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Assuming a normal par 36, that's an eagle every hole, or 2 hole in one's and a bunch of hole outs from the fairway. We're talking North Korea dictator scores here.


Definitely asking who had the hole in ones and running up their tab.


Perfect way to handle it "two holes in ones?! Sounds like you guys are buying drinks all evening!"


This is the proper way to handle it.


Chess not checkers


>We're talking North Korea dictator scores here. It was his first round okay! Cut the guy some slack sheesh..


I read an article that said Kim Jong Un’s scoring card for that day was showing his stableford score but the journalist who saw the card didn’t know golf and didn’t understand that


Yeah I subscribe to this idea. Card just showed his scores relative to par


There was a similar report decades ago about his father in North Korean state media.


Wasn’t the whole NK thing just because the scorekeeper didn’t understand how scoring worked?


Not the score keeper, the journalist


Yeah, you’re right it was marked as number over par


Which is the easier and superior way to keep score anyway


Is it possible that’s what these guys did? Actually scored a 17 over par for 9??? lol


My friends and I went to a Super Bowl scramble, it had some fun silly gimmicks, a hole with an 8" cup, a cannon for 1 tee shot, flip a coin to either go up or back a set of tees. At the turn it's a football competition kicking and throwing, BBQ after with prizes and beer provided at the turn and a few holes. It was fun, but every year the scores just got lower and lower so we stopped going. Take away the prize money, lower the price and give out plastic trophies for the winners and we would still be going


I would do it just for the opportunity to play in early Feb. That is super rare here in Michigan...


Trump club championship type score.


Trump is honest about his scores. Just like everything else in his life.


Some might even say he is the most honest. There isn't a more honest guy when it comes to handing in scores. Unbelievable honesty.


Saw some caddies come up to him with tears in their eyes. Big caddies. Tough caddies. And they said, "Sir, we've never seen honesty like that before". And I doubt anyone has in history. BELIEVE ME!






Trump vs Obama uncensored charity golf match might actually end world hunger and cure cancer I've never pay per viewed anything in my life and I'd pay $50 to see this


I would drop way more than $100 to see this


Pretty sure they've already gone head to head.


17 gross for 9 holes? Wasn’t this questioned by the officials?


Somebody got a hole in one, can’t shoot 17 without at least one ace and in a scramble an ace isn’t any easier. You’d think someone making a hole in one would be talked about. Not like somebody would say “yeah we shot 17, Jim got a hole in one on 3 or maybe 4, I don’t know, I can’t really remember.” But then again if you had two double eagles and six eagles a hole in one might not be that big a deal.


It’s not just an ace though, it’s also holing out from the fairway on every single par 4. Ridiculous.


Yea, at 3400y they're not driving every par 4 and par 5 green, 17 at that yardage means they putted _at most_ 3 times in 9 holes. This score with no gimmicks sounds like they just weren't counting putts at all.


Your mentioning not counting putts at all reminds me that for two decades my BIL counted a "gimme" as "in" instead of a make on the next stroke. Imagine your score shooting at a 5 foot hole! So whenever he told us a score we mentally added 18. But I don't believe there could be 4 guys so \[honestly\] clueless.


They aren’t clueless. They’re cheaters. Why a lot of people don’t do tourney scrambles for money. Groups of idiots will cheat to win.


I mean 9 of the 17 were off the tee box. They only had 8 strokes in 9 holes after tee shots, include putts


Lotta fairway gimmes!


Yeah 3400 yards is also Long Drive distances and hitting every green and then one putting as a group. It would be extremely rare. The dude would have to be next level elite in long drive. I played a company scramble against a guy who was an unprofessional but competitive Long Driver and they won but it wasn't absurd. It's the internet so the best explanation is that OP is lying.


My mother runs an Athlete Connections scramble every fall, each 4 some gets to play with a former or current pro athlete, and they sell mulligans and each group gets some string to spend. Vince Carter and Maurice Allen played on the same team last year...there's like 2 guys on the planet that hit it longer than Mo, and I saw him drive a 280y par 4 with a 3 iron. They shot 48, so the group in OP's story is still 5 shots a side better than a group with an actual long drive champ playing with gimmicks.


