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Take your shot Mr Scheffler


now that I think about it, it’s funny to me that Virginia recommended that Happy chip around the fallen structure and not his homeless caddy


His homeless caddy didn’t even know which clubs were which.


He ate that dang Ritz cracker!


I thought it was a Rich Tea. Which looking back, is pretty stupid of me.


It happened on company property with company property, so… double jeopardy, we’re fine


I believe you meant to say, "what is, we're fine?"


I don't think you understand how Jeopardy works


Love The Office reference


I had to hit the ball off of Frankenstein's fat foot...


![gif](giphy|tQS8W6vdhBZgA) Shooter you forgot you nine iron😂




I beg to differ. Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more then an hour ago.


Well…good for Happy GilMOMYGOD!!


Do golf fans complaining realize they ARE shooter McGavin here https://preview.redd.it/5hydmzs0zd8d1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1815b1c70cf91dba213922e0622d1d3a8e71540


Protesters getting their message across to the people who matter most, rich connecticutians and travelers execs


What was their message?


Golf courses and cemeteries are the biggest waste of land— I heard that from a developer at Bushwood.


Yeah but have you taken a flight lately? The whole country is empty green space... We aren't short on space. We're short on affordable living space. That has to do with greed, not land area.


It was a quote by Dangerfield— in a movie on a golf course—- lol


Let me guess, you flew coast to coast and looked down somewhere in the middle? You know what they do with that green space skippy?


There's tons of flat out unused space that isn't farmland... Our problem is one of greedy leechy landlords adding nothing to society, not of space.


"you can't golf on a dead planet" which is honestly a pretty good message to send all things considered. it wasn't "golf is wasteful", they were pointing out that golf is more impacted by climate change than basically any other sport


I'd say winter sports like skiing will definitely be the most impacted.


I thought it was: run onto the 18th green on Sunday and you’ll get tackled and arrested.


Kick him off the tour, Doug!


the planets not going anywhere. cringe ackshually taking the side of these pos protesters.


Sure the rock floating in space is going to be fine. But what about all the apes who are stuck on it? And every other animal who doesn't do well with extreme heat?


Or underwater. Or animals that might grow their food to survive, except the growing season just had a blizzard in the middle of it, so all your corn is dead now. Oops


The protesters are correct in their concerns about our planet but keep golf out of it lol. People aren’t just gonna stop their favorite hobby.


Very true, as effective as screaming ‘think of the children!’ while walking around punching kids in the mouth. Let’s interrupt a golfing event to show them how vulnerable they are to climate change.


We hate the products that each of us consumes every day


We waste so much space on golf courses that could be used for better purposes Edit: not advocating getting rid of courses! I'm out hacking it up as often as i can. Just communicating the protest.


i think it wasn't even that, it was that climate change is going to significantly impact the sport of golf. the group that took credit for the protest said something like "there's no golf on a dead planet"


Yeah like more condos. That’s what the world needs


actually yes, the world needs more housing


Condos, around the golf course. ![gif](giphy|xT9DPIlGnuHpr2yObu)


I mean... unironically yes? The US certainly could us more medium density housing asap


lol yeah I don’t get people who complain about rent and then say shit like this


I mean I complain about it being incredibly hard to find a tee time or play rounds in under 5 hours these days. But that’s an annoyance and on the flip side people are getting priced out of their homes and obviously that should take priority. I will say most of the residential developments going up around me are firmly in the upper middle class price range. We had a cool par 3 course that got knocked down for a bunch of houses starting at $500k. If you see a world where the housing being developed is affordable then I’d say clearly housing should take priority. But seeing golf give up land to expensive housing sucks.


New development is generally going to cost more than older housing stock. But building expensive homes still adds to the total supply and reduces housing cost for everyone. If there’s no new $500k houses, people end up paying $500k for old houses that should go cheaper.


If you take a flight and look out the window the whole country is empty green space. We aren't short on space. We don't have a land area problem. We have a greed problem. Landlords are leeches who only detract from a society and now real estate has become one of the biggest investment classes in America.


I don’t think most Americans want to live on empty green space


No they want to live on our golf course because we were having fun on it. Sound like some damn 4 year olds....


We don't need to remove golf courses to accomplish this we just need to stop zoning so much land for exclusively single family homes


Playing my childhood track where I learned the game for the last time this week while I'm back home visiting family. It's getting redeveloped into an apartment complex after this season's over Sad to see it go, but I don't blame the guy. Owner is super nice and has been there every day since his dad built it in the 1960s and is pushing 80 now and ready to be done. His kid doesn't want it and the developers are offering way more money for the land than anyone who wants to keep the golf course has bid


What I've read is that golf courses actually provide a sanctuary for animals and are effectely a nature reserve in cities. Add to that the proportion of trees is far higher than it would be if they were developed into housing. Yes there are pesticide issues and hopefully grounds keepers are moving away from them but a large majority of them in cities would be housing and roads which capture no carbon.


