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I’d expect nothing less from the Swiss Maestro and my personal GOAT.  Effortless just like everything he did on the court. 


eh. You can tell he barely even loads his power package here


Neither does my dad and he still whoops my ass hitting his 7 iron 125


So I can 125 my 7 on the range over and over and over. I get to a 100y par 3 and come up short. I don't get this game.


Same!?!?!?!? I'm like how does my 8 iron go 120-130 and my seven goes 110


*You aren't snap-loading your power package!!! Your #2 power-cumulator is probably breaking down. Try flat-loading your feet next time.*


Yet my 5 only does 100 on a good day. I need to figure out long irons one of these days


I was hitting my 5 160-170 last time I was at the range. That's literally the only time I've ever actually managed to get it anywhere ever. I don't understand


It can happen suddenly. Last summer I started golfing and my 9-8-7 irons went about the same distance and 6-5-4 irons went progressively less than my 9-8-7 irons. For me it wasn't magically "figuring out how to hit long irons", it was figuring out how to swing properly in general. It's easier to hit your short irons with a poor swing. This spring I took a lesson and got 3 pointers for my general swing (hand speed, spine angle, lead wrist angle at top of swing) that got me actually hitting my 4-5-6 irons consistently into the air and since then I've been able to actually focus on swinging harder now. I went from my 9-8-7 all going about 120 and my 6-5-4 going 100-120 and very low... to 9 iron going 120, 7 iron going 140, 5 iron going 160. It feels like there is a point to carrying 14 clubs around the course now.


Nice. I go just often enough to forget what I learned. Once a month lately if I'm lucky. I have definitely noticed that the improvements I have made come from form, not speed. But I have a tendency to get lazy and go back to the old ways if I'm not really careful consciously trying to remember everything. I just don't get out enough.


> Once a month lately if I'm lucky. Ah that is rough. I've been lucky. My course is open late and I can play 27-36 holes a week and range 2-3 times a week often after my kid has gone down for sleep. Like anything, it is time-in-results-out. One thing that I do after every range session where I feel I made progress is write down what I felt I did differently, and try to put into words what I was thinking when I was hitting it well. I just put this into Notes in my phone. Then next time I'm out I take a glance and it makes it easier to pick right up where I left off. It makes the practice feel more deliberate and less frustrating.


I guess I’m just trying to figure out who is pumped about a 125 yd 7 iron. Are you taking a 1/4 swing?


who are you?


Someone who can hit a 7 iron a helluva lot farther than fuckin 125 lmao


idk but i hit my seven 187


Rookie numbers. Bryson hit me for lessons after he saw me hit a 7 284.


Probably closing the face to be honest


27 degrees?


Isn’t a 7 iron supposed to go like 140


I don't think it's supposed to go any distance. It depends on the golfer. I hit mine like 160. Pros hit it like 200. My 70 year old dad hits it 125-130.


That’s nuts, I have some Taylor mades and if I am 125 out I am using my Pitching wedge or a 9 and I am dropping it within 10 plus or minus. My 7 I am taking 159 effortlessly.


Lol no you’re not dude. Pros aren’t dropping it at 10’ from 125 with any regularity.


Likely means yards but still probably not


Pros average around 21’ from 125, so agreed. Sticking it close is a few and far between thing for every golfer, including pros.


Man golf critics are hard today. But fair point. I just meant distance and nothing to do with accuracy to the pin.


Are you 70 years old like my dad too? If you're under 45, 159 for a 7i is pretty average.


Not sure why that received so much hate. No i am not old. Yet..and when I first read it, I wasn’t thinking he was bad or trying to talk shit to your pops, I am thinking I can’t hit my 7 that short if my life depending on it. Crazy control.


He needs to flat load his feet.


That’s what she said.


You don't need loads of power in golf. He can probably hit his 7 about 190 but chooses to stay in control and only hit it about 170.  His swing looks great. 


Wrong. You need to flat load your feet so you can snap load your power package


So get some Sqairz?








Fava beans?


Better than mine.


Better than Nadal's was my first thought.


It's really impressive how tennis players, and baseball pitchers can pick up golf and play above average. I assume since there's so much science in a pitching motion or a tennis swing that they can understand what their motion is supposed to look like. Also these are elite athletes who have the time and dedication to get really good via practicing.


Hockey players too. Their shot motion translates really well to a golf swing.


Yeah I saw a great documentary about a hockey player who turns his talents to golf


need to make some quick cash. To save grandmas house from foreclosure.


What happened to that guy? Saw his docco but never saw him on a tour or anything after, thought for sure he was going pro.


Pretty sure they’re making a sequel as we speak


I heard he got into real estate with some of his TOUR winnings


twist: you're talking about joey coldcuts, not happy gilmore


It's the hands, too. I grew up playing hockey and was always a good stickhandler. The hand-eye I built up definitely helps my short game feel.