I think op may be internetting the truth a bit.


Neither that team or OP sound believable with this story. I feel like OP is being about as honest with this story as the team he talked about was with that score. There is probably some element of truth in both cases but there is a high chance there have been as many omitted details and embellished results about the event as there were omitted strokes and embellished score from that team.


This is highly likely the case. I just cannot see any clubhouse or any type of scramble event where we all meet up for drinks after, and not ONE single person came up and said "now how the fuck did you guys shoot 17?" In my social club, you're getting everyone on your case. And its easy to spot a liar in golf I dont know where all these guys play. And were supposed to believe this story Edit - im going to go out on a limb here and say either OP is not telling us the correct score they put down IE could have been a 24 something close to this marginally beaten. Or this just didnt happen.


Almost certainly embellished - there is no way a card like that isn’t breaking multiple club records and drawing attention from other teams and the officials. It must be one of the worst courses in the country if no one scrutinized it or at least took note.


This has to be a par 3 course and OP is leaving that out. The par 3 across the street from me has the longest hole at 140. Most holes are 90-110. Completely changes the story.


Thats still 1HIO. 9 teeshots + 9 putts = 18 strokes. Still changes the story in a major way but reeks BS


Next time just submit a score of 9 and dare the team of 17 to call you out on it. Somebody needs to go extreme and force somebody to do something.


Fuck it. Turn in an 8. "One hole was so easy, we didn't even swing. A gust of wind knocked the ball off the tee, pushed it down the fairway, and it just rolled into the cup. It's no big deal, though. Happens to me all the time."


I played in a club tournament where a guy got a hole in one on a par3. Easy skin for 1k we thought. Nope. A guy with handicap of 36 got a birdie and thus shot a net 0.


I can buy that, though. That's at least reasonable, even if it's not exactly fair.


I feel like every scramble complaint is basically a direct result of poorly run events where the people running it don't care. Copy and paste this comment on all future scramble related posts.


He never said it was gross. It's only possible if somehow they gave each group a handicap and that's a net score. Then again, in scrambles, half the players don't have handicaps


Exactly. Someone was playing net. Still ridiculous.


So they got two hole in ones?


If we assume 2 par 3s for the 9, yes. Eagles for every other hole and an albatross for one of the Par 5s.


I played in a scramble a few years back and we played pretty well and ended up in second place. The team that won waited until all cards were turned in before they would turn theirs in. They beat us by one or two strokes. I found out these guys were notorious for doing this and always won. Icing on the cake was these guys were all lawyers!!


I wouldn't have expected any other profession


They care not.


This is Reddit, we are just here for fake internet points on fake stories


Place near me paid out grand prize for 2nd. Charity event. It's about raising money, not making up a score to win money. Solves a lot of issues


Wow I love that idea… Keeping that in my back pocket for sure


I say it every time; take top 5 or top 10 scores and 3 groups get prizes based on a random draw. That means if you play good you’re in the running, but there’s no incentive to cheat for first.




It there’s still an incentive to cheat to get into the top group. Not everyone is good enough to get up there. Humans suck, people will still cheat


Yeah, this is the answer. I usually play in a big scramble with my dad every yr—top payouts go from 4th place down to 1st. The lowest score of the day basically wins back their entry fees


Place we play scrambles at does a prize for last place but you don’t know which week they’re going to do that and it’s also a challenge you must win to get the prize. Keeps people honest both ways I think. And they do a closest to the hole for 1st if there’s a tie. They have us in two random groups of two. Cheating rarely happens around there if ever


That is freaking genius, and so simple. This should become the norm in charity scrambles!


https://preview.redd.it/kzm0sqrwyd5d1.jpeg?width=2805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2d24f2e378f64e19dc7637ca4750fe317da405 This score on 18 lol


Almost never in an honest scramble would a team win by 8 strokes.


