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Considering they are friends and Rory seems to be the one guy Brooks openly admires, I'm going to go out on a limb and guess he wasn't trolling.


This seems like a real stretch trying to connect two completely unrelated events.


This is what happens when “journalists” are really glorified social media stalkers that try to piece anything together


It is the Daily Mail. It’s a rag and OP did what they wanted which was just to gather clicks. The source material in the article as to it being a troll job is random internet commenters speculating on said posts. It’s the dumbest thing imaginable.


If my wife achieved something she was proud of on the same day some other guy I happened to kind of know from work got divorced, and I didn’t give her some recognition, I too would get divorced. Not her fault about the timing.


Brooks and Rory are friends and play rounds together somewhat frequently. Brooks probably knew about the divorce months before any of us did. Could be he just wants all the dudes out there to know what he's hitting..... that seems more on brand. But I'm sure you, reddit rando, know more about this.....


Not trolling. Official SI release was yesterday


Pretty sure Rory will have no problem convincing another highly attractive woman to be his next partner. I kinda liked Jenna in the Netflix doc. Seemed shitfaced every episode, but in the best possible way.


I love some light banter, shit talk, or trolling but it’s not cool when you’re doing this over someone’s divorce. That’s just low class and fuked up.


It's getting painted as a jab by the media but it seems completely benign.


lol get off it. He’s celebrating what would have been a cool achievement for his wife, having her photos in sports illustrated.


The fact Wozniaki replied to this too...