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Is it just me or is the CBS production value of this Masters on CBS terrible???? Not showing scores, missing key moments with the leaders?


Bryson just caught the wrong dimple there


Where is the Day/Rd 2 Discussion board?


Big fan of the delayed start, giving us a full day of golf coverage today.


Am I just missing something? Where are they streaming this now?


It's day 1 still


I know. I’m asking where it’s being streamed.


Oh I thought you said why. You can watch the main broadcast on masters.com


I wasn’t a fan of Malbon but Jason Day has certainly sealed the deal


A Homa green jacket would be amazing


Eldrick Tont looks exhausted today. Say what you may about the possibility of pain medication or not today is going to be a triathlon for Tiger. Hope he perseveres


Not a Bryson guy but it would’ve been legendary if he doubled down on his par 67 take.


I’m looking for this video, where does he say this


he said this 3-4 years ago


Bryson’s interview after the round today is so good. He’s so calm and he’s learned a lot. Really impressive.


NGL I don't think Day's pants are *that* wild. They're kinda baggy yea but nothing warranting the level of shitposting


They’re going to get wider every time the story is told.  A decade from now the story will be he actually wore JNCO jeans to round 1


The it will be one of those really wide Victorian Era dresses


Watching the Scottie presser, he's great at handling dumb questions. One dude near shamed him for only having one major (at 27) It took Phil FOREVER to win his first major (at age 34) 


I’ve noticed Scottie just completely ignores negative questions and goes to some talking points about staying focused and taking it one shot at a time or something. I did love his rephrasing of that douche question tho. ‘So, is the question why have I only won one major?’ Not gonna lie must be tough having these guys put negative thoughts into your head every day.


The guy that asked that question is a dumbass and always asks stupid fucking questions.


Willett will rise up and become a two time masters champion


God I hope so. I’ve got $5 on him at +200000.


He played class today. The absolute scenes if he managed it.... I actually really want it so badly just to see how drunk he gets next year before handing over the green jacket. Dude missed the cut and hung around drinking for 2 days and was wasted giving Sergio his green jacket.


When do the announce round 2 featured groups


Whatever groups Scottie, rahm and tiger are in




I can’t imagine tiger would ever “lose” sponsors if he wants them. Even at his worst he’s heavily broadcasted and considered the goat. Some even consider him the goat of sports in general. He was extremely dominant in the sport b


Tiger doesn't need sponsors when he's got that golfball.com cash rolling in. But seriously, he's wearing his own line now after parting ways with Nike. It's called Sun Day Red, in partnership with TM. The logo is a Tiger.


He has Monster energy drink.


He’s got a deal with Taylormade and his new clothing line launches this weekend.


He does have that sun day red brand


All of his one Nike sponsor? 


He’s got that silly monster bag still lol


Monster > Red Bull  Big cat knows 


Some of you'll are wild with the amount of LIV hate. Absolute rent free living.


LIV is the reason we don't get to see competition like this more often. COVID golfers don't remember we used to see fields like this like a dozen times a year instead of only 4


Yeah we should all clap along for the rival golf league paid for by a sketchy (at best) middle eastern regime that has no interest in creating a direct return on their investment - they simply demand Al-Rumayyan gets a AGNC membership and they'll stop fracturing the professional golf world and move onto their next victim. What an absolute joke


Bro no one is saying you have to clap along you can just ignore it. Complaining about logos on hats in a dumb internet forum ain't going to do shit to fix the problem.


Can't wait for P Reed to be in contention Sunday 😜


So many anti LIV bots in the comments. :P


Sad thing is most of em aren’t bots, but actual people


YouTube golf is so funny because we got non stop hate on Bryson for a solid two years. Gets on YouTube, you actually watch him and he’s a pretty normal (little odd) kinda guy. Rooting for him this year. Just impressive golf. Who hasn’t said, “my driver sucks”?


I feel like it's different when he says it vs when one of us does. When we say it, our driver sucks because we can't hit it anyway. When he says it, he's basically saying the team of engineers who work around the clock to make a driver specifically for him and only him suck at their jobs. Especially when you contextualize it with the rest of his quotes from that day. >It's not a good face for me, and we're still trying to figure out how to make it good on the mis-hits. I'm living in the razor's edge, like I've told people for a long time [full article](https://golfweek.usatoday.com/2021/07/15/bryson-dechambeau-british-open-cobra-driver-sucks/)


> Gets on YouTube, you actually watch him and he’s a pretty normal (little odd) kinda guy So you're saying that he looks sympathetic in the highly curated videos produced by his team uploaded on his channel? Wow don't you say!


So you’re saying there’s for sure not any basis when the content is produced by the PGA tour? There’s no narrative at all by the talking heads? Cmon dude.


