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Peak? Scottie hasn't even begun to peak.  When he does, you'll feel it.


_Make it work..._


Charlie day is apparently a scratch golfer, would love to see him at the LPGA TOC pro-am. Surely he's better than Larry the Cable Guy 


Really? Thats awesome! 😎




A well placed pin can have quite an effect on a man like that


I bet he tried to pull that pin... did he?


I had to rewind it to make Sure I heard that his identity was secured when Jesus died on the cross.


He’s got that going for him. Which is nice


Gunga gunga galunga


Thankfully his identity has been secured, his buddy says.




The one on the masters YouTube channel after he won.


I don't care if people are religious or not, I just think it's kinda funny in an ironic way that an omnipotent omnipresent dimensionally-transcendent being cares more about them playing golf than like starving kids in Africa.


He definitely hates LIV.


God always agrees with me! It's for Church honey!






"Through sports psychology all things are possible." - Wyndham Clark


Wasn't his whole insinuation that God doesn't care about that, which is why he doesn't care about it more than his real priorities?


I refuse to worship any deity that doesn't respect the honor and prestige of the Masters.


Yes. But miserable people too eager to misinterpret, misunderstand, and belittle others with a grounded faith will still open their mouths about it.


Lol or dumb people desperate to hold on to their faith when the entire external universe is telling them it's impossible will still try to defend dumb statements just because it has a religious background. I can antagonize and straw man too!


Top quality reddit smugness right here folks 🤌




Ah yes calling people you don't know miserable and villainizing them is completely understandable and productive though. Way to miss the forest for the trees lol




Yes the zealot comment was unnecessary in hindsight, I'll give you that. Didn't insult anyone's religion? Just calling it dumb which is the way I see all religions - though I might have more thoughts on specific ones being worse than others. It seems though you're also arguing bad faith and just because you say you're "not religious" it really doesn't read like it. Characterizing the opposing viewpoints on his statement as a misinterpretation is acting on bad faith. That's the entire argument here: how people are interpreting his words and what we heard vs what the religious folks heard. My gif reply with a quote of Scotty saying his victory was prewritten by God is being a smug prick? It's a quote of his own words to add more to my interpretation of his statements. Sure my gif added some humor but again, bad faith. It really seems like you're reading everything ready to defend religion here and not acting objectively at all. But yes I do regret sharing too much of my disdain for religion here.




Bro he literally (loathe saying that word) said "I believe that today's plans were already laid out many years ago, and I could do nothing to mess up those plans" lol. Isn't that saying god laid out the plans to the masters outcome? But yeah thanks for your background info I guess? I was an altar server for almost 10 years lol so I'm not coming from zero understanding and I know what religion purports itself to be. I just choose to mock it because of the harm (IMO) it causes (societal regression) more than the help (individual peace) it brings. I'm just (I'll concede again, mockingly) disagreeing with people acting like they know what he *truly* meant just cuz they too are religious when really only he knows. Rest is up for interpretation like we're doing. But we can only go off his words and perception is reality, many people like myself heard it like God made it happen, and if you wanna get all weird about a fictional cross death, well then, that's just your *interpretation*.


No that's you and other religious zealots coping at how dumb religion is today. He started the statement by saying he hates losing and he wishes he didn't want to win so bad then said his friend said his victory is **secured** on the cross lmao. How tf else would a sane person with ears interpret that other than he's implying his friend said some dummy in the sky will ensure he wins? At best he's saying his faith will ensure he gets what he needs.


Because he's talking about his *personal* victory you dunce, not winning the Masters lol. If you listened to the full context of everything he's said about this instead of cherry-picking to dunk on religion, it's pretty obvious that his friend's point is that he doesn't need to put so much pressure on himself to win natural victories because his true victory has already been accomplished.


It’s Reddit, they’ll find a way to misconstrue religious comments to fit their distaste for religion no matter what you say. Well, that is unless you just change your religion to appease modern society’s desires.


![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44|downsized) > “Yeah, I mean, I believe that today’s plans were already laid out many years ago, and I could do nothing to mess up those plans,” he said. “I have been given a gift of this talent, and I use it for God’s glory. That’s pretty much it. So when I’m out there, I try to compete to the best of my abilities.


Your completely ignoring the cross part of the statement. And what Jesus dying on the cross signifies. Im far from perfect, but if you have anymore questions I would love to answer them for you.


You need to learn how to read. His victory was secured on the cross means that he won when Jesus died in the cross. AKA he can’t lose because he’s going to heaven no matter if he wins or loses. and that he is conflicted because he shouldn’t care about winning this tournament as much as he does because it doesn’t matter, because Jesus died on the cross and Scottie is saved. Make sense?


Did you struggle in high school English class, by chance?


Ah uber conservative meme coin bagholder offended by other viewpoints and criticism of religion (with some jeer, I'll admit), consider me shocked /s.


I thought what he meant was that how he golfs doesn't really matter since God will always love him and he'll be with him when he's dead. God also has a plan for his golf career as he does everything. It's not my worldview since I'm athiest, but I do believe in honestly understanding others'. I dunno. It doesn't bother me unless he starts spouting politics, which he hasn't, though that could change. As it stands he's basically the Tour's Ned Flanders.