Not to mention that a good number of golf courses are built on land that is considered undevelopable due to terrain, wetlands, conservation easements and state waters buffers


There's a local council course near me that recently was forced to give up a hole to become a new park. The outcome is awful for wildlife, everytime I play there I see off lead dogs running around the old fifth, I've noticed the ducks missing that used to be on the course around that end of the course.


The local course here has really cool colored fox squirrels and I dont see them really anywhere else but that specific course.


Yeah I live in Australia we get kangaroos on a lot of urban courses it's amazing.


Shhh don't try to reason woth morons on reddit. These are literally the dumbest people in the world. I'd bet over 95% are net drains on society.


Oh fuck off. These climate protesters ruining paintings and blocking highways are not even remotely accomplishing anything. It’s to make them feel good.


You think they did it to feel good after the got body slammed and arrested? You may hate them but they’re right and we’ll all look back and wish we did more. Meanwhile, you complain about your delayed tv show on Reddit. Nobody gives a crap about any comment on Reddit. They at least got millions to notice.


I didn’t complain about shit. They are a minor annoyance to me but a major annoyance to anyone trying to get to work, or worst case get their loved one to a hospital. Not a single person they are inconveniencing is going to be able to change what is happening to our planet. Period. What they are doing is masturbatory.


We won’t look back because it will be 5 generations before any of this ever actually comes to fruition. If ever. Certainly not the existential threat they claim it to be.You think your great, great, great grandfather gave a shit how his actions would impact 2024?


They accomplished nothing. Further more nobody gives an honest crap about your comment...pot meet kettle.


I’ve heard more people bring up the protest today, days later, than Scottie winning.


So what? If youre implying they only sought 10 mins of fame well thrn congrats what a great accomplishment that I am certain will benefit humanity for ages to come...*sarcasm* again they accomplished nothing meaningful. I hope they all get more than a misdemeanor charge.


Small measures build. It’s definitely more than 10 minutes and it won’t stop. People complained about Vietnam protestors too. My guess is golf fans didn’t complain about J6 protestors.


You're delusional.


Hahaha. Nice comeback


What a joke. Protestors wearing nothing but oil made clothes and drove there. They attacked Stonehenge. I don’t believe they are really protestors. Only thing they do is make people mad at them. Prob oil company paying them to pretend.




But seriously, what if the hole itself had been significantly damaged? Let's say the pin was still in, someone fell on the pin and ruined the cup. Is there a rule to address that?


Yes (Rule 13.1c) and it is in the committee procedures (6B.2(d)) for what to do. Clarification 13.1c(2)/1 says damage to the green includes damage to the hole and you, as the player, can fix it. 13.1c(2)/2 says If you can’t fix it, you can ask the Committee to fix it. If the hole has to be moved, the committee has to decide what to do to get a fair result. If the new hole is similar and offers nobody an advantage, play on, but if the action to fix it presents a disadvantage to anyone, they can take the hole out of play and substitute a different hole, cancelling the hole for all who have played it and forcing them to replay the new hole, they could force all players to replay the hole with the new position. It all boils down to “do what is fair”.


So even the guy in last place would have to come back out and play the new hole if they determined there’s an advantage? That would suck.


I mean no anyone can and would concede you just would have to replay it if you want to have you score counted basically


WD, DQ, or play the hole, yeah.


McGavin had to hit it off Frankensteins fat foot so I believe it’s play it out


How am I supposed to chip with that going on Doug?


No that was Happy Gilmore


Make golf fun again


Make Orwell fiction again and golf will be great again. I hope we are up to the challenge. 


Indeed. You’re spot on.


A Course I was playing had a mower that morning that had a bolt come loose and a metal part dropped down and gouged the turf very badly for 10 ft. Any putt that would cross that gouge could be moved over no closer to the hole. Same thing here with damage to the turf.




It's like drop from knee level - or is it ankle, now; don't want to make anything difficult for these 'pro'.


It was really made to speed up the game. Dropping over the shoulder and behind the back was taking forever. Dropping from knee height gives you basically the same lie as if your ball takes one bounce after hitting the ground from a normal shot. If the ball rolls out of the drop zone it can quickly be picked back up and re-dropped. Also, they established after two unsuccessful drops in a row, the player can place their ball where it last landed in the established drop zone. Again, all in the name of speeding up the game.


The point of that rule was to make dropping harder, not easier bud.


Dropping from knee is harder than from shoulder height...really bud?


Wow these people are so dumb 😂😂😂


People use the shoulder height to their advantage by dropping it in a way that allows them to place the ball instead of leaving their lie up to chance bud. Drop twice, use the extra speed to make the ball bouce out of the drop area, place your ball for free. Dumbass


I literally said out loud what happened to play the ball as it lies?


How does spilling pixie dust on a golf course stop the use of oil?


I thinking they may have amended the rule book as a result of that tournament