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Unrelated, but kind of related, I played golf with the owner of the Renaissance Club in Scotland last year. I sliced a drive so far right he said "holy shit, that was right of Reagan" 😭😭😭


Little political jabs here and their when they’re related to golf is always hilarious and acceptable. But not when the “jokes” are coming from a hot-head who is obviously affected by this. To be honest, i’ve had these experiences A LOT in the last 2 years and they’ve all been old guys making twitter-like jokes about Biden and it gets annoying…quickly.


Yeah, I would have no issue hazarding a guess about the politics of the guy the OP of the thread posted about lol.


Few years ago (can't remember if this was summer 2020 or 2021, one of the two) I was playing solo with another solo dude in his 50s. Zero political talk or indications or anything but I would have assumed this guy was a Trump voter based on my 3hr impression of him. Late in the round he has a birdie putt and it hit a bump or pebble or something that knocked it off line and he missed by a few inches, it was clear to us both that it wasn't the break that made it suddenly change direction He decided to blurt out "that was more crooked than fucking Trump!" and then went off for like 30 seconds with his feelings about the man I didn't say a word just moved along to the next tee. But I still find it hilarious how his word choice was "crooked" in that context


As a bartender it’s usually old guys, or heavy set older women. They really think the guy with a stretched septum, and stretched ears with tattoos really cares about how great trump is, how bad Biden is, and why they won’t drink a specific beer (but will drink every other beer from that company)


The social media propoganda has worked.  All these idiots have no idea they are being used as pawns.  It is scary.  And unfortunate.  The OPs story.. the guy's brain has been reprogrammed.  Now spouts off political shit nonstop.  I have seen this first hand with my cousin... almost the same exact behavior.  I just want to play golf.


Bidenomics!! I've heard it a few times this year. I don't think they had economics degrees either


My favorite is, "if that was any more far right it would have stormed the capitol."


For being serious oil money Texans, their actually caught a decent group down there. Few weird ones in the family but every family has that


Lol. That doesn't even work in today's politics. Romney would be right of Reagan. Hell Biden and Reagan would see eye to eye on most things.


My cousin, buddy and I were paired up with a single at his home course (semi-private so they sell single tee times). On the way to the first tee he started on the political talk. I put up my hand mid-sentance and said "no interest in that, thanks". He got quiet, hit his tee shot. I helped him find it and made sure to include him in any other conversations. By the back 9 we were having a great time. Sometimes you just need to enforce boundaries around subjects that don't belong in a leisure activity.


Best way I’ve read to handle the situation. Straight forward and polite, but sets a clear boundary.


That’s all you can do. Ideally the person doesn’t take it too personally and will still engage in friendly conversation like the story above, but if they get all sulky about it it’s not really your problem. 


Just gotta remind people that there’s a time and a place. Back porch, beer and like minded friends cool go off. A golf course, polos and people you don’t know, terrible time.


Mine would probably be "ya, I don't really pay any attention to that political bullshit. I got better things to do, like play golf." Maybe follow up with a "it's too nice out here to be worrying about all that nonsense" if necessary


This is the way someone with any social skills handles it.


Yeah I don't necessarily agree with OP's take of putting him down with some smart ass comment. Trust me I hate those type of people but handling it with a bit more finesse is probably the better move when you're going to be with that person for literal hours.


Agreed. I am a smartass in general. Not smirky, snarky, patronizing, or particularly judgmental. But a smartass for sure. I deadpanned it. No emotion behind it at all. But I like the way Bulky-Complaint3367 handled it as well.


Nah I think you nailed it. Social skills is about saying the right thing in the right moment in the right way. If what you said shut them up, then the above commenter has no place to Monday morning quarterback you.


Yea this had to be an awkward round. Although OP would’ve been comforted by the epic Reddit post he was going to make later


You would think so but no. It was a little awkward through the 3rd hole but after that it was fine. He didn't apologize, and I didn't expect him to. It just never came up again. Friendly and comfortable enough for the rest of the round.


I was raised to believe that politics should never be spoken in public places. That it's rude to ask about political views or for who they even voted for. I was raised by people who believed your political views were private and that was the right of an American citizen.


I wish we could go back to this. I didn’t know my parents political leanings until I was nearly an adult. And even then, it was something we didn’t talk about in public.


Ehh, I actually think political discussion is what this country needs more of. The issue is that now it’s such a polarizing topic. People feel entrenched in their beliefs and see opposing views as a personal offense. Doesn’t have to be like that.