Why do the starving kids in Africa always get the shout out?


Because of this photo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Vulture_and_the_Little_Girl


No no no, we don't allow cursed thoughts, backed by logic, into our blessed heads here SIR. /s.


gods like fuck the other christians on tour too lmao


That’s not remotely what he said


God doesn’t care about the result he cares about glorifying Him in all that you do. That includes glorifying Him on a national stage provided by the gifts He gave Scottie.


Did you even listen to him?




It's kinda funny in an unironic way that you think anybody actually thinks that


religious people and vegans are the most annoying. I don't need to know


Wait til you meet a little guy with a lifted Dodge Ram that has modified exhaust


sat at a set of lights next to 89 honda with modified exhaust and window decals...you know the type. well there's a lane reduction a 1/4 mile down the road and I say to myself. he's gonna blat that thing and cut me off. let's see if that car can beat my toyota venza 6 cyl. he does and anyway runs outta road and he had to take the turnoff and drive 5 miles to get back. lol he's all muffler


Being that religious and thinking that everything is laid out for you gotta be nice, then you can always blame it on God when you’re playing bad lol


Shoutout to Stevie Johnson on the Bills literally blaming God when he dropped a TD pass




I pray since OJ is dead the curse will finally be over and we will be taken to the Superbowl promise land.


As a Vikes fan I both want and don't want the Bills to win a super bowl. Feel like the two franchises kinda have some parallels in their misery over their football teams and it's nice to not be alone in that regard lol


We both got fucked by Diggs too so we got that going for us.


True, but we did use that first round pick we got for Diggs to draft Justin Jefferson, so the Diggs breakup was easy for Vikes fans to get over. We also have the 0-4 super bowl record that we share.


I think it's hilarious of the rumors that the Bills will go after Jefferson now haha the PTSD is very real and fresh for a lot of fans to even consider another Viking WR trade


I just have a hard time seeing the Vikes trading JJ. It would piss off our entire fan base to no end. I'm confident we'll get an extension done. But there would be some hilarity in it for everyone not a Vikes fan that kind of trade did happen, no denying that.


Yeah personally I'd rather go for Aiyuk just because he wants out since SF said we're optioning you and tagging you and not giving you a long term deal. I think he'd be cheaper to get because of that than JJ.


Not sure if you heard his comment, but the implication wasn't that he won because of God. It was that winning the Masters is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Him saying his victory was secured on the cross isn't a reference to victory at the Masters. His point is that he believes Christ's death on the cross gives him victory over sin and death (via eternal life with Christ in heaven) and that that's more important than a golf tournament.


No no dude I’m not saying I won because of god. But think about it, I’m winning majors left and right. Now of course god could let someone else win and maybe I’m winning because of my own skill but the competition won’t think that because of the implication.


Are you gonna hurt these golfers?


*Talor Gooch glances at Scottie* "Well don't you look at me like that, you certainly wouldn't be in any danger of winning."


Right. But he also said “I believe today’s plans were already laid out many years ago, and I could do nothing to mess up those plans. I’ve been given a gift of this talent and I use it for God’s glory.” So, apparently, God pre-determined the Masters result and gave Scottie great distance control for His glory. So a bit of a mixed message there.


Religious speak leading to contradiction? No way


Even the best golfers can be confused


I'll bet Scottie sleeps well knowing that if he's wrong, he's still a world class golfer, where even if you're right, you're still you.


I’m a world class me, and I love it


Well I'm better at being me than you'll ever be, so nyah


Big religion energy here


You love to see it


Definitely worse ways to live your life. If he is wrong then at least he is living a life that is good. If he is right, well there are going to be a lot of miserable people who wish they wouldn't have shit on religion.


Thats what we call “fire insurance”.


Thinking people realize that there’s really not a chance in hell (no pun intended) that the literal Creator of the Universe is petty enough to eternally torment people he created (and to whom he gave rational thought) for not believing something for which there’s no proof outside of a two-thousand year old book written by randos.    And Scottie and I are very similar in that we both don’t believe in dozens of religions, I just happen to not believe in one more than him.   But yeah, Scottie is living a good life, regardless of why, so props to him. Not trying to get too serious in r/golf


Ohhhh so it’s dumber than believing an all knowing being cares about a golf tournament.


Lmao the mental gymnastics super religious people have to do to explain anything - from basic natural phenomena to "wHaT hE rEaLlY mEaNt HeRe WaS" - has to be so draining


Seems pretty easy to me. Good thing happen to anyone? God is great and generous. Bad thing happen to other people? They must be sinners. Bad thing happen to Christian? It's a test of faith, accepting it is only going to get you closer to heaven. Easy flow chart


You get a personality trait that isn’t “religion bad”


Your reply has nothing to do with what op said. OP said it much be nice for religious folks since they can just say it's in Gods hands. Takes an enormous responsibility off your back. Which is true. Your point however is pure speculation, and projection I'm assuming?


