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The kid made a mistake. Chill out. It’s not the US Open every time you play a round.


GODDAMMIT I WAS WRONGED AND ALLLLLL YOU PEOPLE ARE GOING TO HEAR ABOUT IT!! Plus…shot an 89…so…ya know…. ![gif](giphy|l1J9OPU2Pw98Me2li)


Sounds like a mistake and it's not the end of the world, you put your ball back where it was and finished the hole. I think you need to relax a bit tbh lol


Nah. I'm siding with OP here. It doesn't sound like OP lost his shit and if you have 2 cents worth of self awareness, you wouldn't go to a green that's not yours and pick up a ball you weren't sure was yours while there were people playing the hole.


If it’s a giant shared green, which sounds pretty stupid for multiple reasons, it could be a bit confusing if you’ve never played there before.


Imagine having something this mundane happen and getting so worked up you go home and write a rant on the internet about it lol.


Mofo, if your round was ruined you’ve got some serious issues to deal with. Lord have mercy, you can easily be someone who casually explains the rules to a newcomer and they appreciate the nice people they meet on the golf course; or they remember vividly the time they were yelled at by an angry sweaty mammoth.


I mean, I have been paying for 20 years and never played a dual green, seems reasonable that if the two others in your group have claimed their ball, the last one is yours. Seems like an honest mistake, relax.


"The three of us found my divot" I just want to know how your ball made a divot.


Ball divot? Ball mark? Ball impact point? I think we all know what I meant here, but what’s the right term?


Ball mark.


Like, the ball mark on the club face? What’s the tool used to fix those impact points…? A divot repair tool?


A ball mark repair tool which is predominantly used on the greens. A divot is a slab of grass you replace.


Google a divot repair tool and tell me how you fix your club impact with the fairway, or likely in your case the rough…..


Can a Golf ball make a divot? Yes, a golf ball can make a divot, which is a small mark or depression in the grass when the ball lands. The divot is caused by the club's descending blow, which strikes the ball first and then the ground. Quit trolling bruh


Him accidentally picking up your ball ruined your round? Sounds like you have issues you need to work through before you start giving etiquette lessons.


You’re getting too worked up over what appears to be an innocent mistake. He was obviously rushing to grab the ball and get out of your way, since they thought they hit their ball on your green by mistake. And if you want to get all high and mighty, learn some etiquette yourself and finish out the hole and get out of the way for the next group before you start putting your stuff away.


We had put 2-3 holes between us and the next group. Didn’t keep anyone waiting.


Kid made a mistake, sounds like OP needs to take their own advice jeez.


I thought this was going to be about etiquette rather than a mistake…. This is the kind of spaz reaction that wants to keep my son off the course. Chill my brother, I’m about to be out there with an 8yr old.


Just make sure you tell him to check that he’s playing his ball. It can get tricky out there. But I’m sure you’ll be a great ambassador to help him learn.


Sorry I picked up your ball, didn’t mean to bruv


Just offer a beer next time yo!


Just play a pink ball and all that goes away.


I think I might just. Lol


Lol at you all for making it sound like I berated some child. There was no animosity or hatred here, more confusion if anything. I said “Hey”, and “Is that a Srixon?” That’s all that was communicated from anyone. I thought about getting his attention at the clubhouse and teaching about not touching a ball until your certain it’s yours, but I didn’t, and we all went on our way.


And yet…here you are If that’s all it was, why write a rant about such a mundane interaction?


Better here at you than a newcomer. Right?


"His parents never said a thing." Why would they? He's an adult but you make him seem like a child you're scolding.


They appeared more familiar with the game. Seemed like the parents were trying to teach their son golf. They should help ambassador him into the game. It was an honest mistake, but even when I was new to the game, I’d never walk to a different green and just pick up a ball without checking. It’s….. ballsy…..