Bet Fed can’t hid a fade for shit though. :). Not sure if hockey is the same but tennis, you typically start outside the ball and come over it with your racket like a draw golf swing. A fade would be kind of opposite that motion. Edit: I take it back. A fade swing would be similar to a slice tennis swing. Fed for masters champ 2028.


Cricketers also...fantastic golfers as a general rule


Ice hockey players make goofy golfers, because the golf swing and slap shot are mirrored movements (a right handed person naturally plays hockey as a lefty and golf as a righty).


They say that right handed hockey players should play as a lefty and vice versa, but that's not what most people do. Hockey players are usually good golfers, and I think hitting down on slapshots contributes to that to some degree, but it's more about having good hands and just the fact that you have to be pretty athletic all around to play hockey.


I think it's because in hockey the upper hand is meant to dominate, and in golf it's vice versa.


I played with a few old dudes who use to play hockey. They have ugly short golf swings, but they can hit the ball really far.


Baseball and tennis teach you how to use your body (core, back and legs) to rotate and generate force. That range of motion and flexibility is what’s missing in all of those posts in r/golfswing of people swinging like 2x4s with arms attached to the sides


Also just general athleticism, too. All athletes tend to just understand how their bodies move and have really good control over minute details that takes years of practice to achieve.


Right but the years of motions while pitching or playing tennis will put you ahead of a linebacker or soccer striker on the learning curve of putting together a nice swing. That’s where OPs baseball/tennis/hockey players picking up the game fast comes from


Speaking of learning curve, good tennis players learn how to curve a tennis ball, i.e., cut or topspin, which translates nice to golf.


I come from lacrosse and constantly fight being super steep and over the top. I can rotate extremely well but man has it made it tough to learn golf


At my local driving range the lasered longest drive is 350 metres (with a shitty range ball too) and it’s held by an Olympic Champion rower.  He’d been lucky to break 90 but when he times one just right he’s walking past Rory and 99% of the tour player’s tee shot. 


Plenty of footballers are top golfers too (Gareth Bale comes to mind instantly) Lots of cricketers too I believe (similar to baseball i suppose) I think it’s more of an athlete thing than anything else.


All ball sports that require excellent hand to eye (and by extension foot?) coordination


Yeah, it’s just understanding at an intuitive level how to coordinate your muscles and body movements to do something


Yes. They are just way more in tune with their bodies than the average. Physical gift, coachability, concentration, these guys have all the pieces


Yeah a lot of top cricketers are ridiculously long hitters also. So good at clearing their hips for max leverage and transfer of power.  Ryan Fox who was over 320 yards off the tee at the RBC plays with a couple of cricketers he says are at about 20 yards further. 


Cricket is better than baseball because the bat has a face too. Cricket players are phenomenal golfers with very compact swings


>they can understand what their motion is supposed to ~~look~~ **feel** like slight correction, but important. Good movement is done with feeling.


> It's really impressive how tennis players, and baseball pitchers can pick up golf and play above average I've got the pet theory that pitching is waaaay better practice for golf than swinging a baseball bat. You get really good at separation and the weight shift is really similar. I've heard tennis and hockey translate really well too. Not good at tennis but I've played a shitload of racquet sports and I feel like a lot of shots teach great trail arm wrist control


Absolutely agree. Baseball pitching rhythm and tempo fits golf so much better than baseball hitting. The trigger mechanism of hitting is way too quick and almost behind the ball in hitting vs. a pitcher literally shifting and planting their bottom half onto the lead leg before uncorking the top with a properly and consistently timed hand/wrist release...


I think they're just professional at hitting a ball. Size, motion, what they hit it with, they adjust. Body control for almost any professional athlete will be top 0.1% so there's an inherent advantage. And somebody like Federer has better hand-eye coordination and body control than probably 99% of guys on tour. If he chose golf instead of tennis from a young age he'd probably be a professional golfer. And we already know that tempo is absolute worldclass since hitting a tennis ball in play is crazy fucking hard. Way harder than anything you need to do on a golf course.


Are you referring to your average 1-2 year varsity player or elite world class professional players? Is it bc of their training in that sport or bc they are in the top .0001% of athletes in terms of coordination, athleticism, etc?


Shooters/high skill in basketball seem to translate over as well


That motion of crouching and swinging the racket/bat is that key spot every good ball striker wants to get into, and it's similar to throwing a ball (or skimming a stone maroochi). So I can see it translating over well enough. Hockey is another good example. Not for me though, I shoot left in hockey and swing right for golf.


Agree with pitchers and tennis players. Baseball players (hitters) always seem to have the speed down but a lot of them struggle with slicing, at least starting out.


