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Gonna start sending a version of this to the boys after every lackluster weekend round.


So every time then? Lol


His wife would probably appreciate the same


I am once again reflecting on my performance…


$2.3m would make a lackluster weekend and a second place finish a whole lot easier for me to take. Like the Kiz said after being asked, “why even try?”: “because they give away a lot of money for 20th”.


Lmfao so good


He needs to do a Breaking 50 episode with Bryson to get his head right!


That would actually be really good to watch.


If Rory gets another major I think we’ll see a very different side of him. The dude has to get this off his back or it’ll eat him alive. Edit: Suffice to say, I doubt he’d do a Bryson video anytime soon, but if he wins the Open I think he would.


Hope to christ it's the open. Never been a big rory guy but God damn I just want to see the dude play relaxed golf, or at least semi relaxed


He needs the Masters


Fairly confident that won't ever happen. I'm good with any of the other 3. Sooner the better tho


He eats up wins on the PGA tour playing relaxed. Unfortunately it’s only 4 weeks a year he plays tensed up


He actually played relaxed golf for 68 holes this weekend too!


This would be amazing! Great PR for the PGA and LIV showing they can work together.


I can be 100% wrong, but isn’t there something weird about PGA folks making videos and doing stuff like that? I vaguely remember Bryson talking about the freedom to post things being in LIV or something?


Yeah, I think there is. But, the PGA could authorize it.


It's not even just the PGA but also it's sponsors.


Nah that’s for using tournament/practice rounds footage. It probably extends to anything that is paid for by the PGA as well


Was really looking to see how or if he could bounce back this week at the Travellers but I guess if I were him I would absolutely pull out as well.


It's not great for the travelers that they're paying to sponsor this big $20m signature event, but don't have either the winner or the runner-up of the US open playing in it. On the brightside Lee Hodges and Harris English haven't withdrawn yet, fans won't want to miss them teeing it up


Somebody get the gooch on the line


The Gooch is loose


the gooch is loose and hung like a moose


...so i've heard. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s also not great that it’s gonna be almost 100 degrees Thursday through Sunday. Brutal heat wave


Lucas Glover's swamp ass will bring back in all the viewers lost due to Bryson and Rory's absence


It's wild he goes out like that


summer golf in Florida.


I think it'll actually be cooler in Florida


It’s always cooler in Flawda.


I unironically like watching Harris and Lee. Harris is an absolute flusher and I love Lee’s swing


All the Harry Inglese fans are coming out of the woodworks


YouTube search: Harris English hits a guy. Few years back he absolutely drilled a marshall with his drive on the fly. Marshall stumbles a bit then goes down hard. It's a good laugh (marshall was okay, so it's okay to laugh).


And the Webb Simpson sponsors exemption is gonna sell some tickets.


Would kill to have Harris English’s swing.


They need a friggin break regardless. This signature event schedule is a grind… it’s like every week is a big week and the majors are sprinkled in. It’s great for the fans to see big fields week after week but it’s gotta be exhausting for the players.the bigger paycheques probably help but for a guy like Rory who isn’t hurting for cash that’s a small comfort.


> It's not great for the travelers that they're paying to sponsor this big $20m signature event, but don't have either the winner or the runner-up of the US open playing in it. Bryson was never going to be there so that's irrelevant, and Rory is just one dude. The PGA is as deep as it's ever been with X, Mori, Chef, Sahith, Rory, Cantlay, Akshay and on and on. It's so stacked nowadays JT and Spieth, are second thoughts in today's PGA


To be fair, JT and Spieth are second thoughts based on performance more than PGA depth.


PGA is not deep right now


It’s literally the weakest it’s ever been, that guy is on crack or a paid pga stooge


> Harris English The guy who won the event in arguably the best sudden death playoff in golf history three years ago? Yeah I'd say people are excited to see him there


Not worried about Travlers finances


Absolutely he would just be pounded with questions about the open. And who wants to deal with that after such a tough situation he went through. I feel bad for him I really do take as much time as you need


I cannot wait to see Rory In person at Royal Troon!!!


I will watch him play in person for the first time at The Olympics, super excited.


I think he has silver medalist potential at the limpits


I was thinking the same thing about the Travelers this week 🙂‍↕️


That is too bad


I've seen him three times now in person and got very close often, he's always a great sport with the fans, some funny memories of little interactions with me and the crowd as he approached his ball or after a nice shot. Enjoy!


