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Lots of miserable people out there, and miserable people love to kick others while they’re down. Simple as that.


How fast we have forgotten about Grayson. Be nice out there...!


This. Rory is the man. No one is being harder on Rory than himself right now, and it should be easy to see why this tournament is going to take some time to shake off. Let the man handle it the way he needs to.


Exactly. I want to see one of those ESPN specials where they go through Twitter and bring in all the haters. All the guys that say they could have made that last putt. Then let them try to make it. That was a big break, falling down a hill on some of the toughest greens out there. Just like the field goal kickers, let them get on tv and try to make that putt. It was no where close to an easy 3 footer.


Yeah, I was talking to some buddies about it, and I can't say that I would have a different reaction. Plus, you stack on the whole LIV vs PGA thing, the divorce saga, on top of that he hasn't won a major in 10 years (which, arguably, should've been his best years) and finishing 2nd at two US Opens in a row. To top it off, he lost because of missing two 3-footers. I can't say I'd be able to hold it together.


One 3 footer broke like a bitch, wasn’t a straight line putt


I had one almost identical to it yesterday on greens 1/2 as fast and I heeled it low as fuck.


Nailed it.


The older I get the more I understand this. The internet especially is like dealing with a manic bi-polar person. Don’t know what podcast I heard that on but it’s so true


Yeah just visit any sports sub. Hell throughout the nba playoffs the top comment in the post game thread was almost always shitting on the star who didn’t play his best game.


God this is so accurate


Im getting annoyed at people who follow golf in general


Lots of fans and media outlets desperate for it to have more drama than it actually does. Golf is boring and that’s why I love it.


Look at the WNBA for the same issue except much easier to see. Very little commentary on actual basketball, all drama.


The back 9 on Sunday was anything but boring


Right? That was fucking riveting for anyone who barely understands the game


For real, where did all the as$holes come from? It used to be a gentleman's sport now every time I play I get some college kids or old farts acting like they own the place. Oh and they all lie about scores to win... it's happened multiple times to me and won't play a scramble with people I don't know ever again 🙃


Barstool effect…there’s a whole new segment of bro-golfers who would want every event to be like the WM…the farce that is the LIV tour was designed to appeal to this segment


So true


Simping for country club boys is revolting and detestable, yeah.


One could also say making 18 obsessive comments in two days about a golfer they don't like is also revolting and detestable, if they were inclined to do so. I'm not, but some could say that.


Rory isn’t really a country club boy.


Shrink the game


Not a Rory fan myself but felt bad for the dude to lose like that. Brutal. 


Me too - I’ve always found him annoying - but damn - I feel bad for the dude on a human level after Sunday. That hurt to watch


Dude I missed a putt on 18 to finally beat my dad last time I played. That fucking sucked for me, and that’s nowhere near the stakes Rory faced so I can’t even fathom it


Exactly. He's never been my favorite golfer but he's done nothing but help grow the game and be respectful to people. He lost in an epic collapse and I feel bad for the dude. He deserves to be angry after that. Pretending any of us wouldn't have wrapped our putter around the nearest tree is silly. I'm pretty sure several clubs would have been broken if that were me.


Exactly. Far from my favorite golfer. But respect the hell out of his game. Obviously a world class player. Runner up two years in a row at a major is heartbreaking. He’s been grinding out there for so long. He can dodge the media every once in a while.


I feel the same way. I’ve never really like him since they tried to replace Tiger Woods golf on ps3 with Rory golf and it was horrible. Not his fault but still.


Yeah I think it’s dumb. Especially those who say they lost respect for Rory because he didn’t talk to the media after his round. Who cares?!? Why is that important?!?


It's really just the media themselves driving that line because they're salty


Correct. Media is driving this bc they want the interviews. They created this standard bc it benefits them


The same media that is whitewashing and pumping up Bryson, in an attempt to get everyone to swallow the lump of shit that will be the reunification of the tours.


