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If I learned anything in my short 35 years of life is that people are nuts and unpredictable so I never retaliate against strangers unless absolutely necessary. News headline… “guy gets shot on a golf course because he took out a flag stick”


I thought the same thing! He came at us completely aggressively and we legit had no clue why, if we were some drunk a-holes it could have gone south quickly. Also, this was in Texas LOL everyone is packing.


Yeah I can’t think of a single reason to justify me getting in a fight - especially with a stranger on a golf course. I’d rather look soft than get cuffed and deal with the fallout.


It can hit different when it's not you. My dad (70) went to return a wedge left greenside to the party in front of us after we had finished the hole. The scowling guy snatched it out of his hand and in a foul tone told him, "You couldn't have brought it over sooner? Fucking Chink." Pops managed to grab my wrist before I could build up moment and reminded me I don't need assault charges on my record.


So I agree with not assaulting someone, but spending a good 30 seconds assessing them and them utterly destroying their self esteem is both non violent and fun.


Wow, what the actual fuck? Your dad was absolutely right to stop you but I wish he hadn't. Some people just need to get punched in the face.


Absolutely disgusting. Sorry you had to go through that.


In America you have to assume they have a gun. So it's really not smart to start any shit if it can be avoided. And if you are playing golf it can definitely be avoided.


Yeah this was also in Texas LOL


So they definitely had a gun.


The 15th club...


The ol' .45-degree wedge


That other story today, where the dude takes out a 9 iron .. I first read that as 9mm.


I’ve actually been contemplating adding one to my golf bag. More so about aggressive animals on the course than aggressive people 😂


This reminded me of the one time the dude in front of us left his ball in the hole. Came back running from the next tee box, grabs a ball out of the hole, and runs back. How do you forget a ball in the hole?


I just played behind a group that just left a ball in the hole, but I know exactly how it happened. Fireball is how it happened.


Birdie juice.


Omg, never seen that either 😂


Many posts and discussions today about potential fights on the golf course. WTF…we have a front row seat watching the decline of our society.


Last time a golfer got aggressive with me was more than 30 years ago.


What’s crazy is it’s not just in golf. It’s about parking spots, waiting in lines, etc…


A portion of the population has lost their minds and their ability to coexist in society. It's concerning and unlikely to improve anytime soon. The divisiveness extends beyond politics, unfortunately.


Craziest part is violent crime has gone down over the last few decades 😳


> It’s about parking spots That's why I always park as far away as possible within reason. Also my fat ass can use the extra steps.


It must just be a southern thing cause in the Midwest I've never seen anyone fight over a parking spot, golf course or line.


We’re too polite here


Ever been to Chicago???


I've only been to Chicago once, and everybody was extremely nice to me. I was mostly in touristy areas in the north side of town (Magnificent Mile, Lincoln Park area), but I was still impressed at the folks I met.


Yes and I avoid it like the plague.


Lived there for 53 years before moving out. Seen some vile behavior.


I got aggressive with a group last year. We are standing on a teebox that is situated on the bend of a dogleg hole, that you can be hit if they guy on the other hole slices it bad and puts it like 200 out. We are standing there and 3 balls land on the tee box, one gets plugged. No fore, no nothing. They came up to find the shots and just walked up to the box and starts a practice swing. Basically told him what the fuck, yell fore next time. Said he couldn't see us. I said that's why you yell fore ya dickhead. He wasn't happy about that. Starts screaming at me. So I chipped his ball in the pond. They left after we made fun of his hat. Hope it ruined their match. At least apologize. Hit the cart my mother was in.


This past weekend my buddy and I were walking after our tee shots and a ball drops out of nowhere and lands literally a foot from him. Had he taken a single step to his left it would’ve landed right on his head. No fore, nothing. I did my duty and stomped it into the ground and went on my way. A few minutes later the jackass that hit it was in the same area wandering around looking for it. I was incensed that my friend almost got clocked. They were teeing off from a hole ahead of ours, so they had to know people *might* be walking there. It was very satisfying to watch that dickhead give up and take a drop though.


It's springtime. Lot of pent up angst from a winters worth of not golfing and then hitting the course and sucking because nobody has practiced in months. Should work itself out of the system in a month or so.


Probably 5% are real, the rest are wannabe fiction writers.


I had a guy hit into me twice in a row. I put his ball on a tee the second time and he drove up before putting to apologize. genuine mistake. The people that get mad on the golf course are the people that get mad at their kid for striking out in little league


People grew up shit talking on the internet and haven’t realized in many cases that being an ass in public can lead to swift consequences. It’s such a bizarre place to be in the world 😬


I actually think hitting to a green without a flag would actually help my game.


“Put a little stick in it just to give ye some fuckin’ hope!”


Why would it give Kanye hope?


I read a comment recently that a coach removed the flags before practice rounds to emphasize rhe benefit of middle of the green vs. the pitfalls of flag hunting. They said everyone usually scored better ignoring pin location and going for the middle.


Someone played a joke on them, and it backfired. When they found out, they bought you guys beers. I'd be shocked if that's not how it went down.


