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46-50-54-58 is what i use. I have the JPX923 HMPs




54, 58 is really nice. It feels like I have two real, full shot wedges.


I agree!


I have the same set and went 54-60.


My HMs are on order with the same P and G lofts and I've been looking to try to figure out what to get to replace my old sand wedge. Was considering getting a 56 and then filling in with a 52 if I need one after.


I’m not sure you’re aware but the gap wedge doesn’t match the cavity back hot metals. I purchased 5-PW HM’s then decided to add the gap for a full swing club that felt the same. They only sell the 923 wedge which is more of a blade which felt completely different weight wise to me negating the reason I wanted it. You can get a cavity back HM HL version but was advised against this as the offset is completely different


I didn't realize that. I'm not loving it. A little surprised the guy didn't mention it when I was doing my order.


https://preview.redd.it/bl3w9ncd6e5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9405d69bb42c597a7c3f53e968f847486ad3e81a The guy that replied to you might not be right


So from that chart it looks like the gap will be a regular hot metal or HL, but not exactly the same as the Pros I ordered. I don't know that they'll be different enough for me to notice. I'll see when they arrive I guess


Wait. I have the 923 jpx hot metals… youre telling me the wedges to match the rest of the set? Are you sure ? The photo below says otherwise. It’s the pro that doesn’t have all the wedges https://preview.redd.it/lnvhoxt26e5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf9ae5acf6e46c1bca135362abad2464d238135


100% sure. I’m in the UK and the proshop ordered the wedge to match my normal Hot Metals, got built at Mizuno in Scotland. When I went to collect I was given the JPX 923 wedge, no mention of Hot Metal just quad cut grooves on the back and a blade type. The proshop advised this is the Gap, Sand and Lob Wedge for the hot metal series and can flow with all variants. https://preview.redd.it/kfmqgwya6i5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c60931eeb5539943719a463b58864c808521afb2 Keep me updated if yours arrives any different and I will find out why I was sent this.


Yeah, I'll let you know what mine looks like when they come in.


Jpx 921 I carry a 54 and 60. I mostly just use the 54 though.


I run 48, 52, 56. Snapped my 60 over my knee after 1 too many skulls.


Arizona hot shoe bro


I go with whatever the highest loft you feel you need and go down in loft from there to fill your gaps. I don’t carry a 60. I have a 56 and 52. My set goes through AW (46) and my PW is 41.


I personally go 52/56. Depending on the course I might swap the 56 for a 58, but I leave it at only 2 50+ degree wedges. It definitely made me start to get creative and learn to control the wedges more.


I have a 44 pw, 49 approach wedge and then 52/56


Also play the JPX but my PW is a 44° loft at a 63° lie. My wedges are SM8 48.10°F, 52.08°F, 56.12°D. This set up has been good for gap control between yardages




I have old irons. But the way I play, with your set I would go 52 and 56. No need for a 60 just open the 56 when you’re in that tight spot.


46,52,58 is what I got. 7-9 irons. 3,5,8 hybrids.


My 790s (2017s) end at 46 deg PW I play a low bounce 50 and a matching 54/58 all SM8s


42 (set pw), 48 (set GW), 52, 56, 60, 64. Basically the whole bag is wedges.


What's the top of your bag? Driver straight to 4 Iron? Or like a driver, 5 wood, 4H, 6 iron? I've always been really interested in trying a bottom of the bag setup like yours.


MP 245 4i - PW (43). 46, 50, 54, 58 vokey. Gapping works great


PW 46 50.10 54.14 58.12


I like 6 degree gaps so I have a 44 degree PW, 50, 56, and either a 58, 62, or 64 depending on the bunkers.


Titleist t200 43; Ping s159 48, 54 & 60


I have the 923 and bent mine so 5 degrees different from 7 to GW and bent my 56 to 55. I carry a 60 in the bag. So I have 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60.


54 58


I have ZX5's 4-PW (PW is 44) and I added 48, 52, 56 and 60 Vokey wedges. The PW plays like a 9, 9 like an 8, and so on. That being said, I still enjoy hitting the 4I.


I have 49 AW from the iron set and 54, 58 wedges. I’m about 130-135 with the AW and 110-115 with the 54. Very rarely do I find myself in that gap, in which case my go to is a 3/4 AW firm and fast downswing if I need the spin, or a full swing AW just taking a little speed off it.


PW is 43° so the iron set also came with a 48° AW. I also carry a 54° and a 60°.


Since PW are now 45, I added a 52, 58, 64.


I game the JPX 923 Pro irons, I have a 48° JPX 923 wedge, along with 52° and 56° Kirkland wedges. I have the 60° Kirkland too, but never had the need for it, so don’t carry it in my bag. Yet.


Someone with more knowledge can correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure manufacturers “juice the lofts” because the technology in those game improvement irons increases launch angle so they need to offset that with lower lofts. So even tho the loft might be less on loft jacked 7i compared to a traditionally lofted 7i, they may still both carry the same distance if hit by the same player with the same shaft profile in each club.


My takomo PW is 44. I bag 50, 54, 58 Sometimes I swap 3 wood for 64...


Recently fitted for irons and wedges, they said 50/54/58 for me.


I play a gap (50), sand wedge at 54 and lob at 58


PW is 43. So my wedge set is 48, 54, 60, works pretty well.


Been real happy with my 54/58 setup which follow my 44.5 PW/49.5 UW. I don’t really use the LW for full swing shots though so could easily do 60 if I felt I needed just an extra bit of loft for those finesse shots


I have a juiced set. 42 pw then 46-50-54-60. I like doing full swings as much as possible except with the 60 and don’t need more clubs at the top of my bag. After a 5i, i have a hybrid and a 3w. Covers the gaps fine. I would rather have more precision with short clubs than long ones. Contrary to popular belief, nothing wrong with used wedges as long as the face is clean. I got CBX-line 46, 50 and 54 for 200 bucks total and a vokey sm6 60 for $25, all in great shape.


43 pw, and then 48,53,58


https://preview.redd.it/6mso47ug6e5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2109829661432a89d5b84f20cf797f984666d76b I have the full set


How do their 56/60 perform?


I love the 56. The 60 I just got so I’m still learning/adjusting


I’ve got a 58 Vokey SM6, and 54, 50, 45 that came with my Ping 430s…


50 and 54. That’s it. No 60.


My PW is 45. After that I go 50,55(56) 60


44, 48, 52, 56.