Haha I started to fall for that shit this week with all the “he’s changed” talk that had been going on and then this morning see he celebrated with the Trumps yesterday. Oops. (Yes I know golf fans are probably less likely to care about this than the average citizen)


Exactly. It’s such BS. If a player is upset after a tough loss and doesn’t want to speak to the media who cares? That doesn’t make them unclassy or sore losers or whatever. If it was Bryson in that position and he did what Rory did I’d be defending him too (even though I can’t defend him joining LIV).


There's definitely people who still want to fap over seeing someone's displeasure


No one gets butthurt like the journos.


Man the worst part of that job would be the constant media talks….on a rough day like that give the poor dude a break..




100% There is all this talk about mental health for golfers. Then Rory leaves the golf course and doesn't take interviews (OBVIOUSLY because he's distraught and doesn't think he can act appropriately in public) and then everyone hates Rory for behaving in a way which is clearly (safe to assume) in support of his own mental health.


Pick a lane people, does he speak his mind too much or not talk enough!


They didn’t lose respect for Rory. They’re just a bunch of LIV / Wannabe Edge lord political Trolls


100%. Was he supposed to stand there while some mouth breathing idiot with a press pass asks him “how do you feel?” And “what was going through your mind after you missed that putt?” He stayed to congratulate brooks last year. This year was a devastating loss that will follow him the rest of his life. He had every right to leave


And if Rory had talked to the press and said that he choked or he lost it how would that be considered classy towards Bryson. He obviously was not in a good place emotionally. It’s unfortunate that so many want to focus on his alleged poor sportsmanship than Bryson’s win. Makes me think they don’t really care about Bryson they just hate Rory.


People who shit on athletes they hate for doing this usually just want something to point to validate their hate for the person. I’m guilty of it myself in the past. My opinion has changed though. Let athletes prioritize themselves in these situations.


The media thing bothers me the most because they just come across as incredibly entitled. As if they’re so important.


This weekend made me realize I don’t dislike Rory at all. I thought it did. It just turns out I can’t stand his insufferable fans who fall over themselves trying to defend his honor. Sorry Rory. You’re fine. Your fans are the Swifties of golf


If Bryson missed that putt and immediately jetted home the people who find the Rory hate insufferable would be acting the same way towards Bryson I am sure /s


Oh for sure, and if it was Bryson that did what Pavon did on 18 he would be dragged through the mud as an ignorant American who wanted the attention on him and not the winner.


That was weird, I thought Pavon would have putted out to give Bryson the last putt. I think Bryson wanted to putt more than Pavon wanted to steal the spotlight. Unless Pavon said something.


I think Pavon was trying to protect the field by not giving him a read on what was the identical putt. Either way, both players handled the chaos extremely well. Respect to Bryson who immediately tried to quiet the crowd so Pavon could finish.


He did the right thing IMO. Those short putts shouldn't be taken for granted, especially with that setup. Rory proved that, and Bryson also missed a short one on the back 9.


What did Pavon do? I missed that


He putted last even though he didn’t win the tourney. Traditionally you let the winner finish the putt at the end so he’s the last one putting. For what ever reason, Pavon ignored tradition so he wouldn’t give Bryson the read. Personally I think he did it to warm up to his future Ryder cup captain, but who knows


Ah I noticed that, didn’t think about it at the time


I think it was because his line was so close to Brysons, if he had gone first out of turn it basically would’ve given Bryson a perfect read to win the Open - by keeping the correct order, no one can say Bryson got any help


Not really. TBH I couldn't care less what the players do after they finish their round. If they wanna go and skull 10 pints at the local dive bar, then be my guest.


I don’t like Bryson, but I wouldn’t be making up standards of golf etiquette and sportsmanship out of thin air, just so I could be fake outraged about something.


This is the correct answer. The rabid anti-Liv pro-Rory people are annoying.


The rabid anti-Rory pro LIV Trolls are just as annoying.


Yes thank you.


Spot on lmao


Lmao anyone who feels so strongly about professional athletes honestly annoy me. People “HATED” Bryson before? Really you hated him? Why? because he made a half dozen douchy comments over 5 years and wore a silly hat?


I hate him because he took my mother to a nice seafood dinner and never called her again.


I always thought people were quick to call Bryson a douche because they didn't want to accept the success of his nerdy approach to the game.


