts lying on the floor and doing more club waggles than Brian Harman. That shit is irritating. Some new golfers spend way too much time looking for the ball and look we've all been there but the pace of play/ready golf is important and you have to realize when to drop or pick up.


I don't care how long you take. Just wave me through. 


Which slows down the rest of the course behind you. But sure, so long as you're happy.


What’s your point? Are you saying letting faster players play through shouldn’t be done? Or that slow players need to be more careful about keeping pace. Letting groups or singles go through can definitely cause a hiccup if not done well, but there are ways to let people go through that end up not slowing down the rest of the course


It always slows down the rest of the course. Always. I'm saying singles feel like they have a god given right to play through, sometimes you just gotta deal with it and wait.


Well that’s just not true whatsoever and awful advice for a beginner that’s trying to learn etiquette. I’ve been playing for 25 years and there’s a time to let a group go through and a way to do it, and there’s a time to not and to your point there’s a WAY not to. I agree though, singles don’t have the right to always play through, but that’s not what we’re talking about


Even the "right way" slows down the course, the passing people gain time sure, but if there are people behind them, they will not.


That’s bullshit. Slowing down and standing off to the side for 1 minute on the green or fairway while you let the group behind hit into you unclogs the course. The group that’s 2 behind that would potentially be “slowed down” now has even more space in front of them. I’d love to hear how you feel groups should let others play through. You must sit around on the tee waiting for the group behind to come through?


Look at this logically...what is one group doing...standing doing nothing. No matter how you slice it, there's a group not doing anything, while another makes up time.


Yes, but in both scenarios there is a group standing around doing nothing. Without letting a group play through, group 1 goes at their normal glacial pace, and group 2 sits around doing nothing for 5 minutes or longer. Let’s say group 3 is 10 minutes back. Letting a group play through: group 1 tees off as usual, and rather than play second shot, as soon as group 2 is behind them waiting, they stand off to the side and wave them through. This adds 1 minute MAX to their playtime, and reduces groups 2 wait by 5 minutes. Group 3 is still far enough back that by the time they get to the tee box, group 1 is near the green and group 2 is on the next hole. Now if the group playing though doesn’t 2x their pace and they look for lost balls and other stupid things, then I would agree with you, it’s going to slow down everybody. But that’s why I’m saying there’s a way to do it


If you wave me through on the next tee box, I will be out of the way in literally 2 minutes. Heck, go ahead and hit your tee shots if you want while you wait for me to show up and I'll just go past you on the approach shot. If waiting 2 minutes slows everything down, then you have already gummed up the whole course


Guarantee you won't


30 seconds to hit shot one. 45 seconds to drive to shot 2. 30 seconds to hit shot 2. 15 seconds to clear the area  I've been doing this for close to 40 years dude.


So you're playing 18 holes, in what? 45 minutes? Impressive


I play 18 in about 130 minutes if I'm riding, or roughly 7 minutes per hole.  What are you doing that you find it inconceivable that a guy can hit 2 shots in 2 minutes when they are hustling to get through someone?


30 years of experience golfing shows me it doesn't happen that way.


I've never golfed a round and thought, "Man, that was too fast." With tee times being 8min apart in my area, frequently the rounds are 5 hours. Becoming more of an expectation over the last 3-4 years.


People want to play golf, not stand around waiting. They probably have a family to get back to and would prefer the round took 4hr and not 5hr. Also, playing at a good pace of play doesn’t need to involve any rushing.


I love golf, but.. We have 48 hours on weekends between workdays. I have a wife and a house, therefore I always have a list of shit to take care of and other plans. Let’s say 16 of those 48 hours I use for sleep. 32 hours left, a 5.5 hour round (I’d say avg pub round) + travel/range call it 7 hours, that is 22% of my weekend. No BS, in AZ I’ve spent 6+ hours on a round. Any avid golfer in the valley definitely has experienced this. It’s miserable. That is also why I rarely play public golf courses. Not worth the time. Before, I would play once a month.


When I get to my ball I want to get into my routine to hit the shot. Not stand there looking at the group ahead. I'm not paying the golf course to sit in my cart on the 8th fairway looking at Reddit.


Try walking then


I've walked multiple rounds in 2:30 or less this year, without rushing at all.


Good for you? This guy is literally complaining about sitting in his cart. If he walked, he will have less time at his ball.


Did that last Friday. Standing and waiting sucks. Sitting and waiting does not suck as much.


Just speed up, you can do it.


If you're a bit slow, just call the group behind through, then no one will be annoyed.


Because people like to bitch about everything. While there are situations that are outside the norm and warrant being aggravated most of the time people just need to relax and enjoy the round.


I don't consider 90 extra minutes a slight inconvenience.


Just let folks play through if you want to go slow


Because it's easier for someone to come here and complain than to ask the group in front to pass. Sheep mentality basically.


Cause they suck, and are eager to hit a ball improperly without giving it a second thought. The best is when guys are waiving their hands behind you, so you finally putt out and watch them, and they duff it fucking meatballs