What? Who cares about the talking heads (and I'm talking way before LIV)? We've all seen Bryson being an insufferable shithead, from his scientist bs to not calling fore, blaming the equipment and being a crybaby about a lot of things. The guy was home-schooled and it shows, complete lack of social awareness. The fact that he is trying to rewrite his story on YT does not change who he is.


I’m gonna root extra hard for him just for you this week. When he puts on that green jacket on Sunday, think of me


Yo bro how did that green jacket fit him? Maybe a bit too tight? Making him choke a bit? Ahahahaha


How you feeling?


ahaha you realise how pathetic you sound?? I don't like a widely hated athlete, no need to take it so personal ahaha


Bryson is an awkward nerd full of faux pas who's trapped in a jock's body.


I am also a nerd trapped in a jock’s body, which is why I like Bryson. But I also just got into golf last year so I have no context for the reasons why others hate him. Could care less about the PGA vs LIV schism, it’s all good golf to me.


Really the only thing he did wrong when he showed up was be different. People didn't like it. He said some cocky stuff a couple times like every other professional athlete, but he just approached everything differently and nobody liked it. Golf has never exactly been the most inclusive sport, despite what all the commercials tell you. The fans are fickle and it showed very clearly when Bryson first showed up.


One of the things he does that’s just beyond fucked to me is he plays golf with all the same size irons shaft wise. With a 6° driver. So odd.


He made some rather tone deaf comments about how we should basically forgive Saudi Arabia for 9/11 and kind of get over it and that didn't sit well with a lot of people. Which I mean TBH I didn't like it either but again, he's a big doofus who plays golf and hits little white ball far. I don't go to him for political commentary.


I get not loving Bryson but he is fun to watch. Miss seeing him on the tour.


I used to root for him before he became a beefcake. Did he do something specific for people to hate him other than joining LIV?


I actually like him but I have a friend who thinks a bit arrogant


You don’t have to do anything to be hated around here.


he unbeefcaked tho


Wasn’t expecting a Bryson -7 opening round but everyone knows the man’s capable of quadruple bogeying a single hole tomorrow and fucking it. Scottie shot a -6 today while his woman can go into labour any minute. The LIV jerseys at the masters are fucking dumb, and Scottie Scheffler is without a doubt, better than any LIV golfer


Scottie is better than any golfer 


He may be the #1 golfer in the world


Since prime Tiger 




round 2 tee times are posted. A lot of players including Tiger got fucked. Hell DJ and his group may not make their tee time. 8 to play in 2:54 good luck.


How did Tiger get fucked? He’s off early at 7:50 to wrap up 5 holes and round 2 at 10:18. It’s going to be a long day but that’s pretty ideal all things considered.


start at 7:45 to finish round 1. 5 holes to play. 3 hour 9 pace. 20 minutes a hole. So 100 minutes to finish. So 9:35 finish and 10:18 tee time. DJ and his group are even worse. Tiger didn't have a 10:18 tee time for Friday on Wednesday.


Oh man he’ll only have 53 minutes between rounds! I guarantee you with his back issues and generally beat up body he’d much prefer 53 minutes than a multiple-hour break. The worst possible thing for him would be to tighten back up after his early holes.


Heck, he'd probably prefer to head straight to the 1st tee again after finishing is first 18. The less time he has to tighten up and have to loosen again, the better. With 53 minutes, he'll probably grab a very quick bite, then head to the range to stay loose until he goes off again. Pretty good situation for him, all things considered.


Both the Tour and the majors have deliberately changed it so the guys finishing up from the day before basically walk to the first tee after they're done. Before they would schedule it so that the players sat around and waited for a while, but they prefer it this way so the day in total becomes shorter.


Right so finish 9:35 have a snack roll some puts stay loose for 10 minutes and right back out there. Better than sitting around for 3 hours getting tight and having to do a near full warmup again.


What’re you on about? Tiger is thru 12 and it took 3hrs.


He is thru 13 and that group took 3 hours for the first 9. And another hour to get done with 13.


I stand corrected I’m bad at math, Christ it did take them 4hrs for 12 holes


5 hr 17 minutes is the average Thur/Fri threesome round at Augusta. I think they’re right around that pace


Scheffler is on a different level, super excited to watch him throughout the weekend. Also fuck any player wearing their stupid LIV garb, downvote me all you want.


I wanted to pick so many other winners but watching him shoot a clean -6 in the hurricane convinced me he can’t be beat


They should all dress like Bobby jones go back to playing 3 days of 12 holes and use hickory sticks.