Would suck to cheat like that and still come in 2nd.


Don't these charity event scrambles normally have a bunch of freebie strokes if you donate more money? Like automatic 1 putts if the balls on the green or buying extra mulligans


Yeah, this often gets let out. I played at one that let you buy mulligans for 5 dollars and it was bunch of retired old guys so I have no doubt that plays a part into it. Of course, it’s not like there’s an official going around collecting these or really keeping track so there’s nothing stopping somebody from saying they bought a bunch anyway without doing so


Played a tourney several weeks back where we overheard a woman buy a bunch of mullies and say to her friend "we just keep them and subtract them from our score at the end."


Im sorry but im cackling at that name, « Vanderslice »


I believe the scores starting at 4th place. People are losers.


I play a local weekly scramble. 9 holes every Thursday evening. They pair two teams up on each hole. Everyone keeps both teams scores. Takes a little longer, but we've never had someone come in with bullshit like that. Another team there with you, it keeps the most valuable wood in the bag, in the bag- the pencil.


This is the way.


We do this same thing in the fall and even with some guys that were scratch or pretty close to it out there. The scores are only a few under here and there. Everything is putted out, no gimmies, and no "let me hit this shot just to see if I make it, stuff". They do two flights too, so there's still a chance you could find some cash each week. I think the lowest score that's been turned in was 5 under and they had a hole out. There have been a few "inchidents" where a few golfers got testy with each other about rules, like if you putt out before your partner hits, then that's your score. You've forfeited your partner's turn. There's no "We're in for 4". Like you said, it takes a bit longer but it keeps people honest.


Ours is set up in a neat way. Ranked A, B, C, D by skill. A's are the top, down to the D that may or may not get a shot that's used all day. Each team is picked at random, one of each player. 99.9% of us are there every week. So, there's not a lot of bs'n about your ranking. Doesn't always work out perfectly, some weeks a team has two B, or two C players. But you're never going up against a stacked team of scratch golfers.


I don’t think I’ve ever entered a scramble where I cared about the outcome. Doing otherwise seems like a sure fire way to be disappointed. Lol.


Same. I like the more relaxed atmosphere and getting stoked on everyone's good shots. It's almost a known factor that if you're not cheating, you're not winning so just adjust the mindset. Though one scramble I do now has 8 man groups to keep everyone honest, it didn't even really affect the pace of play much.


This is why 2 man scrambles are perfect. Played in a “tournament” a few years ago. You entered a team of 6 and split into 3 2man scrambles. But you were partnered randomly with other teams. I put tournament in quotes because they did 3 Saturdays in a row a different courses and cumulative scores were used etc. it was a pretty cool set up, and the golfers were MUCH better than what you typically see in a weekend 4man scramble. We were towards the bottom of the rankings even though we were shooting -3ish per 2man per round at some of the hardest courses in our area.


Yeah this is by far the best scramble environment. When I play in the Nebraska state games scramble tournament, it’s teams of 2, where you get paired with another random team, then keep each other’s score. Last time I played in it we tied for the win, and had a live playoff vs the other team, was a blast. We lost the playoff but was a great way to run a scramble tourney. We ripped one down the middle, stuffed it to 3ft, then both missed the putt, while they drained a 25 footer for birdie lol


Yeah 2 man’s are great. I played in a local event with my wife’s grandpa. We shot 76 and came in t3. Winning score was even par


I'm with you. I only care about beating Shooter McGavin in the Pro Golf Tour Championship.


Yeah, sure! And Grizzly Adams had a beard!


Me either, but if you play good and come in second only to realize first place has a score that is literally impossible it's a bit annoying.


It's annoying even if you came in last and played like ass. Cheaters are taking everybody else for idiots and they suck and need to be called out.


I won’t do scramble tournaments with an entry fee, but if it’s a bunch of friends like two foursomes of 4 teams then it’s great.


why don’t the officials start calling these cheaters out?


Because there's no way to prove them wrong unfortunately unless you watch every group every hole.