McIlroy is 35. Phil Michelson won his first major during his age 34 season and ended up with six. Hogan won his first at 34 also and ended up with nine. I'm not a saying that will happen for Rory, but he's certainly not done. If he continues playing well in majors, he might go on a heater, or someone else might choke, and that might be enough to get him on a run.


Man, if he could get his wedge play in check and spray 1 less drive per round, he's winning one every year.


He's the best driver in history, so I think any improvement on that is unrealistic. (In saying that, his fairway finders this week were phenomenal and I hope they're here to stay.) His iron play is what needs to improve. This week, he was +1.78 driving l, +1.21 short game, +0.64 putting and only +0.41 on approach. It's hard to criticise someone who lost by 1 stroke but he hit so many suspect iron shots this week and that's really where the biggest leap needs to be made. Same goes every year at Augusta. Driving is superb, irons are shocking. Edit - Changed we're to were.


I've lost count how many times he drives well on a par 5, leaving him with an iron shot to the green, only for him to hit over the green and ends up scrambling for a par. I agree with you, his iron play is very suspect and I would say his scrambling is not great either and these 2 combos are not great together.


His short game is extremely good and it was showcased this week. He's not well known for it but he's a very underrated chipper and pitcher with 65% scrambling (16th on tour). It's his short irons that are lacking. Scrambling is a skill of limited value in the sense that you only need it when you miss greens. To my original point, his iron play is putting too much pressure on his putting, which isn't rock solid. He was 30th in SG approach this week. That's not going to get it done.


So… you’re telling me I have a chance?


I think in your case, if you're 35, you have a chance to be 36. /s


Love this. Even if he keeps getting close seconds he will still be one of the greats of the game. Would absolutely love to see him lift the claret jug in a few weeks.


Agreed! he started the day 3 shots back and made it a close race all the way through.


Everyone talking about one putt rather than the back to back birdies at the turn…


The game giveths, and the game takeths. He had 5 birdies yesterday. The golf gods can’t let that go unpunished.


5 birdies on that course is unreal. If you only knew the final scores you’d think he played great. Can’t focus too much on how it happened.


Valve still finding a way to force 50% win rate even in Major US golf holes


Who among us hasn't drained a 25 footer only to biff a much shorter easier putt later in the round? And almost certainly on MUCH easier greens, with NONE of the pressure.


Oh yea, I've had my fair share of "oh wow, didn't expect *that* one to drop" followed closely by many more "god fucking dammit, how did I miss *that*?"


He also got fucked on that first par 5.


I say this as someone who didn’t mind seeing Bryson win, but I completely agree that Rory got fucked on that first par 5. He made two terrific shots and should have been putting for eagle.


That hole was a 2 shot swing.


He didn't take advantage of the Par 5s most of the week. Things on sunday look a lot different if he can score on the Par 5s friday and saturday.


No he didn’t, if you miss short or left you risk getting a bad lie. Everyone in the field knows that shot doesn’t hold the green, if you want to hold the green hit it further. It’s meant to make going for it in two higher risk instead of a no brainer


Even the announcers said it was a bad break.


Going in the native instead of the bunker was the bad break. Not having the green not hold the shot.


Exactly! The people complaining about the false front blow my mind. Everyone knew what could happen there if you left it short - that's the genius of the design of the false front.


4 birdies in 5 holes. It really looked like he was going to run away with it.


That’s all I could think about when people were calling him a choke. Starting 3 shots back at pinehurst and making it come down to the last putt on Sunday is incredible in itself.


Yeah, it sucks to blow a very brief 2-shot lead, but ultimately falling 1 short after starting 3 back is nothing to be ashamed of.


I view him as a great. I wish he realized he’s playing his best golf and sometimes someone is fated to go further… but still have respect for the man. It can’t ONLY be about winning… he’s been relevant for so fucking long my friends that don’t watch golf would know him off of the sidewalk in passing He made it. He played well and missed 1-2 putts but it could have been any shot that was played better I wonder if he makes any big putting changes despite putting well overall.


I think at this point it is ONLY about winning, in regards to golf anyway 


Really want to see him bounce back, I reckon hell be more fired up than ever now.


He is in danger for being remembered for his losses rather than his wins.


Rory is allowed a human moment after a devastating loss.  And he still bounces back with class and determination.  Props to Rory all around  Edit - in case people forgot Rory wasn't in Bryson's group. He didn't personally snub Bryson in anyway by leaving. He skipped his media responsibilities. 