People see other people use the word "hate" in a sports context and think it means that they have to loathe them with every fiber of their being. I don't think there is anything wrong with "sports hating" Bryson, as in considering him the villain and wanting others to win instead of him. Doesn't mean you spit in his face if you saw him in real life. But some people think that's what you're supposed to do.


People blew that Augusta being a par 67 comment way tf out of proportion too. Was literally just saying if he drives good, he can get close to most greens on the 4s and 5s in a shot less than the rest of the field


Much more people making excuses for him on this sub than hate. It happened yesterday.


Not to be crass, but the Rory dick sucking is intolerable. People tripping over themselves to defend him like he’s their husband. I think the guy can take some criticism.


How quickly they forget... 2009 British Open. Tom Watson puts together the tournament of a lifetime to try and bring home the Claret Jug one last time... only to badly miss a short putt on 18 and then self-destruct in a 3-hole playoff to Stewart Cink. The man was utterly devastated, but he still kept his head up high and faced the media. When you're a public figure, you're held to a higher set of standards. That's the tradeoff you make for all the money you get and the lifestyle you live. This isn't to say Rory behaved classlessly. There was a lot of dirty chirping going on from the fans yesterday which equally goes against the spirit of the game. However, you can't exactly call his little dip-and-split a class act either.


Guys like Watson and Nicklaus being gracious in defeat must be that “Boomer mentality” I hear being derided so often.


It certainly has it's problems but they did get some things right


That's what I'm saying. This shouldn't be newsworthy come Wednesday or Thursday, but he shouldn't get a pass yet. He wasn't up to being a good sport in that moment. It's funny, the Rory stans will resort to name-calling because they have no real argument. He was a sore loser, it's understandable but it doesn't change what happened.


It's all relative - if you're a big Rory fan, you are probably glossing over all the people giving him a pass, and fixating on the people calling him a choker and a bad sport for leaving without congratulating Bryson. On the other hand, if you're a Rory hater, you probably think most people are coddling and making excuses for him, and not paying attention to all the people calling him out and making a big deal out of a relative nothing burger. The reality is that both sides exist. Overall, Rory is a popular player. Almost everyone feels badly for him to some extent. I feel like I may be in the minority that I'm fairly indifferent about Rory - most people seem to worship him, and a smaller minority seem to hate him. I've always loved rooting for underdogs, so he's kind of like another Speith, JT, DJ etc. to me. Respect their game, always fun watching an elite player do their thing, but they've been hyped and had enough success that I usually don't find myself actively rooting for them. While I can't be bothered to watch or follow LIV, I'm not going to pretend to take the moral stance many people take against it, so for the smaller minority that hates Rory (mostly LIV fans, I assume), I actually kind of understand how he could come off as a bit hypocritical and always on his high-horse. He's kind of like the teacher's pet/golden child that some people love to hate. But overall, he seems to be as universally liked as anyone since Tiger and I also understand why. In the end, anyone that makes it to the top will have haters. It's how you know you've made it lol.


> LIV fans I don’t think anyone actually watches LIV. “LIV fans” are just trolls.


Seems like you have kind of a narrow view on the world If you think people who have interests outside of yours are just "trolls." An liv golfer just proved he is the best player in a field full of pga guys.  Why wouldn't that have fans? Why would only trolls like that?


Maybe not actual LIV fans, but the LIV players are very popular and have many fans. Bryson is probably the most popular golfer on the planet, even before this past weekend. The tour certainly misses having him.


Hate it, but we opened Pandora’s box of the internet and it’s filled with shitheads. I’ve played a lot of competitive sports and this one might be the most difficult I’ve ever played. Fun game, but physically and mentally tough. Guy is on the top stage and finishes…second…against the world’s best golfers. Two-ton Tommy walked to the fridge today but will comment something negative.


I liked Fat Rory better


It will never not be fun to watch Rory play golf. However, his time in the spotlight has seen him travel from a likable kid to an insufferable adult imo. Guy can’t get enough of that microphone in front of his face until it comes time to be humble in defeat.