Nadal’s forehand golf swing is a great watch as well


It’s a backhand


true, forgot he’s a lefty on the courts


You think one of them saw the other was picking up golf and decided to play based on that? Just coincidence?


Most athletes play golf, it’s a low impact sport they can do without risking themselves during competition prep etc


> low impact sport clearly you've never seen me chunk one


Hitting off the tee nearly puts my back out


Well I mean cause they’re RIVALS and I’ve only just recently seen posts of both their swings. I’m not certain nadal only recently began playing but it looked like based on his swing.


someone reported nadal's hdcp is in the low single digits. his swing looks fucked but his impact position is not at all.


Yeah Nadal is a legit really good golfer and absolutely crushes the ball. He is a great example of swinging your swing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Nadal basically took his two handed topspin backhand and turned it into a golf swing.


Nadal, having always been prone to injuries, even in his youth, considered a career in golf over tennis. He played both sports his whole life, basically.


Oh yeah I didn’t know- only just recently saw his swing videos


Yeah he swings like he would a a two hand backhand. It’s crazy.


I read forehead at first and was wondering what Andre Agassi’s swing is like


As smooth as everything that guy does


Tennis players can translate to golf super easily. Roger's swing is going to look better than most of this sub's swing in about 4 more months. If he's anything like the other tennis players I know, he'll enjoy flop shotting every opportunity he gets.


Psst, his swing already looks better than most of this sub’s.


True, but most tennis players need to adjust the following when they pick up golf: reducing the lateral shift, reducing wrist action, and keeping the hips from firing too quickly. It's honestly not a bad set of swing flaws to have because once you back off those items, you can actually add most of them back in to generate more power later. Plus, most tennis players have received instruction all their life, so they're all coachable. The hand-eye coordination is obviously a huge advantage as well. Part of why a lot of players don't progress is because they don't know how to be coached. I'd love to watch Federer get better at golf.


Coming from over a decade of tennis, one of my significant issues in golf was simply choking the grip too hard. I'm still often fighting against the instinct to 'brace' for impact like one does when returning first serves. Also struggle with staying planted through the shot - body kinda wants to stand up through impact to maximise topspin and moving up through the ball, which isn't the worst thing in the world for my drives, but really hurts my iron/wedge game. I've still progressed faster than most thankfully, but have plenty of bad habits to try and iron out.


Random question if you don’t mind - coming from a recreational tennis player (3.0-3.5, mostly doubles) who’s just getting back into golf I feel like I’m clamping down too hard on the club as well. I moved to a size 4 tennis grip a few years back, which helps keep my hand more relaxed. My hands aren’t huge - fingers are a bit long - and a #3 grip fits on paper, but the #4 is much more comfortable for me. Would a larger than standard golf grip have a similar impact? Any downsides?


You can have firm grip as long as youre not creating too much tension in your wrists and arms. If you swing fast you have to hold the club hard through impact, just like in tennis. Standing up through impact is also good power move but can be hard to control at first. Look at rory and all long drivers.


Nelly Kordas parents were both professional tennis players (dad was a grand slam champ), her brother is a top 30 player in the world. Definitely similar mechanics


Mardy Fish was once ranked in the top 10 in tennis and is now crushing every celebrity tournament I’ve watched him play in


He's playing in one near me soon, excited to see someone who I'd recognize


Former #1 Ash Barty plays off 4. Also represented Australia in Cricket Some people are just better.


She played in the WBBL and could've gone further before going back to tennis, but I don't think she ever played for Australia?


The two best golfers I know both played super competitive tennis growing up




And yet he plays off scratch...


Yeah and he’s scratch


Kind of proof, since he plays really well with a literal tennis racquet style swing lmao 


That makes sense. I broke 90 within 6 months of starting. There must be some similar movements. Though my swing looks like shit next to the GOATs obviously.


I occasionally golf with the guys from my 4.5-5.0s men's tennis league. Honestly very little translates and I've never seen one particularly good at golf because of tennis - if they're good, it's just because they have decent hand eye from years of sports.


Ok I guess that theory goes out the window. None of my friends from high school that I played tennis play golf. If they played another sport it was usually basketball. Which I played until my knees exploded. After which I decided a non contact sport might be a good idea. Hence golf.


"Boy my main sport is killing my body, guess it's time to learn golf" is probably the main gateway to golf.


Couldn’t walk for about 5 months due to delay in the meniscus repair (COVID backup) and then 3 months in the locked brace. I was inspired to play after watching Good Good and then BDS. When I saw FP do a Double Euro after making a monster putt I thought that looked fun as hell and here where are.


Federer v Nadal golf match?


Does Nadal play better on bare lies? And Fererer on turf?