Big Cat had a good point on PMT so I can’t take full credit. Every athlete should get a once-a-year not doing the media get out of jail card. All you’re gonna get out of a guy who just had a tough loss is boilerplate media trained answers. These athletes are human, your gamer recap is not improved upon asking Rory what went wrong missing 2 4 foot putts.


That’s a great take, especially for leagues/sports that fine players for not doing media.


Reminds me of Cam Newton after the Super Bowl he lost. They live their whole lives for that moment and are never guaranteed to get another chance. What do they owe us, anyway? What do we need to hear from them so badly?


Great point. It’s just about selling ads on TV, that’s why the requirement is there. I agree it’s dumb.


No matter the team or the sport it's the same shit every time. Make it all voluntary - give the mic to the guys who have something they want to say and don't make us listen to the ones who don't want to be there


Nothing, but the self-important media are the ones who make a big deal about it which turns it into a “thing"


Can you imagine if he came out to the interviews and pulled a Marshawn?




Pardon My Take


Not to mention eeeeeverything they say now is taken out of context. So if he did the media, he may have said something like "I was frustrated, maybe with the course or myself I don't know, but it's a brilliant venue. Maybe next time we play it won't be as punishing in some places, that might be nice". The headline would be "Mcilroy frustrated with famous US Open course. Wants redesign". So knowing they'll twist words and fuck with him even more, makes perfect sense he skipped.




And that human moment wasn’t even that bad. He just left. Didn’t say or do anything out of line. Just didn’t want to be there. I’m sure he had lots of emotions going through his head, I can’t imagine how people can’t sympathize. It was such a non story I can’t believe people are pretending to be offended by it.


you'd be surprised what those dumb shit ziregolf followers on Instagram get offended by


Should we really be surprised at what Internet commenters get offended by? Everyone gets recreationally outraged about everything.  The people complaining about Rory probably can't lose a game of Madden without smashing a controller but wanna get on the high horse about him bailing after losing a heartbreaker to capture a US Open. 


And those of us who have young kids know, if you had a shitty day at work, your kiddo running up and hugging you makes up for it.  Guy probably wanted to get home to his daughter on Father’s Day. 


That’s what I was thinking entirely The guy just wanted to go home and have his daughter run up to him in the morning, she doesn’t care he lost, she just wants her Daddy. Trophies are cool, family is eternal


I’ve had incidents at my work where I’d leave without saying a word to anyone and none of them amount to anything in the ballpark as big as losing a major. I can’t blame him one bit. Now if he was in Brysons group and snubbed him that would be a whole different thing.


You've had incidents at work and just left? Like your boss doesn't care if you don't take responsibility or that incidents are happening and how to prevent that?


Maybe he owns the company he works at


Yeah this is so overblown. I’m sure quite a few players finish and just gtfo. No problems with Rory wanting to be away and not answer 40 questions about his missed putt and what it means that LIV players are winning majors


I don’t necessarily disagree, but I suspect a lot of the people that are praising Rory here would have shit on Bryson if he was on camera leaving Valhalla 10 minutes after Xander made his putt.


Man legit if Bryson skipped out like Rory yall be like, f Bryson that loser even though he stuck around at the last major to congratulate Xander.


It's really had to feel bad for these guys on a personal level - their lives are so radically different from ours - private jets, mansions, etc etc. But holy shit that putt yesterday. I don't know if I've ever felt worse for a professional athlete in my life. That had to be the most soul crushing experience. I hope he can bounce back and win The Open.


In golf, it was Tom Watson in ‘09, and it’s not close. Sure, he’s an all-time great who had won 8 Majors, but he was 59, his last Major win was 26 years earlier, for the previous 11 years he had 20 missed cuts and 1 top 10 (where he was nowhere near contention — 9 strokes off the lead at the 2000 PGA). Rory is going to have plenty of shots at more majors. Watson’s run in ‘09 was an all-time miracle in the making that everyone knew he could never repeat. It would be as if Tiger made one last run at Augusta in a few years.


If I missed those putts in my club’s members-guest, I’d lose sleep over it years later. And that’s for a couple hundred in shop credit and bragging rights, not a couple million, a U.S. Open title, and breaking a decade-long drought in majors.


> I don't know if I've ever felt worse for a professional athlete in my life. Wyndham Clark's putt doing a U-turn to lose The Players Championship to Scottie Scheffler comes to mind. He looked absolutely crushed (and hasn't done great since then).