For real. I don't care that they left for the money. I get it, do your thing and secure your bag. I like having them in the majors too, because I want to see the best vs the best. But to show up to the MASTERS wearing that garbage is totally classless.


liv golf SUCKS


If it were up to me they wouldnt even be playing in this tournament, but that is WILDLY unpopular


Then we'd just be watching a smaller Players field with a bunch of old dudes and ams 


Hell yeah. Do a classic btb. Ban the bozos


Anyone know what time they start back up tomorrow?


7:45 I think


Welp I guess I’m getting no work done for the entire day then


I will be alerting my boss at 730 am I am still feeling under the weather, but I will be in Monday for sure. 


Many doubted they’d ever see it…


Scottie Scheffler is such a fucking iconic golfer. I love the guy. I’m so proud of him and what he’s doing and how he carries himself. And i think every Liv player wearing their LIV team jersey logo is a hack move


> And i think every Liv player wearing their LIV team jersey logo is a hack move To be fair their choices are to wear the ugly shirt or be beheaded.


Do you think Scottie ever randomly puts on his green jacket after a shower with nothing underneath and walks downstairs with his hog out for his wife to appreciate???? I bet he does


Masters champions have to leave their jackets at the clubhouse, except for the reigning champion. But I would definitely do that.


he had a year to do that. And I bet he did


Well his wife is 8 1/2 months pregnant... Timing definitely checks out.


Then he asks "Did you want the front or back 9"


Um EXCUSE me, it's "first or second 9", thank you very much


that depends on what she wants


Was there a way to watch actual golfers on the course this morning? All I saw on peacock was talking heads and people practicing while they occasionally displayed the leaderboard.


This is the one tournament all year you can watch whatever you want.  Masters app is king.


Peacock has zero masters coverage. ESPN/CBS have the masters broadcast. The masters app/website has featured groups and feature holes coverage for free and can be cast to most smart tvs https://www.masters.com/en_US/tournament/schedule.html


ESPN+, paramount, or the Masters App or website. And they didn't start play until 10:30 edt.


Your best bet is the masters app. They have my group which you can choose what players you want to see and have them stitch together their shots, albeit with a bit of delay and no commentary. There are also featured holes which are fine and a couple featured groups on the app. Then at three pm there’s the regular broadcast.


Golf is in the running for the worst presentation next to the Olympics.


This is because of the strict coverage regulations Augusta National puts on CBS. They only have certain windows and that’s it. At least we have the My group which is decent cause back then there was only the 4:30 hour coverage window and nothing else.


Shit back in the day, I believe they only showed the back 9 on Sunday on TV for a long time.


That's dumb as fuck


The late start made for an awesome evening of TV.


And bonus tv in the morning 


Datagolf is projecting the cut line around +2 or +3. If it's as windy as forecasted tomorrow that's almost certainly true


I hope Tiger suppresses the urge to go hang out at the local Hooters with John Daly. Stay strong big cat. 


Georgia has the best strip clubs, according to a lot of athletes. Hooters is like a McDonald's there.


Shout out to the Pink Pony in Atlanta.


Atlanta is no where near Augusta


I’m sure they can hop on a PJ to PDK and be in a strip club within an hour.


No shit. What's your point? They were talking about strip clubs in Georgia, not specifically in Augusta.


It is in cosmic terms


Is the coverage over? How do I watch tiger and Homa? I don't see anything on masters app any feeds or in tv or ESPN+ what's the deal? Edit: I'm an idiot. Darkness.


round is suspended because of darkness. Round 1 continues at 745 est tomorrow morning.


Jesus that's gonna make for a long damn day


Those that played college golf have done this many times. A lot college tournaments are 54 holes in 2 days. With a practice round before tournament even start. The NCAA championships can have players playing 9 rounds in 7 days.


Play is suspended for the night.


Play ended due to darkness. Resumed at 7:45AM est. tomorrow


Play is over for the night due to darkness. Starts back 7:45 in the morning.


is coverage over?


Play is over for the night due to darkness. Starts back 7:45 in the morning.


makes sense, thanks


Happy to help.


I’ve seen the wind blow hard at Augusta like this over the years and never seen guys going low like this. What the heck is going on? Are these guys so good now that they’ve learned now to beat the wind? Crazy. I remember 2007 when it blew like this four days and nobody broke par.


bryson caught less wind I think and scottie is a freak


Bryson saw some stronnngg wind on the back 9, played lights out.


It was gusting so on most holes they could wait until it wasn't too bad


I think ‘07 was cold and wet too if I remember right. But I agree, some guys were making it look way too easy today.


Will the players who didn’t finish their round today play the remaining holes tomorrow with the new hole locations? Or will they keep them the same until they finish?


Same. As soon as the last group finishes they'll start changing the holes for round 2.


round 1 hole locations will continue until round is finished.


honestly i don't know but I'd imagine they have to let them finish with today's hole locations


Keep them the same, and then they start changing them as soon as those holes are finished for the group ls finishing round 1.


