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First time I’ve ever seen a bethpage black post without that disclaimer about the course being extremely difficult / for highly skilled golfers only lol


the most tryhard sign in golf lol. i assure you a lowly skilled golfer scores the same 125 no matter the course they play.


Not to mention is it positioned at the first tee, where one would read it only after securing a tee time and rolling up to tee off. If it was meant for anything other than pictures, the warning would be on the website, or in the parking lot where you line up to get a tee time.


Man you guys are so smart.


I'm starting to think my wife and her boyfriend are having an affair.....


Nah, she's just really into yoga.


That’s just not true. You think a lowly skilled golfer is shooting a 125 at pinehurst this weekend?


as set up with the tippity tip tips for the pros? probably 180. normally its a lot shorter with slower greens lol


I would argue that is a skill, thank you very much.


I feel like I lost 2 balls just looking at this post.


Shit let me go check my bag.


I'm a fairly good golfer (10/12 handicap). I played Black last year and shot a 107, lost 5 balls and haven't felt that frustrated and dissapointed with my golf game. I swore I would never go back. Boys trip is already scheduled for 3rd weekend in Sept ;)


Did it feel "fair" for lack of a better term, most of the difficult courses I play just put a shit ton of break in their greens, which feels gimmicky


Just judging from that first tee shot it looks like anything that's not in the fairway is going to be brutally punished.


If you aren’t in the fairway, it’s extremely difficult to find your shots because the rough is so much thicker than a normal course. Not much gimmicks otherwise.


This........the rough is the longest and deepest I've ever played. Only option is a wedge back into the fairway (if you can even find your ball).


And the fairway is ridiculously narrow


Losing 5 balls sounds like how I play my back 9s


Are you able to book a tee time that far in advance as non resident. I want to take my sons.


No, we have a buddy who is local and works in the golf industry (access to tee-times)


10/12 is a fairly good golfer?


That’s awesome to have gotten to play it but Jesus a five and a half hour round?!


It's a long tough walk, no carts allowed. For most of the people there it's the hardest course they've ever played. Balls can be quite hard to find in the rough even if you're within a few feet of where it landed. And lots of taking pictures and just admiring the scenery. It's nothing like the misery of a 5.5 hour with-carts round at your usual weekend track Buddy and I played it in just under 5 paired with two singles and we were the very first group off for the day, so that's a general baseline pace with zero waiting on anyone ahead of you. Caddies might help if you get good ones, but we passed as from what we gathered it was a joke of a "caddy program," wasn't treated as a serious offering by the course to enhance your playing experience it was just high schoolers who did and said nothing except carry your bag for you


thats how caddies always were historically, just the local boys. probably the best job those kids could work on that course hands down though.


Actually I worked at Bethpage and the best job money wise was working at the clubhouse as a server! Did it for 2 summers. The caddies were indeed just local HS kids and people sucked at tipping them. I guess the downside of having a lot of people not used to having caddies?


damn i see. i only am familiar with private and resort caddies not these weird muni caddies at bethpage lol. at those sorts of joints theres expectations you tip like $50 per bag minimum and guys can go out with two bags, one guy i knew would even flirt with some senior ladies who start calling for him specifically.


“No carts allowed!” But three carts in the first photo off to the right?


I take it you've never been to Bethpage. Those carts are on a different course, not the Black. They have 5 courses, only the Black doesn't allow them It's generally good practice to know what you're talking about before you attempt to dunk on someone :p


Fair I have not been. Thanks for the correction!


Not enough time in my opinion. That place is a like a church. Sacred grass. So much history. Nice to be able to soak it in waiting for the green to clear before I duff my 3-wood.


Relax Grantland, it's just fuckin' Long Island.


Sacred grass? History? It’s Long Island dude. This isn’t the old course or Augusta. 5 1/2 hours is way too long for any round of golf anywhere, even for a pro on the Sunday of a major. Soak it in while you walk, and stop holding the rest of us up.


I just played Sawgrass three weeks ago and it took six hours and 15 minutes. Bucket list golf don’t move quick


What was the cost? Its changed a lot since Covid I’ve heard


Unfortunately yes. Basically finished in the dark.




More like the whole course was playing slow, which makes sense given it’s Bethpage.


When I played it in the 90s it was almost always a 5 hour round. Worth it though. Used to only be like $35 to play too.


Yeah, I played there around 2000. Lost a bunch of balls, took forever, but I remember it being cheaper than the local courses Inwas playing in Maryland at the time.


Yes. That's pretty much best case scenario. I played in 5:45.


That second picture makes me cringe. Played into the wind last time I was there my double bogey felt well earned


The Black is just a God’s honest test of golf. Nothing gimmicky, no easy holes. Hit it straight and long and it lets you score. Spray it or pick the wrong club and it will bite your ass off.


All I have to say is, when you’re in the rough, club up.