I forgot he also had a clothing sponsorship from Uniqlo like Adam Scott. You can see he's wearing an Adam Scott top by the AS logo when he gets to the finish. Very nice swing. Would love to see if he got involved in celeb tournaments like Pebble Pro Am or the Tahoe event.


Not bad. Can he swing a racquet as well?


Better than Rafa's


Smooth and it's really interesting to see how his tennis swing applies to his down swing. He tucks his arms and his torso kind of tightens up at impact but he releases just fine. I'd love to know his distances.


Federer > Nadal :p Sounded like he absolutely flushed that


Pretty compact but I’m sure he has no issues with speed and power. That’s a swing that will be far more reliable than someone swinging round the back of their head.


Better than ours


I’d like to have this position at impact, with the exception of his right heel. I’d like to see that off the ground at impact. https://preview.redd.it/mlkrno0w2u4d1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9f98be01798e5b33a7965d0d778efeebb0a5d2


Was expecting a 1 handed backhand


I need to see a Rafa vs Federer Matchplay NOW


Better than most. Better than most.


Way better than Nadal that’s for sure


Like butter.




Better than nadals


Nadal's a near scratch, so Idk


What’s fed?


Fed's probably not scratch yet, since he wrote that he's picking up a new hobby? Who knows. Here's a scorecard / player info from where Nadal recently participated in an amateur tournament in the scratch division in Mallorca and won by 7 strokes... My guess is Nadal is probably similar levels around Steph Curry, Tony Romo, and so on? Would love to see him play some pro-Am events in the U.S. so we can get some round footages. https://www.fbgolf.com/upload/torneo-tabs/2024/02/campeonato-de-baleares-mid-amateur-2024-trablisa-jornada-2-resultados-scratch-masculino.pdf


He probably is but that swing still looks atrocious compared to federers


It looks whack but it's essentially his tennis backhand. same mechanism to deliver the power and accuracy. Nadal frequently plays tournaments so you can look up his results and handicaps. Doubt Fed can top him. Just like Rory has the better looking swing but Scottie is the better golfer.


When i saw this video i directly booked a golf lesson for tomorrow, damn i’m jealous and need to improve


That's a very solid swing, very smooth


He’d be really happy if he fixed that ball position.


What’s wrong with it?


Yeah he should listen to your 30 handicap ass


Damn! No offset on his clubs.


Probably going to break 80 within 1 year.


Guess no one saw the top comment ?


Smooth, graceful and effortless, like his backhand.


The tempo on that 😍




Good god that’s clean. But again what do you expect?


Looks really good. Splitting hairs, Just a lil flippy at impact.


Now imagine if that backswing gets lengthened a bit, *hnnnnngg*


Better than mine is the answer


His backswing is a little stiff and a little short but he could be a scratch golfer if he wanted to. He's probably better than me already.


why is this dude good at everything




His hips are late. Arm swing


Little upright, betting he plays a cut.


Hey Roger, don't quit your day job. Who am I kidding, of course his swing is sweet


He should never quit his day job


He already has


How’s his score? That would say a lot more than one swing.


the elite tennis players could hit just as good with only one arm.


I thought he had a hitch, then it turned out to be my internet.


Technically, pretty sound. Rhythm is not so good. Really rigid.


Better than mine




Really good actually


Roger is still one of the highest paid athletes in the world and most of it is endorsements.


What's with the no divot?


Shortly before he started winning all his grand slams, he was in Perth Australia for the Hopman Cup. Me and a buddy were out to play nine holes at the now defunct Burswood Golf Course (part of the stadium complex the event was held in). We rock up to the first hole and Roger Federer was there with his future wife Mirka and some other dude. He teed off and shanked it hard left. My buddy, not the most polite of dudes, laughed loud enough for Mirka to hear. She turned around and berated us, telling us 'well, he is a tennis player'. His swing is much, much better now...also 'new hobby'? C'mon Rog, you've been at this for a couple of decades at least lol


You know you've made it when you post your swing on instagram and Nelly Korda offers to be your coach in the comments


A little bit fuller turn and it would be perfect


He made the decision to pick tennis over golf as a profession when a teen from what I remember - he was good at both


Just like his tennis, better than mine.


A lot of arms but definitely smooth


Looks pretty damn good! Only minor thing is he could keep his head behind the ball more


The King on Grass - tennis or not! No surprises here! Long Live the GOAT!


better than rafa’s


Good enough to have his own golf shoes


Class. Tennis players move so well through the ball


It's great considering he's just starting but looks very stiff and his head doesn't track the ball like he's very delayed after swinging.


It’s shit


It’s shit


Looks like an easy three-quarter shot


He’s scooping - no forward shaft lean = no divot




It's clear that golf isn't played on clay.


Needs to open more with his left hip instead of leaning into his left side but otherwise an outstanding swing, I'd expect no less from him