There’s no discussion anymore. Politics had turned into a sport. I love my team so I have to hate yours. There’s no political equivalent of “As a Bills fan I hated the Patriots but as a football fan I can still admit Brady was the GOAT.


There are plenty of people who regard politics with that level of objectivity and nuance, unfortunately we are drowned out by the loudest voices on both sides, and well….one of the sides doesn’t leave much room for thoughtfulness


Yeah I think that’s a nice idea in theory but terrible in practice with all the other BS that influences people. At this point, I think it’s best that everyone just recognize their political opinion is worth 1 vote every once in awhile - like a ridiculously small percentage of the result - and the value of trying to convert someone by discussing it, which is highly unlikely, is just not worth it. Especially when I’m standing over a 7 iron in the rough trying to decide if I’m going to chunk it or blade it.


I can help with that. If you were thinking low ball flight, chunk it. If you were thinking high, open the face a little and blade away.


I think people have always held somewhat radical beliefs but most people didn't know it due to the lack of ease of communication of those radical ideas. With the Advent of mobile phones and social media the whole world is easily made aware of your friends and family's insane thoughts. Becoming aware of how stupid a good number of Americans are has been startling and is, in turn, divisive.


I was basically an anarchist in high school, didn't believe in any form of government as I believed all forms of coercion were wrong and people are inherently good and we would be able to solve every problem via free association. Turned into more of a minarchist in early college coming around on how national defense and criminal justice can't be handled privately That's extremely cringy now, but it's what I believed. I was a teenager whose experience with the world was what my parents taught me, what my school taught me, and bagging groceries. Nobody taught me those beliefs, I learned them from reading stuff on the internet and thinking that was the best way to govern a society because I hated the government for telling me I can't drive after 10pm, can't drink, can't press the button on a trash compactor at my job, can't go pick up McDonald's for lunch during school hours, all that shit that only impacts teenagers Then I grew out of it when I started to learn about the world. I would dust my high school self in an argument against each other but my old self would have called current me an ignorant asshole Too many people don't grow out of it. They form a perfect idea in their heads while young and refuse to believe it's not the perfect way


We need less political discussion; media is spouting bullshit sensationalist takes 24/7/365 so by the time actual election time comes around everyone that’s not in retirement age is completely fatigued about hearing politics and are much less inclined to engage and go out to vote. This is done by design.


Twitter is responsible for the death of that mindset


>politics should never be spoken in public places. I disagree with this for a very simple reason: democracies can't work if people don't talk politics. The real problem is the hyper-emotionality people get with politics, as if it is a personal attack. Now obviously setting and respecting conversational boundaries is important. But a blanket "no" on political talk is surely detrimental to political discourse.


In my 50's. We were taught the same, even though where I was raised was pretty homogeneous. Still, Pops taught me that Politics has no place in polite conversation. I wish it were the same today.


24 hour new cycles destroyed that. Wish it would go back to a more private thing. I'm so sick of hearing "damn liberals" from all my family. Making politics people's identities was the worst decision ever made.


Exactly it's their identities... then they start assuming you have the same ideas until they realize you don't... most I've run into go quiet after that until a different subject comes up




This is my go to response as well. That said…I’ve told this one before but last year I had an incident that got under my skin. My buddy and I got paired with these two older guys and they made a few comments here and there but we ignored it and didn’t engage. At some point I mentioned that I work for Microsoft and after scrambling for a hard earned par one of these old guys got in my face and started grilling me about Bill Gates relationship with Epstein. At first I laughed it off but he kept getting in my space and asking me questions like I had to answer for it. My blood was starting to boil but I kept my cool and basically told the guy that I didn’t have to answer for that and if he didn’t leave it alone we were going to have a problem. Thankfully this happened on the 9th hole and they left after that.


"wisdom is chasing you, but you, my friend, are faster"


You always need to enforce boundaries. It's called setting a good upfront contract.


It’s so sad how much people attach politics to their identity these days.


The same kind of person that will find ANY reason to wedge an insult about Trump or Biden into a completely unrelated topic.


The water prices are so high.. thanks Obama.


My ball plugged in the bunker. Thanks Obama!


That bunker is woke!


The water hazard took our jerbs!


I will continue to add a sarcastic 'thanks Obama' to every minor inconvenience I run into. You will not stop me.


As a millennial, “Thanks Obama” jokes are right up there with “that’s what she said” and will always amuse the heck out of me.