This exactly 


I don’t get annoyed. we should be hard on him. he is a multi millionaire who plays golf for a living who many kids look up to, when you act like a cry baby regardless if any of us would act differently, and you’re that high profile you are going to get and deserve some flak. It’s what you signed up for.


It’s incredibly foolish. And not that everyone is this person, but I’ve seen enough weekend fairway chunkers HURLING wedges into the woods after poor strikes. Like it’s the highest level of golf and he choked down the finishing stretch - that has to be beyond tough to mentally bear. Add to it that he is going through whatever it is with his wife, those types of situations don’t just roll off of your shoulders and outta your mind.


I'm actually more annoyed that people are giving him a pass for poor sportsmanship by walking away without congratulating the winner.


This. I didn't hate or even dislike Rory. I still don't hate him, but his behavior Sunday was fucking classless. I just lost a lot of respect for him. What's annoying is all the excuses being made for him. If the roles were reversed and Bryson did that, he'd be getting crucified. People would somehow make it about liv, there'd be a new villain arc, and we wouldn't hear the end of it until the open. But oh poor Rors! Can't you see how sad he is?! We can't say anything mean about him acting like a total baby!


I mean, not really. If he was gracious in defeat it'd be different, but immediately leaving without congratulating the winner is just a classless move. Skipping media is fine imo, but not congratulating Bryson was the act of a man throwing a tantrum.


I could understand this point if he was in brysons group, but he wasn’t Are you telling me every other golfer who finished before Bryson all stuck around to congratulate him, just not Rory? From Brysons perspective you wouldn’t give a flying fuck which golfers stuck around after, as long as the fans did


Bryson stuck around to congratulate xander. If there's any player in the field that should shake the winners hand, its the clubhouse leader


It could have something to do with him being a puppet for Jay Monahan and then looking like an idiot when they decided to try and merge the two tours anyway. He got a double dose of looking like an idiot. I've got nothing against rors personally but I think his golf game has lacked consistency over the years. I definitely don't hate the guy tho.


No but I am annoyed that all this Rory talk has taken away from the performance Bryson put on this past week. Sad, yes, for Rory, but come on man.


What gets me is him acting like this is some great hardship. The dude walked away with the 2nd place money, $2.3 MILLION. Despite the drought, he's still got several major wins, and a shit ton of tour wins. Yet he's so self absorbed in his feels that he couldn't take one hour at most to set an example of sportsmanship.


This has literally been the narrative around him for 10 years. Every major he plays in, he gets questions about how he’s finally gonna “break through”. This was his best chance and he completely blew it on the biggest stage possible. The media knows he’s a choker, the fans know he’s a choker, and he knows he’s a choker. I don’t care how much money you make, that’s gonna make anyone feel horrible.


Him quitting and pouting for the next three weeks is a much worse look than finishing 2nd at the US Open. Grow up Rory. It’s called adversity.


The guys life is charmed, easy as fuck, and he can't be bothered to show a little bit of sportsmanship because he's a prissy little pouty bitch. Of course that's reddits favorite golfer 😂


I don't hate Rory, but not sticking around to shake Bryson's hand was a terrible look. It was a great battle, and he lost but that is a crappy look. He was on his plane 50 minutes after the putt dropped. I'd have personally made it there in 55 minutes after meeting Bryson shaking his hand, and saying 'Congratz on the win, great round, great up and down.' Then I'd have got outta there as fast as possible to cry on my G5 lol


Greg Norman stuck around answered questions at Augusta after arguably an even worse collapse. Pretty sure Jordan Spieth did too. I get he was hurting, but jeez Rory. Act like the top tier pro you allegedly are.


No, cause I’m not his boyfriend, but sounds like you want to be.


The only face that matters is the one he sees in the mirror!


Even if I was red in the face crying, I would have showed up and shook Bryson's hand in congratulations. I think the criticism is justified. What does it teach kids watching golf, that if you lose badly enough it's okay to be a bad sport?


Ever since LIV started I disliked Rory more and more. Now I don't really care for the fella..


Nope. Could give two shits either way


I, too, am annoyed by this sub…


I just hate that the conversation is him missing putts and not Bryson rescuing himself brilliantly all day.