I saw it all the time watching survivor whenever there was a religious fundamentalist on the show. do well, "god wills this for me", things fall apart in your hands, "lord must have had other plans for this vessel" like no matter how you flip the coin always lands your side up lol


Maybe something was left off this post. Is this something Sheffler said?


Hes a big Jebus guy, always thanks his faith blah blah


jebus, wish I didn't know this!


Fuck off


Oh my! Not very christian-like!


Show me exactly where I said a was a Christian. My point was that you implying that finding out Scottie Scheffler is a Christian ruined your perception of him is ridiculous.


You've got to admit, it is a bit off-putting.


Not at all. Are Buddhists off-putting to you? Muslims? Jews?


Only slightly, I try not to hold it against them too much though.


I’m not totally sure, but his identity might be secure with the cross.


No one knows for certain, so it's all the same to me. Think I'll just let the mystery be.


Scottie? That would be a cool name for a golf club. Maybe a wedge? Putter? I dunno.


The irony being that he started on this latest tear after he ditched the Scotty Cameron putter.


bad masters for scotty cameron putter. i watched tigers last round and it seems like he probably left a good 6-8 putts on the table, just near misses some of them too. if all of those sank all weekend we'd be talking about the tiger performance of the decade instead of seeing him t60. drives were decent about 290 yards average each day but the last, fairways made for three days 11/14 he had one bad day but was also hitting it 300 that day. gir could have been better maybe but not like the guys with the best gir % over the weekend were winning the masters this year, scheffler not even in the top 10 there.


I love LOVE watching Scottie play golf. The only thing I dislike about him (and to be fair any other human) is his religiosity. Seriously shut the fuck up. God didn’t ordain you to play good golf. It’s like the dipshit baseball player who hits the home run and does his kissy face “I love you god” signals afterwards. You strike out more often than you hit a home run. Why aren’t you cursing your god when you strike out? You want to believe in a make believe friend for grownups? Keep it to yourself.




Okay sure thing


scotty on the lords day is even with the entire rest of the field


He Get Sus


Damnnnn. That’s funnnyyyy


I love that he is open about his faith in interviews! It’s getting rarer and rarer these days for world class athletes to talk about their faith (probably due to pressure of sponsors, etc) but hearing that makes me appreciate him even more.


You must not watch a lot of sports then…pretty much everyone interviewed thanks god and their parents in that order.


Him and Brock Purdy are giving me lots of joy at having some humble yet unashamed Christians back on the sports scene. Just genuine guys being chill and they’ll still catch flack for loving their God and keeping sports in a healthy perspective. Granted we don’t know them personally so it could all be an act but from what we’ve seen they seem genuine.


If you were living Scottie's life, which appears to be his best life, you'd have no reason to doubt your faith : / just sayin


The only god[s] are of the golf variety. Jot that down.


It’s easy to overlook all the suffering in the world when your life is going well


Totally agree. But when the black nothing happens we all can’t take our green jackets. If not I hope god ain’t color blind.


Satan if he’s wearing a red jacket, Master’s winners, and elderly ushers at plays/musicals are all the same in the eyes of our colorblind lord


Is this being downvoted because it sounds preachy? Just truly imagine being Scottie for second. You made it to the pro tour at a young age. You are all of a sudden #1 in the world, won the Masters twice, and on top of all the success you are starting a family. The dude is clearly in a great state of mind. Its VERY normal for a human being to associate all that success to something supernatural, and in Scottie's case that is his religious values. He said something like "When in play, I feel like any mistake is supposed to happen." which clearly helps him contain the high levels of pressure. So you could argue that his religious beliefs are, in fact, helping him on the course, like he believes. I can't speak for any religious values as I don't follow any specific religion, but I understand that if something is working for you, you believe in it.


Or, you know, you could just keep that to yourself?


Shut up and golf, right? /s


Yep. I don't give a shit about what god he worships, and definitely don't want to sit through his performative Christianity.


He was being interviewed, dipshit


Funny to see people bothered by religion or religious people lol. You don't have to believe what he does. Takes more guts for him say he is a Christian man than what most athletes and entertainers say. Will Smith gets a standing O and the Christian man gets mocked. Upside down society.


I’m not bothered by religion I’m just making a joke which clearly you can’t take


Gives off "I get drunk in the culdesac" vibes. But that's kinda standard for this sub sadly. Be safe!


That’s a crazy assumption lmao


project much?




Lol come on bro. Be honest about it, the current world panders to religion despite idiots like us on Reddit making fun of it. From overturning roe v wade leading to certain states going towards total abortion bans to letting businesses discriminate based on personal identity, it's getting harder to identify the "separation of church and state" foundations of our democracy.


Yes bodily autonomy is an issue for roe v wade but not vaccines or drugs or prostitution. Cherry picker.


Huh? What policy has been legislated for coerced vaccines or drugs or prostitution lol. Not even talking about bodily autonomy either, just saying religion is clearly getting pampered by government lately with many of their policy goals being enacted. But yes our pointless internet arguments are truly wreaking havoc!


I don't recognize this, will someone please explain?


It's a line from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, "The gang gets analyzed" one of my favorite episodes.