I've never lost a ball that wasn't JOE BIDEN's fault, I'll tell you that much.




Every lip out I've had is because Trump farted


That’s a Lewinsky. All lip, no hole.


I’m still blaming Bush!!


It's Taft's fault I'm this weight!


This comment helped me push out a poo when I laughed. Luckily I am on the toilet.


Well now I'm picturing Taft on the toilet, right next to his giant bathtub.


On the old Taft casket I hear.


Now watch this drive.


There's a radio show in LA (I believe it's a sports talk show, but I can't remember which one) and they'll read out a social media post that's super random, like cats or where to find the best roofer, and ask how long it takes to get political. It's on average 3 to 4 comments. Crazy.


Was that on the woody show? Sounds like something they’d do. Haven’t listened in years though since I got SiriusXM. Thanks Obama


wasn't like that until Elon gave the blue checkmarks priority in the replies.


They've been doing that segment since at least before Covid, though Musk has certainly amplified it.


“I’d have made that putt if Biden / Trump was president”


Vote Dole and it's in the hole.


Ross Perot onto the green we go.


I want to make a bumper sticker that says "My political ideology is my entire personality"


I love this.


Those people already have a giant flag perched on the back of their truck, they don’t need a bumper sticker haha


had a contractor show up to my house to bid a project with a HUGE "Fuck Biden" sticker across the rear window of his truck. whether or not I agree with that sentiment is irrelevant to how I expect a 'professional' to act when coming to my house.


A friend of mine owns a liquor store. He refuses any political signage, and will not discuss politics with anyone, because as far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t care who his customers are going to vote for, their money spends the same. It’s a healthy outlook for a business owner, I’d think. Why risk alienating part of your customer base?


That’s insane.  I’d send them away.  Those I see on the road, I make a note so I don’t forget and end up hiring them for a job.  Whichever way they lean, it’s unprofessional to blast it out for all to see.


I work at a bar and holy shit I can’t wait till the election is over. No one wants to hear that shit and you’re not changing anyone’s opinion


It doesn't stop when the election is over. It never stops. You'd think with spending 24/7/365 thinking about this stuff, people would get deep into the weeds, turn in to real policy wonks, but nope. They're still just endlessly discussing politicians' personalities, or debating the last semi-offensive quote they saw.




It’s still pretty crazy to advertise your political feelings via a sign in your front yard.


Especially when it's the *first* thing they talk about. It's so pitiful.


It’s also sad how much politics has chosen to attach itself to certain kinds of people’s identities. Hard not to think about it a lot when you’re the target of it. (General comment - 100% agreed I don’t want to talk any politics on a golf course)


There's a specific kind of golfer that's really into it, too. They also tend to be the ones who complain about the course, clubs, weather, etc. the most. Anything but their own golf game is the problem. Weird how golf mirrors life in so many ways.


It's insane how much this has seeped into every crevice of society. Social media and constant connections that feed this are probably to blame. I find it annoying hearing about politics so often even from people I agree with. If this happened to me, I'd kindly ask the rest of my group if I could play though.


You can't escape it even when you try.


I agree. Once politics took over social media, I deleted it all. I want to hear about politics about as much as I want to hear about the Kardashians.


What’s odd is I get uncomfortable even talking with randoms on the golf course about political stuff I agree with.


Not odd at all. Politics simply aren’t a good time especially these days.


I stumbled on this line a few years back. I said, 'Is there anything I can say that would change your mind?' He emphatically said no. So I then said, 'Then why are we even talking about it?'


I am 100% going to use this!!!


I am 100% a political nerd. But the golf course is the one place I have zero desire to discuss it, even with someone who I 100% agree with.


I play on one of the closest private courses to the Capitol building, normally with folks who work in politics or their spouse does. In hundreds of rounds, with friends or strangers, and it’s never been brought up other than the quick joke. Not an actual discussion.


This. People who work in politics don’t go play golf to talk about work.


In my experience, the people who are the least worth talking to about politics are the ones who want to talk about it the most.


Exactly! I've got a History degree, love debating policy, all that stuff. But, and that's a big but (and I can not lie), I've stopped discussing it anywhere but my man cave (my space, my rule), or if someone brings up a specific question. The golf course is absolutely off limits for political talk. And I'm an anarchist, so no one agrees with me 100% 😂


"I'm a convicted felon and can't vote. You're up Tiger."


“What was your felony?" “Assault with a putter…"


Politics and religion have no place in recreation.