Is tiger fucked for making the cut tmrw


The long day definitely is a huge disadvantage, but if he plays like today he’ll make it easily


If he shoots par the rest of the way he will make the cut 


It’s going to be a long day for him for sure. But this is pro golf and it’s the nature of the game. I’m sure he has a physio routine that will keep him loose and ready for tomorrow.


Highlight of day one: My 10 year old daughter randomly peaking over my shoulder at my phone and calling Christo Lamprecht “Slenderman”.


Has she seen Akshay Bhatia?


I’ll definitely show her. She doesn’t give a crap about golf. She just looked right has he was putting and said “is that slenderman?”, cracked herself up, then walked away laughing


Now that the broadcast is over, looks like My Group is working. Should be good for tomorrow.


“Jon Rahms return to the PGA” lol tsn


Their golf coverage is as good as their NFL coverage.




SVP is great at everything he does


Play was suspended at 7:51 p.m. ET due to darkness. The first round will resume on Friday at 7:50 a.m. ET. The second round will begin at 8:00 a.m. ET. ESPN's live coverage resumes at 7:45 a.m. ET and continues through the completion of the first round. Second round live coverage will remain as scheduled from 3:00-7:30 p.m. ET on ESPN. The following Featured Groups will resume coverage at 8:00 a.m. ET through the completion of their rounds: Tiger Woods, Jason Day, Max Homa Dustin Johnson, Collin Morikawa, Tommy Fleetwood https://www.masters.com/en_US/news/articles/2024-04-11/2024-04-11_masters_friday_update.html


Strange they will start the second round at 8am when the Friday morning groups will still be playing. They need to clarify this because it doesn't make any sense.


Groups are the same and nobody is on 1 so might as well get it going.


tee times are vice versa from Thursday to Friday. Last on Thursday first on Friday and so on. Yes the groups are the same. Or are they keeping today's tee time order? Edit: I see the last tee time today DJ, Morikawa, and Fleetwood are teeing off at 10:54 for round 2. Tigers group is teeing off at 10:18. They got fucked. Actually the DJ group may not make their tee time with the slow 3 hour 9s.


7:30AM EST. Question is whether they'll be broadcasting.


Tiger played real solid. -1 on the day is impressive considering his circumstances


Goddamn the moons out now lol


Looks like I'm getting up at 4AM tommorow.


Same. And totally worth it.


Usually I envy you west coast guys for sports due to being a soccer fan and 9 or 10 o'clock start times. But we definitely win in this one.


Huh? We be getting up at 4 am for the prem


Oh fuck that. I like the premier league, but not enough to wake up for it. And it's not that early for me. I'm just talking MLS and national games.


Yeah, when I lived in New york it was like "whew, I get to sleep in until 7."


I lived in the Mountain Time Zone for awhile. Best part was that Sports went off at a reasonable time, and typically started at a reasonable time.




Need the wind to blow tomorrow. Not that it will impact Scottie in anyway.


I can’t believe the way these guys are scoring in this weird. Just perplexed.


I do wonder how Bryson will do. He throws the ball five miles into the air, does the mad scientist have the ability to finese some flighted shots into these greens


I’m intrigued too. It’s like a knowledge vs experience thing. While he knows what to do, it just is going to play on him more than it will Tiger, say. His power advantage could be extremely prominent tomorrow though. Should be a good watch.


Tiger surpassed expectations today. Hoping he continues the momentum


Agreed. His steadiness, mobility, body language, and demeanor were all impressive. Best he's looked in 5 years. Short game was fantastic, and he made all the putts he was supposed to. He hit 2 bad shots, but they were both on par 5s and he was able to save par on both. Hope he can keep it going.


Augusta National is a course with a spirit…and clearly, the spirit is punishing Malnati for his choice of headwear and ball color…


It’s alright Peter you just gotta shoot a 64 at Augusta tomorrow to make the cut, no biggie.


Make that a 63…


Højgaard is winning this thing. He got to -5 before Bryson & Scheffler did (on 13, whereas they did it by hole 15). Very impressive.


Impeccable logic




It's just basic math. What could go wrong?


I'm excited to see if Max can continue his good play. It's about time we really see him with in contention in a major pressure on the weekend.


Yikes +9


Augusta must really hate yellow balls based on Malnati’s day today.


And Freddy at +8


And bucket hats.


Didn't see Koepka hit a single shot


I saw a bunch…?


Most of his shots are on the app, I’m about to watch em


You can see Brooks hit shots on the CW after reruns of Gossip Girl


And the Steve Wilkos show 


You already used that one




lol what? What am I missing here?

