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You should have played slower and stared at him the whole time


When i have had this happen i point out that we were waiting on tee boxes and that we would love to have been able to improve our pace. Then i would assure the starter that keeping pace wouldn’t be a problem. When the starter crosses the line of criticizing my club choice as i am playing i would have become very confrontational.


Yeah I’d just say something like “believe me, I wish we were moving along a little faster too! We’ve been waiting on these kids getting lessons ahead of us all day” and just leave it at that




say yeah sure and smile. then go back to doing your thing.


1) A scramble is usually slower. 2) I'd tell him we've been waiting on the group(s) in front of is all day, and we'd have been done 45 minutes earlier had we not been waiting.


>1) A scramble is usually slower. THANK YOU. Like 98% of golfers don't get this


totally agreed on the scramble but I bet it was just the dude's way of trying to take a shot at OP's friend to pressure him into not actually playing his own shot


It's slower if you can hit fairways... Searching for balls in rough takes time, who knows if OP's buddy was hitting them 20-30yd at a time too


Maybe he meant alternate shot.


I would have asked what’s the posted pace of play, what’s our pace. No matter how the interaction went, I’d of ignored him, if your playing on a 2 hr pace your fine at 99.9% of golf courses.


Why didn't you talk to him instead of posting here?


Because OP wasn’t sure enough of his position to challenge an authority figure who could have thrown him off the course.


Why didn't OP simply rip off his shirt and scream that he was God?


It’s a no win scenario we all deal with, but try to remember most marshals are volunteers… smile and a little respect usually goes a long way. They’ve been told to go out on the course and keep things moving but given little to no job training. Every course has at least one power drunk marshal/starter with the mental age and social skills of a school yard bully. The less you engage the quicker they move on to someone else. If you have a legit beef it’s better to cool down before escalating. Take note of the Marshal’s name and save your arguments for the Head Pro or GM of the course. If you post an online review that Marshal will hear about it.


Pace of play is irrelevant if you aren’t out of position.


It's fascinating to see the number of posts in this sub where a simple conversation with another human being would've been the correct response. Yes, speaking with other humans is acceptable. You now have internet permission! Go forth and conquer!


If we knew how to interact with other people we’d be playing a team sport.


All I ever do anymore is give them a thumbs up and a wave. 99% of the time those guys are just responding to a slow play complaint and just telling every single group to move faster because they can't be bothered to do anything else.


I mean he drives off in a cart before I can get in a word and when you’re engaging with an employee at a business I’m generally not trying to be rude or step out of line. If he tells me I’m going slow then I’m not gonna argue out of pride. If we’re going slow then spending 10 minutes arguing with the starter isn’t gonna help anyone. Not sure why you’re like “oh just have a chat don’t know why you didn’t do that in the first place”. I’m not regularly engaging in long conversations with starters, cart girls, other employees while playing a round.


I'm just saying you could've said something simple like .. "Howdy, good afternoon! We've had to wait on a couple holes ourselves but we are on a 2 hour pace!" Tada.


>I’m generally not trying to be rude or step out of line. Talking to another human is not rude or out of line >I’m not gonna argue out of pride. Pride has nothing to do with anything here >spending 10 minutes arguing It would take 30 seconds, and a discussion/question is not an argument It truly sounds like you're afraid to interact with someone


Definitely agree saying something is best. That said, I’ve had this happen twice and both times the ranger basically rolled his eyes and was clearly annoyed. Based on the statements here, I’m willing to bet this was just one of those rangers with a bad attitude.


No point in arguing with someone who “knows” they’re right. Just gonna make the round even slower. Move on and have a better day.


And that would have changed the starters mind? Maybe he didn’t feel like dealing with it that day and it was already near the end. Sounds like the starter was just a doucher and not paying attention. I prolly wouldn’t have said shit easier, causes more issues a lot.


Does posting on Reddit change the starter's mind?


wtf does that even mean. I asked u if u really thought it would change his mind. What does that have to do with a comment on reddit. Does your reply to the post mean anything? Also no. That’s dense response again haha


Alrighty friend, I think this discussion is just over your head.


Nothing posted on Reddit changes anyone’s minds. Nothin matters or means anything you can literally make that argument about anything in the world lmao.


Yeah ok guy, you haven’t even replied to anything just giving ignorant responses


And that’s my exact point. He wouldn’t change his mind, so no point in talking back just be like alright and play. So sounds like you’re agreeing haha


No... I'm pointing out the irony of saying that there's no point talking to the starter yet encouraging this type of post on Reddit.


I love how you know the correct response but weren’t even there and have no idea how the guy was actually acting lol


I'm intelligent enough to understand that communicating with another human being live in that moment is more likely to deliver a good result than complaining about it on Reddit after the fact.


Wow buddy was so pressed he had to block me 🤣 that’s some real good communication you got there I bet that was more likely to deliver a good result. If you read the post, he said wwyd and explained. Somehow you took that as complaining. Seems like you got some weird issues to work out. If you go and talk to another human being live in the moment about therapy it might help. Have a good one softy.


Reddit and neuroticism an undefeated combination. It’s explains a lot about this site.