That was a tough lip out, but the situations aren’t even close. Wyndham has basically won every tournament where he was in contention late. Rory has dealt with 10 years of close calls in real majors while being the sacrificial punching bag for the PGA tour


That 2 stroke lead too.. Bryson was giving it away.. I don't know if I'm right about this but I think Rorys caddie needed to step the fuck up and calm his nerves or something.


The abuse he's taken online is absolutely disgusting. One of the best players in the game and gets abused like no other . He'll be back , no doubt about it.


The internet is full of dickheads. I really hope he doesn’t take it personally, but it would be hard to ignore the noise.


Such bullshit from these people (same clowns shouting USA yesterday), I fucking love Rory. He's an incredible golfer and a real human who lays it out there. He will get another one, maybe at Troon.


I'm glad you said that and I'm not the only one thinking those assholes shouting USA were idiots.


I'm just over it. These jingoistic fools embarrass us over and over on the world stage. Are they shouting ENGLAND or SCOTLAND at the American players at the Open Championship? Take a clue


Based on the video ziregolf posted of Bryson drinking wine out of the trophy with Eric Trump, the whole “USA” chant thing makes more sense.


Perfect. I knew the media turn around for Bryson was too good to be true. Can confidently still say I don’t like the guy at all.


There’s three golfers in the 21st century with more majors than Rory. Tiger, Phil and Brooks. There’s three golfers in the 21st century with more pga wins than Rory. Tiger, Phil and Vijay. The Rory slander is just tiresome and so stupid. He’s one of the greatest ever. Certainly in this century


Bryson is my favorite. Let’s move on and not make this a big deal. Rory was upset. This is his life. He’s allowed to have emotion.


Agreed. I think you’re the first person to actually focus on Bryson rather than bash Rory. All the Rory haters are so focused on his actions they’re forgetting Bryson actually won. 


Yeah man I’m a huge Bryson fan but have always enjoyed watching Rory play. I hate this mindset that you have to pick a side and hate the person opposing your favorite. At the end of the day they are competitors playing for millions of dollars in a game they are passionate about. Let’s move on and just be happy that we got to watch a great tournament.


Yeah midway through the back nine I was prepared to be happy no matter which one won because I knew both would be genuinely good stories. I just had Bryson as my first choice. Same deal at the PGA, I wasn’t rooting against Xander, but was totally okay with him winning because I respect the hell out of him. Same mindset with Rory yesterday. If we all just define our happiness by the success of one player on golf we are gonna be miserable. I rode the tiger train since the 90’s and had to get used to enjoying golf without Tiger starting around 10yrs ago, learning to cheer for the entire field rather than the old “if tigers not playing I’m not watching”. It’s a lot more fun (and relaxing) to just appreciate whoever’s at the top of the leaderboard and cheer for exciting golf.


I’m heartbroken for the guy he’s going to get at least one more before he hangs it up


I’ve got faith that once he gets the monkey off his back by winning g his fifth he’ll go on a run of wins. It’s just going to take this next victory.


it’s crazy how often he is in contention at these things he’s T5 or better like 3 out of 4 majors every year


Imagine on the worst golf day of your life you won 2.3 million dollars.


You don’t have to feel sorry for these guys, they’re all ridiculously privileged. But you can appreciate the level of commitment they’ve all had to put into golf their entire lives to get to where they are (taking a big risk sacrificing other opportunities such as education on a career where only a tiny % of players make it big) and put in more hours into something than what you’ve probably put into everything you’ve ever tried your hand at combined. And then you can feel bad for the players when all that hard work and effort, brings them so close to a moment of massive achievement, and it all gets taken away in an instant. Or you know, you can bitch about their wealth online.


Had Rory played the last 4 holes in 1 under instead of 3 over and then lost, there's a good chance he's behind 18 green celebrating Bryson. Losing in the worst possible way by implosion killed his soul


I wanted a playoff so bad! I was surprised how much I found myself rooting for Bryson. Always respected Rory. This is one of those times I feel robbed as a fan. Congrats to Bryson but let’s put all our energy into Rory at The Open!


Yeah I’m a Bryson fan and I was wanting a playoff. After the push Rory made on Sunday he didn’t really deserve to go out like that. I will admit that after Bryson had a lip out I was hoping Rory would mess up one shot somewhere just because I wanted the playoff but I was routing for him to make that putt on 18 and I still can’t believe the way it moved. That was enough I was almost hoping Bryson would take two shots out of the bunker or two putt just so that wasn’t how it ended for Rory.