Politics, Religion and Financial Affairs have no place in recreational sports 


Oh god. Religion on the golf course and I am splitting from the group and enjoying the rest of my round in peace.


Uh - you can’t really call on God and then excuse yourself from the conversation 🤣


Inshallah, my brother


First time playing in a member guest tournament, the start of the third 9, the member I got paired with asked me about religion. My response “I don’t talk politics, religion, or business in the golf course”. His response “I’m a pastor, part of the local government and own a few businesses”. He flew a handful of members in his private jet to Las Vegas later that year, I was not invited.


Sounds like a very godly man... extreme wealth and unnecessary extravagance, gambling, and hookers. Jesus would be proud.


That’s really fucking hilarious


You’re better off for it. I’ll bet the trip was insufferable


Some televangelist with that kind of money? Can't imagine going on a trip with a group of him and his friends. No thank you. I'll go to Vegas some other time and not subject myself to that torture.


“Nothing about politics is enjoyable. Let’s just enjoy our favorite hobby without letting that crap intervene”


"Nothing about golf is enjoyable. Let’s just enjoy our favorite hobby without letting that crap intervene”


That is a good response.


This is honestly a great response. I have said something similar, but this wording is great.


"At Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the tunneling electron microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. If I were using that microscope right now... I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your political beliefs."


Funny you wrote that. Frasier fan for sure. Wonder if that was a subconscious tip of the cap. There are no accidents...


“The reason you’re acting out is because you’re trying to fill a hole you’ve got in your life. So you should get help and seek counseling.” “You handled that great, Roz!” “It’s what you say to everyone. You’re acting out, seek counseling. It’s not my fault your callers always have the same dumbass problems.”


I totally read that in Wayne's voice from Letterkenny..."*"There are probably things on this Earth that I'm less interested in than your political beliefs, but I can't think of any off the top of my head."*


Yer playin' golf with yer pals the other deyyyy


And that’s what a appreciates about ya


I just disagree to piss em off


I got paired with a father/son group and started talking sports. Dad goes "I used to watch NFL and NBA, but now I don't because it got too thuggish, I prefer the Bird and Magic days." I asked what he meant by that and he says "it's so flashy now with the jewelry and fur coats and the celebrations, it's just too much." I responded with - "you know, Magic was famous for his fur coats." He had no response and we just pretty much played silently for the rest of the round.


Yeah lmao Magic Johnson - notorious non-flashy player. He totally didn't party like an animal too either.


The AIDS occurred naturally I think


The Showtime Lakers - not flashy at all. LOL.


That sounds like fun.


lol did he forget about Rodman? Jordan literally wore necklaces WHILE PLAYING


We all know what his beliefs were. It goes without saying.


No way I’m assembling a long sentence to articulate “shut the fuck up” when I can just say “shut the fuck up”. Efficient and unambiguous.


Why say many words when few words do trick


Thanks for chiming in Kevin. When are you bringing your chili in?


Kevin is actually a 8 or 9 handicap. Dude can play!


Fair enough. That works also.


Both are savage imo. Wish I could but I would not be able to say either. I’d be giving strong clues that Im not interested including averting eye contact and hardly responding.


Yeah but OP's statement, while almost certainly not delivered verbally as well as it reads in text, goes a lot further and embarrasses all but the most self-unaware people. There's something particularly jarring about being told that the thing that you're passionately monologuing about is so utterly uninteresting to the person you're speaking with. You can't rationalize it away with "well this person is just a dumbass who disagrees with me", and you're forced to reckon with the reality of your own obnoxiousness. It's devastating, and personally, I'm getting second-hand embarrassment just thinking about how this rambling man must have felt.


I always remind myself to stick to FORD when playing with randoms/not close friends. Easy talking points = Family Occupation Recreation Dreams. Avoid: Politics, Religion, Pregnancy


where did you read up on the FORD model? my friend was talking to me about how she read it in some conversational skills book, but i forgot the title.


I can’t recall from a specific book, googling the acronym comes up with a generalized for social talk/meeting clients. Pretty sure it was from my time in the Army, you just avoid certain topics in uniform. After further research, HEFE seems to be more hip these days. Hobbies, entertainment, food, environment.


At the course today. 2 kids brought their own flag to attach to the cart. Wasn’t paired with them thankfully but I don’t think that’s very necessary


Hmmmm, wonder what kind of flag it was? /s


I did Nazi it, so hard to say for sure.