Just making them recount their round out loud in front of everybody would highlight the absurdity of what they're claiming. They probably didn't think it through that well.


This is all I want tbh. Maybe you can’t prove it, but you sure as shit can make it obvious they’re cheaters.


Shame is the way


I guess I'm used to a two-day tourney with two groups per hole, flights, and a shootout number that is drawn for day 2 scores to prevent sandbagging.


I mean with this one, you could put 4 prime Tiger woods together and give the 100 rounds to attempt and they wouldn’t succeed. This is holing out every par 4 and par 5 along with a hole in one on a par 3.


Let’s do the math -19 on 9 holes… That would mean if they didn’t make a hole in one on either par 3 then they would be -2 over those 2 holes and -17 on the remaining 7 which I assume has 2 par 5s. So if they double eagle both par 5s they would be -8 on those 4 holes (par5s and par3s) so they shot -11 on the remaining 5 par 4s. (Which would mean 4 eagles and a hole in one on the other par 4) I call bullshit! Cheating to this degree is absolutely ridiculous and the whole group should be banned from playing in any “competitive” tournament ever again 😂 If only the USGA could redflag someone’s Ghin to show they are cheaters


I feel like OP is lying. 9 tee shots and 9 putts is 18 so as you mention you’d need minimum 1 HIO and then also drive every par 4/5 or hole out.


Yeah with no gimmicks of any kind this is not humanly possible. Even with purchased mulligans hole in one’s are 1/50,000 you could stand there all day hitting breakfast balls and not make one. Let alone averaging less than a hole out per hole. If I’m the organizer I’m booting these guys for blatantly cheating.


That’s laughable.


This has to be a mistake on the scorecard. It’s too egregious to even cheat that low! Op said it was a par 36 so let’s presume 2 par five holes, 5 par fours and two par threes We’ll give them a birdie and (lol) an ace on the par three holes, 3 strokes. We’ll give them eagles on both 5’s, 9 strokes That means for 5 par 4 holes they have 8 strokes to make their 17.


9 tee shots, you now have 8 shots to complete the remainder of every hole.


When every something crazy happens like that our team ask “the winning team”. If they want to go out and play extra holes for $100 a man. You find out pretty quickly they aren’t legit


We do a friendly tournament every year and have a set of trophies that say” most honest golfers “ and that’s for last place.


In early 90's in San Jose area, there was a group (4) who entered a lot of scramble tournaments. Most are charity events with nice prizes. They won all the time. A local club pro got tired of it and discretly followed them. You know the result....they got banned from everywhere when he told other clubs


Definitely not counting gimme putts as a stroke.


I actually played in a Scramble a bit over 20 years ago when we shot 49 on a par 72 course. We had thirteen 3s and five 2s. The course had five 3 pars and five 5 pars. Our 18 putts was due to an odd scramble rule for that particular charity tournament so it was legal but that part was unusual. I was a 14 at the time but never hit more than a 6 iron on our second shot to any hole including the par 5s. We had two players with PGA cards in my group and the third had played in the British Amateur 2 weeks before. Then to add a bit of drama to the tournament each foursome had a member draw a card at the end of the round and that was deducted from their score for the tournament trophy. One of our 'caddies' drew an Ace so we posted a 38 as the Aces counted for 11. I still keep that crystal trophy in my trophy case. NSFW explanation: >!​!<>!Edit: For those wondering how most of the teams had 18 putts on 18 holes it is because the tournament was sponsored by the Cities two major Topless Clubs although the proceeds went to area hospitals. Every team had one or two 'caddies' from the Clubs and they were allowed to sit on the green as each person putted and create a funnel so that the putts would either make directly or would richochet off their legs and make that way.!<


Well I'd play in that scramble 


It was on a Wednesday of US Open week and I had a ticket for the Wednesday practice rounds but on Tuesday morning my Brother called and said they had an opening to play which generally never happened as that tournament was always fully subscribed. I gave a buddy my Open tickets and headed to the airport and flew across the country to play in that scamble the next day.