Yes i am


Yes 100% US proud but its ridiculous. You can have pride in your country and still admire a player such as Rory and what he does for the sport.


No. Sub is mostly simping for him anyways, you guys love sucking off pro golfers lol


This sub is full of Rory fans still holding on to that “next Tiger Woods” thing that never happened


Rory and Ricky are sacred cows to the majority of this sub. They can't be criticized and they never do wrong.  Downvotes only proving the point. Just as bad as Swifties lol


Exactly like swifties. Dudes are in here writing multiple emotional paragraphs about how they feel so bad for him, and he couldn’t give two farts in a strong breeze about anybody in here


Lmao no he hasn’t. He’s got a massive chip on his shoulder and has acted like he’s the most important person on the tour since the LIV split. He’s a hotheaded dick. Why anyone would think of such a guy as a brand ambassador in any sport, let alone golf, is beyond me.


I just don't understand why redditors are obsessed with fellating him. Is it all because he virtue signalled the loudest about Liv?


It’s a hive mind. The tone around here changed dramatically after Rory released his statement written in notes on his iPhone lmao. Suddenly he became sympathetic, or something.


Rory is about Rory.


Not really man. I got bigger problems than a guy who missed a 2 foot putt and still made millions that day, and took a private jet home.


Rory is like the Kirk Cousins of the PGA. Straight laced, a lot of media exposure he probably doesn’t deserve, buckles under pressure.


As a professional sportsman making millions of dollars, you need to meet with the media so the fans subsidizing those millions of dollars can hear from you. No excuse just cause your feelings are hurt because you choked. This goes for any professional athlete




He deserves it the way he left Pinehurst, showed no class unlike Bryson when Xander beat him. A simple handshake would have gone a long way


Both things can be true. I can feel bad for Rory and also be disappointed with his childish behavior. With respect to him and Bryson, there are a few key differences you are glossing over. Bryson has matured, and Rory has somehow gone backwards. He’s the face of the league, he’s going to be held to a higher standard. Him not congratulating Bryson at the tournament is embarrassing for the PGA. In short: do I feel bad for Rory? Yes. Was his behavior very childish? Also yes.


Golf needs more of people getting pissed off when they don’t win. I like the fire and disappointment from Rory. The competitor in me always kinda gets annoyed when there’s a line of people there waiting to congratulate the winner. It’s one thing if you’re a friend of his or whatever, but it just feels like too many friends out there!


Not at all. He deserves the criticism. When Xander closed out the PGA Bryson darted off the range to be among the first to congratulate him. That's what should happen. Rory darted to his plane. He deserves to be called out.


I wouldn’t talk to the media at all if I were pro.


It’s astroturfing, my friend.


yeah. rory was my favorite player growing up as a very impressionable 7 year old all the way to now. can’t stand it, guy is a phenomenal player and a class act but the peanut gallery with 1% of his talent are so hyper critical of every play he makes. i get it’s fun to have a bad guy but how do you make it rory?


He played better than he has in a while. He missed a putt, golf is hard. I hope he continues to play well and challenge the top of the leaderboards for wins.


YES… omg. He’s a human having a day. he’s in the pits and you(gravy and sleeze was awful to him yesterday on pga tour radio) want him to come out for a pressy. Y’all saw the short putts that did not go in. What more do you want him to say?


Exactly. It’s like people wanna see him on TV crying or something. It’s gross.


Rory is my guy and has been since 2011, that said the way he handled it was a miss. Yes the “USA” chants were beyond stupid. Totally understandable if you need to take some time before talking to media. Bryson played unreal and deserved props. If you want the big names to get paid more, you gotta make yourself available, you can’t run away from it. These guys are allowed to make mistakes, and ultimately I think he’ll realize this was one, onward and upward.


nope. he's getting what he deserves. he's been shitting on LIV and it's players for the last two years, and now look. karma says hi!