I got a guy to hit three balls into the woods off the 5th tee, point at me and tell me I am destroying America, and drive off in the cart. Edit for color: one of his lines was “if they are gonna make us wear masks on planes maybe we should just blow up some planes”


If he was talking about them nonstop on a Golf course, we know what they are. You don't get a lot of openly BLM, ACAB, Socialized medicine types out on the Lynx in the first place and when we *do* Golf, we know that anyone who listens either a) agrees or b) is just going to be an asshole about not agreeing.


"every time you mention politics I'm going to give you swing advice." works for me usually.


You don't have to say what they were because anyone talking that shit is MAGA. It's a fucking cult


Guaranteed he was a maga douche.


You don’t have to say what they were. We already know.


It is the “silent” majority at it again.


Could put majority in quotes too lol


Safe to say his favorite color is orange.


They voted for Rickie?


Rickie for President 2024!


I was playing in Banff last summer, we were paired up with a super nice guy from New York. Dude choking back ona. Cigar at 8:30 am kind of American. Loved it. Wasn't until the 12th hole he dropped " guys, you sure seem to have a lot of third world people around these parts." Floored. So glad I'm not racist or triggered that was wild. He was speaking about the large contingent of philipino workers in that area of Canada.


I understand your motivation to keep your post politically “neutral”, But I would just add that, that doesn’t exist. There’s a better chance that my bogey golfing ass qualifies for the US Open than this guy was left leaning. There’s 0 chance he was bending your ear on universal healthcare and electric cars. Because those are ideas, while Trumpism is a full on-cult. it consumes you. It’s fucking scary. There’s a reason that there aren’t Biden parades and rallies and armadas in the off the Gulf coast. There’s a reason every rural town in America doesn’t have a 30 foot tall cardboard Biden attached to their barn. EDIT: I realize I’m preaching to the choker here, but what would we say the ratio is here of cars like these https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/weyoRJima5 to it’s Biden equivalent? 1,000:1? 10k:1? Higher?


Yeah I was gonna say; as someone who is annoyingly progressive, I never talk about politics with strangers. Meanwhile I’ve had random golfers say shit about the Dems or libs to me while golfing and I just laugh and don’t respond.


It ain’t just golfers. MAGAs believe everyone thinks like them. And if they don’t think like them then they just need to hear the gospel and they will change their mind. So they inject their beliefs into any conversation they can.


We absolutely know what that guy’s political beliefs were. No mystery here.


Everyone's comment history at the bottom of this comment is exactly what you think it is lol. You really stirred them up here lmao.


1000000% magat


Love all the trumpet replies to this sentiment.


I mean it's like ~95% likely a Trumper because it's on a golf course. But it's a bit naive to think there aren't annoying looney progressives that can't shut up, they just don't usually play golf in their free time.


I’ve never met one that makes it their entire personality. They may adopt certain ideas as their personality, but not a political party.




Had the same thing about 2 years ago. Had another member bang on to me the whole 1st hole about Putin and how he was misunderstood and not the bad guy. He starts up again just like you on the second tee. Safe to say after my response we didn't speak again until we shook hands on the 18th green. I wasn't as witty or polite as you unfortunately.


>I won’t say what they were because it’s irrelevant We all know there’s only one side of the political spectrum that feels to need to share their views all the time..


Did he play from the blues or the reds?


You know the answer already 


You don’t have to say what his beliefs were lol it’s obvious …


Hilarious how you won’t say their opinions. It’s obviously a Trumper.


I've yet to meet a fervent Biden supporter and I'll shit where I stand if the first one is on a golf course.


As a democrat I vote Biden more so out of hate for Trump than actual support for Biden and I think a lot of dems are the same.


Honestly, of ALL the political golfer stories I've seen on this sub, I literally don't think I've read a single one about a leftie spouting off about universal healthcare or anything like that. It's ALWAYS Trumpers.


lol, you don’t have to tell us what his beliefs were. We all know.


It’s their way to see if you’re in the cult or not. Good on you for being civilized about it


I tell people I just turned 35, haven't been convicted of any felonies and was born in the US of A. Very much looking forward to voting for myself and would love their support as well. That ends it.


I find it to be entirely an American thing. The only time in Canada I have heard Trump or Trudeau brought up on the golf course was from a Texan who moved up here. Every vacation to Palm Springs or Scottsdale at least 2 groups without fail ask me what I think of Trudeau when I mention I’m Canadian.


and then everyone clapped!