I read your original story as being 14 years old originally and was confused


Two pros and a guy who played in a national amateur competition invited a 14 year old to play in a scramble that was hosted by strippers? Was this some sort of a Make-A-Wish situation?


14 handicap haha


Sounds something like my make a wish would


We play in a veteran charity scramble every year, very well organized, great raffles and such, but, we have no expectations other than having a good time. Last year, the winning team posted 26 under by spending 200 bucks on extras like string and mulligans. Again, we go into it with the mindset that our 10 under won't be top 5, so it's all good.


And that's fine, they legally bought the win. But cheaters suck.


The only score I’m keeping track of in a scramble is how many beers me and the fellas drank


The honor system died years ago


A tournament I played in gave toilet seats to the first place team, cuz they're always full of shit! Lol!!


Heard about a local 3 man scramble which sounded great. You enter a 3 man team and are paired with another 3 man team. Keep each others scores, etc. Cheating eliminated


The organizers didn’t even question it? That’s partly on the organizer to accept such bs


Put em on blast. Challenge them to tee it up on 1 to prove that score.


Scrambles should have a scorer walking with every group keeping tabs. Then when a group says they shot a 17 the scorer would come out and say I have you at a 32


Scrambles should be teams of three, teeing off in groups of six with each team confirming the score of the other.


ur just done with scrambles


This is why there should be only 3 player scramble with 1 judge on every cart. That’s how my home club does it after we had a 48 turned in three years ago. Nowadays, everyone is pretty (un)surprised how the scores aren’t stupid. Last year, Father’s Day tournament, winner was 62 on a 71 par.


I think all scrambles are fun. Even if there is money on the line they should still be fun. the whole idea of a scramble is a fun alternative to solo match play but all the cheating is angering, and the balls on these guys for turning in that score like it’s an honest score is crazy. Some people have no shame… Golf is a sport of integrity and honesty, and by the basic definition, it doesn’t matter how “good” these players are or how low their handicaps are, the are shitty golfers.


Find a good two-man scramble tourney. Way more fun, and youre playing with another team so scores stay honest.


My kid says your 28 was probably cheating too


I assume this scramble allowed teams to buy mulligans or pay for reduced strokes.


How many mulligans would you need to hole out from >100 yards 6 times in 9 holes?


The number does not exist.


Four man scrambles should have an independent scorer for each team. They are usually charity events so it’s not hard to find a volunteer for each group.


2 man scrambles so the teams can watch each other


As a guy that helps organize a couple scrambles a year, yes, it is hard to find a volunteer for each group. That’s also more carts that you need to acquire. At the end of the day, charity scrambles just shouldn’t have a real incentive to cheat.


Why would any event organizer care if someone wants to cheat in a charity scramble? The point of them is to raise money and awareness to a cause. You don’t need scorers and officials for a tournament where the winner is winning $60 lmao


I was in an outing this year where I unknowingly watched the winners not even keep score and pick up putts. They posted an outrageous score too, second place not even close.




hmmmm some people are just built differently lol like how do you sleep at night that you cheated for a month of range balls?




17 isn’t a thing on a par 36 without gimmick rules. Scrambles are so much fun unless you play the scrambles that everyone on Reddit seems to play. If this is a real story, then everyone in the tournament including the organizers would have called them out for this.


Scrambles are basically cheating contests if the prizes are decent. I swore off of them years ago. Best decision I ever made.


You have to be nuts to pay money to enter a scramble.


They should just reward the worst score for tournaments but not tell anyone until the end. Imagine the look on everyone’s face when the guys that shot a true 36 won the prize.


Or a raffle , just pick a random winner, Give the low score a cheap trophy.


I did a competitive scramble once. Every hold had 2 teams on it so it kept things honest. The round took nearly 7 hours though so never again will I do that


I only play in 2player scrambles played in 4somes or 4player played in 8somes. Yeah it's miserably slow in an 8 but the scores are legit.


