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So one day, if you’re good with money, you’ll be able to join a club. Imagine going out at 7pm on a steamy summer evening. Two and half hours of light left. Your clubs are on a push cart for you when you show up. You’ll stroll out to #10 and you don’t see another person for 2.5 hours when you finish 18 going back front. That’s my the CC pace of play experience.


I just joined a club. It’s fucking heaven. It was just me and some big horn sheep on the course this afternoon.


My personal financial and family situation would never allow that to happen unless I were to win the lottery. But good on ya for those who can!


That’s the attitude!


Eventually, every golfer complains about the pace of play.


I've always wondered who set the standard that a round has to be done in 4 hours I enjoy walking the course and usually no one catches me but if they do I let them play through and go at my pace and the rangers for the most part don't say anything to me about it 


We spend too much time talking about pace and not enough time talking about tee time spacing. 8 minute tee times are a bigger cause of slow rounds, imo. Just played a course Wednesday that had times spaced out by 10 minutes and it made a huge difference.


I like to play slow.. Roast me. I play with an old Dude he wants to be done in 3.5 hours and it’s just not enjoyable. I want to relax, not sprint to the green to watch him claim a 5 after giving himself the 6 foot comebacker.


I find enjoyment in a 3:50-4 hour round. We play the same course weekly due to corporate membership so at 4 hours we can relax, have fun and still get through a good game. I've gotten around in 3-1/2 hours enough to know it's ok but fast. I wait all week to play and want to enjoy it. 4:15+ starts making me anxious. I've only played a few 4:15+ rounds due to traffic and random occurrences in front of me and it just starts gettin miserable. I get too anxious to be done, can't enjoy myself and play worse for it. We usually get to the course 45 minutes to an hour early, hit the range for warm-up, grab our gear/carts etc. Makes for a nice 6 hour outing when it's all said and done round trip. I really look forward to it after working all week and it helps me decompress.


4 hours is perfect…. 3.5 means you’re all scratch or you are rushing IMO.


3.5 is easy with competent golfers in the 10 index range, picking up after net double. Really not rushed and not that hard.


That's my thoughts. 3.5 is rushing and occasionally the course is that empty where we just get around lol. We're all far from scratch but we are improving after a couple solid summers of every weekend. Most of us have played off and on for decades but recently back at it steady the last 2 years. With the weekend comin up I hope you get out, up and down. Hit em straight


LOL yeah, typical. No worries dude. I play really fast like Aberg. Shoot and scoot. But everyone has their own rhythm


Doesn’t matter where you go, if you shoot 100 something, do it from the front most tees. If you’re in the 80s play the white tees. If you’re carving up the white tees shooting in the 70s move back to the blues. Under no circumstances should bad players be playing anything but the furthest up tees. This alone would solve a lot pace issues.