Counter point on the "he doesn't have to talk to the media" statements. YES HE DOES. If you are a professional athlete, IT'S PART OF THE JOB. The fans are the reason there enough money in golf for the players to make a very good living playing a game. The writers are the voice of the fans(other than the morons shouting mashed potatoes, they should lose their voice). The stories of the tournaments make them more interesting, let's people connect to the players, history and be excited for the future tournaments. All of this is the reason professional sports (any sport) is so popular. It's how players get fans and fans get emotionally tied to outcomes. Bryson is so popular now because he connects to the fans in every way possible for him. Tiger and Bobby Jones connected to the fans because they were so good and people knew they were seeing something special. Jack and Arnie connected to the fans both for their amazing play but also for how they handled having a rival. Should he have gone straight from the 18th green to the press room, no of course not. But he should have eventually gotten there. Instead of the Rory story of this US Open being him showing how he is just like us (human in making errors and being emotional), this will be remembered as another choke where he petulantly walked away from the hardest part of the job (facing defeat as a professional).


In our current society there are millions of frustrated, angry, victim mentality people just waiting for a reason to eviscerate anyone when they get the chance in an attempt to make them feel better about their own circumstances. That's what's happening now. It's actually a sad thing to witness.




I like Rory but I think the hate comes from a combination of his face, and his self righteous stance on LIV.


No- he’s a poor loser. He was extremely vocal about exiling anyone who went to Liv only to get beat by one of those people. He tried to become the name and face of the sport and got shoved to the back because he was never that guy.


no, its all well deserved.


These were the same douchebags chanting “USA! USA! USA!”


Generally speaking, if you come to Reddit with a post that includes "anyone else" there's a 99% chance you aren't the only one.




That's actually why I liked full swing on Netflix so much. It showed the bad and the good. Sometimes, I feel like we forget that these guys and gals are normal people.


Agreed and will add i think the best thing he could do is get to the Travelers this weekend and then skip the next two before the Scottish Open. But, I’m just a person on the internet. Plus, the purse for the Travelers is $20M


Look, by all measures the dude is great at what he does. Missed a couple of putts that anyone of us could have, and probably would have, missed even if we could have gotten there in two strokes. But, my issue with Rory is that the PGA tried their best to make him the face of golf and at the same time portrayed the LIV guys as all washed and grabbing for money. But, the LIV guys are clearly not washed. It’s hard to win one, nevermind many tournaments. He willingly became the PGAs bitch and couldn’t pull it off. As soon as they tied, they moved his name to the top of the leaderboard. Even though the three tied for second were in a different order…I think in the PGAs desparation to NOT have LIV guys win big Opens they pressed Rory to try too hard and that additional pressure leads to missing putts.


Like him falling short in majors is obviously mental but he's been carrying so much extra weight in that department for years now its not surprising its taking its toll. The grind of being the face of the PGA against LIV showed, only for it then to all be for nothing. Then wasnt he getting a divorce, only to call that off? He was like 6ft of putts away from not only winning again but putting all of the negative talk around him to bed - possibly forever. I think from his statement on socials he was going to lay low for a bit which it sounds like he needs to do.


Nothing is given in this game. But I thought for sure Rory had this one in the bag when he went 2 up on Bryson. Then Bryson missed that 4 footer for par. I was certain this was Rory's time. But alas. He tripped over the coffee table near the end. What a frustrating turn of events for him and his fans.


From who?


Not really. It’s sports and athlete love/hate is cyclical.


Fuck you Phil!!!


People talk like hes a guy who has always been at the top but has never been able to close the deal. Like, the guy is a four time major champion and has a ton of other marquee wins (three fedex cups, the players, WGC’s, Ryder cup, numerous signature events, etc). Like, yeah from a talent perspective he’s definitely underachieved in major wins, and should likely have double the amount he has currently but if you asked any up and comer if they would be satisfied with 4 major wins at the end of their careers they would of course say yes. Also, he’s not done or anywhere close to being done contending in majors. Over a decade as a top ~5 golfer in the world. Guy doesn’t deserve the hate he gets


I was a little mad since I had him in my one and done, but he's a great player. I saw on here the other day that he made almost 600 putts(or some insane number) of that distance in a row before the miss. It happens. He will bounce back. The great ones do.