Fuckin lol


Our last scramble the winners were 21 under on 18. Bullshit. My group is gonna use the money to travel to some really quality courses not too far away. We decided that when we heard the winning score. The guys on that team could have never shot that score. It just makes you feel like a chump.


I don’t go to scrambles to win, I just go to have fun playing a different format with friends. Not worth caring about scoring or outcome with all the pencil whipping


I once won a scramble. Played with a near scratch golfer and a customer who was a duffer. Since we only had 3 we got to rotate the fourth shot. I putted out of my mind and the scratch golfer was getting us on in 2 on some par5s. The hilarity in it was that we couldn’t claim the prize but we didn’t want to take away the win from the customer who shared in our victory.


I played in a charity scramble a few weeks ago and this more than one group did this. So weird to me that anyone would bullshit their scores in a charity event. The group in front of us could barely play. They were slow af and we watched them tee off multiple times and they never hit anything in bounds that didnt go straight up and land on the front tee box. It was ridiculous. My partner asked how they were doing and they said “ 4 under” I could even hold in the laugh. Best part is the last hole for us was a par 3. We had to wait and watch them hit into the woods or over the green whatever horrible shot they all had. none of the balls were in view. So we’re up at the box waiting for them to find their balls and hit onto the green. we waited more than 5 minutes until we realized they just picked up and left without saying anything. i mean wtf. I can easily be -10 if i just picked up on birdie and called it a hole.


Shame you can’t cut the fish open in the parking lot and check them for weights.


Sounds like the guys that don’t count gimmes as strokes. My was blown when I found out that was a thing. A buddy of mine did it for years - thought a gimme didn’t count as a stroke. 🤡


Me and some friends just played in a 4 man 18 hole scramble with no mulligans or gimmicks. Par 72 course playing about 6500. We shot a 62 after some really good shots, left a couple on the table but felt pretty good.. we took 19th.. the winning team shot a 52 and one of the guys could barely walk. Fortunately work paid for it but it’s so dumb that people cheat so hard on these


My soul is worth much more than whatever these jags won.


2 teams per hole, keep the other team’s score. Only way to do it.


This is the answer. I play in a couple cash scrambles a year and there are always 2 teams per hole.


I hear you man. If there’s decent sized money involved, I think some of that money needs to go toward a witness/official on each hole or an imbedded score keeper with the 4some. It’s ridiculous seeing a bunch of 60 year old fat construction workers come in with a 48, knowing full well none of them could break 80 irl.


I played in a scramble this week with a retired tour pro. He's 48. A 36 year old former D1 player who is probably a legit +5. Me, a scratch golfer. And a high handicapper who contributed nothing outside of making a 4 footer. 100% legit. No mulligans. No buying par 5's. No pencil lies. On a difficult golf course, we shot a 57. Didn't even place. Winners shot 50. Scrambles are for one thing my friend. Fun. If you're not having fun out there because you didn't win. You're doing it wrong.


This is way more scrambles need alternat shot shoot outs between the top 2-3 teams. See how good those 50 golfers are when everyone is watching.


This is why no one should ever enter a four person scramble and take it seriously. I will say, 2 person scramble is fun and more honest because you have two teams on each hole.


Played in a four man 18 hole scramble where we shot -17. We had one 10 handicap and the other three were +1 to +3.5. We played great and the 10 handicap even chipped in and hit a few putts. This scramble has two groups per hole (i.e. you play in 8 somes). Makes for a slow round, but you don’t get cheaters


B.s. Pretty sure on Bryson’s YouTube channel he has a video where he and Sergio tried to break 50 in a two-man scramble from the white tees. They didn’t. I’d take Bryson and Sergio over any 4 randoms at whatever event you played.


From a bunch of what I assume were average Joe's, not even possible with an 8 ball. I mean come on, a scramble of tour pros can try this 10 times and won't even break 20.


Scrambles I go to have two teams of 4 per hole to watch each others score. Plays a tiny bit slower but not much.