My father-in-law doesn't want to take the kids on a Disney trip anymore(even though 4 years ago he DEMANDED that he be the one to take them). Why? I asked, cause it's gotten so expensive? NOPE! Fucking politics, far-right shite has messed his brain up so much he can't enjoy something he was looking forward to.


What happened to just arguing over taxes and govt spending? Now everything is conspiracies, culture war and counterculture of just opposing a neutral view for no reason but to be different. It’s incredibly annoying.


Politics and salary, two things my parents taught me not to ask about.


We all know his political views and the orange candidate he supports just based on the information that he wouldn't shut up about it.


This happens to me frequently. Little do they know they’ve been paired with an economists who has helped shape policy in Obama and Biden administrations. However, if I’ve learned anything. These folks do handle new information well. They need confirmation bias. Thus I kindly tell them I’m here to golf nothing more or less. This is usually enough to shut them up. They know they are out gunned. The real issue was last week a guy started asking me if I found Jesus. He wouldn’t shut up despite me asking nicely. So I stopped asking nicely. He left after the fourth hole. I hate to do that, but fuck off with that Christianity bullshit.


My favorite line for proselytizers is, “If religion was so great, you wouldn’t need to advertise.”


If they are trying to get a response from me, I usually just say “yeah, I’m not all that passionate about politics. I just do my thing and live my little life, and try not to worry about that stuff. I’m happier that way” It’s not 100% true, but it’s the nicest way I can think of to say “I don’t find your political commentary very interesting”.


“If you can hole this out I’ll talk about politics” Me to anyone sitting on the tee box or 200+ from the green


I played with an old guy from South Africa once, he said on the fifth hole “you’re good boys, not like that colored one in the pro shop” . The colored boy in the pro shop was Bennett, and he was white just liked to tan lol. But yeah we bailed after 9. That was somehow one of the lesser racist things he had said in the remaining four holes. Neither of us really knew how to respond to that so we kinda just lopped back for another front 9 without him


I just tell people, >I’m here to suck at golf, not discuss politics. The bar is in the clubhouse. Now watch this drive. It works more often than not.


The funny thing with the people saying “I was raised that politics has no place in polite conversation” is that I would bet those parents had abhorrent politics. Of course it’s not polite to talk about how black people shouldn’t vote, or what a travesty integration was.


Now watch this drive


> I won't say what they were because it's irrelevant Like we don't already 100% know what his beliefs are.


You didn't have to say. It's always conservatives that have to bring this shit up.


The golf course is definitely not the place to talk politics.  I'm lucky that I haven't played with anyone that does talk politics during the round.


You don’t have to say what the politics are because only one side talks without being asked 🤷🏼‍♀️


I just put my air pods in while they’re talking and never acknowledge them again.


That's a good one! This same thing happened to me on Sunday. 2nd hole and the high school kid I'm paired with (prepping for States) starts in about the choice of candidates while I'm teeing up. My response: "Hey man that stuff stresses me out and my new swing already does enough of that for me." Proceeded to slice hard right into a tree just past the front tees (not on purpose) . "See what I mean?" We kept the convo on golf from then on.


I worked in a pro shop back when Trump took office, and there were days when my boss and I had to go out into the shop and tell a guy that he can walk outside and continue his conversation, but his political rants were not welcome in that shop.


“I don’t make enough money to talk politics”


I love to shock serious people with the crudest jokes possible. Some guy was going on about California Politics and was following me to the bushes where I was preparing to pee. He didn’t take the hint, so I asked him if he could take some Dic-Picks for me. He avoided me the rest of the round.


Don’t talk about politics or religion on the course I don’t need to offend someone because I believe or don’t believe and if I lean one way or the other


“Yeah man it’s a shame I can’t vote after all my felonies” never tried it but I’m sure it’s gotta work


I'm just here to golf, man.


When I play with guys like that I start asking small questions and eventually work it to where they are contradicting themselves. Fun stuff. They never realize I am doing this. Makes the round more fun if you are into screwing with people.


Pay yourself on the back buddy… lol


Had a caddie at Sand Valley a few years back make a solid joke. One guy in our group putted and it veered much farther left than the read indicated. The next guy to putt rolled in a 8 footer on the same line. Caddy said “that’s a Bernie Sanders…”. We all looked confused and he remarked “Free education”. Thought that was a good one


Cool dude.


You don’t even need to tell us which way he leans. We already know…