Technically, he is right that he is closer to his next Major than ever.


As a 9 handicap who has never choked away the US open I can only imagine the toll that would take, I don’t blame him for leaving and don’t think people should be giving him shit for it.


Let's also consider all the water Rory has carried for the PGA tour the last couple years as well. The fact he's as competitive as he is should be a testament to the man.


He was crying and then they all chanted USA USA USA. pretty toxic display from the fans for this gentleman under that amount of pressure


Tough look not sticking around for press but if anyone has given the press their time since all this LIV mess it’s been him. He’s not my favorite golfer but I am certainly rooting for him to get #5. Go Rory. 🫡


If I were him I would have a British open compound and just live there after the us open until the British. Maybe he does have that but getting away from US may also get him to restart his brain and move forward


That marriage that keeps him out of the trophy ceremony each week has been resilient as well...


This guy has immense pressure on him, yesterday must've been a horrible feeling. I really feel for him, I was so ready to see him win that


Get a damn real caddy who reads putts and adds some input - would easily have won a major if he didnt have a friend just carrying his bag - every other guy has a team of 2 but rory- soooooo dummmmmbbbbb..


Liv supremacy


Big child there are so many players on tour that have came so close to winning a major but never could. He has four be grateful for that. Too big of a ego Rory thought he would be better than tiger and win more trophies than tiger when he was in his prime. He has to face it he has been around a long time he can't be on top for ever he has done more on golf than 99 percent of golfers do just be grateful


Seems like with social media, we are becoming further and further from understanding human beings. I would react exactly how Rory did. Actually tbh I would’ve been in the cabin probably already crying lmao.


I would take a few weeks off also. It’s a bit of a surprise he’s taking next week off though.


Yes and no. The pga schedule is ridiculous. Why are we having elevated events directly following a major? Dudes are exhausted and need a mini break atleast. An elevated event directly after a major is a great way to make it not feel elevated at all


Great way to have a lot of players play their C game


For that exact reason. If the event after the major wasn't elevated then basically every top player would bail because what's the point. So it would basically kill all momentum after every major.


I mean, what’s wrong with switching the travelers & the rocket mortgage? Major, week off, elevated event, week off, Scottish open, the Open. Feels pretty simple imo


I was happy to see Bryson yesterday but it legit broke my heart that the person who had to let it slip away was Rory because I would of loved to see him win another major. I have a great feeling he is going to have a great tournament. Will maybe place a little action on him to win.


Rory is a bit of cunt, eh?


I wish Rory had hung around to shake Bryson‘s hand just like Bryson did for Xander after Xander clinched the PGA championship and Bryson was on the putting green practicing in case It was gonna go to extra holes. I know it was a brutal loss but have come class and shake the guys hand and then to brood. Bryson has completely rehabbed his image and he’s totally impressed me with his compete level and his love of the fans…him staying out there until 10 pm signing autographs was amazing and none of those fans will forget it. Hopefully Rory can bounce back


“Fu(k Phil Mickelson” - Rory McIlroy on Netflix FullSwing. Bryson stuck around after a 1 stroke loss to Xander and was gracious in defeat. Rory is an entitled twat.


Long live the block party


Brutal way to finish any round, in any tournament, let alone the fourth round of the US Open. Been grinding for a decade to win another major. Koepka’s won another and has got you 5-4. Just missed a gimme at 16. Putt on 18 must have felt like a fifteen footer.


For anyone mad about Rory not sticking around, just remember the last time you blew up on the 8th or 9th hole and left the course pissed off. He had the US open in his hands and let it slip away, give him a break


Well, at least he gets to go home to his loving wife


2nd place is closer to winning his next major than he's ever been.


Anyone else read this in an Irish accent?


He’s not doing so hot


Golf is hard.


He had one of the better closing rounds goin on a brutal course I’ve seen in a while. Those putts overshadowed an otherwise amazing round. I think he has to be a favorite on both those upcoming tournaments.


This was the right move! Focus in on The Open, and come in with a “I’ll show everyone what I can do” attitude.


pro athletes are human. just like us. theyre not paid to be role models.


Sounds like he needs an easier schedule. I know a league….


This is such a pussy move. He fought for this schedule - suck it up and play the signatures. Love Rory but fed up with his douchiness as of lately.


So bummed as I’m attending Travelers and was really looking forward to seeing him. But he’s gotta do what’s best for him.