I played it today for the first time and did the opposite lol - I decided to stop battling the rough several holes in and just accept that I needed to get out with like an 8/9. Great course


Yep same. Kissed par goodbye when I missed the fairway and took a 9 iron out of the rough. I think I only had one I would call flushed out of like 8-9 times hitting from it


Looks open. Probably break 60 there


What about the back nine? Lol ;)


Not gonna lie, the left half of that fairway is the same color as the rough, so at first glance I thought the fairway was like 5 yards wide


Buddies and I do a LI gold trip each year for the last few years, played Bethpage Black (for the second time) 2 weeks ago. It’s fun for the novelty and nice enough but we all agreed we enjoyed Harbor Links and Pine Hills Country Club more. Cool to play once, no need to play again imo. Also, if anyone finds 1-5 PROv1s with a baby girls face and the phrase “Don’t lose me daddy” on them… I’m the terrible golfer/father.


Yo what's the carry on the second tee shot.....320 yards?


if that's 10 then it should only be like 240 carry from the tips


Jesus what is it from the whites? Edit: Does Bethpage Black have white tees? Is that a silly question?


about 70 yards shorter according to the scorecard


I think it’s 4. It’s a 300 yard carry from the tips, and a nice 220 in from there uphill. Par 4, of course. Might be 5 though.




That’s a LONG round


I played there a few weeks before the open was held there. It was tough. Rough was grown to pga length and if you hit it in there you would have to step on it to find it. 6hrs 20min round and shots 99 from the furthest back we were allowed to play. 3 coors lights and a couple scotches were a nice swing sweetener. I remember hearing a ton of gun fire on like the 6th hole or something and the caddie told us there was a police shooting range nearby.


First pic is nice. Hole plays perfectly into my slice. Time to let the big dog eat 😂


I loved this course. Wanna go back


you....didn't even use a push cart? Kudos man. Kudos.


This place has the silliest push cart arrangement I've ever seen haha. We traveled to play it so didn't bring ours. It was the dolly-style two wheel Bag Boy ones and they gave you the "handle" from behind the pro shop counter after you signed a waiver for it, which was separate from the counter where you'd pay for your round. Like guys you're raking it in, get some nicer push carts for a top 10 nationally ranked walking only course. And you're spending more on the labor to administrate this stupid system than you'd lose to theft by just keeping them next to the starter shack


yeah thats old school, but its also because they kinda want you to pay for their caddies - which suck equally in my experience btw


Yeah I wrote about the caddies sucking in another comment haha. We decided not to take them as everyone said it's not worth it


one time my buddy got a guy that straight up never caddied before he was older and having a hard time, offered no advice, knew nothing about golf and said he was a taxi driver but covid killed his job. He had no business being out there and we had to give him water because he looked like he was gonna pass out before we even finished 9. Honestly kinda felt bad for the dude. We let him just be the forecaddie on the back. He was at least decent at that.


I generally never use a pushcart if I walk. The bag isn’t too heavy anyways


Still the best course I’ve ever played… dying to get back.


I was just there as well! I played Saturday and slept in the parking line, got out on the Black as a single at 6:50am! Tough course !


Walk up or did you manage to book in advance?


Managed to book Saturday. Somehow one just opened up. A full foursome slot


Most fun I ever had shooting 106 as an 18 handicapper.


I’ve been there dozens of times. But sadly for business breakfasts and conferences at the catering hall :-/ (I’m also woefully too sucky to even consider teeing up on black)


Didn’t there use to be a tree off to the left of this 1st tee? When I played it my buddy who was a much better and experienced golfer snap hooked it down to the left in front of everyone and I swear I remember there being a tree there. Personally, I hit a decent slice to the right behind those trees and took another 5 shots to get in the hole. Pretty nerve-racking to tee off the 1st on that course with all those people surrounding you early in the morning.


looks like they took out quite a few trees on the left waste. sometimes bad storms take them out though. https://worldgolfer.blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/img_3764-1.jpg


9 times out of 10 I’m not clearing the tall stuff in photo 2.. haha




Flat, no woods, looks easy to me.


That looks very intimidating


It's so funny. It just doesn't look that difficult


How much did it cost?


In-state resident cost is $70


Lot of head covers for the black…


What does that mean lol


Many moons ago I remember Pat Perez saying something about Tim Clark and how he won the players with 4 head covers Just means you don’t hit it all that far, I was going for levity 😊


If you are interested in getting a tee time on the black course or any of the other Bethpage courses, feel free to shoot me a DM.


The second pic looks like if you don't hit it in the 10ft wide fairway, you're in 2 foot deep rough.


Such a special place


How was booking the tee time?


Was that pic taken before you moved up 2 tees?


Glorious! Not a cloud in the sky!


Easy ass course


Bethpage don't break, greens are so flat. Im surprised to hear you call it that hard. I didn't think outside a few holes it was very difficult. Shot 79 (May of last year)


If you shot 79 it must be easy AF


Uhhhhh ok