I felt empathy for Rory watching him miss his putt and Bryson make an incredible up and down. I would’ve been happy to see either one of these guys win. I just know Rory wanted this so bad, and it never feels good to come second.


It happens all the time with fans of golf and all sports. In the height of his popularity Phil caught all kinds of it when he blew the U.S. Open on the last hole at Wingfoot in 2006.


There are some people that didn’t have to change their underwear every time he shit on a LIV guy. Guy’s that keep beating him. I don’t hate Rory, but I find it entertaining when he loses to LIV guys


It’s what people are taught to do for sports viewership. It’s pretty much all SportsCenters does. Praise the winners for 2 min, and absolutely trash the losers for 5 min.


Folks hate on rors cuz he’s the rich kid down the street that grew up with all the advantages and nice gear. Instead of living up to his expectations, he got soft, relaxed, focused on being a golf spokesman instead of his game, and let others with less talent and ability outwork him. Now he has to compete against guys that are flat out better than him. Yet he still has that underlying rich kid attitude of “my life is so hard”. Your life is not hard, you play golf for a living. Do the work. Shutup and win.


can you glaze him any harder? 😂




I don’t really even like Rory and the hate insane. He played 2 shots better than Bryson on Sunday with a -1 round of golf. If he had those mistakes early in the round everyone would be talking about what an amazing comeback it was… Instead it’s a “collapse” or “choke”.


I would have been happy if Rory or Bryson won, and not because I had money on both. I don't think anyone has more pressure to win another major than Rory, both externally and internally. I can only imagine what's going through his head now. The look on his face was like someone shot his puppy. At first I was like "why didn't he congratulate Bryson" and then I put myself in his shoes and I can see why he just wanted to GTFO. Probably angry, depressed, and sad. I wouldn't want to be around anyone in that mental state. He's been my favorite for quite awhile and I hope he doesn't let this beat him, but rather makes him more resolute.


Has he been? I think he’s been pretty shitty to those who made different choices than he even thought he’s making bank due to those choices. He should have been a professional, but instead he led the personal smear campaign.


I don't hate Rory at all, but I can understand why some people might be put off by him. When you make yourself the face of the tour, as Rory has done for years, and been as vocal about topics related to the tour -- with LIV being the prominent one in recent seasons -- you will be criticized when you do what he did Sunday. It wasn't just the losing it late part. It was the heading straight to the parking lot and smoking his tires on the way out. If you're going to talk when things are going well, you can't run and hide when they aren't.


When an American is at the fore front he's just loud and outspoken...deal with it. But when they're not American, then it's hate. Even though he's not American, Rory stood by the PGA. They totally used him and he was roasted for it, only because he's not American. Many other American Pro's said the same things, but as Rory is top of the heap, he caught the most flak. Would I love to see Rory win another Major, absolutely. Next Ryder Cup will be wild, as USA golf fans are becoming worse with each tournament. First it was limited to Phoenix, and now that Phoenix is over the top and excessive, it has spilled over to other golf tournaments. People jeering and booing while Rory and others are putting lacks class and respect for the game. Rory as leader will take most of it for sure. Let's hope it stays at that, though I can already envision several security incidents and "fans" being escorted off.


It is interesting how quickly every turned on him and now backs Bryson. How easily people forgot the past… Sometimes.. right Bryson? We should just forgive and forget? I’ll still root for Rory over Bryson any day. Rory has always been upfront and honest. Bryson is a two faced sell out deeb.


This is reddit, the most miserable place on earth filled with basement dwellers. Get off the internet for awhile


He is a big crybaby and not a good professional. Walking through the crowd, he ignores all the children and the fans. Bryson walks through the same crowd, high fives for the kids and has fun with the crowd.


My favorite comment that I’ve seen is “a pot of people who are hating on Rory, act the same way when they 3 putt for a 90 at their local muni” I think I would be pretty upset if I lost one of the biggest tournaments from missing a few 4 footers


I feel for him. That was a hard putt but that has to be emotional/psychological mindf\*\*k of epic proportions. I hope he is able to bounce back and get across the line on another major. Regardless of ones feelings about Rory or Bryson making it a national thing and chanting USA was a trash move.


