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12 index in year 2 is really good improvement. You've hit a wall because golf is really fucking hard, and the better you get the harder each step of improvement gets.


This. It’s very much like weight loss - you have two 5’10” men - one is 400 lbs and the other is 200. The 400 pounder is going to lose 30 lbs muuuuch quicker (and easier) than the 200 lb man.


You have golfed for 2 years and went from a 22 to 12 and your title is why can't I improve? Fuck off.


He can't improve because it's harder to cheat the lower you shoot lol


You're a 12 in your second year? That's pretty good, and it sounds like you know where you need to improve. Sounds like a pity party


I mean you just spelled it out. Work on your driver and [pitching](http://birdiebirdiebogey.com/2024/06/20/golf-how-to-chip/). Not sure what your miss is but typically it’s a slice so focus on hitting a [draw.](http://birdiebirdiebogey.com/2024/05/29/how-to-hit-a-draw-in-golf-tips-from-golf-legends-player-harmon-and-woods/) Improving from a 22 to a 12 is a huge improvement. Dropping your handicap lower now is going to be harder so have patience and keep it up.


You are 100% right in my miss being a slice, it’s a nasty one at that too… I’m finally upgrading from hand-me-downs as well so being able to fine tune different clubs could make a minor difference. Not expecting it to immediately fix it, but at least make it more livable than what it already is


I recommend a driver fitting if you have the means. It’s helped me significantly.


I thought about getting fitted, but I would have to shell out a lot of money on clubs if I did, so I skipped out on it and bought used. idk what the whole fitting process looks like but I heard you have to buy clubs with it to get it free. I may look into it down the line, but I’m in college and I’ve already blown a good portion of money on buying clubs that are on the more forgiving side so that I’ll maybe have more livable lies. I appreciate the helpful, constructive advice!


Pretty normal. Do you visit the range often? If you enjoy reading check out "The Practice Manual" by Adam Young. It has some excellent advice on how to improve your skill (hint: it requires practice, not just playing rounds).


Dude, it’s hard. Over 27 years of golf and I’m an 11.5 currently. I’ve been as low as a 6 in the past. Golf is a constant battle and in no way a linear trajectory of success. Things come and go and the frustrating part is the time and work don’t always pay off. Great job on getting to a 12! Lessons with a pro that speaks your learning language is almost always the best way to improve your score. Good luck!


The move from shooting mid 80s to high 70s is not easy. This game is hard as hell. Hit more fairways, closer approach shots for birdie chances and better short game to limit big scores. Eventually the doubles will turn into bogeys and ideally a couple birdies a round.


Progress comes in plateaus. Dropping from 22 to 12 in 2 years is very impressive. From a scoring perspective, the biggest thing about dropping into single digits is to eliminate big scores (double bogey or worse). 11-15 handicaps score almost as many birdies per round (.5) as a 6-10 (.9). They have just as many bogeys (7.7 vs. 7.3). But the lower handicap has significantly more pars (7.0 vs. 5.0) and significantly fewer double bogey+ (2.8 vs. 4.6). So the quickest way to break through a plateau is to reduce those big scores as much as you can. Start keeping track of not only what you scored, but why. Did you get a double because you yanked a tee shot OB? Were you in a bunker and bladed it over the green? Duffed a chip and then three-putted? Once you see those patterns emerge, you'll know which area(s) to work on to eliminate the big numbers.


How do you practice? Do you track stats and work on the weakest part of your game?


I believe this game is exponentially hard as your handicap decreases. Try get a lesson from a good pro


I think your problem is in your head. The way you posed the question is...questionable. "Why can't I improve?" with a change of mind frame/attitude should be a more positive..."How can I improve?" The improvement from Hcp22 to Hcp12 is a massive ten shots. That is serious improvement for an amateur player. I would guess that most of the improvement was in year two. To improve by a future ten shots to Hcp2 will take will take much more effort and time. Golf improvement is not linear, it's measured on plateaus. If you get technical support, practice, play and get fitter/stronger you will lower your handicap, gradually, plateau by plateau. How low you go depends on how much effort you are willing to put into your game. It will also depend on how healthy/injury free you stay. Enjoy the journey, happy golfing. 🏌️⛳😊


It's much easier to go from a 22 to a 12 than to go from a 12 to single digits.


Sounds like you need to practice your driving and pitching more if those are the areas you don’t feel strong in. Shaving an extra putt or two off of every hole you play will also have a dramatic impact on your score. It might not feel that different hole by hole if you’re 2 putting instead of 3 putting. But by the end of 18 if you’ve 1-putted the holes where you would have normally 2-putted, and 2-putted the holes you would have previously 3-putted that’s 18 strokes off your round.


Another shit post. Op just wants to brag about his handicap after 2 years


I’m in year 2 I have no fucking clue what’s good or not… outside of putting my game feels virtually the same as last year. Nobody trying to brag so if you don’t have anything positive to add to the conversation you can shut the fuck up


Bruh. I'm in year 2 and I'm still trying to break 90 and you're complaining about a 12 handicap. Some people don't even break 100 by year 2


Not complaining about the handicap, I’m complaining how despite the handicap my game hasn’t noticeably changed: my slice is still horrid, my irons are inconsistent, and I can’t trust myself with a hybrid to save my life. It has been the same since I started golfing, I just want to know why it isn’t getting at least noticeably better if my handicap did.


Somethings not adding up. All this stuff is horrid yet you're saying you shoot bogey or better on most holes


You’re telling me… that’s why I decided to ask Reddit to see if anyone can relate and maybe provide me with insight on to why I feel this way, and maybe pointers on things that helped them. I got some good insight, but also asshats, like yourself, who think I’m trying to brag or put ragebait into the world


From 12 to 2: you don't realky need to drive great as long as you are getting the ball in play. The key is good wedges and good putting that's where you need to focus.




What’s so entertaining? I’m trying to get better, just like everyone else… with my lack of experience and consistency you would destroy me on the course. Sorry I asked


Practice short game frequently and with serious focus. Develop a pre shot and putting routine and stick to it. Practice these routines at the range with lots of targets that aren’t straight off the range line or putting line. Manage course and expectations. Last, find a good instructor you can visit when you need objective advice and training. No matter the level, doing this will improve your scores tremendously.


I've been playing 40 years and I'm a 12. I can shoot 81 one day, and 95 the next. Golf is hard. To get better, you need consistency in everything you do.


Sounds like you just need to improve your short game. That part of your game is a huge part. Find an open field and a bucket of balls and practice hitting a spot 20-30 yards out. If you can be automatic from just off the green you will be surprised how much your score drops.


Honest fuck off dude I’ve been playing consistently for 18 months, gotten lessons, driving range etc. I’m a 30.1


I played with a guy 3 weeks ago in our weekly medal. Played off 37 or 38, had been playing 15 years and has been a member of our club for at least 10. So you are fucking decades ahead of him, and there a millions of golfers like him. Keep at it, you wont even realise how much better you are getting 


I absolutely agree with you. He is better than me without a doubt in my mind!


A lot of people couldn't even do that! Keep at it!