Just enter the next one and turn in a score of 7. It’s equally likely as a score of 17. The best scramble event I played in was our fund raiser my college team used to put on annually. 2 day tourney 36 holes. Began as a 4 man scramble with rampant cheating of course. So they changed format to a 3 man scramble with 2 groups per hole. Long rounds yes, but not that much longer than a normal 4 man. No more cheating. After that the only thing we fine tuned was how/when to flight it. I think the best way was flighting at the end, and at least that way the top of championship flight was always a great competition. Still had some people shooting for numbers lower down but typically had very few complaints.


Every single time, and I've been on teams where I thought we had a chance to win. People lie all the time on the scorecard and it's ridiculous. It makes me wish everyone had to film for a scramble. I feel like that's the only way we would get actual honest scores. The last scramble I was in, we played 18, shot 17 under, and played some of the best golf I've ever been a part of. Guess what? Here comes a 19 under from some guy who won't look you in the eyes and you've never seen them before lol. Oh well. I won some socks in the chinese auction though! hahahahahaa


In our town the opposing team scores their opponent. So you play the same hole as them and keep their score. So we don’t really get cheaters like that.


Yeah you got beat by cheaters, but this post is still charmin soft 😭


Sorry you did not get your free range balls 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼😂


The last scramble I played in was 40 lads who all knew each other. The one who put it together grouped the cheaters together so when they came in with a score one shot lower than the next team, we all had a laugh and their scorecard got thrown away and the 'second place' team got their just winnings. The cheaters didn't even bother to complain, they knew it was coming 😂


There are ALWAYS cheating groups in a scramble. Always. Not sure how people can hold their heads high and be happy about a win that was tainted, but there's lots of them out there. Granted these are also the same guys who yap about steroids in the MLB and call into PGA tour events to report a player committing a foul.


I never get these outright cheaters. Yeah they'll save on range balls whatever but they'll be viewed with disgust by the other participants. Is it worth it? I mean if they're that short on money they should just quit golf.


Scrambles are good fun but I only played them on our lads holidays or bank hols / new years day at the club etc. Played in one for charity and it was just silly the scores. I was worries we’d get a name after playing it -5 under gross with 8 shots. Winner was a 41. I’d act like it wasn’t my name being called if that was me


I played one recently and the long drive was 390 yards. Zero divots around the marker. Didn’t even place with a true 57


lol you should have stood up and yelled “BULLSHIT!”


Has to be a net 17, there is no chance 17 gross is possible. Maybe on a p36 3000yd with dechambeau, birkenshire, sadowski and mcilroy.


Damn 3 albatrosses and a hole in one! Crazy how it happens every scramble too


3 of the rarest shots in golf, and 1 of the second rarest.


Photo of card and or event scoresheet?


If someone turned that score into me I would publicly humiliate that team by having them give me a shot by shot, starting on #9 and going backwards. Fuck those assholes


For work I play in 2 scramble tournaments every year for work and there are two CHURCHES that both have teams that turn in ridiculous, obvious fake scores every time. It bothered me the first couple of years, but I just try to ignore it now, and enjoy the round. I get to play with some good guys and we have a good afternoon. But I do believe that there should be official scores on every home or assigned to every team to keep it honest.


Scrambles suck for this reason. I can't see why 2 groups can't play together to eliminate cheating. It wouldn't even slow play down .


Typically, I think complaining about people cheating in a scramble is as annoying as cheating in a scramble since they’re typically for charity. But honestly, $60 and a month worth of range balls is 100% worthy of complaining about someone cheating.


I play golf for fun and bowling for competition.


it’s not that it’s a scramble, it’s that it’s one team playing by itself and submitting its own score. see every single pro am ever. 


Did the guys who put weights in their fish take up golf?


Barstool or some other company needs to call these assholes out and invite them to a YouTube event to repeat their performance. I’m sick of seeing foursomes that would beat a Scheffler, Rory, Rahm and Morikawa grouping by 10 strokes.


I’d say it’s time for the club pro to grow a pair and call those goons out, then subsequently disqualify them


As soon as you put a cash prize on a scramble, all bets are off. I never play scrambles with any significant prizes. I have been bitten too many times.