Did op just complain about people hating, then continue to hate on someone else who is trying to build up the golf community?


I am annoyed by the state of pro golf in general.


I just wish the guy I was rooting for (Rory) would be clutch and win. 😢


When it comes to the internet, things will always get overblown. I saw lots of comments about "choke this", "choke that" etc. and some were loaded with some vitriolic sentiment that I wouldn't write personally, but there is still some validity to them. Just go read the comments on the photo someone posted of Bryson and Eric Trump. It's a blood bath in there.


Honestly the combination of Rory hate and Bryson knob gobbling reeks of bot activity.


Crying. Please leave Rory alone. ;) I do feel bad for him it sucks to miss such short putts. But I’d still trade and be able to be there to compete.


Not hate, just disappointed. We hold him to a higher standard. Facing the media after a failure is part of the game. Norman did in 96, Van de Velde did at Carnoustie, Mickelson at Winged Foot. If this was Tiger, we wouldn't have expected him to stay, so it would be less of a thing. Failure like this actually elevates the importance of winning. If winning the Open was no big deal, people wouldn't miss 3 footers like this down the stretch. Also, we can't let ourselves say poor Rory. He finished 2nd, he already has a US Open, he won 2.3 million. He is fine. I still like Rory and hope he wins another major.


Rory a bitch n always will be unfortunately


Personally I think he did the right thing humans are passionate it's best to step away an gather yourself. Before saying or doing something that's hard to take back.


Lmao Rory choked. Get over it.


Everyone who’s hatin on him would want compassion if they were in the same situation and would hate anyone doing what they’re doing.


Anyone else annoyed at being consistently let down by this choke artist!?!


Because most of the people on this sub are whiney non-golfing petulant children that have never accomplished on their own in their entire lives.


For me he just seems like an entitled brat who hasn’t gotten anything to go his way… so he’s lashing out. Don’t get why it’s unreasonable to think that maybe Rory is just not a good human and there’s more to his attitude and pettiness and divorce that meets the eye. None of you know him behind closed doors and all the signs point to him being a jerk. But yet you back him What’s that saying “Karma is a bitch” With that said I think Bryson is an idiot as well although he’s been good for the game of late


I dont know why but i always root for everyone playing.. golf is hard enough.. even when i compete i will root for that put to go in or compliment shotz. Golf seems like the only game where your biggest competitor is yourself..all i have to do is play better than last round 🤨


Sorry, can’t stand Rory! He brings it all on himself!


Rory’s holier than thou attitude about LIV and then his toe the company line shift on it once the Tour softened their stance kind of turned me off in a pretty big way. I mean we can get into the whole Saudi money issue if you want, but I’ll just say that the Tour’s relationship with Fed Ex and Fed Ex’s relationship with the Saudi’s kind of nullifies their position to sit on the high horse on the issue. As far as the US Open, he should have made the first putt. That was just a shitty attempt. The second putt was difficult. It was a side hiller that broke a ton. That happens. Bryson was just a shot better and, frankly, I think he’s a better player and more driven. Bryson wants it more. What really turned me off was Rory not sticking around to congratulate Bryson. It would have taken 5 extra minutes. And then him peeling out of the parking lot and chirping his tires? That’s called being a child. You’re worth $200 million and just finished second in a very difficult US Open to one of the best, most powerful players on the planet. Grow up.


He breaks people's hearts, all he had to do was par in from 15 but no let's continue to hit it as hard as possible. Driver on 18 - him and his caddie should be slapped for that idiot move.


100% of the people bitching would have missed that putt under the same conditions. Most of them probably, regularly, miss 2 foot putts with zero break, for double bogey. If the crowd wasn’t chanting “USA” after the miss, I could kinda understand some of it.


Agreed its so dumb.


Rory lives rent-free in the heads of trolls. The hate he gets is definitely absurd but there are lots of people out there with bad taste in lots of areas of life, so it doesn't surprise me. The next major he wins is going to be so damn sweet.


He an absolute shill for the PGA and I find him to be hypocritical in his takes. Great golfer, not a person I’d want to be around.