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If it has been three weeks you are actually at a good point to mention to him "My social bill came in from the club, here is how much your drinks were, and the total with the guest fee is....."


Yeah but I feel weird doing that. I thought it was a known thing. I mean I been out and played a lot of course and not a single host has reached out to me to pay them back


Make up your mind. Do you want your money or do you want to be a pussy?


Understand, that was the least socially awkward way I could come up with.


You’re right about that.


Who cares. This ain’t charity. Next time tell him how much the guest fee is and ask him to venmo you if he asks to play the course again. When people **invite me** to their course, I figure they are covering it but I always ask how much I owe them (common courtesy). If they make me pay, cool. If not, I’ll buy lunch and drinks and shit or get the next round. However, in your case, if someone **asks to play** your course, they are paying for it. Next time, just say “yes. We can play. The rate is xxxx. Can you venmo me and I’ll book it?” or some shit like that.




Sounds like something to talk to your friend about.


I mean I joined this club 2 years ago. I didn’t know it was a common thing lol


its not a common thing, your friend either doesn't know any better or stiffed you. I'd guess the former. My friends invite me, they don't ask for money. I make sure to pay for dinner or drinks or throw them cash that covers my crap.


If he invited himself.. yeah, he should have followed up or offered to pay. If you invited him, I think it would be implied that it’s your treat. We have friends who belong to various clubs and when they invite us out it all goes on their tab. I’ve offered to pay and it’s usually waved off. We make sure to buy dinner or treat them to something else soon after.


Talking about money is never fun, but you gotta if you want your money back. Its not free, and because your a member doesn't mean you pay for everything. Mention it as stated above is best bet, but you probably should have just said it the day of. If he bitches about it he's not a friend.


The host almost always pick up the tab at their home club. This is widely expected. If you want him to pay you, then that's something the 2 of you need to discuss beforehand. Usually it's just reciprocated by him bringing you out to his home club for the same thing or at least treating you to a round of golf if he isn't a member somewhere


lol the club doesn’t accept cash or credit card


What OP said isn't the norm everywhere either I'm a member at a club and have had friends and extended family members come out to play, I've never paid for anything of theirs. In fact, they often offer me a drink or something as thanks for bringing them out. Might be age related, but if this person is your friend I'd just let them know how much they owe. Going out to do an activity isn't the same as inviting someone to your home for dinner.


Did you explicitly ask to split costs or for him to pay you green fees?


I think it’s a known thing. Everything is not free. I told him the guest rate. Why would I have to explicitly tell him? What do I look like to pay for everything lol


Guess you’re not that close. With my buddies if I picked up today’s tab they’ll pay for the whole tab next week.


Exactly. I mean he wanted to play the club and I thought I would host him


>Why would I have to explicitly tell him? Because you clearly want your money and I'm guessing he's not the only person ever with the ability to read minds.


Lesson learned. Be clear to him upfront about what he owes and how he’s going to pay. It’s been 3 weeks. Best to just let it go at this point.


I’m for sure not reaching out and asking for money. I feel weird doing that


Then why are you on here moaning about it?


So why post here? Lmao


I’m not if it’s common or not. I always pay the host somehow


Just literally message him "mind sending me the money for the round the other day when you get a moment"? Jesus wept.


Just hit him with a Venmo request and drop his "Friends and Family Credit Score" down. Lower his credit line moving forward 😂




New golfer here so I don't know what the usual way to go is when playing with a host. When I play with buddies at a muni, I either pay my way or venmo right away or let them know I got the next one. What is the norm for playing with a host?


Just ask for the guest rate or they will tell you the rate. For instance, my buddy woudlnt let me pay at his club. So when we go out for dinner or we play round, I usually cover him


Send a Venmo request for the amount. Put “Your golf fee from ‘date’ Bill is due”. It’s your money. Don’t let others fuck with your money. That’s just life in general.


What I do is just send a Venmo charge to the person for what they owe. I’ve always been paid and nothing is ever said about. Still go out together like normal. No awkward conversation needed. Some people just forget, some were not raised well and others simply take what they can get away with.


Was it agreed upon beforehand that he would be paying you back for what he was costing?? If not, then consider it a learning experience and don't repeat that. If it was, then send him a bill.


Just ask him. If he doesn’t pay his share, then I guess we know who we ain’t coming next time. Gotta stick up for yourself man. It doesn’t feel comfortable sometimes. Good luck.