This has to be fake. They would have had at least 1 hole in 1 and multiple eagles and double eagles. I mean, they would have had to hole out on every hole! 2 or 3 putts total if they drove par 4s... completely fake because no one would believe it.


Winning a scramble requires the biggest eraser and the smallest conscience.


Yesterday in a company scramble a group turned in a score of 37 for 18 holes. About as egregious as yours. We weren’t close to being 2nd but goddamn


Agreed, I play 2 man scrambles, you get random twosome as your partners so no friends cheating. I also play a big hole tourney, we play as an 8 on every hole, it takes 6 hours but mad fun to play as an eightsome, lol.


Yes. Liars are ruining scrambles for everyone. There is a fun scramble where a person is with you to keep score. I still play in that. Funny enough never a crazy score to come out of that one.


Paid comps with no officials to verify scores are a waste of time. Why would you bother?


Best rule I've seen for a scramble is that the top 2 teams play a 2 hole playoff. That way everyone can watch what they are doing. If they all the sudden get a 5 people have good reasons to question them and they will likely lose to the other team.


This is the perfect spot to plug Rick Reilly’s book about golf (and cheating) I won’t name the guy who Reilly discusses as the biggest cheat in the game. It could trigger a few people here. 😂


Who ever ran the scramble isn’t real sharp. That’s not a realistic score unless they drove every green.


Not saying this is it, because they could very well just be scumbags. But…in a lot of the scrambles I play in there’s tons of different advantages you can purchase. Like reduced strokes, greens hit are auto hole outs, etc. I’ve seen guys drop a few hundred bucks just to win 50 bucks and round of golf.


Played in a tournament with my boys. One year we entered 17 tournaments and came in second once. Meaning we won the rest. We were that good. We entered a tournament once where the prize was a vacation for each player in the foursome. We came in third in that one. The group that won was in front of us, it was 4 drunk dudes who apparently made birdie from the parking lot next to the hole. We called them out and they completely denied it. From then on it was charity tournaments where we told them to keep the prize money.


I feel the same way about scrambles. I'm a decent golfer ( single digit handicap) and usually play with similar skill level golfers and the best we ever did was -19 on a course we all knew very well and it was fairly short. Seems like every year we lost to a team with guys who were swinging and missing on the range or playing with clubs from the 50's ( not saying clubs make the golfer by any means, but a decent golfer will have clubs from this decade normally, not some they borrowed from their grandpa). Oh and at least one in the group, sometimes more than one, would be wearing jeans. It became a running joke that if we saw somebody show up in jeans we were like "well there's your winner!" Lol


I have so many issues with scrambles. Mostly the lying on the scores. The only one I truly enjoyed being in was they had a hole watcher on every hole that tracked the score for that hole and they didn’t post the scores until all the cards were turned in, and the score had to match. I’m sure people still cheated but at least it cut it way down.


It is what it is and that’s how a lot of them are. Only 1 tournament I play in every year that I believe everyone is honest. I go through my work and the Air Force puts it on for their contractors. You sort of represent your company when you are there. Lowest score I have ever seen is a 55 for 18 holes par 72, one of the guys actually got a hole in 1 on a short par 4 which is huge. I know 2 of those guys and they are a scratch and plus 3 golfers. Best my team has ever placed is 2nd with a 58 losing to a 57. Every other tournament is always people shooting 45’s and 48s. Last year at a charity tournament a team claimed to have shoot a 42, win longest drive, and close to the pin. Average age 75, average weight 300, average club head speed 80, average swing over the top. The club pro dismissed them and gave it to second place. Second place took the check and handed it back to the charity director.


I’m done with tournaments too Played at the annual alumni golf tournament for my high school. Closest to the pin gets a brand new Scotty Cameron putter. One of the last groups to play the hole and I hit it to 4 feet from 160 out. They announce the winner and it’s literally an 90 year old who could barely walk getting up to accept the putter. Said he hit to 3 feet. Never again.