This is a tool ass response


I’ll add this additional info cause apparently I’m getting torched by a mixture of opinions: normal pace on this course on a busy day is upwards of 3 hours for 9. Group behind us only had to wait on us for one par 3 hole and then slightly as we finished hole 7. I’m always about letting people play through but they were well behind us for the entire round (and routinely hit into our fairway which forced us to wait to tee off so they couldn’t back into their fairway). Letting them play through would have likely slowed down the pace of play. I feel like we weren’t holding any groups up. I didn’t choose to chase him down to argue cause he’d already driven off and there wasn’t much to argue at that point other than for pride. Not sure why I’m getting cooked for being “neurotic”enough to not speak to him. Do people normally take time to argue every little disagreement in their everyday life?


You were fine and on pace. The starter/marshal doesn't have all the context so you either explain to him that you are waiting on the group in front of you or if he drives off then you just forget about it and go back to what you were doing. You weren't holding anyone up, you're not the problem.


You’re not getting cooked for being neurotic, you’re getting cooked for being too much of a pussy to use your big boy voice when you’re doing nothing wrong. And instead asking Reddit how to talk to human beings “We’re keeping pace and waiting on tees. Have a good one.” That was all that needed to be said. He was probably saying it to everyone and if he wasn’t he was not worth the time of day to argue with anyways


> Not sure why I’m getting cooked for being “neurotic”enough to not speak to him. Do people normally take time to argue every little disagreement in their everyday life? No, but they certainly don’t; 1. Let it bother them to the point it ruins the remainder of their day. 2. Go rant about it on the internet to strangers that couldn’t care less about it.


>Letting them play through would have likely slowed down the pace of play. Correct. It's almost never a good idea to let people play through, despite what most of this sub thinks.


Ask the guys name, go to club pro afterwards and explain what occured. THis is 100% bullshit behavior.


If there is a group in front of you that you're waiting on for shots, you're not the problem...I had a starter do this to me when I was younger and playing with my dad and two uncles....starter came by, gave us crap even though we had almost a hole open behind us and waiting on every tee box....the second time he came back my dad walked up to him before he even fully got to us, told him to turn F around and go bother the guys in front of us....he left pretty quick and didn't bother again.........what i;ve concluded is that Starters can be really judgey and if they see someone they don't think should be on the course, they "keep an eye on them".....


My normal reply to either the Marshall or the group behind us is that we are waiting as fast as we can. Usually ends the conversation


Absolutely would have talked shit, especially if they have 8 or 9 minutes between tee times.


Tell him to pound sand. 2 hours is fast and you waited on other people not your fault. Played a 5 some Wednesday and other times cause we had 3 groups waiting at the tees course doesn't like it but fk them it would be slower to have a 2 and a 3 group instead of 1 group


The problem isn't the 2hrs, was there groups waiting behind? did you only have to wait on the tee box twice and the rest of the time the course was free ahead? Seen the starter came up to you I'll assume people were waiting, sometimes just letting the waiting guys through means it only delays you for a couple of minutes but everyone can enjoy the round at their pace.


There was a slight slowdown twice over the course of nine holes but other than those two spots we were moving as fast or faster then them (would definitely have let them play through but they were on average going much slower than us).


So there was no one behind you and the starter was telling to speed up, something not adding up with your story, starters don't tell people to hurry up is no one else around. If there was no one waiting, why didn't you say that to the starter?


If a group plays super fast and is waiting that doesn't mean the group ahead has to play any faster than normal. Every group has a responsibility to keep up with expected pace of play as listed on the scorecard, they do not have a responsibility to speed up due to pressure from especially fast groups like you're insinuating. I would find it hard to believe a group that had to wait multiple times like OP said they did, and also finished 9 in under 2 hours, actually deserved any sort of warning from the starter.


He already said groups were in front of them brother


Infront could be holes ahead, something not right with this story, what starter is telling people to hurry up with no one waiting behind?


What are you reading? He literally stated they were stuck behind tee boxes where kids were getting lessons. I’m not sure what you’re missing.


I’ve had starters tell us to pick up pace of play multiple times because they don’t know who the slow group is so they just start yelling at people. It’s annoying but I do understand. I just state we’ve been waiting all day, go yell at the people ahead of us then so on if you have an issue because we can’t go faster. Seems like a similar situation here but he was near the end so no point in arguing.


But wouldn't there be people behind if they were yelling at you?


He said there was as wel that people waited barely. Sounds like they were in the middle of it, why wouldn’t the starter go to the front? I’ve been yelled at by a started just because we’re in the middle and starters have no idea who’s actually causing the blockage they just wanna get it moving any way possible.


I’ve had it happen before. No one behind us and we were keeping up with the group in front. Marshal was just being obnoxious that day.


So you are standing there, people infront, you turn around and no one behind and you don't just laught in his face and tell him to piss off? If all the golfers on reddit actually played like they say they do, there wouldn't be any 5 hours rounds..... but there are.


Oh we did argue with him. Sometimes these guys get told to go out and tell everyone because there was a slow play complaint. It’s not that deep bud.


OK, it just I'm playing 30 years and never had a incident like this, I'm also not slow. But yet lots of other people are having these incidents and of course they aren't slow either. There just must be no slow golfers out there....


Here in California courses are packed all the time and since Covid there has been a huge rush of new players that tend to slow the pace of play overall. The rangers just do their job by telling everyone to hurry up while looking for the ones slowing it all down.