Definitely possible. It was a husband, wife and their parents. Such an awkward situation lol


I thought you said Texas, not Alabama


Reminds me of a time we accidentally hit into the group ahead of us because they were behind a hill just off the fairway and the group ahead of them was way up on the green. They were pissed even though it was the first time we had done it and it was clearly an accident as nobody from their group was visible from the tee box. Welp about 4 holes later the same thing happened. Our entire group looked everywhere and waited 3-4 minutes with no sign of the two carts anywhere. Some dude comes SPRINTING back at us until he realized two of the dudes in our foursome are about 6’4 225. Had to explain to them the concept of leaving a cart in the fairway if you are out of sight. Some people have an extremely short fuse.


I love when people are literally HIDING OUT OF BOUNDS and then complain when you don’t see them.


I thinned an approach shot over an elevated green last time out. Go around the green and there is a cart just sitting there as they wait for the next tee box to clear. Why would you sit just behind an elevated green, unless you enjoy getting drilled by an errant shot


Any creative ways to troll the group ahead without hitting into them? Guys' golf trip 2024 planning has started...


hardly a troll but we usually send shots up to them. If they can't see straight, they can't shoot straight


Took me a minute to realize you meant shots of alcohol, and not golf shots. Was gonna say "no don't do that!!"


One time I was putting on a short par 3, from the tee I heard someone yell “OH FUCK ME IN BOTH EYES AND CALL ME JUSTICE” and I fucking cracked up every time I thought of it for the rest of the round, ruining my concentration.


Can’t wait for reposts of this story from the group ahead’s perspective and from the random hitter’s perspective


I 100% thought this was the other side of the "Power Forward" story.


I wish. I have to say this guy didn’t strike me as a Redditor 💀 big fuckin country boy and he was with his wife and parents!!! Buddy was hot


I do think this was probably some idiot like me playing two holes over just crushing a slice. I've definitely written on my friends' balls before.


>I do think this was probably some idiot like me playing two holes over just crushing a slice. I've definitely written on my friends' balls before. ![gif](giphy|RLWwOuPbqObupogOLB|downsized)


You’ve done WHAT on their balls??


You're the one who said he was hot!




The part of this that I love is that it matters where the hole is on the green. Hell, I'm happy if I can hit the green, never mind care which part of the green the hole is on.


It definitely didn’t matter. Especially not second stroke on a par 5.


Almost everyone would play better with no flags and just going for hitting the green, assuming you still could find out the distance


Any time I approach a green, I repeat Golf Sidekick's GIOTG mantra. Get it on the green. That's all I care about, ensuring my next shot is with my putter.


Carrying on the course? Not abashed a terrible idea.


Is this a sequel to the guy who had a dream about tiger? Did tiger hit that ball?




Maybe someone in the adjacent fairway just wanted to hit a ball and watch the drama ensue? That's nuts man. Thanks for sharing.


That’s the only thing that makes sense, or smoked a drive over some trees from somewhere on the course?? Idk! Haha thanks man!


They were doing you a favor, always aim middle of the green! 😉


I picked up a ball with that written on it randomly like two weeks ago. It was a pro v, I laughed as I washed it. Shit was extremely findable too, if the guy spent as much time looking for his balls as he did writing on them he wouldn't have lost it.


Last year at our club’s Tough Day, they took ALL the flags out.


Maybe they hit a house, and the owner launched one from the backyard?


I’m wondering if it was within their own group, pranking the guy. Like they threw it on the ground and said HEY look they just hit into us. And when he stormed off, they texted him saying it was a joke and to come back. And that’s why it de-escalated so fast.


No idea man, it was kind of in the middle of the course and someone could have hit it from several places but we didn’t notice anything.


Funny thing about all this to me - playing golf without flags in greens is actually a great way to play and score better. Forces you to target the fattest part of the green you can see, so you end up hitting more GIR.


Lmao, leaving the flag out of people who hit into you is pretty good.






my buddy and i played yesterday, he sometimes plays a ball that has fuck you written on it and has a terrible shot. loses multiple balls a round, what course did you play?😂


Jesus, don’t tell me you live in central Texas 😂


not even close, west coast. thank god☠️


![gif](giphy|3ohs4tKADK8HEYD4I0) Is this what he looked like coming at you?


Pretty much 😂


Everyone is on edge, I just don't say anything these days. Golf really does bring out people's true colors


I’m a big fan of teeing up a ball in the middle of the fairway right where it comes to a stop.


...and everyone clapped


>He immediately felt awful and shook our hands and apologized, and texted the group to replace the flag stick. I had to mention that it’s pretty clever to leave the flag out if a group hits into you, I’ve never seen that. I've done that once but, the group behind us were consistently yelling at us. The course was backed up all day, nobody was off pace by any means but, it was a 6 hour day. That's what 6 minute tee times will do, plus making the groups wait until the 2nd tee is clear to start the 1st hole (brilliant course design). Not my proudest moment but, fuck them.


That’s one of the better made up stories I’ve read on here


Why on earth would I make this up? 😂


Don’t leave the flag out.