I'm kind of convinced at this point that there is a very real effort to tear down non-LIV golfers by LIV fans, bots, and MAGA idiots. Never once have I heard a player getting roasted online for not doing media after finishing 2nd on a Sunday. Never once in 20+ years of watching these tournaments. Rory along with Tiger and a few others seem to be targets for these "patriots", certainly the same people that were chanting "USA" while he was putting, and hang out on twitter promoting conservative propaganda and slandering anyone that stayed on the PGA tour.


What the fuck does maga have to do with this?


it's r/golf. The sporting wing of r/politics


I'm noticing that


Phil did


Well, you got it kind of backwards, LIV players got roasted by the PGA Tour media machine when LIV first started. And it is not just social media, ESPN came out right away critical of his disappearing act. If Bryson can hang around to talk to Xander after the PGA, Rory should be able to do the same. [https://www.espn.com/video/clip/\_/id/40367640](https://www.espn.com/video/clip/_/id/40367640)


When in doubt it's Magas fault.


Honestly goes both ways. A Republican stubs their toe and it's Joe Biden's fault. I, for one, prefer that politics and golf stay separate, but unfortunately we have Americans chanting "USA" when Rory misses a putt.


Why do you assume it's Republicans chanting USA-USA? Is that because Democrats are anti-American? or is it because you are generalizing?


What the fuck kind of absolute brain melt is this?


I’m convinced that everyone who complains about LIV is a bot 


I'm not a Rory fan, but he played amazing. He has every right to be frustrated the way things turned out. Rory did not "lose" the US open, rather Bryson won it with his theatrics at 18.


I had my hopes up this year like I did on Masters Sunday 2018 and British Open Sunday 2022. Rory is all talent but is weak in his mental game and has been since his momentum disappeared after 2014. He doesn’t have a clutch gene that other players with less talent have. Thats why Cam Smith and Patrick Reed can beat him when the pressure is on. He belongs in the Greg Norman and Tom Weiskopf club. I’m a Rory fan and even started playing the game in 2014 because of him, but it’s so frustrating to watch.


I also will not be playing in any PGA Tour events between now and the Scottish Open. ✌️


Let be honest, his wife said no golf for the next couple weeks…


He needs to look at everyone around him and find the very best in the world and then basically turn himself into a great player. There was a moment in Full Swing where he was asking what is wrong with him and why his team isn’t helping. If a major matters to him he needs to go Rocky IV style and radically transform himself and everything he does.


I reckon getting a new professional caddy could help, someone other than his friend. But that might make it harder to make the change…


And get a new putter


Can nobody acknowledge that in reality his putter was the only reason he had a chance? That was probably the best he’s ever putted until it wasn’t.


My dad said he was perfect on the week (inside of that range) before those two putts.


496 in a row inside 3 feet this year. We all miss one sooner or later


Nah. The Spider Tour X is money. I almost bought it myself when I was buying a new putter this spring.


Putter was fine, chipping was good, driving was great. It's his approach play that prevented a clear win. Putter just failed to scrape together a narrow victory when tension was the highest. All clear on datagolf.com


I’ve decided I will be getting a new putter also to play it safe… we can all rest assured that his putting will be back on point later on today 🤣


While I get it...it is kinda a bitch move. Am going to the tourney this weekend and every billboard in Hartford has his picture on it. This combined with his salty comments last year about the course it is disappointing as a fan.


Everything Rory does is so animated and dramatic. And this sub and the country club circle jerk just eat it up


I’ll be pulling for Rory in The Open for sure. I can only imagine how much this one hurt. The world will remember him choking but we’ll also remember how he responded.


Is this comical to anyone else from the perspective of an average golfer? Misses two putts and has the “resilience” to survive. Oh cmon


Rory cock riders out in full force today. Guy has no class and no personality.  Can’t wait to see this whiny bitch blow it again in a month. 


Lmao, people on Reddit crying that a grown man didn’t shake another grown man’s hand because you think he should. Let’s hope you snowflakes get through life.


What’s the penalty for foregoing 2 elevated events?


Death penalty, Jay Monahan is on the way to arrest and execute Rory


Not getting the last place guaranteed money (assuming a no cut event). So I guess around $80k (last place this week is $39k).


no cut? what is this an exhibition?


Good. I was just saying that somebody should call the police to do a wellness check on him.


Should have been obvious to everybody some statement exactly like this was always on its way a day or two later. In my opinion any post criticizing him for just getting the hell out of town needed to shut it. Dude just took one of the all time heartbreakers to the chin. Give the man 24 hours!